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My people have paid price for my deceit. I thought evil spirits would take out vengeance on you, since was you who challenged them. But spirits able to see through my deception and have punished the Whachutu. I don't know how my people ever recover. I apologize for my lies and I will take this misdeed to my grave. Spirits have a sense of humor, warrior. They looked past my deception to see rotting soul underneath. Now we are no more. Go... Go and forget people that were Whachutu. *sob*

Chevron is a tribal father of a small village in Peoria in 2197.


Chevron has a number of tattoos and seems to be a strong man. He allows the Warrior and his team to venture into the fusion battery storehouse, which is considered to be a "place between life and death" by his people. If the Warrior succeeds in returning to him and no harm to the village was done, he begins to laugh and reveals that he just used the squad to attract the curse of the "evil spirits" (in fact, cockroaches, and the turrets) on them. His proclamations are not completely false, as there is a very good chance that the Warrior becomes irradiated from the facility. The squad mocks him for his naïveté of what happened in the facility and the value of the batteries. However, to remain in a good relationship, Chevron gives the Warrior a fourth 'fyushun bat', or fusion battery.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk empathy synthesizer
This character is involved in missions.


FO76 ui exploration team
This character appears in the following locations.



Apparel Weapon Other items
Clothing Serrated blade Ring pulls x247
Festering spear
Fusion battery

Notable quotes[]

  • "My ancestors welcome you. I chief Chevron, chief Whachutu. My people live here in peace, since night fire poure from sky. It is hard life, but we survive. I understand you require some of... oh what you call them?...Oh, "fyushun bats." Sadly, Whachutu cannot help you friend. They kept where bad spirit go wait for entrance into hell. These bad spirits friend. Kill my people and make bad smell. You chase away bad spirit, you may have bats and leave friend of the Whachutu people."
  • "Hah hah. You foolish my friend, I trick you fight spirits and now you suffer their darkest curse. Your children be born with tails and smell like inside of DeathClaw stink-hole. Is bad curse, no? Understand, as chief I cannot allow such curse fall upon my village. Here. Show you Whachutu is not all bad, you can have another worthless bat. Might make you forget you are pawn of Whachutu. Not make tears that you foolish. We of Whachutu have saying, "Every elder was once young." Hmmm ... do not understand why you smile. You fooled, yet you laugh as if you the champion. Perhaps that is way of your tribe. To keep peace, I give you one more of the useless "fyushun bats.""
  • "My people have paid price for my deceit. I thought evil spirits would take out vengeance on you, since was you who challenged them. But spirits able to see through my deception and have punished the Whachutu. I don't know how my people ever recover. I apologize for my lies and I will take this misdeed to my grave. Spirits have a sense of humor, warrior. They looked past my deception to see rotting soul underneath. Now we are no more. Go... Go and forget people that were Whachutu. *sob*"


Chevron appears only in Fallout Tactics.
