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Fallout Wiki

The mayor of Boston's wife was married to Hildenbrand, the last mayor of Boston. She, along with her family, survived the Great War of 2077 for a time.


When reports of bombs falling first came in, she was evacuated with Mayor Hildenbrand and their children to Hildenbrand's bomb shelter.[Non-game 1] Hildenbrand was apparently corrupt, using taxpayer dollars to fund an extravagant nuclear shelter just for his family; however, his wife was apparently also a major factor, as she was apparently the one who convinced him the shelter was necessary.[1]

After the bombs fell, a mob began to gather outside, demanding to be allowed in. The mayor, realizing the mob would soon break through, killed himself by dropping a radio into his bathtub, hoping that his body could be presented to appease the mob and allow his family to live.[2] However, the scene was covered up by the mayor's bodyguard, who wanted to spare his wife from the scene, not seeing the suicide message nearby. With the mob breaking through, the bodyguard had the mayor's wife and children hide in a utility room in the basement while they tried to deal with the mob.[3]

While hiding in the utility room, the mayor's wife began to regret her actions, apologizing for convincing her husband to build the bunker and wondering where he was. She prepared to offer the shelter to the mob and leave with her family as soon as Hildenbrand came back to them, unaware that he had already killed himself.[1] In the end, the mob made it down to the lowest level and killed the mayor's wife. The fate of their children is left unstated.


The skeleton of the mayor of Boston's wife appears only in Fallout 4.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Script notes for her holotape give her age range as the mid-40s.
  • The mayor, his wife, and his bodyguard all have holotape speaker NPCs with unique appearances.


  1. ↑ Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.310: "[3.14] BOSTON MAYORAL SHELTER
    When the bombs fell, the mayor of Boston and his wife were bundled into this hidden subterranean shelter. Though the bunker is sealed up tight, the wall terminal in the guard pod next door opens it without any problems. There’s an explosives box here, too. Head inside and either enter the large pipe or take the corridors and find out what happened to Boston’s mayor."
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)