Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Hey there![]

Let me start by saying hi and grats on the NotY nomination. May I also say I am a fan of your contributions and work ethic here on the wiki!

I have once again been trawling through the cancelled games, as I am known to to do, and have viewed them through the lens of disability representation; something I believe you have led the way on, and I would really value your opinion on my findings. Key areas for review include how appropriately I've worded descriptions and if I've understood just how in depth ghouls are to be covered.

Some other things to note:

  • There are a couple of dev notes that, while in poor taste, were a real thing. I personally think it would be remiss to keep them hidden away, not acknowledging how such attitudes could influence the representation of disabled characters.
  • All of my findings have been done in good faith and do include a few conditions that could be considered subjective. For example: Albinism without described/acknowledged complications, but a strong cultural rejection, and an extreme example of a "god complex," which as I understand is not strictly recognised.
  • Super mutants are underrepresented if anything in the cancelled games and do not present their typical impairments quite so prominently. Do you think I should still attempt to summarise using the information I have available?

Thank you for any time you can spare! -Tribal Wisdom TribalWisdom(colour)Howdy! 09:46, 4 March 2024 (UTC)

  • im not in a position to read this rn but WOW. at a glance this is stunning work.--Anachorite (talk) 12:43, 4 March 2024 (UTC)
There's no rush, I won't have much time to spend on the wiki this week anyway. But yeah, I didn't realise quite how much I had until I expanded on all my notes; I love the deep dives into serious subjects that have happened since I've been gone!
I've also condensed my other work down so it's less of a hassle for you to view.
Kind regards, -Tribal Wisdom TribalWisdom(colour)Howdy! 19:21, 4 March 2024 (UTC)
Hey! Just thought I'd let you know I'm almost ready to publish, just some proof reading and trimming to do. I'll post later when yourself and other more experienced/critical eyes are usually active. Even if you didn't get a proper first look, thanks for the inspiration :) -Tribal Wisdom TribalWisdom(colour)Howdy! 09:42, 12 March 2024 (UTC)
Ua! been busy moving n_n i'll look it over now! Anachorite (talk) 09:54, 12 March 2024 (UTC)
Don't worry I'll keep tinkering. But wow, what a fresh set of eyes can do, huh. You've done great and brought to into the spotlight some good points (the born ghouls page threw me off, I must admit I'd been procrastinating making complete sense of it... Radian's page also has some creative assumptions that I caught, but have yet to change)
Again though, you've been exceptionally helpful, I appreciate it greatly -Tribal Wisdom TribalWisdom(colour)Howdy! 11:04, 12 March 2024 (UTC)

Nukapedian of the Year 2023 - Editor Award[]

You have been given Nukapedian of the Year 2023 - Editor Award.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
Congratulations! You have been awarded this year's Golden Bobblehead for positive contributions to the wiki. LaymansReign (talk) 21:40, 4 March 2024 (UTC)


Hey there, I saw your message on my talk page. I appreciate you reaching out, and I wanted to let you know that I haven't felt bad in any way about any sort of friction since I've started contributing. The reason I don't make too many contributions is because a lot of the time pages already say what I'm wanting to write down! I can usually understand the position of people who may revert or change my edits, and I certainly don't take it personally or hold any sort of grudge. Thanks again for your words, and I wish you luck on becoming a moderator

(-unsigned comment left by Unabated)

Play the actual games you talk about so much in the LGBT representation page of Fallout[]

Your edits are filled with false information, verifiable by some of the sources that you cite, and your constant never-ending edits of the page prevent regular people who actually know the endings (or who can google "Arcade Gannon FNV Endings") from correcting the false information. As a trans person I ask you to please stop. You're making us look awful by shoving loose interpretations and false information where its not appropriate.

(-unsigned comment left by EnclavEmily)

thank you for sharing your perspective enclave emily.--Anachorite (talk) 04:17, 12 May 2024 (UTC)

RE: v13[]

I definitely understand. I'm certainly not opposed to there being more descriptive leads, for example with location pages, I like what's there that describes the pylon's relation to the monorail system and its position on the edges of the map. But I don't know if we necessarily need to call attention to the ostensible unimportance of the location - "there is nothing here" is a fun line, but very easily contestable, given there is a unique holotape, magazine spawns, a bobblehead spawn, and varying enemies to kill. I just don't wish for it to verge too much into subjectivity with the lead. LaymansReign (talk) 03:32, 21 May 2024 (UTC)

Olive Branch[]

So I'm trying to squash whatever beef you and I have right here and now. If you've got any questions, ask me. If you've got a concern, by all means... concern me. I'm sorry I offended you however that was. Enclavesymbol 11:18 PM 05/30/2024 (EST)

AR retraction[]

I was kinda hoping you would do that, wise decision. It's too soon, you're only a content moderator for a month, needs more time between. And you can address some of the concerns in your request. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 12:47, 14 June 2024 (UTC)

Ban and Rights Removal[]

Hi Anachorite, this is coming from two active admins. You are probably aware what this talk page message will cover, but in the interest of transparency, we believe that it is necessary. Your recent actions concerning the wiki - a game wiki no less - have violated several of our ground rules, including a prohibition on vote brigading (regardless of platform, manipulating the outcome of the vote by coaching and instructing people to vote in a specific way has been collectively deemed a bad practice) and targeted harassment (whatever objectionable things they may have said, your response has been disproportionate and brushed against violating not just our rules, but Fandom ToS).

Our community consists of fans from all walks of life, devoting their free time to building up man encyclopedia, and just recovered from a particularly unpleasant period full of harassment and gatekeeping. The health of the community is paramount, and that includes keeping everyone accountable - in particular rights holders, who are expected to lead by example and showcase the best that the community has to offer (in particular ensuring that rules are followed and everyone can have a pleasant experience here).

While we understand where you're coming from and do indeed agree that many aspects of the site and community could use further improvement - a never-ending project, to be sure - by joining we have all agreed to follow certain rules and abide by them. This includes collective decision making, public discussions, and working through our issues as mature people. The betterment of the community can only occur if we all follow these rules, as you're surely aware it works in anarchist communities and wikis certainly qualify as one.

It cannot occur if instead of transparency and community we go back to the age of cloak-and-dagger, kompromat, witch hunts, and using random users as patsies to get someone else in trouble. If you recall, the previous self-proclaimed righteous ruler of the wiki has used these methods to get rid of anyone she deemed undesirable, with multiple people ending up suffering, including needing psychological help. It did not improve the community, but turned it into a mockery of one, a Stalinist wiki camp of enforced smiles where a privileged few ruled over the rest of editors, who tried to just enjoy Fallout in their free time.

The other major issue is a violation of trust. There have been historic issues with the VTS channel on Discord and users taking material out of the channel to retaliate against others. Since then, we have deliberately decided to use neighborhood-watch as the main staff channel, with VTS reserved only for matters that require discretion due to sensitive data or not wanting to wash dirty laundry out in the open.

Deliberately taking screenshots of the channel to rally people against a user you don't like, taken out of context, is a gross violation of trust - especially when you avoided having an honest mediation with them, instead turning to setting up what's basically a mob to have them removed by manipulated votes.

Your heart is in the right place, but that doesn't give anyone the license to cut corners or ignore established community rules. What you did was intended to be in the interest of marginalized Fallout fans, we understand. However, the path you chose means you have done them a disservice - you have done us all a disservice, as the current group of editors includes many people from marginalized groups, including contributors from countries where being LGBT is borderline illegal and being disabled dooms you to a life of misery.

All things considered, these egregious violations of rules we all agreed to follow cannot be left unaddressed. A written warning or just removing rights would normalize such behavior and all but encourage a return to the age of shadowy Discords. On the other hand, you have made a stunning amount of great contributions and enhanced our coverage of topics related to marginalized groups.

As such, the wiki team has decided to institute a year-long ban, after which you will be able to resume editing as normal. Your capacity for growth and willingness to acknowledge your errors after they were point out played a big role in deciding to forgo the usual choice (permaban with a Saint Pain appeal).

We will take no action regarding people who were roped into brigading the administrator vote. They are free to continue editing and growing as editors.

- Bleep, Cor

---bleep196- (talk) 21:46, 27 June 2024 (UTC)

Additional Information[]

Hello, I am writing this talkpage message to inform you of additional information regarding your year long ban alongside the administrative consensus message. Recently, it was brought to the attention of administrators that you have been using private posts on your Tumblr profile to both organize vote brigading as well as leak the secure and sensitive staff channel Vault-Tec-Security to your followers. Below is a list of the currently acquired evidence from your Tumblr profile, showing you both organizing vote brigading and leaking content from the staff channel, acting in considerable bad faith. Savior DJ (talk) 21:49, 27 June 2024 (UTC)
