Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Now dose robots worked real good together, but lately dey runnin around like someone stole deir queen. Now, I ain't the smartest bubba in dis dump, but I figure you boys be packin' dose big guns 'cause you looking ta make some robot soup. Now I ain't gonna interfere, nope, not ol Jake. But I just want my garbage back, so I'll wish you a "good luck!"

Jake Hammond[1] is one of the inhabitants of Great Bend in 2197.


Jake Hammond is a survivor of an attack on his hometown by the Calculator's robots. He is a strange man who has lived in garbage all his life. He believes the robots were partially malfunctioning, comparing them to ants who lost their queen. He was right; a pacification robot, appointed by the Calculator to control all other robots and establish a base in Great Bend, was damaged by a steel yard fallen cart.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk empathy synthesizer
This character is involved in missions.

Great Bend

FO76 ui exploration team
This character appears in the following locations.

Great Bend


Apparel Weapon Other items
Clothing none none

Notable quotes[]


Jake appears only in Fallout Tactics.

