Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

If life has you down, don't worry, it's not the end of the world.Wizard's Fortunes

Howdy, fellow wanderer!

Who am I?[]

Hi, I am Ryon21. I've really liked the Fallout series since I started playing with Fallout 3 and got amazed by its immersive post-apocalyptic world. I'll never forget the first time I got out of Vault 101 and saw the grey wasteland on the horizon. An image to remember indeed. My favorite though, used to be New Vegas as it had everything FO3 had and much, much more - I was especially enthusiastic you were finally able to close-aim with a gun \o/ Despite this, Fallout 3 will always be the special one. I still remember wandering around the Capital Wasteland and knowing how close to the DC I was by sighting the Washington Monument. And finally going up there to help Three Dog's GNRadio was nice.

I also enjoy using many lore-friendly mods. This one time, many years ago, I got more than 100 installed - personally, I think it was quite a lot at the time - and it broke my New Vegas save :( a shame, but either way, good times.

To summarize, I've played and replayed FO3, New Vegas, and FO4; I know a good number of lore (though mostly the lore explained in the games I've finished). I've tried to play FO1, FO2 and Tactics but they are too old-school hardcore games for a millennial like me :'D Nevertheless great games. I used to play F76, and despite not being originally a fan of the online component, I enjoyed it a lot \o/

I'm currently retired... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Oh, and this userpage template wasn't originally totally stolen from xporc ^-^



User page Daesch European Commonwealth FlagThis user hails from
somewhere in the
European Commonwealth.
WikiThis user is a regular, normal, no extra rights, no special treatment user of Nukapedia.
Fo76 HackerThis user makes typos everywhere.
Windows LogoThis user plays on a PC.
Louis ArmstrongThis user thinks pre-War music is the Tops.
Gametitle-FO3This user is knowledgeable about Fallout 3.
Gametitle-FO76This user is knowledgeable about Fallout 76.
36 Ambassador of PeaceThis user just might be your Savior.
LoneWandererThis user is a Lone Wanderer.
HoarderThis user is a Hoarder.
Luck iconLuck be a lady, who is in love with this user.
Mysterious-StrangerIf this user is lucky maybe a friend of theirs will show up.
F76 First Expeditionary ForceThis user is member of the new Appalachian Brotherhood of Steel.
Enclave symbol whiteThis user is member of the "little" Enclave.

FO76 flagwaving settlerfaction dThis user has a solid foundation.

FO76 Raiders logo2This user has friends in low places.




Currently playing[]

  • Fallout 76 (since late Season 4 until early Season 7; since late Season 8)


Tried but not finished[]


Fallout 76[]

Funny things to remember[]
