Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Welcome to my talk page! Feel free to leave a comment.



It has been a while and I am curious as to how I may have "solicited information from a minor". To the best of my knowledge, I have never done such an act. Nor was I given any correspondence about the ban at the time. I would like to know what exactly I did, and to defend my innocence. I doubt I shall be joining the community back any time soon, however I would like these allegations against me cleared. If staff wish to discuss this further, I am open to talking in the mediation room on the Discord server, should that be possible.

Thanks. Zealous Champion (talk) 22:24, July 28, 2020 (UTC)

Still want to appeal this. Zealous Champion (talk) 01:55, October 24, 2020 (UTC)
Still wanting to appeal. Zealous Champion (talk) 01:19, 19 November 2020 (UTC)

Wasteland Warfare[]

I agree it would be, however, as we have used FBG for the other games, using FBGWW is better for consistency.

I noticed you edited a lot of pages as it created at lot of :Category:Pages with script errors|script errors. I would suggest looking into the cause of the errors on the first article (and ask for help if need be) rather than carry on in future. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 09:21, October 5, 2018 (UTC)

I've been thinking about this and I have a much bigger piece of work that this would fall into. Hangfire on making any adjustments for now, once I've finished updating the icon template I'll move it with the bot. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 09:20, October 15, 2018 (UTC)

Private contact[]

Considering we have only ever spoken the once before, I'm sure you can understand why I would be reluctant to agree to passing out private contact details. Without going into any major detail, what is it you want to to discuss? Wiki related or not? If it isn't related to this wiki or another then I don't see why you can't ask here, unless it breaks ToU. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 21:25, November 10, 2018 (UTC)

Ah, in that case I need to be able to keep a record of the discussion, if information needs to be passed over. You have two options as I don't actively use discord, email nukapedia@gmail.com (the primary email for the wiki) to my attention or moderators@nukapedia.wiki (which barely anyone has access to) and I'll see what I can do. Anything you send to my attention will be treated as a private conversation and others will not access it. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 22:04, November 10, 2018 (UTC)


Hi Zealous Champion, just letting you know I renamed your FO:WW scenarios page to Fallout: Wasteland Warfare scenarios to match with naming conventions. For example, Fallout: New Vegas add-ons. Just in case you wondered where it went (I promise I didn't delete it!)

It would be awesome if you could follow a similar naming convention (definitely no abbreviations!) when making new pages in in the future. :) --L84tea Tea kettleWould you like a cup of tea? 00:38, September 8, 2019 (UTC)

All good. Can do. Zealous Champion (talk) 00:40, September 8, 2019 (UTC)

Nukapedia - Vault Merger: voting has reopened[]


As you may have already seen, voting for the proposed merger has been reopened. Voting was originally postponed so that users could better discuss the proposal, and after a lengthy conversation, that forum has since come to a close. For more information, please see the discussion itself. The post is a little lengthy, but if you are truly interested in making an informed decision, I would recommend reading through it.

Because this discussion may or may not affect how you voted initially or your rationale at the time, please review your post so that it reflects your current beliefs accurately.

This is only a notice of open polls and is not soliciting a change of vote. This is a generic talk page message intended only as for any and all voters, so as to avoid any indication of bias towards a particular outcome. Voting is slated to end on 5:01 pm November 1, 2019 (UTC).

The formal vote can be found here.


The Dyre Wolf (talk) 11:35, October 28, 2019 (UTC)

FOWW scenarios[]

Hullo! I saw your message on Js' talkpage about the FOWW scenarios. I started dicking around with ideas for what the pages could look like in my sandbox but haven't really gotten anywhere concrete. If you get the green light to make pages for all the scenarios, happy for you to cannibalise what you can if any of it's helpful. You probably know way more about FOWW than me anyway :) --L84tea Tea kettleWould you like a cup of tea? 22:04, January 11, 2020 (UTC)

Thats stunning work, thank you! I really appreciate it, and I can assure you I will (should I be allowed). Zealous Champion (talk) 23:42, January 11, 2020 (UTC)
I suppose it's ok, if you try at least to make a decent job of it with some good content. I don't really see the potential of FWW content, the game sets are costing a fortune, just a few sets and you're at $100 with the more expensive ones. You probably dont have (some of) the game sets yourself and are going by the PDF file for your information. Just the scenarios then, I was even planning to remove all links from the items page actually, and turning it into an overview table with some short info on the items there. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 17:12, January 12, 2020 (UTC)
I have been following the game since it was announced and I have all sets apart from the scenery ones, so no, I have all the printed media available. You should also know that due to production costs, scenarios and cards are no longer being distributed with the kits. Item cards are sold in packs for the waves and scenarios are PDF only at this point. The PDFs are also generally more reliable than print media. They often get FAQs and clarifications. Frankly I likely have the most resources about the game among anyone here. While you may not personally see the value of having this information on the wiki, it is still licensed FO content, and for the sake of archiving, it deserves to be added. I would try to tackle this all myself, but the amount of content is formidable. There are at least 500 to 1000 individual cards of various forms. The reason I'm tackling the scenarios first is simply due to the small and manageable nature of them. I personally would follow this by character cards, event cards and so on, with items last. Either way, I'll get to work on those pages, thanks.Zealous Champion (talk) 20:30, January 12, 2020 (UTC)
Lemme know if you need any help once you're up and running, or if you want a second pair of eyes to look at any draft articles (thought I'll probably see them come through Recent Changes anyway). --L84tea Tea kettleWould you like a cup of tea? 09:06, January 13, 2020 (UTC)


Howdy Zeal, been a shit week for ya, and I'm sorry to see that. However, I've been sent some rather damning screenshots of you attempting to solicit information about a minor user of the wiki/chat. That's a violation of the terms of use and is gonna have to result in a ban. Richie9999 (talk) 23:16, May 13, 2020 (UTC)

Block appeal[]

Hello Zealous, I have received your request, reviewed the information provided to me, and seeing all qualifications met, approve. I have unblocked you for the purposes of participating in the discussion forum per the Reviews of Permanent Blocks (SaintPain appeal) policy. I will move forward with posting a forum where you will be allowed to discuss the circumstances. Please do not edit anything other than this forum, my talk page, or your own talk page. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns in the interim. -Pickman heart kdarrow take her for a spin! 02:56, 13 August 2021 (UTC)

An Apology[]

Zeal, you're owed an apology and much more from me. I banned you without as thorough an investigation as I could have done. Some folks will say I didn't do one, some folks will say I did, frankly it's been long enough back that I don't know how much of one I did do, but I can tell based on present circumstances that it was insufficient.

I took what folks said at face value and when you came forward to get a fair shake of the stick I didn't give you one. I let you down and I am very sorry for that. Words ain't gonna make that right, but I hope you will at least understand that I regret my decision.

Fact of the matter is, I got too wrapped up in what I was presented and didn't look for alternative explanations as much as I should have, and that's my fault. When you sent info that should have proven exculpatory, I took it as you not understanding what got you banned in the first place and lost my cool. That is on me.

A talk with someone wholly uninvolved with the situation pointed out that I was only enforcing the letter of the law, not the spirit of the law in banning you for your attempts to get information to get your discord account unlocked. Whether I had the full context of that conversation then, I frankly don't recall, however reading through the full transcripts made this very obvious.

I'm incredibly sorry for all of this. Richie9999 (talk) 03:36, 19 August 2021 (UTC)


Since you closed the door on our PM I'll put my response through the one channel I have.

I'm sorry if you feel I'm being vindictive and shitty. What I'm doing is not giving you a veto over our content, and make it clear that if youre going to speak for the other place, I will treat it as if you are speaking for them.

You say you want to get on with things away from the drama with this other wiki. I dony see evidence of that. You railed previously against decisions being "made in secret" here whilst working with a secret wili arranged in a discord with secret channels. Your leader continues to hold our property hostage. You have ranked users that choose to get involved in our votes, and you're now ranting to me upset about our content.

If you want to leave the drana behind, great. Have Kate return our property and state clearky she wont expect her rights back after her ban, have your users inforned that thry shouldnt get imvolved in our votes if theyre not activeky participatong here also, and dont come snd try to cause drama. Agent c (talk) 08:54, 15 June 2022 (UTC)
