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Cut version of Brain Dead and Brain Dead, Part 2; unused synth-acted voice files for which the topics no longer exist... Reconstructing the plotline.

Spencer Lords[]

Spencer Lords is a deceased Robobrain resident of Vault 118 who was cut from the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor. His body can still be found in the void surrounding the Vault 118 interior cell, but can't be reached without the use of console commands.


Spencer Lords was originally intended to feature in an earlier version of the side quest Brain Dead. Most of the scripting, objects, and references to him in the Creation Engine have been removed, but there are still a number of unused voice files recorded via synthesizer which reveal his intended role.

The character of Spencer Lords was a famous novelist[1] who had written hundreds of books,[2] mostly in the horror and mystery genres.[3] At some point, he met Ezra Parker of the Cliff's Edge Hotel and was convinced by him to invest in the construction of Vault 118, promised ownership of a room in the luxury wing of the Vault. Like the other investors, Spencer accepted Bert Riggs' proposal to become a Robobrain in order to wait out the Great War,[4] which enabled him to survive the following two centuries alongside the other residents while continuing to write more novels.[5]

At some point in 2287, Spencer discovered evidence that Ezra had actually been embezzling the residents' money and confronted him about it. Ezra promptly killed him to ensure his silence.[6] His body was later discovered by Julianna Riggs, whom he had promised to give an advance copy of his next novel.[7] Julianna believed Spencer's death was a murder, but no one else did.[8] She refused to believe otherwise and sent Pearl outside to find help, though Ezra tried to convince her not to.[9][5] Ezra would soon murder Bert and impersonate him, either because Bert also found out about Ezra's crimes[6] or because Ezra realized he would need to hide with the police soon arriving.

The other residents would have mostly been ambivalent towards Spencer. Gilda Broscoe considered it a waste that Spencer had not written any screenplays despite his hundreds of novels,[2] while Keith McKinney would only have known that he was a famous horror writer.[3] Santiago Avida would have called him a "complete bore" who ruined an artistic collaboration by being too focused on "literal interpretations," which caused him to set fire to the work and end their partnership.[10] Ezra, in Bert's guise, would only say he did not read fiction but his wife enjoyed Spencer's work.[11] Julianna would have affirmed this, commenting that the others did not appreciate Spencer's work, unlike her.[5]

There is also a surviving, cut object named Spencer Lords' keycard. This was intended for another cut part of Brain Dead, in which the player character could help Ezra rob the Vault residents by stealing keycards to private safes in the Vault's (cut) bank.

  • 00045C7D_1: What can you tell me about Spencer Lords?
  • 00048A01_1: He refused to look into Spencer's death, and you thought he might be the killer.
  • 00048A09_1: I know you're Ezra, and that you killed Bert and Spencer.


Apparel Weapon Other items


Spencer Lords was cut from the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.

Behind the scenes[]

Spencer Lords is a reference to American author Stephen King, who is known for his prolific body of horror and mystery novels. King is a resident of Maine, in proximity to the real-life Mount Desert Island where Far Harbor takes place. Santiago's comments about literal interpretation may be a reference to King's writing style, which tends to be more simplistic and straightforward. Unlike Spencer Lords, King has worked on a number of films (and written several screenplays).


Speculative reconstruction[]

Overall plot is presumably the same; Vault of elite Robobrains convinced by Ezra to fund a Vault under the hotel when in reality he was embezzling their money.

  • Spencer Lords, a writer(?), was the first victim and his death was assumed to be an accident. Julianna disagreed (possibly because she liked him, unlike everyone else) and had Pearl send for a detective (sole survivor steps in). Ezra tried to stop her and mysteriously turned up dead later.
  • It turns out Ezra was still the killer the whole time, but he killed Bert instead of Julianna.
    • As before, you can confront Ezra and side with him, but here you were also given the option of helping him rob the residents.
  • Cut options? Need to check if they exist in-game because I haven't seen anyone mention it. The markers and scenes are set up for this, for what it's worth. You can accuse the wrong person (Keith/Santiago) and then tell Maxwell.
    • You were supposed to be able to accuse any of the residents (Gilda and Julianna included) but these lines were cut. There's no "accuse Bert" line though, interestingly (not even a temp one), probably because it was rerecorded with the one that says "it was ezra, who replaced Julianna," i.e. the correct accusation.
    • Afterwards, you would be summoned back by some means (cut random encounter Jasper/Barbara?) and Maxwell tells you that you're a terrible detective b/c now Bert and Julianna are both missing, and there's a marker somewhere in the Vault where you can find Bert dead. So then you proceed as normal and either bring Ezra to justice or allow him to escape.

Voice files[]

Transcripts don't exist. Words in parentheses are ones I am unsure of.

Bert Riggs[]

  • 0004B15F_1: I'll wait here 'til you finish carrying things out, detective.
  • 0004B197_1: Oh, you've got everything? Marvelous!
  • 0004D575_4
    • This line is actually used in-game. It's the same as 0004D575_3, which is one of the lines about "she doesn't seem like the same person."
  • 00044B38_1: Dear, please.
  • 00044B43_1: Yes, dear.
  • 00044B55_1: Now, dear...
  • 00045BBA_1: She's a very trying woman, but she controls all our money, so...
  • 00045BC7_1: That man scares me. He's a brute!
    • Probably Keith.
  • 00045BCD_1: Well, I don't know what to say about that. Clearly you are mistaken.
  • 00045BDC_1: The man who draws the pictures. He's alright, I suppose, though I don't think my wife likes him very much.
  • 00045BEA_1: (Though / Oh) I do wish she would stop antagonizing Julianna! Everytime they go at it, I have to hear about it for hours.
  • 00045BEA_2: It makes it hard to get any work done.
  • 00045C40_1: Oh, well. I don't really go in for fiction, but my wife seems to enjoy his stories.
  • 00045C62_1: Oh, well. He was a great, great man. We are all going to miss him very much.
  • 00045CC5_1: Ah, my fellow connoisseur of the art!
  • 00045DC7_1: You said those mangy things were setting off your allergies!
  • 00047F9E_1: Indeed. You should think carefully before you go throwing accusations around.
  • 00047FA4_1: You had a question about Mr. Lords or Mr. Parker? Or was it about my wife?
  • 00047FB3_1: I suppose that's true.
  • 00047FD1_1: I don't see how you can prove that.
  • 00047FF7_1: Everyone acts differently under stress.
  • 00048A0A_1: He figured it out and confronted me. I couldn't let him tell the others.
  • 00049D4B_1: I'm glad you decided to come back, detective.
  • 00049D4C_1: A wise choice, detective.
  • 00049D4F_1: So, do we have a deal?
  • 00049D41_1: I see your point. A good con man has to know when the game has run its course.
  • 00049D56_1: Very good, detective. I'll remain here til you return. This holotape will let you override any lockdowns.
  • 000489F7_1: What exactly are you claiming?
  • 0004961F_1: That man's a brute. Maybe he was threatening Julianna.

Ezra Parker[]

  • 00048A0A_1: He figured it out and confronted me. I couldn't let him tell the others.
  • 00048A06_1: Oh, how droll.
  • 00048A19_1: Very well. I suppose my ruse couldn't last forever.
  • 00048A28_1: Bravo. You figured it out. Your mother must be so proud.
  • 00049D4A_1: Because you're the one with the freedom to do so. If I go poking around in their rooms, they'll be on to me immediately.
  • 00049D45_1: Well, then it appears we do this the hard way. Goodbye, detective.
  • 00049D49_1: Here's the deal, then. Each suite is assigned the keycard to a matched vault. They probably gave you one as well.
  • 00049D49_2: The programming on the bank robot is actually quite primitive. It doesn't care who accesses a given vault so long as they have the keycard.
  • 00049D54_1: Then I'll have to do this the hard way.
  • 00049D55_1: The keycard may be on their person or somewhere in their quarters. You find the keycards and clear out the vaults, and then we'll split the take.

Gilda Broscoe[]

  • 0004B17B_1: Is there? Well, that's certainly disturbing! Maybe it's a threat from the killer.
  • 0004B17C_1: Red paint? The only person I can think who would have red paint is Santiago.
  • 00044B4B_1: Oh god, Keith! I certainly feel safe with you protecting me.
    • Not much we can get from this without prompts, an actual transcript, or even emotion. Maybe this is addressed to Keith, maybe this is her reacting to the player saying something about Keith, etc.
  • 00044B30_1: Oh, lay off you old bitch! You probably killed him.
  • 00045BB4_1: Darling, I'm a good actor, but I'm not that good.
  • 00045BC1_1: Keith and I met him while we were visiting the Island to research roles for a new film.
  • 00045BC1_2: We both found him utterly charming and decided to invest in his hotel project. Well, I suppose it was Keith's idea, really.
  • 00045BC1_3: I've heard that Ezra was actually some distant European royalty hiding in exile!
  • 00045C05_1: Well, Keith is my fiance, but I assume everyone knows that! It was in all the tabloids.
  • 00045C05_2: We were co-stars on an adventure flick, "The Last Voyage of the River Princess." He was a fledgling actor and I took him under my wing.
  • 00045C5C_1: (Who?) Oh, him. Mousey little man. Half the time I forget he's even around, except when he's making too much noise in that little lab of his.
  • 00045C06_1: Such a waste. Hundreds of novels, and not a single screenplay.
  • 00045C22_1: The man is practically obsessed with me, says I'm his muse. He did a whole series of paintings of me.
  • 00045C22_2: We had some good times, and his attention was flattering for a while. But I don't think you can even call what's he making "art" anymore.
  • 00045CAA_1: Have you ever met a more disagreeable person? All she ever does is throw her money around. She didn't even earn it.
  • 00045CAA_2: She's constantly going on about some new illness, and those horrible cats of hers spit on everything!
  • 00045CAB_1: Well, if you ask me it's obviously Julianna. Did you hear her throwing accusations around?
  • 00047F9B_1: That movie prop? I have no idea where that is.
  • 00047FC7_1: I thought one of the robots just spilled something.
  • 00047FE0_1: That's none of your business.
  • 00048006_1: Who did you want to talk about? Mr. and Mrs. Riggs, or was it Santiago?
  • 00048009_1: I haven't lived this long just to be offed by some nobody like you!
  • 00049616_1: You sound like a tabloid, detective. Is that really the best you've got?

Julianna Riggs[]

  • 00044B4A_1: You stay out of this, you new money Neanderthal. Or was it you?
  • 00044B8D_1: What are you talking about? You probably killed him, you beatnik kook.
  • 00044B31_1: That fool Ezra tried to talk me out of sending Pearl for the police and now he's dead, too.
  • 00044B54_1: How dare you!
  • 00045BB5_1: She's a floozy. A vacuous, self-absorbed, spineless, (low-born) floozy. She probably put Keith or that painter up to killing Ezra.
  • 00045BB7_1: He used to always make sure I had my medications and whatever my kitties needed, but Bertie has been so cold to me lately.
  • 00045BB7_2: Maybe I've been too hard on him lately. He's loyal and dependable, but never did have much of a spine.
  • 00045BB7_3: I think half the reason he married me was so his parents would stop harassing him. I manage our investments, he plays with his toys...
  • 00045BBD_1: Of course. That's why we hired you.
  • 00045BD7_1: The less said about that beatnik scoundrel, the better! If I were the killer, I would have started with him.
  • 00045C1F_1: Well, let's hear it then.
  • 00045C3C_1: He was a wonderful man. None of the others really appreciated him.
  • 00045C3C_2: He was going to give me an advance copy of his latest book, which was how I found the body.
  • 00045C3C_3: I told Ezra that he had been murdered, but he refused to listen, as usual. Well, look where it got him.
  • 00045C12_1: (What?) I own the greater part of this hotel, that's how. I sunk so much into this place, and it's falling part.
  • 00045C12_2: You'd think he'd listen to his betters, but no, he always had to do things his way. Said you had to pay for quality. Well, we saw what that got him.
  • 00045C12_3: For all the talk of his vast experience in venture financing, he never seemed to put in one cent of his own money.
  • 00045C89_1: That sycophant? He used to follow Ezra around like a dog. Anytime I'd get on Ezra about the state of this place, he'd jump in to his rescue.
  • 00045CC9_1: Ah, my fellow connoisseur of the art.
    • Seems to be a greeting line. The following two voice files are used in game and are just "Julianna's" lines greeting the detective.

Next set seems to be an alternate version of the conversation with Bert.

  • 00045DBD_1: Don't forget to pick up my meds from the Gift Store.
  • 00045DC6_1: No, I said the food was setting off my celiac's. I don't know how many times I've told Sebastian, no (wheat) in my food!
  • 00045DCC_1: You traitor! You're not supposed to tell him!
  • 00047FA3_1: Spencer's death was not an accident. I refuse to believe that!
  • 00047FBD_1: You're damn right. The thought of accusing me? Me?
  • 00047FC6_1: We're very private people, detective. He worked for General Atomics and I manage our investments. That's a matter of public record.
  • 00047FD4_1: Are you insane?
  • 00047FDA_1: Ah, you want to find out who the killer island who do you want to know about? Mr. McKinney, Gilda, or Mr. Avida?
    • Sic. Very much sic. Seems like it's just jumbled.
  • 00047FDF_1: I don't have to answer to a low-born commoner like you.
  • 00047FFE_1: Yes, what did you need?
  • 00048005_1: He'd been doing it for years. The man was a crook.
  • 00049610_1: I don't think I do, detective. We hired you and all you seem to be doing is accusing me.
  • 00049617_1: What? I have no idea where that came from. If he's been in my room, I will give him a thrashing.
  • 00049618_3: Which is a complete load of crock! Well, look where not listening to me got Ezra. Take note, detective, and respect your betters.
    • Note that this is the same Editor ID as the topic where you ask about Julianna's argument with Ezra (prompt: "I heard you had a big fight with Ezra a few days ago. Care to explain?"). I'm getting the sense it was probably rewritten and rerecorded.

Keith McKinney[]

  • 0004B15A_1: Sounds to me like someone is trying to frame us. I don't know if we even have blood!
  • 0004B159_1: I'm afraid I don't know how that could have gotten there, detective.
  • 00038B1A_1: Sure, I suppose.
  • 00044B6A_1: Gilda, please, I can't look! Tell me it's not him!
  • 00044B62_1: God, why can't I ever get that line?
  • 00044B88_1: Yeah, you sure seem quick to be throwing blame around.
  • 00045BC3_1: I don't know. Mrs. Riggs may seem old and sickly, but don't let that fool you. On the other hand, Santiago has always been a bit unhinged.
  • 00045BE2_1: I know he was a famous novelist. Horror and mysteries mostly, if I recall.
    • Lmao, Spencer Lords was Stephen King!
  • 00045BFE_1: I-I don't really want to talk about him.
  • 00045C49_1: God, what a nightmare! She island every week, she says she's sick with something new. I really don't how Bert puts up with it.
    • sic
  • 00045C51_1: Well, she's my fiancee of course. I mean, we had our ups and downs, but, (two / we're) actors -- it's kind of par for the course.
    • synth voice pronounces it as "U-P-S" lmao
  • 00045C51_2: Our publicist said it made for good tabloid headlines.
  • 00045CA2_1: I like Bert. He's kind of quiet, but he's a good guy. We play chess in the banquet hall occasionally.
  • 00045CC1_1: Ah, my fellow connoisseur of the art!
    • This again, I swear.
  • 00047F9A_1: I-I don't know where that came from.
  • 00047FA8_1: Something else?
  • 00047FB8_1: I-Oh god, he's really gone. I mean, I knew he was never going to return my feelings, but part of me never let go of that hope.
  • 00047FB8_2: I don't know, he just always seemed so mysterious and unreachable, like nothing could ever bring him down.
  • 00047FB8_3: But I guess something, no, someone did.
  • 00047FC2_1: You have a question about Ezra? Or was this about Mr. and Mrs. Riggs?
  • 00047FC5_1: No, that's not true! I would never do that to Ezra!
  • 00047FE1_1: That's ridiculous!
  • 00047FE3_1: I don't know if I should be saying this, but he's kind of obsessed with Gilda. He did a whole series of paintings of her.
  • 00047FE3_2: Like, a lot of painting(s). Hundreds? She might have been sleeping with him, I don't really know, but that kind of obsession is dangerous.
  • 00047FE4_1: The man's a hack. Don't get me wrong, he's not a bad guy or anything, but he'll slap some paint on anything and try to sell it.
  • 00047FF6_1: Look, I know our engagement is kind of a sham! I know she sees other people! I've seen other people!
  • 00047FF6_2: I don't know, she's still my best friend, and that's gotta count for something, right? She just... needs more attention than I can give her.
  • 00049626_1: I don't know why he would say that. Maybe it's just the stress getting to him.

Santiago Avida[]

  • 00045BB9_1: Most certainly. What did you need?
  • 00045BBE_1: It's quite wonderful. Did you hear the commotion in that room? The heated debate!
  • 00045BBE_2: That's the kind of visceral reaction every artist hopes to achieve!
  • 00045BCB_1: Can't really say I've ever paid much attention to old Bertie.
  • 00045BCB_2: He caught me trying to - me trying to borrow a thing from his lab for a sculpture and we've been on the out ever since.
  • 00045C0A_1: Quite a fascinating fellow! I've heard that he used to have connections with the cartels in South America.
  • 00045C6A_1: The man was a complete bore. I tried to collaborate with him on a piece once, but he was too hung up on literal interpretations.
  • 00045C6A_2: After a week, he set fire to the piece and we never really spoke after that.
  • 00045C61_1: He was apparently quite the rising star in the film world, though I can't really say what GIlda has ever seen in the man.
  • 00045CCC_1: Ah, Gilda. What a singular subject. Her vivacity was my muse for many years.
  • 00045CCC_2: Unfortunately, as my art has evolved from portrait work, she has lost interest in me and rarely deigns to visit.
  • 00045CCC_3: We had a bit of a thing for a while. She's the reason I even invested in the hotel in the first place.
  • 00047FBA_1: Did you want to know about the Riggs, or perhaps Ezra Parker?
  • 00047FCD_1: She's... a remarkable woman. Talented and full of life.
  • 00047FDC_1: I suppose. If I must.
  • 00047FDD_1: No, I'm not going to waste my time answering questions for some uncultured swine.
  • 0004960E_1: Oh, well, I use that to open difficult cans of paint.


Pearl... they're scattered across multiple folders.

  • 000338DC_1: It's me, Pearl. I've returned with the investigator!
  • 000367A0_1: Please, no one else has been able to help me.
  • 000367A1_1: Investigator, shall we head to the hotel so you may begin your work?
  • 000367A5_1: Oh yes, well I suppose I do have a bit of petty cash on me that I could provide for your time.
  • 000367A6_1: Oh, you're a private investigator, not an employee of the state. Well yes, then I suppose a retainer can be arranged.
  • 000367A7_1: I'm afraid that's all I have on me, but my employers are, well, rather wealthy, and I can definitely put a word in for you.
  • 000367A8_1: I'm afraid that any further negotiations will have to be with my employers, though I'm sure they would be more than fair with you.
  • 000367A9_1: I suppose a reluctant investigator is better than none at all. Shall we be going then?
  • 000367AC_1: Will you help us? There may still be a murderer at large.
  • 000367AD_1: Please, you must help us. Every moment we wait my employers are at risk.
    • Slightly different from the final line ("our residents")
  • 000367AE_1: Will you help us solve this heinous crime?
  • 000367B0_1: If you change your mind, please head to the Cliff's Edge Hotel.
  • 000367B1_1: Oh thank goodness. Shall I guide you to the Cliff's Edge Hotel now?
  • 000367B4_1: Well where are the local police?
  • 000367B5_1: You have to help us, there may have been a crime!
  • 000367B6_1: I don't understand how there can't be a single law officer available.
  • 000367B7_1: There has to be someone you can spare to investigate.
  • 000367B8_1: This is ridiculous, you're in charge here. You can't just ignore a crime!
  • 000367BF_1: Are you that investigator I've heard about?
    • slightly different (detective)
  • 000367C4_1: Let's be off then.
  • 000367C6_1: Ah, you must have supplies you need to procure. I shall wait for you at the edge of town.
  • 000367C7_1: Mayor Avery said that someone new had arrived on the island, investigating a missing person. That must be you!
  • 0003678C_1: At the Cliff's Edge Hotel, just north of the town.
  • 0003678D_1: Well, we want to keep this out of the tabloids, but it's Spencer Lords, the acclaimed novelist.
  • 0003678E_1: I really shouldn't say. Not here where there might be... paparazzi lurking about.
  • 0003678F_1: I shouldn't say out here in the open, but my employers are quite wealthy. As are the other patrons of the hotel.
  • 0003679D_1: Ah, you there!
  • 0003679E_1: You're back.
  • 0003679F_1: Please, you must hear me out.
  • 00036787_1: The Cliff's Edge Hotel, just up the coast from town. You really can't miss it. Shall we be off?
  • 00036789_1: Very good. I shall meet you at the main entrance to the hotel.
  • 00036790_1: I'm not at liberty to give out my employers personal information, but you will of course be meeting with them if you take the case.
  • 00036791_1: I'm afraid that's all I can tell you right now.
  • 00036793_1: Oh wonderful! I wasn't sure how I was ever going to find you.
  • 00036795_1: I haven't been able to find any of the local police force, the louts!
  • 00036795_2: I don't want to start a panic, but well, we may have a murder on our hands and my employers need an outside set of eyes.
    • slightly different (we instead of employers)
  • 00036796_1: Oh drat. You look just like the person that Mayor Avery had described. I was sure you were the one investigating that missing persons case.
  • 00037931_1: Come along, it's this way.
  • 0004B162_1: Hello, detective. Thank you again for coming to assist my employers.
  • 00044B32_1: Ah, very good. Mr. Riggs usually picks them up promptly, but he seems to have forgotten today.
    • Hint that Riggs is Ezra.
  • 00045DCD_1: Indeed she has, sir.
  • 00048A0F_1: I'm sorry, but I really shouldn't release them to anyone but a family member.


Same for male.

  • 0004A0E7_1: It was Gilda! She found out Keith was in love with Ezra and took revenge.
  • 0004A0EA_1: It was Julianna! She found out Ezra was embezzling and tried to frame Keith and Gilda for the murder.

Not sure how these are related, but these are the same IDs for the voice files where you meet Pearl

  • 00043A05_1: It's a cold, hard world where only the strong survive.
  • 00043A07_1: It's not so bad. We're still putting things back together, but there's progress.
  • 00043A11_1: You don't know what the surface is like(?/.)
  • 00043A16_1: It's not as good as it used to be, but we work with what we've got.

Back to random interspersed synth VA lines.

  • 00044B2D_1: Do Robobrains even eat?
    • Cut robot cook? (Refer to the DLC03DialogueVault118 quest stages.)
  • 00044B3D_1: Why are you so eager to cut my hair?
  • 00044B7E_1: You cut hair with a buzzsaw?
  • 00044B34_1: Sure.
  • 00044B50_1: Right, (cause) the robot surrounded by other robots knows so much about cutting hair...
    • Cut robot barber. (Refer to the DLC03DialogueVault118 quest stages.)
  • 00044B53_1: I'm not hungry right now.
  • 00044B80_1: No way I'm letting you near my hair!
  • 00045BAE_1, 00045BC9_1, 00045BCA_1, 00045C53_1, 00045C90_1: I wanted to ask you some of the facts of the case.
  • 00045BDA_1: Yeah, just came to see your work.
    • Santiago.
  • 00045BE0_1, 00045BFA_1, 00045C10_1, 00045C14_1: Tell me about yourself.
  • 00045BE7_1, 00045BFF_1, 00045C1A_1, 00045C02_1, 00045C17_1: Nevermind.
  • 00045BED_1: It's about the other residents.
  • 00045BF3_1: The blood trail seems to stop here.
  • 00045C3E_1, 00045C21_1: I think you're the murderer.
  • 00045C7D_1: What can you tell me about Spencer Lords?
    • Ok, so, this is actually voice acted by Colleen Delany. Seems like they cut the guy later on than I thought.
  • 00045ED0_1: Give me an overview of the residents.
  • 00045ED1_1: Tell me more about the residents.
  • 00045ED2_1: It sounded like this isn't the first murder.
  • 00045ED3_1: You didn't investigate the first murder?
  • 00045ED4_1: Who found Mr. Lords?
  • 00045ED5_1: Is there anything else I should know?
  • 00045ED6_1: What can you tell me about Mr. and Mrs. Riggs?
  • 00045ED9_1: What can you tell me about Gilda and Keith?
  • 00047F9F_1: You had access to the red paint, which you tried to use to frame Keith.
  • 00047FB7_1: The voice modulator on the Robobrain can be tuned to match the pitch of anyone?
  • 00047FD5_1: Ezra was embezzling from the residents. Spencer found out and confronted him.
  • 00047FD9_1: You took Keith's baseball bat and used it to smash Ezra's brain dome.
  • 00047FDB_1: You found out Keith was in love with Ezra and you were jealous.
  • 00047FE2_1: A tire iron?
  • 00047FEF_1: You found out Gilda was seeing him and you were jealous.
  • 00047FFF_1: People have said you've been acting different lately.
  • 00048A0B_1: No.
  • 00048A01_1: He refused to look into Spencer's death, and you thought he might be the killer.
  • 00048A02_1: What is this, a bank?
  • 00048A04_1: Maybe later.
  • 00048A09_1: I know you're Ezra, and that you killed Bert and Spencer.
  • 00048A13_1: Why, I'm suggesting that you're secretly Santa Claus. Cut the crap!
  • 00048A14_1: Yes.
  • 00048A18_1: Drop the charade, Ezra. It's over and you know it.
  • 00048A27_1: I just wanted to pick up Mrs. Riggs' meds for her.
  • 00049D47_1: I'll give you one last chance to leave, Ezra. Walk away.
  • 00049D48_1: Okay, I'll do it.
  • 00049D52_1: Why do I have to do all the work?
  • 00049D57_1: Forget it. The deal's off.
  • 00045D8A_1: Hmm... Could it have something to do with that ghostly woman?
    • Not related to Brain Dead. Features a developer standing in for the VA, like a bunch of the other files. Evidently talking about the Mother of the Fog.
  • 00045FD9_1
    • Not related, it's the Pelmen's tools commercial line. Bookmarking.
  1. Pearl: Well, we want to keep this out of the tabloids, but it's Spencer Lords, the acclaimed novelist.
    (DLCCoast - Voices_en.ba2 > Sound > Voice > DLCCoast.esm > RobotSupervisorWhite > 0003678D_1)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Gilda Broscoe: Such a waste. Hundreds of novels, and not a single screenplay.
    (DLCCoast - Voices_en.ba2 > Sound > Voice > DLCCoast.esm > DLC03FemaleGildaBroscoe > 00045C06_1)
  3. 3.0 3.1 Keith McKinney: I know he was a famous novelist. Horror and mysteries mostly, if I recall.
    (DLCCoast - Voices_en.ba2 > Sound > Voice > DLCCoast.esm > DLC03MaleKeithMcKinney > 00045BE2_1)
  4. See Vault 118 for references.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Julianna Riggs: He was a wonderful man. None of the others really appreciated him. He was going to give me an advance copy of his latest book, which was how I found the body. I told Ezra that he had been murdered, but he refused to listen, as usual. Well, look where it got him.
    (DLCCoast - Voices_en.ba2 > Sound > Voice > DLCCoast.esm > DLC03FemaleJuliannaRiggs > 00045C3C_1, 00045C3C_2, 00045C3C_3)
  6. 6.0 6.1 Ezra Parker: He figured it out and confronted me. I couldn't let him tell the others.
    (DLCCoast - Voices_en.ba2 > Sound > Voice > DLCCoast.esm > DLC03MaleEzraParker > 00048A0A_1)
    This could refer to either Spencer Lords or Bert Riggs; there is not enough context to tell which.
  7. The Sole Survivor: Ezra was embezzling from the residents. Spencer found out and confronted him.
    (DLCCoast - Voices_en.ba2 > Sound > Voice > DLCCoast.esm > PlayerVoiceFemale01 > 00047FD5_1)
  8. Julianna Riggs: Spencer's death was not an accident. I refuse to believe that!
    (DLCCoast - Voices_en.ba2 > Sound > Voice > DLCCoast.esm > DLC03FemaleJuliannaRiggs > 00047FA3_1)
  9. Julianna Riggs: That fool Ezra tried to talk me out of sending Pearl for the police and now he's dead, too.
    (DLCCoast - Voices_en.ba2 > Sound > Voice > DLCCoast.esm > DLC03FemaleJuliannaRiggs > 00044B31_1)
  10. Santiago Avida: The man was a complete bore. I tried to collaborate with him on a piece once, but he was too hung up on literal interpretations. After a week, he set fire to the piece and we never really spoke after that.
    (DLCCoast - Voices_en.ba2 > Sound > Voice > DLCCoast.esm > DLC03MaleSantiagoAvida > 00045C6A_1, 00045C6A_2)
    Spencer is not mentioned in the line, but he is the only one who could be the subject by process of elimination (other voice files exist for the other residents).
  11. Bert Riggs: Oh, well. I don't really go in for fiction, but my wife seems to enjoy his stories.
    (DLCCoast - Voices_en.ba2 > Sound > Voice > DLCCoast.esm > DLC03MaleBertRiggs > 00045C40_1)