Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Welcome to Nukapedia!

Hello, Savior D.J, we are glad you have joined the Fallout Wiki!


For assistance, please feel free to reach out to our admins or join the Nukapedia Discord server. We look forward to working with you!

Sincerely, The Gunny (talk) 22:28, October 27, 2016 (UTC)

Patroller rights[]

You've been active long enough to apply, and you've really been helpful in restoring the content, so I will give you patroller rights, and you can go from here! Jspoel Speech Jspoel 15:15, 1 June 2022 (UTC)

Thanks for the warm welcome![]

Hi Savior D.J, thank you very much for the warm welcome and I am very happy that the upscaled content found its place in the Wiki and there are people who value it. I will do my best to continue uploading the highest quality I can achieve, as classic Fallouts are very dear to me and I consider their preservation sort of my duty. I will eventually also try to help editing in other parts of the wiki, once I learn all the systems and rules. Thanks again and have a great day!

Restart poll[]

After feedback, I've pulled the bit about majorities on the Forum:Vote: Policy creation and forum archive standards and restarted the vote, in case folks wanted to reconsider their positions. I noticed you didn't vote on the first poll. The one forum archive one you did vote on remains the same.TheGunny2.0 (talk) 11:25, 29 June 2022 (UTC)

Thank you for the welcome message[]

I guess I actually have a question you might help me with. What is the appropriate process to submit a change request for a protected page?
I added a new topic to Portal_talk:Fallout_2 requesting a change (since that page is protected) but I have no idea if anyone is actually following that page? Is the correct process to just leave a topic on the talk page of a moderator? (Since I don't think Fandom has private message functionality?)
I didn't see this answered in the Fallout_Wiki:The_Vault_Academy but if I missed it please point me to the relevant section. Thanks!
Sincerely, User:Pinkeraser44

Thank you![]

It's a bit late, but I wanted to say thank you for the support on my content moderator request. It meant a lot to me, and I appreciate it.

intrepid359FO76NW Overseer7/14/22 2:55am CT

Hey partner![]

It’s been a bit, I forgot to friend you on Xbox, but my lives expired. Hope you can forgive me, once I renew it we’ll have to catch up, you can hit up my talk page to let me know how you’ve been and what’s new! I’m still in the Army, working on my bachelors, like I said I have two kids now, and I’m a sergeant for what it’s worth. Take care! Hit me up!

Clollin The Courier (talk)

House revert[]

I've made similar changes on other pages (Enclave, Caesar's Legion, etc.) and was met with positive reception to my initial complaints about the intro sections of many articles (particularly the aforementioned Enclave one, talk page logs show the discussion) being excessively bloated with detail that's better suited to the background section (and often already exists there) rather than a brief introduction to the page. As it stands the "intro" to the article, at full-screen on a 1920x1080 monitor, is longer than the infobox. It's barely a "summary" of the page since its paragraph count is precisely 33% of the paragraph count of the entire background section. It's excessive. If I accidentally deleted information that isn't conveyed anywhere else on the page then that's my bad, but it should have been moved to the background section where it belongs, not restored to the article's absurdly lengthy preamble. This is pure personal anecdote but I have been actually privately thanked by one reader for cutting these monsters down, because it was infuriating for them to have to scroll through on mobile. -- DirtyBlue929 (talk) 23:42, 7 September 2022 (UTC)

By this wiki's own policies, the lead section is for a brief introduction of the character and basic information. Four paragraphs is an essay and the majority of House's page lead needs to be moved to the background section where it belongs. Great Mara (talk) 23:49, 7 September 2022 (UTC)
Thank you Mara, also since I'm irrationally mad about this after a stressful day in the middle of a record-breaking heat wave (I expended serious effort on that edit trying to maintain the same level of important information being conveyed while slicing the ludicrous length down) have some more stats: The current preamble is 421 words long (as Mara said, that is a fucking essay) and the Background section is 1575 words. That means the introductory preamble of the article meant to briefly summarize who he is, is just over 26% as long as the section intended to provide a DETAILED ANALYSIS of that subject. DirtyBlue929 (talk) 23:57, 7 September 2022 (UTC)
As I conveyed in one of the edits to my fevered response here, to the best of my observation I did not remove any information that was not already covered elsewhere on the page. My entire point with that and other edits was to remove lengthy, redundant repetition of information in a section that is supposed to be a brief summary. And I absolutely do not fucking appreciate the implied comparison to kdarrow, a person whose influence I have spent MONTHS trying to remove from my life, in your response. -- DirtyBlue929 (talk) 00:05, 8 September 2022 (UTC)

Hey, I don't mean to intrude, but I was patrolling recent changes and came upon this talk page discussion, and it seems to be getting really heated. I don't feel that there's need for comparisons to banned users or vulgarities. I'd like to encourage both parties to take a step back, breathe, and reassess if possible. LaymansReign (talk) 00:53, 8 September 2022 (UTC)

Hi, I am Fandom's new Senior Community Manager for Gaming[]

Hello there! My name is Jieyang and I'm going around saying hi to admins in the community. I joined about two weeks ago but you'll be seeing me around more in the future.

You can learn more about me through my blog. Feel free to drop me a message on Discord as well! Itsjieyang (talk) 18:14, 26 September 2022 (UTC)

Leon's ban[]

You look sure of your case, what I can see from here there's reason enough to remove that block reason. Does this mean his block is lifted of is there still a remainder? I'd consider this a bc request for investigating a (partially) unjust ban, same as we had a while back with Sigmund Fraud. I can go along with it, though you may need to give the blocker, Dyre Wolf some more explanation if he wants it. (NB. Discord doesn't allow me access for a few weeks now, so I can't talk about the case in there. You could ask Tagaziel for my e-mail address to share some more info, he should still have it.) Jspoel Speech Jspoel 17:13, 19 October 2022 (UTC)

Ok, I've read your argument and as you word it, it makes sense to me. I don't feel there is malicious intent, he complied to Woodhouse and didn't solicit personal information. So I'm ok with you lifting the ban. If Leon and/or you want to give it more explanation/answer questions, I'll leave that up to you. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 15:46, 26 October 2022 (UTC)


I would like a yes or no answer on my talk page to the question of whether screenshots of any private discord dms of mine were shared in any space on the nukapedia discord without my prior permission. TheGunny2.0 (talk) 22:29, 1 November 2022 (UTC)

And how about you, Mr. DJ? Are you willing to inform me who posted images of my private discord messages without my permission? You are welcome to respond on my talk page. TheGunny2.0 (talk) 23:06, 2 November 2022 (UTC)
So nothing huh? Big ol' goose egg? No response for the concerned citizen? I'm sure you're quite aware that I know full well who posted screenshots of one of my discord private conversations without even bothering to consider asking for my permission. I just wanted to give that person a chance to show some integrity and own up to before I asked this question: Why do you feel that it is permissible, under any circumstance, for anyone to publicly post, even if in a restricted space, any private communications between two users without first getting permission from BOTH of them? Especially considering that the person who posted said conversation is an admin and should be a user trusted to make correct decisions and work to protect the users, not betray their trust? I fully expected the person I was speaking with to spread our conversation, as that meets my expectations of that user's integrity and character. What I do not expect, at any time, is for trusted extra rights users at this site to violate my privacy. That speaks volumes as to the integrity that person has and the level of trust I can place in them, which is little to none. You are fully welcome to respond to my questions on my talk page, or the forums if you would rather this be done there. TheGunny2.0 (talk) 22:35, 5 November 2022 (UTC)
DJ, thank you for your response. I apologize for being such a hardass on this, but I firmly believe that a large number of our problems here directly relate to people keeping and sharing private conversations that they should not. I understand the position you felt you were in and hope your personal life gets in a better place quickly. I implicitly understood the person with whom I shared that conversation would not keep it private, and that lapse in judgement and integrity of theirs is just one of the issues I have with them; this whole episode is telling of their normal behavior, even if in this case they were using it to support me. Had you or he asked first, I would gladly have given permission to use the conversation if needed in such a serious consideration, and also would have welcomed personally recounting anything else that conversation did not cover. I have very vague recollections of those events, but I do recall the general gist of what my intentions were and am more than willing to recount them if needed. If anyone ever needs to post a private message from me, all they need do is ask first. I rarely say anything in private that I am not willing to say in public, if needed. As for a remedy for the problems these situations cause, I firmly believe that we should enact a rule stating that anyone sharing private communications must have permission from all parties involved in said communication prior to sharing, except in extreme cases where they are sensitive and should only be shared with parties with the appropriate authorities. Again, thank you for clearing this up.- TheGunny2.0 (talk) 00:15, 13 November 2022 (UTC)


Hi DJ. I just wanted to apologise for my behaviour of late. I think you've been put in an awkward situation, and I've only made it even more shit. Some things need to be left in the past, where they belong, and I'm trying. Just don't always succeed. Not going to presume they'll be no hard feelings, but hopefully we can get back to whats really important, making this place rock. Agent c (talk) 22:17, 14 November 2022 (UTC)

Leon's Ban Review Report[]

Recently, Old Man Leon was unbanned, which resulted in pushback from members of the community, who did not feel the ban was reviewed in full context. Admins bleep and Savior DJ assembled a review panel consisting of LaymansReign, The Appalachian, and intrepid359.

In reviewing Leon's original ban, the panel agrees that the specific charges were inaccurate. There was no attempt to steal Nukapedia's subreddit. It was simply an unintended consequence, and no one bothered asking Leon about it at the time. When asked about it at a much later date, Leon was more than happy to explain how to recover the subreddit. Additionally, though highly questionable decisions were made with regard to the NSFW channel on a then-official wiki Discord, the panel does not see any malicious or intentionally harmful actions.

Those decisions were nonetheless questionable, and the answers provided by Leon during this review were inconsistent and sometimes even hostile. In order to feel confident in backing Leon's return, it needed to be crystal clear that very important lessons were learned from that experience. Unfortunately, it was not clear at all.

Additionally, almost hand-in-hand with the announcement of Leon's intent to appeal his ban, several rights holders were harassed and threatened by known associates of Leon's; people who are otherwise not associated with the wiki in any way. Arguments constantly broke out between Leon and others (and others on behalf of Leon), all over ancient history. Discord messages between Leon and another editor were shared, causing even more disruption. And a confidential rights holder channel was leaked to Leon. He was more than happy to share his awareness of the leak, but leaking this channel is against Nukapedia policy. We would have expected someone interested in returning to Nukapedia to demonstrate respect for our policies by reporting the policy violation.

The panel considered all options, including both unconditional and conditional removals of Leon's ban. However, given the aforementioned disruptions occurring in the brief time this panel existed, no viable solution presented itself. Therefore, the panel recommends restoring Leon's ban on the basis of disrupting community interaction, contentious behavior, and association with threats made against other users. It is particularly concerning that the users behind these threats are connected to Leon, and have never been editors on Nukapedia. Though nothing indicates Leon encouraged these threats, it's hard to explain the timing of the threats or who is involving these people in Nukapedia's affairs. We highly recommend that Leon discourage all of his associates from involving themselves in his affairs or Nukapedia's business, should he decide to pursue a Saint Pain appeal.

On the topic of Saint Pain, the panel recommends that Leon be immediately eligible to make a Saint Pain appeal. This panel does not substitute for a Saint Pain.

intrepid359FO76NW Overseer12/1/22 12:35pm CT


Hey, Cor!

I'm Arc, an administrator on the Fallout Fanfiction and Roleplaying Wiki. I'd like to talk to you and other Nukapedia rights holders about an interwiki affiliation. I think it could be mutually beneficial. DM me on Discord or ping me in the Nukapedia Discord, wish to hear from you soon.

Have a happy Thursday,
Arcaneous Arc nuclearhazard 03:13, 18 December 2022 (UTC)

pink object i found in the trash[]

I found this pink lookin thing in the trash labeled "FOR ADMINS" with a history note in it, here you go.

GIFT Pink backpack
You have been given a Pink Backpack.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
This was passed down from Tocino to Follower to Paladin to Richie to Jasper to Peace to Jacki to Sakaratte to Disgusting to Aya to Dekker to AYF to Level3Rogue to Kdarrow to Dyre Wolf to Katy Webb to Findabair. On behalf of Fin, i bestow upon you the pink pacc.

Dont let it have the same fate as it did before. FreshYoMama | Talk 00:38, 19 December 2022 (UTC)

Christmas Present[]

For DJ, From Fresh. Have a happy 2023!

Video Image Transcript
Declined MyManDeclined
Yo Shit Declined

so i said look you can call me the manager, cuz i'm running shit.
that's crazy
yo your card declined fool.
the chip gotta be scratched, swipe this one.
it declined.
swipe this one
"he broke"
this one
yo shit on insufficient funds
"he broke broke"
the fuck?
what the card reader say
it say you broke as shit
you fuckin around
go head and read it




what happen to the grammy
quadruple platinum and all that
fuck up hater
you need to call your bank dawg
i never seen the card reader talk shit like this

  • beep beep beep
  • ring

this UBM
the United Bank of
M̶̨̯̺͙̰͕̜̳͔͈̩͚̍̓̀̈́̇́͜ O̵̱͕͓̪͆̔̆͊ Ṅ̶̡̘͕͖̭͇̺͌̓̉̇̋͆̐̋̏͊͊͘̚ E̷̗͚̹͓̘͙̦̞͌ Ỳ̵̗̩͉͇̰͍̾̇̈́̎
the fuck y'all doin at the bank?
where's my paper at?
i'm supposed to be paped up
paped up?
you bout to be caked up
you gon have to start strippin
yo shit said -$33,000
bruh you got the wrong account
nope this is the account for Yung Cash Register aka Lil Broomstick
fuck it im bout to close your account
delete that shit
credit card
retirement fund?
fuck it
i'll transfer that to my account
dawg you stealing my shit
i'll tell you like this
you owe the bank money
im taking that
social security number?
i'll sell that off
somebody about to be all up on your shit
ÿ̶̼̘́͝ è̶̠̻̓ a̶͚͍ h̸̰̒
im gettin robbed dawg
wtf am i gonna do?
get a job idiot
or make some more music or something
make some more music?
fuck ima do that for?
money d̴̮͓͎͎͊umbass
i aint got a producer
i aint got no beats
dawg i know somebody he gon get you right
"shit man alright"
my man DC sent some beats
who is DC?
DistantCry he cool with Terrence
rap on this
some phonk ass type beat
in the courtroom smackin tf out the bailiff
the fuck?
domestic violence case im the assailant
beat a bitch ass-
"eh turn it off"
turn it up?
turn that 🅱️u̴͉͂͐l̴͖̎͐̕l̵̺̼̎ͅshit off
phonk ass type beat ends
man you washed
wtf is that beat
thats real music
real music??
thats real b̷̯̍͋u̴͉͂͐llshit
thats better than any of the shit you put out
oh wait, you aint got shit to put out
how am i gonna rap on that?
either use these beats
or learn how to make your own shit then p̸͖͚̂ussy
here lemme put this on
another phonk ass type beat
okay thats familiar im fuckin with it
im fuckin mad
ima run to the bank with a rifle and take everything they have
i'll beat tf out your grandma if she in there making a deposit to her savings account
dont give a fuck if she got gout
she could have alzheimer's or dementia
im bout to do shit i cant even mentia
he rappin like Ted Bundy
dawg are u good?
you in there talking wild
oh yeah yeah
im just a little on edge about this money kna mean?
got me saying all type of shit
is that written?
did you write them lines down?
you're fucked
phonk ass type beat AGAIN
"weak as fuck"
"i cant rap on this shit"
"bruh turn it off"
phonk ass type beat stops
yo we making it out the hood
we dont live in the hood
the figurative hood
its a metaphor
you make a song off these beats you gon come up
come up on what?
im tellin you bruh you gon get bands
ima get BANNED
off Spotify
the streets gon fuck with this
the streets?
the sidewalk aint even fuckin with it
nobody's listening to this shit
shut up peon
this mfin phonk ass type beat as the outro?

Mobile Editing[]

You edit on mobile like a madman but do you answer talk pages on mobile like a bigger mad man? P3rson man dude (talk) 23:02, 24 January 2023 (UTC)

The naming[]

Regarding your message to me, does this answer your question: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finis (talk) 11:18, 31 January 2023 (UTC)

Edit warring user[]

Rickthehamster is repeatedly trying to obfuscate the fact that the Enclave is a fascist organization on Arcade Gannon's page. Also recommend watching their edits on any Enclave related pages. Great Mara (talk) 23:54, 4 July 2023 (UTC)


Hey there! I’m reaching out to introduce the Admin+ program (if you haven’t heard about it already!) & let you know I’m here if you have any questions about it. Take a look at the details here & feel free to send over any questions you have. pikushi ✧.* 13:43, 1 September 2023 (UTC)

Quorum Call[]

I have adjusted the vote so there now is a category for 8. I have left your vote in "No" as you didn't explicitly state a number, if you do support 8 please adjust your vote as neccessary. Agent c (talk) 19:10, 4 November 2023 (UTC)

Chat trial or apprenticeship[]

Hey DJ it's me Detective Boink! I was wondering if I could possibly apply for a chat mod trial run or something type of apprenticeship. I feel there's more of a need for discord moderation with the thought of a possible major influx of new people, players and fans coming in the near future. I was thinking we could talk it over when you find the time. Varvendale (talk) 06:55, 28 December 2023 (UTC)
