Fallout Wiki
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Hello, Anachorite, we are glad you have joined the Fallout Wiki!

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For assistance, please feel free to reach out to our admins or join the Nukapedia Discord server. We look forward to working with you!

Sincerely, Тагазиэль 14:51, 8 July 2022 (UTC)


Hey, I just noticed, you're the Tumblr Mothgal, right? Тагазиэль 14:55, 8 July 2022 (UTC)

ya Anachorite (talk)

Sister Harriet[]

There is no evidence that the COA woman we meet is sister Harriet, and anything alluding to this being the case (regardless of how it is phrased), is still going to be speculative. And since their is no evidence, you can't just arbitrarily mention the fact that there is a female preacher whom you meet (even if you don't outright suggest that it is Harriet), as it has nothing to do with topic.

In other words, simply by mentioned the unnamed woman on Harriet's page, you are implying a connection between them. Branebriar1930 (talk) 08:54, 17 August 2022 (UTC)

The note isn't speculative, it just wasn't made exactly clear. Sister Harriet is the unnamed Child of Atom met there, and that's confirmed by the player prompt for dialogue with Richter: "I was sent here by a Child of Atom I met outside of Acadia." That specifically refers to the encounter with the unnamed Child of Atom. That mentioned-only character page should be converted to a full NPC article. LaymansReign (talk) 15:16, 17 August 2022 (UTC)
and by removing this connection you are wiping that npc off the wiki entirely, as no other page pertains to her, anyway. her dialogue file is still missing, as i've said twice, and you're trying to improve the wiki by talking down to me about a barely-subtextual connection you didn't have context for. her likely appearance in-game is not off-topic. there are already child of atom npcs named only from context, Alders and Harper (Far Harbor).
next time try [clarification needed] or [citation needed] to begin a discussion instead of assuming this degree of incompetence on my part. "their is no evidence" is a strong assertion to baselessly misspell. thanks Anachorite (talk)

Dialogue import[]

No worries. If you have any questions about editing, we'd be happy to answer them. I've imported the dialogue file from The Vault - there are some slight differences between our format of dialogue files and theirs, but I figure it's better to have that than nothing. LaymansReign (talk) 00:34, 18 August 2022 (UTC)

Re: ty[]

Thank you for your message, I appreciate that. I've always been interested in the content you add to the wiki and I'm happy to take a look at it when I see it in Recent Changes. I do wish I had a bit more time to focus on some of my own areas of interest, but perhaps sometime soon. LaymansReign (talk) 16:50, 5 February 2023 (UTC)

Featured articles[]

Howdy, hope you're doing well. I was curious if you'd be interested in contributing to the featured article project that I'm currently running. We just started the phase in which we nominate new articles to be featured on the main page, since we need over 200 new ones. If you know of any high quality pages you'd like the wiki to recognize, I think your input would be well appreciated on the project. Thanks! LaymansReign (talk) 01:51, 2 April 2023 (UTC)

that's very nice of you! i'm having some mental health issues right now but i'll try to review and participate if i can. thanks again for all the stuff you do for this place. Anachorite (talk)

Tim Cain and other assorted ramblings of LR's[]

In the previous version of the page that you highlighted, the mention of Nuka-Break made more sense as it was directly tied to the mention of Cain not having worked on the IP since 1998 except for Nuka-Break. However, in the current wording of the blurb about Cain, the mention of Nuka-Break was disconnected from the part about Cain's lack of involvement with the IP, since it's separated by a different bullet point. I didn't connect the two and didn't get at first why it was being added again. That's my bad.

I'm really sorry that you've had these experiences with editing on the wiki, however. It's never my intention to make folks feel unwelcome or, even worse, subject to the same cull-happy culture this wiki had about a year and a half ago. For as bad as that culture was, the wiki had decent infrastructure for welcoming new users, even if the end result was those new users being roped into similar content cullings. There's still lots of holes in the wiki, all over the place. Is it better to have a welcome of dubious validity or no welcome at all? I think the answer to that question is that neither are particularly good, and the wiki could still use good, actually helpful ways of bringing new users into the fold.

For what it's worth, I think the content you research and devote your time to is absolutely fascinating and doubtless has a place on the mainspace of the wiki. There's a difference between content that's esoteric and speculation. I think this wiki has a bad history of throwing out the baby with the bathwater and it's hit a critical mass in the past. It's thankfully subsided as of late, but you're absolutely right that the problem isn't totally fixed. It doesn't help that other users can be hostile at times, and that's really frustrating to deal with as someone who wants to help inexperienced users rather than prod at the flaws in their edits.

I hope you can believe me when I say that I really would like this wiki to be a hub of research and collaboration for the Fallout community, one that's really close to my heart. I'd rather see truly productive discussions on contentious topics, like what we had about The Crater being Mothman territory, where people are free to pose questions and interpretations, and not feel like they're just going to get slapped around for it, even if the conclusions aren't decisive. The last thing I want is for someone to feel like they're earnestly offering their viewpoint, then just getting lazily or even aggressively shut down for it. At the same time, we need to find a balance between letting voices be heard and not letting fan speculation get passed around as indisputable canon-lore-5000-inator. Even still, maybe it's just me, but I'd want to be the wiki that lets people participate and focus on growing articles with what people find, rather than try and cull and sanitize content into a glorified strategy guide.

In that vein, I was a bit too careless in removing the Tim Cain content, and I would like to apologize for that. After whatever soapboxing I've just done, the right approach for me would be to pose the question of whether the Nuka-Break content could be moved to Cain's article, instead of the LGBT article, since it doesn't seem immediately relevant to the latter in the grand scheme of things. I wouldn't be opposed to Cain's participation in Nuka-Break being a BTS blurb on his personal/dev page, which I want to see expanded anyway for the Featured Article project.

Thank you again for voicing your concerns - there's still a long way to go in creating an ideal environment here. I'd like to think we're at least somewhat closer than other parts of The Great And Terrible Fallout Fandom, but things obviously aren't perfect. If you have ideas on how to improve the wiki across the board, I'm always happy to hear them. Go with the glow ✌️

LaymansReign (talk) 02:45, 7 April 2023 (UTC)

i was already frustrated when i saw the edit. i really hope i didnt make you feel singled out as a problem. i was just comfortable asking you for help understanding. it's real graceful of you to respond so promptly. you can totally delete or truncate my msg if it's a blight on yr talk page.
this is very very helpful. thank you Anachorite (talk) 03:07, 7 April 2023 (UTC)
Call me out if I need it! I think we both understand each other now, in a positive way, and that's what I wanted. No need to worry at all. I look forward to seeing more of your work. LaymansReign (talk) 03:12, 7 April 2023 (UTC)

LGBT page[]

My issue is not with the comment alone, but rather if you are using it to imply an example of asexuality. I'm sure you can agree that refraining from sexual language DOES NOT make one asexual, thus implying otherwise requires evidence. This wiki doesn't cater to the whims of specific groups, which is why I take great issue when you say things like "asexual people like it" (so what?), how is that being objective? And if you are not implying anything, then this comment is pretty redundant don't you think? Branebriar1930 (talk) 13:26, 7 April 2023 (UTC)

please paste this on the talk page for the relevant page so our peers can engage with the discussion. Anachorite (talk) 14:27, 7 April 2023 (UTC)
by the way, most of your tweaks were tasteful and additive. i do appreciate your help. Anachorite (talk) 14:32, 7 April 2023 (UTC)

I'm engaging with you here and now, if we cannot come to some understanding, THEN we involve others, that's generally standard procedure. Branebriar1930 (talk) 15:10, 7 April 2023 (UTC)

i'm frankly kind of shocked you can say things like "whether asexual people like it or not (as if you speak for all of them) is irrelevant" and "asexual people like it--so what?" while trying to negotiate a page about the themes, impact, legacy, and real-world context of the representation of queer people. i am disappointed that you prioritize your hyperclinical approach to documenting fiction over the comfort and dignity of real marginalized people on a page that literally exists to describe them.
i am frustrated that i described something mechanically true that mattered to queer people, but you need it to say [ASEXUAL OPTION] before you will deign to let them know this framework makes space for them. i am borderline flummoxed that you prompted me to imagine an asexual who would read the contested sentence and get pissed off.
i am familiar enough with you to know you erased an entire real speaking named NPC from the wiki & failed to help with her missing dialogue, because you saw me trying to document something you did not know anything about, and you wanted to make me feel stupid. i was exactly correct and doing my best. you were rude to me and LR the entire time, and afaik you never expressed any regret for fighting to make the wiki wrong.
i am keenly aware that you watched me add 10k characters to the article while rewriting much of it, and you've been nothing but disrespectful because you cleaned up 5% of it and found one sentence you object to. can you identify a kind thing you've ever said to me? have you ever been interested in my capacity to think?
the line does not even mention asexual people. it describes the reality of the perk mechanics. but you know it makes asexual people feel included--perhaps by accident, God forbid--in fallout new vegas and it's pissing you off because... what if they're not SUPPOSED to feel represented by the option to avoid romance and sex?
i'm simply going to ask you to imagine a single person who has been assaulted and traumatized, or even just feels ostracized and confused, who sees that sentence, and smiles, because in that moment, they feel a little safer and a little less alone.
every person you will ever meet knows something you don't. i don't mind you clipping any contributions if you're actually willing to have a good-faith, two-sided discussion. but you have never spoken to me without complete contempt & finality. you talk to me like i am dirt. stop it. Anachorite (talk)
(continued) honestly you opened with the confession that you were eager to delete accurate information on its proper page because you suspected that i might be prompting someone to feel seen on the LGBT representation page... but, it's actually fine if i strictly meant to dryly regurgitate engine mechanics.
that's not objectivity. that's a fickle, borderline cruel impulse you felt very comfortable forcing on everyone.
i added an observation about the parameters of player expression in the interest of promoting the comfort and dignity of asexual people. i wrote it that way on purpose. Anachorite (talk) 18:02, 7 April 2023 (UTC)

i am disappointed that you prioritize your hyperclinical approach to documenting fiction over the comfort and dignity of real marginalized people on a page that literally exists to describe them.

This wiki was created to provide accurate info on the Fallout series, not pander to the feelings of one viewer group or another.

:i am familiar enough with you to know you erased an entire real speaking named NPC from the wiki & failed to help with her missing dialogue, because you saw me trying to document something you did not know anything about, and you wanted to make me feel stupid. i was exactly correct and doing my best. you were rude to me and LR the entire time, and afaik you never expressed any regret for fighting to make the wiki wrong.

I never tried to make you look stupid, I was simply removing (at the time) unverified information which had been conveyed in an unconvincing way. I will apologize for that entire incident if it really brought distress. Still, what does any of this have to with our current issue?

:i am keenly aware that you watched me add 10k characters to the article while rewriting much of it, and you've been nothing but disrespectful because you cleaned up 5% of it and found one sentence you object to. can you identify a kind thing you've ever said to me? have you ever been interested in my capacity to think?

I'm honestly not really sure what you are trying to say here.

:the line does not even mention asexual people. it describes the reality of the perk mechanics. but you know it makes asexual people feel included--perhaps by accident, God forbid--in fallout new vegas and it's pissing you off because... what if they're not SUPPOSED to feel represented by the option to avoid romance and sex?

Again, it is not the wiki's job to add info just to 'include' one group or another.

:i'm simply going to ask you to imagine a single person who has been assaulted and traumatized, or even just feels ostracized and confused, who sees that sentence, and smiles, because in that moment, they feel a little safer and a little less alone. Guilt-tripping and being emotionally-manipulative is not how you should conduct yourself in a debate.

Everything you have said just goes to show that you are adding information not because its objective or true, but because you want to cater to the needs of a specific viewer demographic. The fact that you did pretty much nothing but try to slander me with emotional manipulation, engage in appeals to emotion to make your case, and talk about largely unrelated issues doesn't help. You really didn't convince me that you even wanted and honest debate on this issue in the first place, you just want to paint me as a villain because of some prior beef, or because you think I'm too cold and clinical for your liking and not respecting your feelings. I will bring up this issue to a higher-up, since I don't think you and I are getting anywhere. Branebriar1930 (talk) 06:05, 8 April 2023 (UTC)

mm. we should probably have a proper discussion about it with our peers. i'm going to go hang out with my wife. you should be nicer to people, when you talk to them. Anachorite (talk) 10:18, 8 April 2023 (UTC)
i've opened a community discussion, since you ignored or declined three opportunities to do so. if you see a way to improve the article, you are welcome to participate, and have your concerns reviewed by the community.
the "higher-up" you went to alone has declined to involve himself. i have identified this figure and linked him this page privately, as it seems you forgot to tell him the argument you were referring to. this might have misled him to believe you were only talking about the back-and-forth edit notes. this could have given him an incomplete impression of the situation. we all make mistakes and i'm always happy to help.
i have run your statements by several other higher ups, who found them interesting, and did not concur with your conclusions. it might be prudent, in the future, to remember that this site exists to serve fallout fans, not its own fine text. what fallout fans want from it matters, especially on a page designed for marginalized people to learn about how the series has chosen to depict them.
you may also be interested to learn that there is actually no truly objective way to document thematic cohesion, the topic of the passage in question.
of course, policy discussion is an important aspect of any editing conversation. if the policy does not serve the improvement of the wiki, it may be time to change the policy. i can think of many fallout fans who might find a renewed interested in this community in the event of policy discussions relating to subjectivity, common sense, and common decency.
i hope future conversations will be more productive. i will not repeat the mistake of burdening you with the task of thinking past your own interpretation of current policy in a remotely private setting, nor the mistake of thinking you care about anyone's feelings. mind the door. Anachorite (talk) 19:26, 9 April 2023 (UTC)

This isn't ok[]

For clarity, I said (repeatedly) that this wiki needs to be objective and not add anything that simply panders to a specific viewer group. That means that we shouldn't add information solely to please one group or another (asexuals, hetrosexuals, Turkish people, cab drivers whoever). Info needs to be objective and beneficial to this wiki, It can't just be there for the sole purpose of pleasing some viewer, otherwise you open the flood gates to people adding whatever they want. The question is not "why not" add it, its "why add" it, and your 'why' is a personal, subjective feeling that falls outside the sphere of what this wiki is trying to provide.

they have made it known that they do not think the feelings of asexual people should be relevant to the matter whatsoever--nor the feelings of any queer person, nor any survivor of assault. this was made quite clear to me. is this consistent with the policy and values of this community? Where do you get off on saying this? (and no this is a personal attack on me so I'm talking here, and there is no point in discussing the matter of contention any further until this is addressed). Like what in the absolute fuck are you about? I certainly never said anything about sexual assault, that was all you in an attempt to steer the point to the moon. You must know this is about as clean of an example of a strawman argument you could have. You may call me cold or insensitive or 'not nice' or whatever the fuck you like, you don't have to like me, but horseshit like the aforementioned sentence is just not ok. I'm not sure I even believe that you even think this is what I really meant, and I hope it was a gross misunderstanding on your part, and that you aren't a dishonest person. Branebriar1930 (talk) 19:37, 9 April 2023 (UTC)

i mentioned sexual assault. i mentioned how the page might make survivors of sexual assault feel. every statement involving how the page might make someone feel was met with potent derision. that was how i took it.
i'm a retarded person. i'm open to believing that i've wildly misinterpreted you and/or expressed myself inappropriately. i was and still am in a manic state. i likely--scratch that, absolutely do have a warped perception of you in this moment.
but given that you have still displayed a complete lack of respect for anything i've said & lack of understanding for (or interest in) the reasons i said them -- "solely please," likening marginalized groups and survivors to a group like TAXI DRIVERS -- perhaps you are, on some level, misinterpreting what i am saying as well. regardless, i'm softening the language on the talk page. i don't want to fuck with you. but i do believe you are conducting yourself in a way that is outright inappropriate. you have done nothing but insist upon your position and insult every word i have typed. when i type very serious words and you insult them all under a microscope, giving zero ground, it conveys conclusions.
i doubt anything here is what you want to read. please take it at face value that this is the way your words hit me. please note that i wanted this to be a community discussion in the first place because i detect that we are poor at communicating with eachother, and i sensed it would only escalate in private. i do not think this is the core of your character & am not setting out to misrepresent you to "win" a disagreement. i only think you are acting in the interest of upholding your interpretation of policy here in a way that is inappropriately indifferent to the human element at hand. Anachorite (talk) 20:17, 9 April 2023 (UTC)
let's back up. you keep saying i must surely think you are a cold person-- i am accusing you of being an imperfect wiki editor and communicator. i assume you are a good person. i'm sorry i made you feel that way. as i say this, i'm realizing i was too preoccupied with the argument to stop and apologize the first time you said this. i apologize for making you feel that way & prioritizing the argument over you. Anachorite (talk) 20:39, 9 April 2023 (UTC)
"The question is not "why not" add it, its "why add" it, "
it's verifiably true, it's about fallout, and people would be interested to know it.
"and your 'why' is a personal, subjective feeling that falls outside the sphere of what this wiki is trying to provide."
i'm not asexual. did you think i was asexual this whole time? they are people. your parameters for this statement seem very personal to you. Anachorite (talk) 21:26, 9 April 2023 (UTC)
how is the 'bisexual' statement that has always been on the page any different from this? is this more valid now, because i'm not asexual, so i can objectively assess them from the outside, so i can represent them on the wiki? do you see how that's fucked up? can you imagine treating any other group that way? Anachorite (talk) 21:36, 9 April 2023 (UTC)

How can you expect me to respect you when you don't even respect yourself (calling yourself a retard)? Do you want to be treated like a fellow human being or a special needs case? Aside from that, you seem to be using your feelings to dictate your argument, and that is intellectually dishonest, THAT I can't respect. How can I treat you seriously when you go off on some tangent about sexual assault? What did that have to do with anything?

but i do believe you are conducting yourself in a way that is outright inappropriate. you have done nothing but insist upon your position and insult every word i have typed. when i type very serious words and you insult them all under a microscope, giving zero ground, it conveys conclusions. I have not insulted every word you typed, I just disagreed with a lot of them. As for not giving ground well, you were the one who just reverted the changes I made without discussion.

i only think you are acting in the interest of upholding your interpretation of policy here in a way that is inappropriately indifferent to the human element at hand. No, I am acting in the interest of upholding the THE POLICY, I do know how that sounds, but this wiki has worked hard to make it as not open to interpretation as far as possible. As for being 'inappropriately indifferent to the human element' why should you get to decide such a thing? There are lots of human elements, and many are shit, which is why we don't pander to specific viewer groups (which is which I mentioned cab drivers and Turks). This wiki has to be objective, it has to be impartial, we can't cherry-pick which opinions and values are acceptable, the place would become a mess like so many other wikis.

let's back up. you keep saying i must surely think you are a cold person-- i am accusing you of being an imperfect wiki editor and communicator. i assume you are a good person. i'm sorry i made you feel that way. as i say this, i'm realizing i was too preoccupied with the argument to stop and apologize the first time you said this. i apologize for making you feel that way & prioritizing the argument over you. The ONLY instance where you would have owed me an apology was if you deliberately misconstrued what I said in an effort to make me look bad, if you didn't do that, then you don't own me one. You are free to think I am cold, you are free to think I am a poor editor or communicator. I don't really know what you meant about 'prioritizing the argument over me' though, you should have done that.

I didn't ask nor do I care about your sexuality, I was saying that you insinuated asexuality (not that you were), when you shouldn't have, because its not verifiable.

I wrote a lot more but it got lost in an edit conflict (which is why it is a lot more helpful to write on other people's talk pages rather than your own), but to sum up, If you add anything to the wiki that doesn't have a direct or clear purpose, and is there for a personal reason, then you are doing everyone a disservice. Would you rather we have every troll have their opinions reflected on here? We also can't argue with people with just our feelings, that is why you thought I disrespected and disregarded a lot of what you said, because it came across as an emotional torrent, rather than a constructive complaint. This wiki is not meant to cater to the whims of its viewer, but to show objective, verifiable facts about the fallout series, you have seriously skirted the edge of what is objective true, and not inserted to pander. This is probably what you meant by hypercritical isn't it? Branebriar1930 (talk) 22:52, 9 April 2023 (UTC)

i am not reading this message-- your distinction between "a fellow human being" and "a special needs case" in the opening sentence is the end of this conversation. i am mentally disabled and i am a human being. leave. Anachorite (talk) 23:01, 9 April 2023 (UTC)

Now I do think you are a manipulative liar, and so full of shit you probably can't even see it.Branebriar1930 (talk) 23:21, 9 April 2023 (UTC)

nope, just mentally disabled and trying. tell yourself whatever you want.
"Do you want to be treated like a fellow human being or a special needs case?"
i have special needs. by your standard, i am less than human. i have self-respect. this conversation is over. Anachorite (talk) 23:27, 9 April 2023 (UTC)

Everything thing you just said is so wrong. I said you didn't have self-respect simply because, you literally called YOURSELF a retard! I sure as shit don't think I'm a retard so I clearly have more self-respect than you. I also never said jack about you being less than human. I asked you if you wanted to be treated, by me, as I would treat anyone else, which I did. I treated you exactly the same as anyone else, whereas someone else might go easy or coddle you if you mention you were autistic. That's how I would want to be treated if I had autism, like everyone else!. If you are incapable of understanding that then I truly pity you. Branebriar1930 (talk) 23:42, 9 April 2023 (UTC)

i am not reading your messages. the conversation is over. leave. Anachorite (talk)

Why are you even talking to me? you you were the one who said this convocation was over, stick to that. Branebriar1930 (talk) 08:37, 11 April 2023 (UTC

You can't expect to "get through" to people when you do nothing except go on about yourself and what an evil human I am. You habe been so judgemental and closed off that anything i did or say would just be white noise. You don't get shut the convocation down one day, and then pick up the next time? And then have the nerve to say im the unreachable one? Do you know how hypocritical that looks? How can I even get my point across if i have to tip toe around what I say for fear of upsetting you? Do you think that is fair?

And I dont agree that i dehumanized you, i treated you exactly how i would treat anyone else whom i believed was fucking with me, and perhaps you took that as an attack on your condition, when the truth is i did not nor ever would.

I don't believe that autistic people should be treated any differently, at least not on someyhing as minor as interactions on the internet. Maybe you feel differently, but you cannot use your condition to justify your arguments, which is what I felt you did.

It really seems like all you care about right now is for me to be apologetic and grovel and admit that everything was my fault, how am I supposed to respond to that? Its easy as hell to paint someone as a villian and then feel good and justified about everything else, but it closes you off to perspectives you couldn't imagine.Branebriar1930 (talk) 11:32, 11 April 2023 (UTC)

👋 Anachorite (talk) 19:00, 11 April 2023 (UTC)


Hello Anachorite, please do not create user pages besides your own, even if the user in question is blocked. Thank you. PortalSig1 PortalSig2 PortalSig3 00:49, 13 April 2023 (UTC)

I didn't realize that's how talk pages work, sorry. Anachorite (talk) 01:04, 13 April 2023 (UTC)

Ritual site image[]

Can you use the console command tm when you snap images in Point Lookout? It removes HUD elements like the rads meter. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 18:14, 17 April 2023 (UTC)

👍 will be sweeping this area for clues for a while so i'm happy to iterate. already planning to take the hallway shot again without the clipping.
feel free to crop, abbreviate, or otherwise edit any of my media contributions if that makes sense to you. feel free to request re-shoots as well. -Anachorite (talk) 19:18, 17 April 2023 (UTC)

A gift[]

Mother icon
You have been given a Mother icon.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
Congratulations on 1000 edits! Does Atom Greeble in the woods? LaymansReign (talk) 14:44, 18 April 2023 (UTC)
n_n --Anachorite (talk) 00:04, 20 April 2023 (UTC)

Homosexuality in the Legion[]

Sorry, you missed me by probably 5 minutes. You're right in that I can't be 100% confident in that assertion, but it seems pretty evident. We know for a fact that these laws exist and are enforced based on everything we learn from Jimmy. He is uniquely positioned in the game, being one of only two characters to have lived under the Legion, while possessing no loyalty towards them and being able to speak freely. And unlike Raul, he actually lived alongside the military. He has insight that all other characters lack. He is a more credible source than random rumors among an enemy army. We also have no evidence whatsoever that the NCR is aware of these laws, and you would think if they were aware people were being crucified for sleeping with other men it might put a damper on those rumors. - Viva California Bear of the North Star modifiedRed Star 19:37, 23 April 2023 (UTC)

hey, like i said, wasn't trying to be right, was just trying to learn. i hadn't thought of it that way before. it read to me as projection born from the NCR's discomfort, but i haven't spent much time reviewing NCR scripts, so i wouldn't know how it fully articulates. i appreciate your insight --Anachorite (talk) 23:39, 23 April 2023 (UTC)

Image categories[]

Hey! Don't wanna sound demanding, but just wanna ask if you could remember to add categories to your images, thanks! (It would make patrolling just that bit less work for me lol). Just drop them in the image comment box when uploading or you can make an edit on the page later. Hope you're having a chill day! FDSMDP (talk) 15:35, 24 April 2023 (UTC)

n_n ok! --Anachorite (talk) 22:44, 24 April 2023 (UTC)

RE: interloper gif[]

Hey there! It's nifskope. There used to be a link on the wiki, but I don't know if it still is. You should be able to find it if you look for my name on github. -Eckserah User Eckserah Head Dataminer 01:38, 25 April 2023 (UTC)

Here you go! Nifskope link -Eckserah User Eckserah Head Dataminer 02:21, 25 April 2023 (UTC)
thank you! Anachorite (talk) 18:44, 25 April 2023 (UTC)

Delete image[]

If you want an image deleted, you should edit the image and add {{delete}} to it. This puts it in the Nominated for deletion category and admins will delete it. To categorize the image, you should edit the image and add the category to it, with the licensing. You can see the format in one of my sound file images. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 18:11, 25 April 2023 (UTC)

You can also select the license while you upload it, though I don't see an edit summary now with the mediawiki upgrade where you can add the category. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 18:19, 25 April 2023 (UTC)
much appreciated 🚀 --Anachorite (talk) 18:45, 25 April 2023 (UTC)

FNV content[]

This sounds like a fun idea! How about Fallout: New Vegas patched content or something thereabouts? 【Tagaziel】 18:23, 30 April 2023 (UTC)

Deleted file[]

Hey sorry about that, that was an oversight. It showed up in unused files while it was actually used. Sometimes that happens. I restored the file for you. All good I hope now otherwise let me know! Jspoel Speech Jspoel 19:14, 5 May 2023 (UTC)


I agree with you lol, you're right about the complicity. I figured it might be worth clarifying one of those was an explicit govt atrocity and the other's a bit more "oh, big mt owns it, plausible deniability up to 11." Apologies for the unclear note, not protesting its inclusion. FDSMDP (talk) 14:24, 14 June 2023 (UTC)

RE: Sheila[]

Yeah, no prob. The gist with holotapes is that all voicelines have to be associated with a speaker of some type; this can be an interactible object (like the toaster) or an actual actor (NPC/creature). This is more complicated (imo) in the Creation Engine than the GECK but same deal applies. Because of that, you end up having to make a speaker NPC that won't ever appear in-game. As a result a lot of them are copy-pasted from some default appearance (a bunch of the Nuka-World holo speakers are copied from Blake Abernathy) or given a generic creature for a stand in (Captain Widmark is a mister handy lol). However there's still a couple speakers who got unique appearances/inventories, maybe b/c the dev wanted to visualize the character, etc. This is the same deal for radio stations as well.

So i actually have pics for all the ones i could find, just been lazy. I can put Sheila up before sleeping tho. Disclaimer-- she isn't really distinctively unique, it's just that she actually has a ghoul npc model instead of something else standing in for her. The most distinctive one I've found is probably Richard Bradford. FDSMDP (talk) 06:47, 15 July 2023 (UTC)

Velvet Elvis[]

Yes, I agree with that. I did some digging, Tagaziel moved it in 2009, not sure why. But we should stick to game source names where possible. I left my suggestion on the talkpage. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 15:56, 9 September 2023 (UTC)

The Doctor Wallace and the Dread Entomologia[]

Heya, just wondering what you're using for the claim that Wallace studied at/wrote his thesis for VTU? While VTU's the only uni we see in 76, we do hear about other unis in WV (Angus Dykstra terminal entry), and idk if there's anything tying him to VTU specifically. FDSMDP (talk) 23:02, 12 October 2023 (UTC)

As an aside, idk if I came off as confrontational and I hope I didn't lmao. My tone doesn't translate well in text. Either way, belated congrats on patrollerhood! Welcome to the nukeaucracy. FDSMDP (talk) 05:43, 17 October 2023 (UTC)

Swampfolk images[]

I removed you swampfolk images. The lighting isn't up to standard. Were these console screenshots? Only PC screenshots are good enough in my opinion. I left one of the images, just made the grade. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 15:24, 14 October 2023 (UTC)

Can you tell me where you took the screenshot of that brahmin totem on the Swampfolk page? I can see for a better one, it's a bit fuzzy. Another thing, are you interested in patroller rights? It moves you a step up in the hierarchy and later on allows to apply for admin. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 15:38, 14 October 2023 (UTC)
Nevermind on the totem image, I already found and replaced it. About the patroller rights, you don't have to apply for it, I can give it to you now if you say the word. You can find the rules on Fallout_Wiki:Administration_policy/User_rights_requests#Specific_requirements. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 16:56, 14 October 2023 (UTC)

re: moth lore[]

Ha, that is a pretty wacky thing to think about, especially as I haven't picked up 76 in about 3 years now. Thanks for letting me know that my time-wasting of yesteryear has (potentially) made an impact ;) -L84tea Would you like a cup of tea? 08:29, 16 October 2023 (UTC)

MTG x BSW crossover - Fallout[]

Hi Anachorite, I've just popped over from the MTG Wiki. I see that you're involved in covering the Magic: The Gathering Fallout set that's being released on March 8, 2024 so I wanted to provide some resources we use for the team here.

  • A card list is available on Scryfall (just be aware that all the cards won't be available until March 8th next year).
    • If you need an art crop of any card, there's a "Download art crop" button in the "Images and Data" section of each individual card. (Example here)
  • Where Wizards of the Coast has released higher res images, without the Magic: The Gathering card components, they will usually be found on MTGpics.

I'm not sure if this is the appropriate pace for this sort of stuff so just let me know if not. Thanks, RivalRowan (talk) 02:28, 20 October 2023 (UTC)

    • Oh wow, thanks so much! This is very helpful.--Anachorite (talk) 04:15, 20 October 2023 (UTC)
No worries, happy to help out. If there's anything else you need, feel free to ask any time. -- RivalRowan (talk) 04:30, 20 October 2023 (UTC)

Quorum Call[]

I have adjusted the vote so there now is a category for 8. I have left your vote in 5, please adjust it if neccessary. Agent c (talk) 19:08, 4 November 2023 (UTC)

The Cathedral[]

I don't know about removing those maps from The Cathedral. Entirely changes the appearance of the page. You should discuss it with Tagaziel, that would be my preference anyway. He added them. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 21:38, 4 December 2023 (UTC)
