Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

*cough cough* They got Barnaky. He saw me hiding and he was screaming for me to kill him, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I had a clear shot, but I know if I'd fired, those damn muties may have seen me. Some mutants found me anyway after that. Those bastards were laughing as they tied this rig to me. God help me, I should have taken that shot! *sob*

Burke was a member of General Simon Barnaky's Brimstone Squad in 2197.


Near the end of the battle in St. Louis, General Barnaky, Burke and another warrior were all that was left of their squad. They were confronted by Toccomatta and his super mutants. While Barnaky and the other warrior engaged their overwhelming enemies in combat, Burke hid behind them in a trench line, scared of being killed. The other warrior was killed (or possibly taken prisoner, since his body is not found near the site of the battle) and while the super mutants were taking Barnaky alive, he shouted to Burke for help, and while Barnaky's captor was in line of fire, Burke didn't shoot. He didn't hide successfully, however, as soon he was found by a super mutant who attached a C4 to him while laughing.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk empathy synthesizer
This character is involved in missions.
FO76 ui exploration team
This character appears in the following locations.

Other interactions[]

When the Warrior came to evacuate the remnants of the battle, he found Burke, who demanded him to save his life, claiming that his survival is more important, as he has higher rank. If he is saved from being blown up, he reveals to the Warrior his undoing, and finally overcomes his fear for his life, committing suicide.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Metal armor Plastique


Burke states that when General Barnaky was being taken alive, he "ordered him to kill him", meaning he either ordered him to kill his captor or the General himself to prevent giving away vital information, this could mean he simply didn't shoot out of loyalty. However, Burke tells the Warrior that he did not open fire because the mutants would have spotted him.

Notable quotes[]


Burke appears only in Fallout Tactics.


If the Warrior disarms the explosive via Traps skill, an explosive will appear before him. That explosive has no name and if picked up, it is not seen in the inventory, yet weighs 5 pounds.
