Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

The siren is on the roof of the building, but only Hillary has the means to turn it off. I had the key to the door where they're holding her, but their leader of the guards took it from me and I'm sure he would have locked the door. Whatever you're going to do, you'll have to do it quickly and quietly. Good luck.

Arlene Turling is a citizen of Quincy in 2197.


Arlene Turling is a young woman in her early twenties. She was raised by Hillary Eastwood, the town's mayor, after her own parents died. Now she is the mayor's secretary, assistant, and the best friend of Evita Eastwood, the mayor's daughter. Arlene was tutored by Hillary and shares similar speaking traits. Both have good English and speak clearly.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk empathy synthesizer
This character is involved in missions.
FO76 ui exploration team
This character appears in the following locations.

Other interactions[]

When the town was invaded by the Beastlords, Arlene was the one to wait for the squad of Brotherhood of Steel. When they came, she informed them of the location of the mayor, and revealed that the key to the successful liberation of the town is deactivating the sirens.


Apparel Weapon Other items

Notable quotes[]


Arlene Turling appears only in Fallout Tactics.
