Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

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Lucy has Wings[]

As I said in chat, I believe her shadow has wings. Kind of look demonic if you ask me. Which would say to me that the reason she appears as a child, even though she died when she was 18, is because she was possessed at the age we see her and therefore from that age to the age of 18 she was not "Lucy" rather just Lucy's body being inhabited by a demon. More proof of this is that the narrator in the building says her mother and father believed her to be possessed as well as others.

Maybe I am reading too much into this but in my head it clicks.

Anyways, here is the video... - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5iUvui9Ujg

ManAsWolf (talk) 21:44, August 15, 2018 (UTC)

Hello friend[]

Hey old friend, it's been awhile. I'm contacting you because I wanted to make a change to my profile page but it seems that it is admin protected. Think you can help out? Thanks. TrailerParkApe TPA 18:44, August 19, 2018 (UTC)

Thanks for helping out. It was just a simple change. How's everything been? I just got back into playing Fallout 4 after having not played it in a long time. It's been a fun ride with all the mods I'm using. I know I've said it before, but maybe I'll help out again when Fallout 76 comes out. TrailerParkApe TPA 18:49, August 19, 2018 (UTC)
Seems like an interesting situation, similar in ways to the split with The Vault/Nukapedia. I read through most of the post but I think before I can make a vote I would need to educate myself more. I've been away from the wiki scene for awhile now, so I'm not quite up-to-date on a lot of things. Hopefully this gets sorted out to insure the survival of Nukapedia. TrailerParkApe TPA 19:06, August 19, 2018 (UTC)

What's been going on?[]

Chad, I'm just curious to know what's been going on since I left, with this thing about leaving Wikia. --Donald J. "Greenback Wall" Trump (talk) 23:30, August 19, 2018 (UTC)


Can you give me his twitter account address? Jspoel Speech Jspoel 14:10, August 24, 2018 (UTC)

Ref: Fallout 4 Random Encounter "The Hatch"[]

Asking me to improve my user interaction skills is actually against the law counting as "Disability Discrimination", on that note, you're asking me to improve my interaction skills after someone didn't check their sources properly when editing what I've contributed? How exactly is that considered "bad faith"? Even then, no Reason was added for the edit either. As a British English speaker, writer and perfectly eloquently well spoken man, you're siding with someone else who incorrectly added the period inbetween the Quote Blocks to state if someone was speaking?

According to many writers, it's grammatically incorrect to add the word "And" at the start of a sentence and it's also grammatically incorrect to add a period, commonly known as a full stop, between the quote blocks unless addressing someone's quote directly. Full stop should always be at the end of a sentence. So, reflecting on this, many Articles on Fallout Wiki are grammatically incorrect considering the word "And" being used in your Americanised documentations and citations.

Never the less, I apologise if it came across negatively but try and look at it from my point of view. It took ages to find the most up-to-date LOST Wiki, considering that there are two, at first I was unsure what would be classed as the official fanbase. Neither are officially recognised as is. The actual official TV Series website which was on ABC's website, which is part of Disney, no longer exists. What remains seems to be a fully up-to-date LOST Wiki at lost.wikia.com and the official TV Series website which is archived at Internet Archive at https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://abc.go.com/shows/LOST

I hope this **sheds light**. Also, at the start of the final episode of Season 1 featured Dynamite, which was used to blow open The Hatch door to Station 6 - The Swan, a subterranean facility and bunker. Similar situation happens in Fallout 4 when a Random Encounter triggers a Scavenger in warning the Player Character to stay back or he'll kill you. If you kill him in time and head to The Hatch, it has red text with the caption "Detonate". Direct reference to LOST Season 1 Episode 24 "Exodus - Part 2".

Warren Woodhouse | Blog | Talk | Videos | Quote: "I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. What I can't accept is not trying." - Quote By: Michael Jordan 19:16, August 25, 2018 (UTC)

RE: User Issues Today[]

Howdy there Chad. I'm leaving this message on your talk page as you're the one who left the message from Saka and yourself on mine. I have posted a response/statement on the forum regarding the discussion about a new rule for discussions. I hope it goes towards addressing your concerns. If it didn't do that adequately/appropriately in your eyes or there's still an issue I didn't address (which is entirely possible, I was sorta shooting from the hip/going with my gut for my forum statement) please let me know. You know I'm not too keen on having you and Saka leave the Nukapedia community, and I hope you know I like the ideas the two of you have come up with.

Richie9999 (talk) 00:19, September 5, 2018 (UTC)

Re: Deletions[]

While I agree they are the same items, they are not in the same locations. The items I found yesterday were in Gorge Junkyard and had I returned there in another game instance, I would expect to find them there again. Wouldn't it have been better then, to redirect them to a general page rather than to a previous game's page? That's the part that doesn't make any sense to me. How will players find them using Fallout 4 locations? Do they even break down into the same scrap? I didn't get a chance to test that myself, so a bit curious. And thanks for the reply! I will be helping out till the end of November, so any clarification is appreciated. If you and your community deem it applicable, feel free to toss me a temporary Discord link to make communication easier. Last thing I want to do is waste my time making unwanted pages which, in the end creates more work for the admins. :) Pinkachu (talk) 16:26, October 26, 2018 (UTC)

Update on Wikia[]

That's sad news to hear. Appears things aren't going so well then, hope it starts going uphill from now on again. I already used the general email, so no problem there. With this news, I suspect they won't have the manpower to work on those videos. They didn't add them with the release of Fallout 76, so things haven't become as bad as predicted. Any reason for you to become a bit more active again? Jspoel Speech Jspoel 16:24, January 10, 2019 (UTC)

What do you mean "the Curse guys are taking over the community stuff?" Is Wikia involved with them? Jspoel Speech Jspoel 19:27, January 11, 2019 (UTC)
Wow, that is breaking news! I wasn't aware at all. That will put our competition/relationship with the Vault in another light, at least that's how it feels for me now. We'll wait and see what comes of it, I suppose. Thanks for the information (this could have been a good blog post last month on our wiki, pity no one picked it up). Jspoel Speech Jspoel 19:48, January 11, 2019 (UTC)


Hey, I know you're resigning but stay in touch. Tell Mel I said hi. ---bleep196- (talk) 21:58, March 25, 2019 (UTC)

It ain't all that bad is it? Things will cool down again. But probably real life's taking too much of you to see the bit of fun you can have around here (well, for me that's the editing part then...) Good luck out there, maybe drop in from time to time. Also, greetings to Mel from me too (how's marrried life treating you:)? Jspoel Speech Jspoel 22:05, March 25, 2019 (UTC)
Is there any reason you can't stay on the wiki side of things as an editor without even looking at chat or /d? Look at Js, he avoids all the drama by being exclusively an editor. Regardless of your choices, good luck in future endeavours and I hope you decide to return again in the future. I can tell from your parting words that you feel betrayed from being forced to look at this wiki you've helped cultivate over the past decade or so turn into what it is now, but I believe that time will pass soon, and hopefully you (along with the other scorned old bloods) return when it does come to pass. Sigmund Fraud Talk Contributions 22:33, March 25, 2019 (UTC)
Sad to see you go, man. Nukapedia is going through some rough times and could really use all the experienced leadership it can get. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. —Atvelonis (talk) 05:40, March 27, 2019 (UTC)


You mentioned a while back on what you could do to help me improve my user conduct, would be nice to know the dos and donts. Would greatly appreciate it.

Also, to settle an argument with someone today, they said that Mama Murphy isn't a member of Commonwealth Minutemen but according to the Mama Murphy article on Gamepedia, Murphy is a member. I've found additional information in terminals and dialogues from other characters who have stated Mama Murphy is in fact a member of Commonwealth Minutemen. Now this user, Patroller, says that I'm starting a cite war when in fact I was cleaning up an article because it didn't include Murphy's membership status. Information is found by talking to Sturges, Preston and talking to Murphy herself as well as in a few terminals in Quincy and in her note, also in Quincy.

So am I right? Why do I help out and then someone makes me feel like the bad guy, like those bloody Super Mutants!!

Warren Woodhouse | Blog | Talk | Videos | Quote: "It's a funny thing, ambition. It can take one to sublime heights or harrowing depths. And sometimes they are one and the same." - Quote By: Emily Kaldwin (Dishonored, video game) 19:26, January 22, 2020 (UTC)


Sent you a friend request on discord. Just a heads up, I sometimes keep weird hours, so if you send something and I do not reply, it probably means I am busy... and will send a reply at a time will otherwise lool a little odd. The Dyre Wolf (talk) 11:56, 10 November 2021 (UTC)

Back from the past[]

Hey Chad, nice to hear from you after such a long time! Hope all is well in Great Britain. I'll see if I can make some time free for Discord the next few days. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 18:20, 10 November 2021 (UTC)


Sent a friend request, not sure if you remember my Discord handle. Cloud background PFP. Great Mara (talk) 21:56, 10 November 2021 (UTC)

Think I found you, (Retired), right? Not sure if I need to stay in there until the request is accepted. These settings seem to always not be behaving the way I expect them to. Great Mara (talk) 00:25, 16 November 2021 (UTC)

Long Time No Chat[]

As the heading says, long time no chat! I hope all is well with you and Mel in the world. I send the both of you my love. I'm rarely around these days, as I'm combating that second university degree. Do you remember when I was just 13 in grade 8? I’m now 23, a full decade later. How the time has changed.

Anyways, I try to pop in every few months to see the happenings and any changes. It was great to see you - and Gunny both - have some input on the anon editing vote. I think it's an important issue that a lot of people might not be seeing the minutia with.

Again, I hope you’re doing well Chad. We sure shared a lot here all those years ago. I don’t know if I ever really thanked you for all the support you gave me when I was a youth. You were always willing to share, and tried your best to keep me and the great community engaged. You instilled many great morals in me, and strived for the best always. I’m sorry that we never really got a chance to say goodbye, and maybe I’m overly sentimental, but goodbyes are important, and so is closure. The internet is such a fickle place, that people can have such an impact on you, and then just one day they log off for one last time and you never hear from them again. I just want you to know that I think of the time we - and many others - spent here, and think back on it fondly.

You can find me in the discord @07NateyG if you're ever around and want to chat.

Wishing you all the best,


--Fallout Skyline - Apprentice "Those Old World Relics still stand..." 03:42, 18 November 2021 (UTC)

RE: FOBOS portal edit[]

Oh for sure, I agree with you. What I meant more was in regard to the line I axed on a portal page, one of the daily "did you knows" - it was something about how the game can only be used as "flavor text," which I thought was bizarre anyway. What is a flavor text?! I am not tasting it in any case. Thank you as always for your sage wisdom and mentorship! -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 22:33, 30 December 2021 (UTC)

Re: Moderation Poll[]

Thanks for the heads up. I had meant to close it and set the timer to expire when Kate reached out and asked to play a larger role in shaping the proposal, since it was her initiative to make the changes to roles and rights. I've been down and out with covid and then now a touch of pneumonia as I'm coming out of it. I'm still a little in and out on the wiki right now, but hopefully here pretty soon I will be able to get back to a regular schedule and the two of us can hammer out a proposal that ends up being better for it. The Dyre Wolf (talk) 12:04, 13 January 2022 (UTC)

Re: A proposal[]

What up, C. It's funny because literally right before I saw this message I was talking with some friends who were suggesting I should do radio or a podcast. Must be some kind of sign or something lol. It's something I might be interested in but I just don't know where I'd find the time. Did you have an idea of when you were wanting to do it? Jon the Don -JBour53 (Talk to my consigliere) 06:59, 10 April 2022 (UTC)

I'm interested but I don't know if I will have the time to write this week and I don't have recording equipment. I do have a microphone in my motorcycle helmet but that'd be odd to wear while doing a podcast haha. It's kind of fast for me tbh. I also haven't been playing fallout in a while so my knowledge might be weak. Jon the Don -JBour53 (Talk to my consigliere) 18:20, 11 April 2022 (UTC)
That bike looks nice and fun. I ride a kawasaki vulcan 650 s. Thought about starting a motovlog so i bought all this stuff for it and haven't really done anything with it lol. Jon the Don -JBour53 (Talk to my consigliere) 02:40, 13 April 2022 (UTC)
Just got the chance to check out the manifesto. And it looks good. Just wonder where would I post content? Joining the committee is a little confusing too. Where is this committee organized? Is it organized? I know its just the beginning and this is just a solid foundation but those are some questions I feel left with. This is something I'm likely interested in down the road so I'm gonna try to pay attention. Jon the Don -JBour53 (Talk to my consigliere) 07:23, 29 April 2022 (UTC)


Hi there Mr.Agent c,I replied what you asked about the other communities' concerns with the removals/deletions yesterday in my talk page,it's a friendly reminder if you haven't recived any notifications about it.


Painted Count 16:47,24 April 2022(UTC)


Painted Count 07:17,25 April 2022(UTC)


Yep, the GECK edits never end! Good to see you too :) User:GECKAnon

RE: PIPcast Manefesto[]

As far as content goes, it looks good. You might want to clarify what, exactly, this PIPcast is and how users can submit material for it. Will it be published by a single individual or will whoever is running each particular episode have publishing privileges? Is it staying hosted on the wiki or will the episodes be on Youtube or any other social media? Aside from the fundamental information on what exactly PIPcast is, there wasn't much else to say. Maybe read through it yourself or get another pair of eyes over it to make sure everything makes sense. The advertising section seems to have misplaced its heading, as well. I'm excited to see what sort of new ideas crop up. If you need me again for any voice work, either another advertisement or to voice a character in an audio-drama or as a guest on a talk segment, feel free to ask. Sigmund Fraud 03:43, 25 April 2022 (UTC)

For your perfect attendance and donut eating expertise[]

Slocums buzzbites
You have been given A Prestigious Present for Being Presented a Present for Being Present..
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
For your contributions to the focus group and for not eating all the donuts. You have my gratitude. TheGunny2.0 (talk) 18:21, 8 May 2022 (UTC)

Re:Disco Party[]

Party still ongoing as long as you're no longer compromised. Cassie The Rodio Girl I see you. 11:42, 9 May 2022 (UTC)


Been okay for the most part, some minor things but in general it's fine. Great Mara (talk) 21:21, 9 May 2022 (UTC)


Wish I could do that, I have a lot of power here, not that much though! Jspoel Speech Jspoel 17:54, 11 May 2022 (UTC)

Neighborhood Watch[]

Kindly, Do not talk to me, not in the mood now, not in the mood ever. Mug | Talk 23:10, 13 May 2022 (UTC)

I told you not to talk to me chad, respect my wishes. And i left because i resigned. Mug | Talk 18:25, 19 May 2022 (UTC)
I only hardely agreed to him being there, i didnt want him there, but everyone else did. Now please, leave me alone. Mug | Talk 19:47, 19 May 2022 (UTC)


Well I guess I could, considering I said this on another site a while ago and keep coming back here and there. The same principle could be applied here, too.

Well, as a start perhaps is that this file was deleted, yet is used on this page. I'd undelete the file myself but don't have the user rights anymore to do that. {{SUBST:Signature/Energy X}} 17:17, 15 May 2022 (UTC)


Used to but got locked out, due to using Google Authenticator and deleting the credentials. Would appreciate a new link invite to the server. ☢ Energy X ☣ 21:20, 16 May 2022 (UTC)

Nevermind, managed to log in as a new account "Energy X". ☢ Energy X ☣ 21:25, 16 May 2022 (UTC)


I needed some time to add my statement. It's unlocked now. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 22:25, 20 May 2022 (UTC)

Patroller Rights[]

Hi Agent C,

It's good to have you back to editing and as a presence in the wiki community. I see no reason to deny your patroller rights request. Use them well.

---bleep196- (talk) 16:34, 1 June 2022 (UTC)

Ban review[]

Yeah, this is an unfortunate ban. I would like to see a few things though to make it debatable. First, I would like to see an objection from Laat himself before we go through all this trouble. Secondly, at a bit of an important one, you're talking about "admin misconduct/disputed rights review process". Can you direct me to that statement in the policy? Because contesting the ban now, is breaking the policy rules as far as I know in the middle of a ban. Right now I would say I would give Laat a SaintPain review at the end of October, maybe that's good enough too. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 14:50, 3 June 2022 (UTC)

I am not keen on going through this process if Laat isn't interested in it. So Savior would have to ask that. And we will have a hard time finding three admins, so maybe first see if you can, and if they're willing to do the work. I could appoint them then. If not, I still think a SaintPain is an option, given the questionable circumstances he should be successful. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 17:27, 3 June 2022 (UTC)
About Katy, I think she doesn't care anymore what we do here on this wiki. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 17:30, 3 June 2022 (UTC)

RE: Bans[]

Good to hear. It will probably be a couple days before I can get together to dive deep into those, plus keep up with the ever going forum buffet. Depending on how many there are (haven't had a chance to browse the link yet) might be something we roll through over time rather than one sitting. The Dyre Wolf (talk) 01:34, 24 June 2022 (UTC)

Restart poll[]

After feedback, I've pulled the bit about majorities on the Forum:Vote: Policy creation and forum archive standards and restarted the vote, in case folks wanted to reconsider their positions. TheGunny2.0 (talk) 11:22, 29 June 2022 (UTC)


Yeah, I do think Kate should be allowed to defend herself. I can contact her by e-mail to find out if she's interested in that? Jspoel Speech Jspoel 18:03, 4 July 2022 (UTC)

Dave's ban[]

I've reduced Dave's ban following mostly your recommendations. Thanks for the work you've put into it! Jspoel Speech Jspoel 16:04, 11 July 2022 (UTC)

Thank you![]

It's a bit late, but I wanted to say thank you for the support on my content moderator request. It meant a lot to me, and I appreciate it.

intrepid359FO76NW Overseer7/14/22 3:09am CT

RE: Timeline[]

I'm not particularly bothered by the issue of canon policy, if I was in the wrong on that then that's on me and I accept it. I do however maintain my objection to the idea that the timeline should include every single piece of random real-world trivia that the games mention regardless of their relevance (or more often lack thereof) to understanding the unique setting of Fallout - see the talkpage on Timeline for my thoughts.

In short I think it's pure clutter for us to include random identical-to-real-life-history trivia facts like "Boston built America's first subway in 1897" or whatever just because it's mentioned on a plaque somewhere in the game. In the case of my removals I genuinely don't see how real-life trivia about, for example, when the German military adopted the MP40 is relevant to this game series or helps users understand the ways that the Fallout timeline diverges from our own; our standards for relevance seem to be "if an event is mentioned with a date attached throw it on the timeline" which helped contribute to bloat so extreme that the page caused lower-end computers to crash, as documented on the talkpage.

Your undo also removed a valid and sourced addition I made in the 1700s section, for the record. -- DirtyBlue929 (talk) 20:33, 7 September 2022 (UTC)

TM request[]

I've given you TM rights on the wiki, you'll have to ask Eckserah for rights in Discord, at the moment I don't have access to it. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 13:46, 23 October 2022 (UTC)

Leon's ban[]

It's just not done unbanning someone and then reinstate the ban again. If he violates rules in the future, then actions can be taken with more severity. He could have been banned in Discord, but hasn't, so appearantly it was not ban-worthy. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 16:11, 2 December 2022 (UTC)

Ant's snark list[]

It's been explained to Ant multiple times that nested quotations marks are supposed to be changed to single quotation marks in proper grammar rules. He not only refuses to follow this, but adds anything he doesn't like to one of his sandboxes in a commented out section. User:Ant2242/Water_Distribution_Network?curid=655111&diff=3990970&oldid=3984425. I want this behavior noted if he tries to edit war over it later. This is clearly both a premeditated plan and underhanded behavior. Great Mara (talk) 01:35, 5 December 2022 (UTC)

Done. Forwarded it to Js. Great Mara (talk) 12:44, 5 December 2022 (UTC)

Re: The thing about the vote[]

I still fully support it—Preceding unsigned comment added by Saxophone Microverse (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

RE: Drawing a line[]

I support both changes, personally having to get 500 edits for patroller was quite annoying, i know it gives the user some trust having 500 non vandalism edits, but for returning users such as myself, my old accounts edits were not taken into consideration, only my new ones, which lead me to go on a 250 edit spree in one night to meet the edit req, except i had already had been editing for 32 days, which meant edits took precedence over history, i think if there is no edit req, but the history of the user is taken into account, ie: how long have they been on the wiki, have they vandalized in the past, do they edit war with other users, do they flamebait other users, etc etc, then that would be a major improvement to what we already have, because what we have now is solely based off edits, which only proves a user doesnt vandalize pages, and can have some semblance of trust with the staff. FreshYoMama | Talk 23:56, 5 December 2022 (UTC)

I still support both changes. Though I'm not completely convinced about the part of "If the vote fails, the immunity for the specific offence remains intact and shall not be challenged in the future." Of course, if the SaintPain rule still stands, then I guess it's fine. Ryon21 Ryon21 Signature Image (talk) 02:35, 6 December 2022 (UTC)

I would still support the vote, with both of these changes. I think including non-rights holders in the decision to open an investigation is a good idea, we don't have that many active rights holders and the ones who are active would end up making the decision for everyone else, which is exactly the kind of fortress we want to get rid of. I would also agree to lowering the requirements for patroller, everyone who has shown that they can be trusted and know their way around editing should have the chance to get patroller rights without arbitrary number barriers stopping them. Ultimately it's at the admins' discretion anyway, so if it doesn't work out they can easily remove the rights again. The Appalachian Mandalorian insignia 17:26, 6 December 2022 (UTC)


No, I didn't know and am sad to hear this news. I'll leave a note on his talkpage. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 19:27, 17 December 2022 (UTC)

Howdy, howdy[]

I'm well, thanks! Found other hobbies beyond scouring every inch of Fallout games for the wiki (still trying to get my original username back, but that ship has probably sailed). I obviously don't frequent the wiki as much as I used to, but I recently started another playthrough of FNV for nostalgia's sake after a couple runs through Fallout 4, so I'm visiting a bit more often for notable loot I've forgotten about. I'm glad to see the wikis have merges and brought some stability back, but it's a shame to hear about Clyde just now too; he was one of the good ones. --Kastera(talk) 03:58, 20 December 2022 (UTC)


Sorry for the late response. My personal life has kept me away from the wiki entirely for the past few weeks. I see that the initial vote has already moved forward, so I'll keep my eyes open for additional forums. 寧靜 Fox 00:13, 29 December 2022 (UTC)
