Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
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Hello, DirtyBlue929, we are glad you have joined the Fallout Wiki!


For assistance, please feel free to reach out to our admins or join the Nukapedia Discord server. We look forward to working with you!

Sincerely, Paladin117 (talk) 05:06, June 16, 2015 (UTC)


The title header is a joke, now for the real part regarding of your edits: Harkness and Armitage was indeed synths although in Fallout 3, term should take precedence on the Fallout 3 articles, links do explain that they are the same thing thou. ------Cassie Ultimate Anime Loving Weeaboo.✿ 05:42, January 26, 2016 (UTC)

Vault-Tec Rep edits[]

I don't believe it bears a different meaning simply because of the addition of cryogenic stasis. This is only my theory, but I think it was specified because he appears twice in the game at two different ages. The 220 chronological age is probably mentioned because he is 220+ by the end of the game. We don't know his age during the pre-war segment. Same thing with the Sole Survivor. I think if we remove chronological from one article, we'd have to remove it from both articles (and any others that mention age that way), or we'll have to leave it in all articles because it doesn't have anything to do with cryogenic stasis. Sigmund Fraud Talk Contributions 00:18, December 21, 2016 (UTC)

Sorry, had multiple tabs open to edit and hit undo on the wrong one, I've redone your edit. Aiden4017 (talk) 19:09, May 6, 2019 (UTC)

Unlikely Valentine[]

I'm not sure if it's your mods or I mistyped from the game scripts on that one. I'll check it when I get home. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 06:30, July 5, 2018 (UTC)

Fun fact: In game codsworth does say Mister Assface. (its a legit name.) so you don't have a reason to remove that name from the list.

nvm i just saw you just re located the name, i didn't notice that you have to put it in alphabetical order. welp thanks for changing it i suppose. sorry

Oxford commas[]

I noticed your revert on Vault regarding the Oxford commas. I recall that somewhere in our manual of style (I was looking for it before I messaged you, but no avail and I'm not at my desktop) that "Oxford commas should be used sparingly). I'll find you the relevant link shortly, but as I'm comfortable it is part of policy I am going to revert to Mara's version for the interim. If I discover it has been removed and leaves room for ambiguity as to what the rule is, I think it needs thrashing out in forums as I don't recall us removing that rule. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 18:56, November 3, 2018 (UTC)

Ah, my B. Thanks for letting me know.--DirtyBlue929 (talk) 19:04, November 3, 2018 (UTC)
If you have to use "I don't really me to..." at the start of the sentence, then yes, you really do. Oxford commas are a waste of page space and not necessary grammatically as the and/or breaks up the end of the sentence. They should only be used to prevent ambiguity, which doesn't occur in a simple listing of items. Great Mara (talk) 19:30, November 3, 2018 (UTC)
Honestly I start some edits like that because I've been temp-blocked on other wikis by triggerhappy mods/admins for less. I'm just paranoid; don't mean to offend or anything, honest.--DirtyBlue929 (talk) 03:30, November 4, 2018 (UTC)


Thanks for stopping that vandal. Don't let vandals get under your skin though. Calling another user names is against the rules, even vandals. DisgustingWastelander (talk) 21:44, November 10, 2018 (UTC)


Thanks for warning me about the edits. I'll try to make more useful edits to the wiki. AssassinZ05 (talk) 19:43, May 14, 2019 (UTC)AssassinZ05

But why don't we do modding thingys on Nukapedia. Bethesda is one of the most supportive game designes towards modding. They literally made modding way easier and are willing to have the players of fallout mod too. So why not talk about it on here and make it a part of the wiki. AssassinZ05 (talk) 22:12, May 18, 2019 (UTC)AssassinZ05

untitled message[]

Dear sir/ma’am, I did not mean to offend I merely did not know how to put said quote into footnotes I did not intentionally vandalize. I was putting in what I thought was a legitimate fact and tried to explain my reasoning for doing so by providing evidence to back up my claim and prove it was not speculation . Furthermore, I asked was this correct and for reasons why, none of which were given only people deleting my editing without telling me why. When they did, claiming it was speculation they did not back up their arguements with any proof they just undid them. Thus I felt justified in undoing their undos and continuing to try to prove my point All in all I did not mean to cause trouble. If I offended you or anyone else please accept my humble apologies

Regarding enclave edits i'm new to this whole profile thing:I only figured out how to send messages when you contacted me AFTER i had done those edits. It was merely ignorance not malicious intent. --—Preceding unsigned comment added by Slaugth324 (talk • contribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

Furthermore I thought that the commonwealth would remnants meant that the enclave were still extant by 2287 were they just stragglers sir/ma’am?--—Preceding unsigned comment added by Slaugth324 (talk • contribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

untitled message 2[]

sorry. I'm new to this whole edit thing, and I really didn't know how to edit the page at first so I had to go look at the other pages and see the edits and try to understand how the whole thing works exactly so, sorry if I messed it up. I'm still self-learning on how to make these edits work--—Preceding unsigned comment added by Kv0224 (talk • contribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

Nukapedia - Vault Merger: voting has reopened[]


As you may have already seen, voting for the proposed merger has been reopened. Voting was originally postponed so that users could better discuss the proposal, and after a lengthy conversation, that forum has since come to a close. For more information, please see the discussion itself. The post is a little lengthy, but if you are truly interested in making an informed decision, I would recommending read through it.

Because this discussion may or may not affect how you voted initially or your rationale at the time, please review your post so that it reflects your current beliefs accurately.

This is only a notice of open polls and is not soliciting a change of vote. This is a generic talk page message intended only as for any and all voters, so as to avoid any indication of bias towards a particular outcome. Voting is slated to end on 5:01 pm November 1, 2019 (UTC).

The formal vote can be found here.


The Dyre Wolf (talk) 11:14, October 28, 2019 (UTC)


I'm well aware of the correct spelling, the template for the infobox faction had it spelt incorrectly, and as such, needed to be spelt the same way for the section to work. Fortunately, Jspoelstra came in and fixed the template, I didn't think about fixing the template myself due to thinking there would be a bunch of other pages that use the template and they would no doubt mess up if I changed it myself if they already had the section spelt as how it was previously. No need to make a fuss about it. RedWolf72 (talk) 00:15, November 13, 2019 (UTC)

Courier's position within the Divide[]

Regarding the Courier's Divide leadership, Lonesome Road's dialogue establishes that the Courier had much, if not the entire, responsibility of forming and leading the early community that came from the Divide. Regardless if it were a simple trade route, people followed the Courier, and decided to stay, while the Courier went East and West, keeping the location alive. In the same vein as The Postman novel, where a postman is responsible for the birth of a small nation, although largely different in both contexts. The topic has been discussed before, but those are the main gists of the points made. JCB2077 (talk) 01:34, August 19, 2020 (UTC)

While there is a point to be made in the Mad Max comparison, it kind of falls flat on its face considering the real motivations and themes of the groups. To extremely simplify both medias, the Postman is of an idea, a symbol, leading to the founding of a nation. A rebirth, so to speak. In Mad Max, freedom plays a part, but it's also about struggling in a harsh wasteland and simple survival. I don't want to diminish the movies so carelessly, but from Ulysses dialogue, it's clear the Courier returned, the only Courier ever willing to walk that path, not once; over and over and over. People followed that person, man or woman, and ended up creating not a community, but an entirely new civilization out of it, built out of a simple idea. The American flag.
Although we don't know all the details, and probably never will, it's clear the Courier was the effective founder of the Divide. And while a founder can be a leader or otherwise a champion of some thematic extent or idea, and the Courier certainly would have had to be at some moment in time, due to various bouts of dialogue and context given from Ulysses, we simply don't know to what extent they were a leader, but the point remains that they are, in fact, a leader. JCB2077 (talk) 02:30, August 19, 2020 (UTC)
The Courier doesn't have amnesia, simple as that. Says right on the Courier page. From Sawyer. JCB2077 (talk) 03:01, August 19, 2020 (UTC)


I didn't see that part I'll consult and inform you next time before it's and I've edited it. User:Johnnyboy123450 (talk) 06:03, January 30, 2021 (UTC)

Solid work![]

Hey there, Kate here, just wanted to swing by and let you know that you are doing an absolutely fabulous job here. I have noticed the high-level edits you have been making, what a good eye for detail you have, and how much of a positive impact you make on the community really each and every day. You are down to earth, bright, introspective, and inquisitive - so many good qualities as an editor and person overall. I see a bright future for you here, you little rising star, you! Keep up the good work, you have my support and thanks. -kate (kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 21:53, 9 April 2021 (UTC))


You've earned a badge for due diligence in checking the facts! Keep it up!

Detail Boy
FO76 Quest Fauna

Scribe-Howard (waster_93) (talk) FO76 vaultboy transparent face 08:33, 7 May 2021 (UTC)


I've reverted some of your images. Preferences is getting the image while in conversation mode, yours are all outside of that. I did leave some intact where it's debatable which one's better (resolution). Jspoel Speech Jspoel 14:30, 8 May 2021 (UTC)

Yeah, on second thought, later on, I thought mine were mostly prefered/better. I also took plenty of time getting those screenshots. Generally, I was missing the conversation mode (though I have a few of these myself), and your character didn't look in the camera so to speak. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 16:37, 10 May 2021 (UTC)
I actually like the background be somewhat blurry for infobox images, focuses on the character. Just replaced Haylen (couldn't get this image earlier), think we should use this format, and you already see it on almost all Fo4 character pages. Your images, which show more of the character, are better fitted for gallery. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 18:01, 10 May 2021 (UTC)
I don't agree with you that there should be much less surroundings, I like it, it shows a bit of the area the character is in, and is very recognizable from the interaction mode in the game. If we take your format, the characters will be cramped too much into the box. I can see some of your point though, generally the 16 to 9 format is a bit stretched, for example I cut the Haylen image 8 to 5. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 20:45, 11 May 2021 (UTC)
The infobox images you presented are from movies, and is a different setting. They don't use conversation mode. We've used our conversation format with Fo3, FNV, Fo4, though not in Fo76. I might be willing to reduce the format to 3:2, but not to portrait. We should keep the landscape format in my opinion. Portrait shots can go in the gallery. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 15:12, 12 May 2021 (UTC)
I figured the comparison with Fo3 and FNV character images would come up eventually. In my opinion, the interaction mode fits very well with Fallout 4 and we should keep it for the main infobox page. If you cut it to square it appears boxed in for me and doesn't fit the sideway look style of the character. I'm willing to give in somewhat, and change it to 3:2 format. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 21:16, 15 May 2021 (UTC)

Your 2 cents[]

Actually I disagree with you, I would say that not responding and still being somewhat active (which I did check) IS a good reason to assume someone is done with a convo. I also didn't undo his changes until the next day. I'm sorry to hear about the food poisoning and I get that he is your friend, but you can't seriously expect me to just sit around waiting when I feel as though something on the wiki is amiss.

Anyway, hope he gets better soon.Branebriar1930 (talk) 18:43, 11 May 2021 (UTC)

Free States Sign[]

About the sign, I didn't realize it was an ATX item so no worries about it. Although the "Territories" name is an interpretation in the end, it could be or not an alternate name. But unless I find something else I won't push it, so no worries either. --Ryon21 Ryon21 Signature Image (talk) 22:24, 29 June 2021 (UTC)


Wendigo colossus plushie

Earle says welcome!

Hello esteemed editor, just wanted to extend a warm welcome to you, our newest staff member! I am excited to give you some brief information on the role. Here is Nukapedia's Patroller Guide that explains the new tools you have to make our wiki even better than ever.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me or the other staff folks around here or the Discord, we are here to support you. I am excited to see you rise in the ranks here, keep up the momentum and exceptional work. Ever Upwards! -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 19:26, 13 July 2021 (UTC)

I have every confidence in you! -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 06:08, 14 July 2021 (UTC)

Thank you[]

Fo4 clean blue suit
You have been given a nicely-folded dirty blue suit.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
I bestow upon you a suit that befits your name! This is in thanks of course for your support of my crat app, as well as my appreciation for your sharp wit, impressive prose, and being an overall solid dude that everyone loves. Including me!
All my love, Pickman heart kdarrow take her for a spin! 05:21, 28 July 2021 (UTC)

Role update[]

Heyo my friend. I updated patroller roles today and removed those who are tending to other hobbies at the moment, which is totally fine. If you want to start up again here, just say the word and I'll grant the tools again without hesitation. Hope you and yours are doing well! -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 21:35, 13 January 2022 (UTC)

Pitt article[]

Hi Blue, I saw your note on your user page and it made me feel bad. I didn't mean to impugn your work on the Pitt page, I was just trying to focus it on the location instead of the characters/quests. If there are any parts that you think should really stay, I am ok with adding them back. I am sorry to have made you frustrated. -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 06:06, 30 March 2022 (UTC)


Thank you for your edits clarifying the Shanghai Sally story on the Timeline page. I don't think the descriptions are too long, and they reintroduce some critical context that would nullify the entire point of the story if left unincluded. LaymansReign (talk) 04:25, 13 August 2022 (UTC)


I took your cleanup tag the same way for the exact same reason. I don't want to be the only one bothering to rewrite old minor character pages, clarify guide quotes etc only for a cleanup tag declaring plagiarism to appear. If and when you do have time please, please, please, please help me. I'm working on Grouse now, and would be able to finish several other pages should I get help with randomized NPC conversations. BTW I am thankful for your editing, even if you choose not to help rewrite them.--Ant2242 (talk) 17:13, 24 August 2022 (UTC)

Not a problem. I am not like those whom we formerly tried to work with. For the record, most of, if not all of the minor character pages are like that. (Back on the Vault I added all of their references to their pages. Creating the source page in the process. A noticeable step in the right direction, as now we can find all the claims of what about each character.) Since that is the case I believe that adding a cleanup tag to them is counter productive. As the goal is to complete the page, which requires reviewing all character dialogue that might have anything to do with them, and so on... et cetera.--Ant2242 (talk) 18:56, 24 August 2022 (UTC)


Thanks for your help, and sorry, reading it back that edit summary comes across ruder than I'd have liked. Aiden4017 (talk) 04:23, 30 August 2022 (UTC)


Hi Dirtyblue,

I've undone your removals from the timeline page. The policy that encouraged non canon information to be culled has been rolled back as it was never properly adopted in the first place. Information from the non core games can be used, as per the published canon policy.

I am in the process of working on the timelines to identify which items are canon, and which items come from less reliable sources as well as folding in the 5 different timeline pages we have (Timeline, Timeline_of_major_events, Timeline/Non_canon and Timeline/Merge which is stuff that was removed from the timeline to be added back but never was; there's also a music only timeline). The WIP is here. More than happy to have another hand work on it if you're interested.

Agent c (talk) 19:14, 7 September 2022 (UTC)

Apologies if something was removed.

At the moment my focus is on blending the pages back together rather than the quality of each entry. You are correct that a cull is needed (the one about robco being one of the most profitabke companies comes to mind) but I'd like to see a full picture first so we can have a set consensus on standards and what should be culled first. Things like ammo and gun dates I know are likely to be contentious with some groups of users. Agent c (talk) 11:40, 8 September 2022 (UTC)

House Article[]

Personally, I find the longer version of the introduction to be a necessary and helpful overview of the character and the monumental role he plays within the region’s geopolitical conflict. He is a main character, after all, and one who is currently overseeing a very complex and far-reaching situation. I don’t find four paragraphs to be excessive, and you’ll find similar (and most of the time, much, much more expansive) introduction sections for important real-world figures on Wikipedia. I really don’t understand the complaints about pages having too much information. Regardless, if you’re going to be removing information from pages like this, you need to make sure that the information is properly communicated in other parts of the page (or on other pages if applicable) as it needs to be. For the past year, we’ve dealt with one of the worst mass content purges that any wiki has ever seen, so I’m hesitant when it comes to removing large swaths of content from pages without properly relocating it. The Greatest Savior (talk) 00:02, 8 September 2022 (UTC)

Hey, I don't mean to intrude, but I was patrolling recent changes and came upon this talk page discussion, and it seems to be getting really heated (see DJ's talkpage). I don't feel that there's need for comparisons to banned users or vulgarities. I'd like to encourage both parties to take a step back, breathe, and reassess if possible. LaymansReign (talk) 00:54, 8 September 2022 (UTC)

Audio files[]

I deleted those because they showed up as unused. However, later on they showed up as wanted again and then I realized they were rotating sound files. To get rid of the problem they show up as wanted files from time to time I add them to my sandbox so they will always be used. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 21:57, 23 September 2022 (UTC) l


Would you like to or be able to add your input to the Talk:Robert House and Talk:Caesar pages? Great Mara (talk) 18:58, 29 March 2023 (UTC)

Mr. House[]

Thank you for the edit to the Robert House page. Hope you're doing well. LaymansReign (talk) 20:28, 31 May 2023 (UTC)

Definitely. I've been working more on finding a good balance, and some non-wiki career strides have helped in my case. Good to hear you're holding up out there. LaymansReign (talk) 20:54, 31 May 2023 (UTC)

Gaston Glock[]

Hey there, just wanted to thank you for your edit, catching that with the Gaston Glock AI. I agree that was a bit of a leap from the original version of the page. LaymansReign (talk) 00:43, 29 December 2023 (UTC)


Hey there, no worries, it was just a refresh on the tag to draw attention to the backlog, and now we have a much better lead, thanks! -Tribal Wisdom TribalWisdom(colour)Howdy! 16:16, 6 April 2024 (UTC)

Olive Branch[]

First of all, I really appreciate the thoughtful response I really didn't see it coming in the least. I just wanted to say that I'm definitely not going to be radicalized into a Nazi anytime soon, it's just not in my nature. It's true I have been struggling for a real long time now and it seems to be getting worse, on the mental side of things. Theirs only so much my ACTT team in October Road can do for me at this point but they have been a miracle for me all-in-all. I recognize they're is a lot of real bigots in the Enclave community... and frankly they give us all a very bad name. Calling us all fascists and the like simply isn't fair and it IS a logical fallacy I've seen applied far too broadly. That being said, I am not, and never will be one of those. I FEAR the super mutants and ghouls becoming a real thing IRL one of these days is why I dislike them... they truly do terrify me, especially the likes of the Master.

My brain feels like mush right now, I'm trying at a likewise thoughtful response here and coming up dead in the water. It sounds like theirs someone outside that I know really isn't there. They're calling me 'weak' and 'worthless' for not being able to write the way I used too. I do believe theirs a massive fascist/communist conspiracy at foot here, it clearly doesn't involve you I can see now... but I do believe it does involve Tag. I'm not sure... I just feel it in my bones. Forgive me. Would this be enforced in such an authoritarian manner if there weren't??

Thank you for your time. God bless the Enclave... god bless America! Enclavesymbol 10:31 PM 05/30/2024 EST

It's been ages since I watched that Hellstorm thing, but I honestly sort of figured out that all that type of stuff is garbage. All the bigotry and stuff really bothered me. You're right though but I realized that long ago when I ditched my inner-conspiracy theorist.
Maybe you're right. I did return to see my beautiful Enclave article butchered, at least in my eyes. I get that it's not really mine, of course, but I still call it mine because I've put a lot of blood sweat and tears into it moreso than anything else on the Wiki. I love the Enclave and truly do believe they'll be a force for good in the series as it progresses. Mark my words it will be. As long as the developers don't see the more undesired elements of the Enclave community (the bigots, the real covert-fascists, the homophobe right-wing extremist nuts, etc) I think we'll finally earn our rightful place in the series and be treated like the NCR and BoS communities with a choice to join and/or side quests an ending and more.
The Nazi comparison is again, I'm sorry, unfounded by any facts established by either the developers or the lore. Josh Sawyer once said the Enclave do not meet the form of ANY sociopolitical comparisons, to do a little bit of paraphrasing. Which is all I've really been trying to do, to get the opinion of Three Dog and Arcade Gannon described as just what it is. There might be a few vague aesthetical similarities, but those too are subjective and not clear and guaranteed. We can even outline that in the articles, even though they all lack true references.
If the Enclave were so obviously based on the Nazis, do you honestly believe that Bethesda would've added them back into Fallout 4 and finally acknowledged the Enclave community with this and in 76? They're pretty politically correct, man. If they were really the evil Nazi stereotype of the series, I'm telling you... Bethesda isn't going to touch something like that with a 40 foot pole. It's a scarily-growing fan interpretation of the faction, subjective. People get far too emotional about the Enclave... and a literal Holocaust survivor portrayed one of them in the TV series. I think that may have been somewhat purposeful, if you know what I mean and I'm very glad.
If you hate the Enclave, that's perfectly fine. To each their own. But as far as faction biases go and their interpretation unless outlined as so, it should stay out of our articles. That is, if we're being truly objective here. That's just my two cents and my position, though. Just so you understand it.
You need to try America Rising 2 for Fallout 4... it's sublime! Enclavesymbol 03:17 AM, 05/31/2024 (EST)