Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Basically to-do.

  • chars mentioned by allies
    • forager's scav network; Marty Timmons and Terry
    • joey bello: Theodore "Teddy" the Toe Taker
    • adelaide: frankie
  • [00] SeventySix.esm (D76403F9) \ Cell \ Block 7 \ Sub-Block 7 \ 006BEEC5 <NPEVault7601> \ Temporary \ 0072739A -- V76 intro characters have names lol
  • cut FO4 random encounters
    • Attack by Strong's friends
    • Hallucinations of Kellogg attack
  • Generation 3 synth -- page rework (mentions nothing about Institute infiltration usage)
  • Springfield disambig
  • Becka is the raider outside Hardware Town
  • Split off the Vipers (Van Buren) into its own page
  • What happens if you kill Ranger Andy via Boone before Old School Ghoul?
  • Goodfeels --> Professor Goodfeels (I get that. like. you don't want professional titles as part of a character's "real name." counterpoint: goodfeels is not a professor of anything. professor is part of his designation now. Similarly, Sergeant RL3. And also, Jones (Fallout 3) --> Private Jones. He is sure as fuck not an army private.
  • FNV/FO3/general merchant inventories? Like, actually make specific item lists? Maybe would need a container page for leveled items.
  • Pages for unnamed family members i.e. Gannon Senior, Darkwater (mayor), Marks. This pagename style is absolutely terrible because we're completely assuming their names. Literally, just do Arcade Gannon's father, Killian Darkwater's father, Allen Marks' mother, etc. Also that last one does not deserve a page, as it's based off of a single quote line and it's not even what she said, it's something Allen paraphrased. Absolutely terrible.
  • Bully the Bully
  • AO_Companion_Dialogue
  • FO4 conversations
    • Abernathy farm
    • Brotherhood of Steel
      • Generic NPCs
      • The Prydwen/Boston Airport
      • Cambridge Police Station
      • Scripted scenes (BoSPrydwenScene prefix)
    • Bunker Hill
    • Cabot House
    • Covenant
    • Diamond City
      • Dugout Inn
      • Schoolhouse (Conv prefix)
    • Finch farm
    • Generic settlers/farmers
      • Farmers: refer to the six existing farm settlements. Farm01-06, in exact order: Tenpines, Nordhagen, Oberland, County, Somerville, Greentop
    • Goodneighbor
      • Generic
      • Hotel Rexford
      • Old State House
    • Graygarden
    • Railroad
    • Sanctuary Hills
    • The Slog
    • Super mutants
    • Warwick homestead
    • Vault 81
  • Railroad
    • Billy K
    • Hollyfeld
    • Scarecrow
    • Caretaker (agent)
  • Abraham Finch and the dampening coils
  • Institute term entries
  • More FO4 random encounters (refer to SMQN for Script Events nodes!)
    • Marowski's friendly visit (REChokepointMS13Marowski)
    • Raiders sent by Bullet (seems to happen regardless of what happened to Bullet -- looks like they have different dialogue for that: "Bullet's looking for you," "you killed bullet", etc.)
    • Higgs and Loken in exile (RECampKMK_InstM03)
    • Hurt dog which can come back and help you (RESceneKMK03)
    • In general, refer to the SM Event Nodes -- Change Location Events and Actor Dialogue Events!!
  • Gwinnett restaurant + brewery term entries
  • FO4 companions bar dialogue
  • FO4 RE-prefix quest scenes/dialogue
  • Ensure skeleton chars are categorized correctly
  • Soil Stradivarius, Vault 92 chars, Hilda Egglebrecht
  • Rucker's opinions
    • One of her options doesn't have an intro?
  • Vim entries: Willis Rudd's son Alex
  • Return to Sender
  • Runaway's holotape: John
  • John from the Letter (Fallout 4)
  • Desdemona, Randolph Safehouse, B8-11
  • Separate historical figure background sections with real-world "biography" and "Fallout series" subheaders
  • McGurty's Grocery (McClellan family townhome) and separate articles for all cornucopia buildings
  • Shaw High School
  • Rocky Narrows Park ranger cabin comments
  • Lines from the PA in Copley Station:
    • DN011EntranceAsEmployeeScene
    • Data\Sound\Voice\Fallout4.esm\Announcer_LibraryVoice\000FF3E9_1.fuz: "You may enter, Mr. Hildenbrand. Have a nice day." Conditioned to play after DNS011 stage 400, set by passing employee impersonation speech check
  • Character dialogue (generic and missing)
    • DNS011 (BPL announcer)
    • DN101 (Pickman Gallery raiders)
    • DN120 (Sandy Coves greeter)
    • FFDiamondCity12 (Riley and Kyle in Diamond City; DC guard responses)
    • FFGoodneighbor08 (Sammy scene in Goodneighbor)
  • Kill Kogan in Cheating Death?
    • Just anger him first.
  • Vault 75 terminal entry chars + the Vault 75 revolt
  • Nuka-Cola Corp characters
  • Skeleton characters: mentioned or appeared?
  • Wicked Shipping brothers
  • Wu family at Natick Banks
  • Classification of notes vs holotapes when they're obtained from terminals
  • Specific relationship between Hannah, Daniel and the other woman
  • DiamondCityResident.txt
  • Update all AO_Companion_Bar text transcripts to actually have all companion responses
  • Vault 3 characters
  • Vault 11 characters
  • FNV removed content
    • Devin (FNV)
    • McCarran drill sergeant
    • 188 trading post destitute travelers and mercenaries
    • Tortiseshell glasses
  • Ted (FNV)
  • Dialogue of Little Toe and Trigger
  • NCR trooper missing dialogue
    • VERSewers01
    • VDialogueCampForlornHope
  • Thomas Davis (USMC or Navy)
  • Radio transcripts
    • Diamond City
    • Vault 101
    • Galaxy News

Missing character images and unique holotape speaker images[]

Also just NPC IDs that need to get added


  • Grady (GradyAudioOnly)
  • John Malleus (ProfessorMalleusAUDIO)
  • Shelton Delacroix (SheltonAUDIO)
  • Sydney's Father (SydneysFatherAUDIO)
  • Dead variants of Tenpenny Tower residents


  • Images:
    • DN123SkylanesPilot01 (000cab8f; unique appearance + clothes)
    • DN123SkylanesPilot02 (000cab90; clothes but default appearance)
    • DN060_HestersAnnouncer 00182df3 (Hester Geppetto himself?)
    • RadioAirportAnnouncer (very much not indicative, though.)
    • Wilfred Bergman (DN015FeralGhoulAmbush_Bergman)
    • Jackie Hudson (DN062PrincipalVoice; 00145037)
    • McDonnell (DN107_McDonnall, 001a7770)
    • Perry (DN107_Perry; 001a776e)
    • Reise (DN107_Reise; 001a776f)
    • Alyssa Park (DN070_Alyssa; 00144ecb) -- nonrandomized apparel
    • Jeff Buzensky (DN041_Holotape01Actor; 0018f160) -- nonrandomized apparel
    • Rusty Burton (DN020_RustyBurton; 0001f984)
    • Bert Strickland, Gerald Spencer, Perry Owens (same appearance: DN088_BertStrickland; 0008c400)
    • Jacqueline Spencer, Sylvia Cooper (same appearance: DN088_JacquelineSpencer; 0008c408)
    • Anise Ciroletti (DLC01Lair_HolotapeOnly_AniseCiroletti; xx00a5f0)
    • Thomas Harkin (DLC01Lair_HolotapeOnly_ThomasHarkin; xx00a5ef)
    • Tony Delano (DLC01Lair_HolotapeOnly_TonyDelano; xx00a5ee)
    • Jagger (DLC01Raider_HolotapeOnly_Jagger; xx00fe92)
    • Pre-War Vault 118 characters
      • Spencer Lords (cut) (DLC03_Vault118_SpencerLords_Prewar; xx038b2e)
      • Bert Riggs (DLC03_Vault118_BertRiggs_Prewar; xx038b2f)
      • Ezra Parker (DLC03_Vault118_EzraParker_Prewar; xx038b2d)
      • Julianna Riggs (DLC03_Vault118_JuliannaRiggs_Prewar; xx038b30)
      • Santiago Avida (DLC03_Vault118_SantiagoAvida_Prewar; xx038b31)
    • Test Subject Eight (DLC04_OperatorsTapeEightDiscipleFemale02HOLOTAPEONLY; xx0489ac)
    • Kevin Bennell (DLC04Bennell_Holotape; xx03f8d5)
      • Shared appearance with General Braxton, John-Caleb Bradberton, Chipmunk, Clark, Del Walsh, Dr. Hein, Rex Meacham, Edmund Medford, Rabbit
    • Evelyn Black (DLC04EvelynBlackHOLOTAPEONLY; xx0489b0)
      • Same setup: Mags Black (voice-only, not appearance) (DLC04MagsBlackYoungHOLOTAPEONLY; xx0489ae)
      • Same appearance, no clothes: Robin
    • Kate Leavitt (DLC04Leavitt_Holotape; xx03f8d0)
    • Darren McDermot (voice) (DLC04McDermotGhoul_Holotape; xx042e7d)
    • Darren McDermot (cut appearance) (DLC04SafariDrMcDermot; xx03b9ce)
    • Marc Wilson (DN154_MarcWilson; 000bd787)
    • Pilot (GlowingSeaPOIDB01Pilot01; 0018fa29)
    • Survivors (Far Harbor)
    • Synth refugees (Far Harbor)
    • Settlers (Far Harbor, commonwealth inhabited settlements)
    • Initiates and missionaries
    • Wasteland travelers (Nuka-World)
  • Cut holotapes about the CIT people
  • Random encounters
    • RETravelKMK_MS19_B (Vault 81 resident imprisoned by raiders)
    • RETravelCC01 (Farmer (RETravelCC01_ScaredFarmer) attacked by dogs)
  • fonv removed content?

Diamond City Blues[]

  • Colette's second interaction - Does it happen regardless of her being suspicious?
  • A visualization of some sort would be nice -- the choice trees are disgustingly complex. Kill who when, walk in the bar or don't, kill/spare Nelson, kill/spare Trish, split fairly or not, fess up to Colette or not, get Malcolm mad, get Marowski mad, assassinate Paul/Cooke/Malcolm/Marowski for each other. Literal goddamn breaking bad spiral.

Use for reference: modder vid on TMH Cooke

FO3 DLC03 missing dialogue[]

Missing entirely:

  • Generic Scribes
    • Citadel conversations
    • Jefferson Memorial dialogue + convos
  • Generic Knights (even basegame dialogue is missing)
    • Citadel conversations
    • DLC01BS1
  • Water caravan driver (no page exists for them)
  • Generic Enclave scientist (DLC03LvlEnclaveScientistDClaw)
  • Brotherhood of Steel initiates (DLC03Vertibird03BoSPilot01, etc.)
  • BOS Fort Bannister dialogue (Knights, Paladins)
  • Rivet City security (again, base file missing)
  • Enclave soldier (again, base file missing)
    • Thus, Armory master and the doctor
  • BOS Followers during Death From Above
  • Megaton settlers, Underworld ghouls (DLC03WQSick)
  • Underworld ghouls (DLC03WQ02)
  • Megaton settlers (DLC03WQ03)

Mixed into their base dialogue file, and thus needing to get distinguished:

  • Doc Church
  • Doctor Barrows
  • Doctor Preston
  • Elder Lyons
  • Reginald Rothchild
  • Scribe Jameson
  • Scribe Bowditch
  • Scribe Peabody
  • Paladin Tristan (note that DLC03TransitionTopic is not actually a selectable topic)
  • Knight Artemis
  • Knight Captain Gallows
  • Knight Captain Dusk
  • Paladin Glade
  • Paladin Kodiak
  • Paladin Gunny
  • Nurse Graves
  • Alex Dargon
  • Daniel Agincourt

Special note: Sarah Lyons for the DLC is a unique separate character

(some things maybe should incoporate into the beginning paragraph or into a notes section at the bottom???)

  • Sound: Most guns make noise. Louder guns make one easier to detect. The silenced 10mm pistol, BB gun, etc, all melee weapons and all unarmed weapons are considered entirely silent, and thus will not break sneak mode. Grenades will also not break sneak mode, as they only make noise at where they explode. Hitting but not killing an enemy with silent weapons still causes the [CAUTION] alert. All other weapons will most likely be heard, depending on one's distance from the target. Missile launchers and Fat Man units make noise at the location and then at the impact point as well.
  • Though silenced guns make no noise, if they impact near a target, they will investigate the impact site as if they're trying to figure out where it came from. Using this, one can easily lure enemies towards traps or other dangers or away from places they're guarding.
  • Enemies shot with a silent weapon still have some clue as to what direction the shot came from, and will search for the source.
  • implement sneak kills with a silenced weapon
  • Additional attacks after the first will not be treated as sneak attacks if queued in V.A.T.S. They will reveal the attacker's location to the target and possibly other enemies. This can happen with all weapons except silent weapons, which have a reduced chance to alert opponents.
  • Even though melee attacks are considered silent, in the intimate proximity required to deliver a melee attack, the transition to [CAUTION] almost instantly proceeds to [DANGER] as the opponent is programmed to turn around and start moving in the direction of where the attack came from
  • in a "Hidden" position, with a silenced weapon, the Brotherhood will turn hostile unlike any other faction even if members are stealthily killed.
  • Lily's assault carbine has the appearance of a normal assault carbine with a suppressor mod. It is worn by Lily Bowen and is unobtainable in normal gameplay. But if the player obtains it, the suppressor will not be shown due to the first-person model being set to the normal assault carbine rather than NONE in the G.E.C.K. It is not visible, but if the player fires with it, one will notice that the discharge sounds like a silenced weapon. It also works like a silenced weapon (what sound level does it have in GECK? is it Silent when Lily fires it?); the player merely cannot see the silencer. However, when the player equips it, it will disappear off the player's back and out of the inventory.
  • Related Perks?? : Mister Sandman Silently kill any sleeping person and bonus XP for each such kill, The Professional Your Sneak Attack Criticals with revolvers, pistols, and submachine guns (guns and energy weapons) all inflict an additional 20% damage,