Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Then tomorrow was another day
The morning found me miles away
with still a million things to say...
— Brazil, Geoff Muldahr

Hey! I'm FDSMDP, one of the patrollers on this wiki. Catch me around!

There's no lightning because (a) I suck at graphic design, and (b) the weather machine isn't active. Bitte stell es an!


  • Clarinet
  • Check out Prey (2017), Black Mesa, and Library Of Ruina.

Items of interest[]

Faces of the Unseen[]

Many characters who only appear in voice form still have unique actor models. This is because of how holotapes are implemented: they require a speaker NPC, even if that NPC will never appear in-game. In practice, you can use anything for the speaker NPC -- a lot of them in FO4 are Mister Handies or Bloatflies, like Rand and Janowski. However, every so often you get some neat unique models, maybe as a result of a dev wanting to visualize the character, such as Richard Bradford, Tim Shoots, or Michael Daly. Other times you can tell they're screwing around because the characters look wonky as hell (every Automatron voice NPC) or because they have a different voice NPC from their in-game NPC (Emma, Josh, Devil's Due Gunners).

Oh, also the Vault 118 residents from Far Harbor have pre-War actor models. Those are neat.

Café of Broken Dreams (some literally)[]

New Vegas cut content is VERY well documented. Not the case for 3 and 4, where you can still find a metric ton of obscure bugged or unimplemented stuff. Where's my FO3/FO4 Uncut?

  • Fallout 3 Elder Lyons' dinner sermon.
  • Fallout 3 Dr. Zimmer's (and Armitage's) AI routines. He's got a whole set of actual routines to go around Rivet City, have breakfast and dinner, and search the ship for his android. But nah, poor package conditions means he and Armitage spend their entire lives like hermits in the science lab. Seriously, Zimmer's hotel room is probably never used because of this.
  • Fallout 3 MS07, Specialist Aberdeen, and the prototype for Mothership Zeta.
  • Fallout 3 Matchmaker, the mutual (unrequited) crush between Machete and Derek Pacion.
  • Fallout 4 Fort Strong's cleanup, reoccupation, and fortification. You never get to access the north wing of the second floor, but you were meant to be able to.
  • Fallout 4 Henry Cooke and the Marowski Heist. Tragically seems to be bugged, so you never get to help Darcy blackmail (or kill) him.
  • Fallout 4 Casey, the missing friend of Bobbi No-Nose... who was once Jules No-Nose.
  • Fallout 4 The tragic tale of Gideon and Bobbie, two cut companions(?) who exist only in unused global variables (CABobbie and CAGideon).
    • Well, actually, the name Gideon is also used on a disable marker in Fort Strong... muddying the waters.
  • Fallout 4 The actually tragic tale of A9-51, who committed suicide to avoid recapture.
  • Fallout 4 Gladys, the skeleton old lady at the Sandy Coves Convalescent Home bus stop. The terminal entry implies she had escaped to the bus stop and in fact you can find a suitcase and a walking cane there, but no person... unless you go behind the stop and see a female skeleton half buried into the sand. Turns out that's unintentional, since the skeleton object is actually placed in the bus stop. It seems to have been accidentally rotated such that it clips into the ground behind the stop.
  • Fallout 4 Ben Gibson, Preston's Friend. He's not actually cut but the conditions to encounter him are incredibly obscure (complete The First Step; have four allied settlements; Preston as active companion and fully loaded in;) and possibly also bugged (supposedly an engine-level bug that causes quest aliases using a reference to not be filled). Plus even when he does load in, if he does, chances are half the time you're too late and he's already dead. Be that as it may, the intended outcome is that if you help him and finish the conversation by agreeing to recruit him, he becomes another settlers.
  • Far Harbor (add-on) Helping Ezra Parker rob Vault 118 during Brain Dead.

