Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

PAIN!!! PAIN!!! / Arrgggghh! Please kill me! Raaaar! / Kill *gasp* me. / Kill me now. / The pain ...

The mutant freaks or feral super mutants were grotesque test subjects of Erkal, a mutant scientist in 2197.


Mutant freaks apparently were super mutants once, but were later morphed into piles of flesh, kept alive by electricity. It is unknown what kind of operation the scientist performed, but the same electricity or radioactive goo found in this area could have been used on them. Some of them are also kept in glass tubes. They were intended to be used as guinea pigs, which later could give clues on how to cure mutant sterility.


Apparel Weapon Other items

Notable quotes[]

  • "PAIN!!! PAIN!!! / Arrgggghh! Please kill me! Raaaar! / Kill *gasp* me. / Kill me now. / The pain ..."
  • "Please ... no more ... / No ... please no ... / Graaaaaaar! / Mutant-Hulk Smash! / It hurts ..."


Mutant freaks appear only in Fallout Tactics.

Behind the scenes[]

The mutant freaks mention Hulk, a superhero of the Marvel franchise.

