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Fallout Wiki

Casey is an associate of Bobbi No-Nose who was cut from Fallout 4.


Casey would have been involved in The Big Dig as a member of Bobbi No-Nose's heist team. No dialogue for her remains, but there are still several unused AI packages and AI location markers, as well as a single greeting line for the player,[1] which outline her role in the quest. Casey would have initially been at the Nahant Oceanological Society and would have been introduced in a scene involving one of the Mister Handy oceanological instructors, followed by a short run to a different hallway inside the building.

Casey's next appearance is inside the Dig after being recruited. Her associated AI packages and markers indicate that she follows the player normally, like Mel and Bobbi, for most of the Dig, but unlike the others she pauses outside the subway section and does not follow again until after the player has reached the next section of the Dig. Afterwards, Casey acts like the other characters in the quest, following the group into the NH&M Freight Depot. During the confrontation with Fahrenheit, she would stand in front of Mel. Casey does not have a post-quest package, unlike Bobbi or Mel.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Hooded rags Pipe gun
Baseball bat
Bottlecaps OR
2x bobby pin, 15% chance OR
1x random food item, 75% chance


Casey was cut from Fallout 4.



  1. The Sole Survivor: "We're tunneling into the Diamond City strongroom from under Bobbi's place."
    Note: This is an unused shared dialogue topic, MS16CaseyGetsTheJob.