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Nothing beats the taste, the taste that'll knock you out!— Company slogan

The Nuka-Cola Corporation[4][5][6] was a pre-War beverage corporation, best known for its flagship product, Nuka-Cola. By the time of the Great War it was the single largest beverage corporation in the United States, recognizable nationwide. Beyond the family-friendly facade, the corporation was a cutthroat entity that had perfected corporate espionage and was also involved in weapons research with the United States military, through its world-class team of organic chemists, the Beverageers, emblematic of the ruthless world of pre-War corporate America.


Main article: Nuka-Cola

A publicly-traded company,[Non-game 1] the Nuka-Cola Corporation entered the beverage market in 2044, with the invention of the soft drink by John-Caleb Bradberton after two years of experimentation. Though strictly unhealthy (containing 120% of the recommended daily allowance of sugar), it took the United States market by storm and within a year it could be purchased nationwide. Its popularity rapidly increased and within several years it was the most popular beverage across the globe.[7][8] Inspired by his brand's success, Bradberton decided to open an amusement park dedicated to the soft drink. Nuka-World opened on May 1, 2050, less than a year after ground was broken for its construction. The first two sections in the park were the Kiddie Kingdom and Nuka-Town U.S.A., but more were added, with 6 sections as of 2077. Safari Adventure, Dry Rock Gulch, The World of Refreshment, and Galactic Zone were all added later. [9][10]

The constant drive to improve and innovate the formula resulted in numerous flavor variations, with the most popular ones like Cherry, Grape, and Orange released just a few years after the corporation was founded.[11] Whenever the company encountered competition, it would attempt to deal with it aggressively. The Cherry and Grape variants of the Nuka-Cola were patents acquired by the company after identifying individual competitors. In other cases, the Corporation would attempt to buy out competitors, as was the case with Sunset Sarsaparilla in 2058 and Vim! Pop Incorporated in 2077. Failing that, it would attempt to release a competing drink accompanied by a massive promotional campaign.[9] After attempts to acquire Sunset Sarsaparilla failed, Nuka-Cola attempted to directly compete with it through Nuka-Cola Wild and the opening of Dry Rock Gulch at Nuka-World. Though the new drink gained a respectable popularity in the American Southwest, it failed to match that of the sarsaparilla, which still remained the most popular soft drink there.[12]

BillboardsLrgNukaCola07 d

Despite the setbacks, the popularity of the brand only continued to grow as time went by. For example, when the Nuka-Girl rocketsuit was released in 2062, the costumes sold out immediately and stores couldn't keep up with the demand.[13] By 2067, Nuka-Cola was omnipresent, available from vending machines on almost every street in the United States. Even the outbreak of the Sino-American War failed to stop Nuka-Cola Corporation's expansion.[8] In fact, it continued apace, with a fourth park opening on schedule in Nuka-World. Safari Adventure was commonly considered at the time to be a crowning achievement of Bradberton's company, having taken seven years to build and housing several hundred exotic animal specimens from around the world,[14] including polar bears, alligators, gorillas, and venomous snakes. The completion of the park also marked the start of covert experimentation at Nuka-World. The underground facilities of Safari Adventure contained a Nuka-Gen genetic replicator unit, capable of creating perfect genetic copies of animals or even growing new creatures based on the genetic sequence provided (faulty genetic sequences will be accepted, but can result in creatures coming out inside out and then exploding).[15][16][17]

In 2072, Nuka-World opened its last attraction, Galactic Zone, a space-themed amusement park. While ostensibly showcasing the future of the United States and all the technologies that would usher it in,[9] Bradberton used the Zone as a bargaining chip to turn Nuka-World into a refuge in case of the looming nuclear war. Through a sponsorship deal with the military[18] and cooperation with RobCo Industries at the Battlezone, Nuka-World was permitted to use military-grade robotics at the Galactic Zone, ranging from the humble Protectron to the sentry bot and assaultron series, disguised as demilitarized replicas. Every robot was controlled by a cutting-edge STAR mainframe, which would allow Bradberton to maintain a robotic army to defend Nuka-World and himself from outside forces.[19] To bolster his personal security, a private sanctuary was built beneath Nuka-Town USA by Vault-Tec, using the latest in vault construction technology.[20]

Bradberton went beyond corporate deals and favors when it came to ensuring his own survival. On March 13, 2076, when General Braxton of the Army Research Laboratory requested the services of Bradberton's Beverageers, a team of world-class organic chemists developing new tastes and additives to the soft drink, Bradberton made a bargain: In exchange for his chemists aiding the military's chemical weapons program, he would be provided with access to the military's prototype LEAP-X (Life Extension And Prolongation) Program. This partnership came to be known as Project Cobalt.[2] Bradberton pooled his immense fortune and embezzled funds from Nuka-World's budget to cover the expense of the LEAP-X project, including the salaries of the researchers he hired to ensure the prototype device worked. Though park staff complained about the cutbacks and the resulting decrease in safety, Bradberton prioritized his own safety over that of the visitors or staff. The military did not complain, as in October, the lead Beverageer Rex Meacham reported that his team created an isotope of strontium-90 that could be reliably weaponized, as a coating for power armor, a custom munition for the prototypical M42 Fat Man, or even an area effect weapon that could be safely deployed from something as simple as a Thirst Zapper. It could also be used "somewhat safely" in a new kind of Nuka-Cola. Bradberton ordered it to be put into production as Nuka-Cola Quantum (named by Rex Meacham).[21]

Quantum was fast-tracked through the approval process, presented as the culmination of a three year research program. To create an isotope safe for human consumption, focus groups were used to test various variants of the Quantum isotope. After numerous casualties (at least 62 test subjects died as a result of organ failure, with many more hospitalized with radiation burns; families were provided with Nuka Condolences Fruit and Cheese Packages that contained liability waivers), a safe isotope was created and the first cases of Nuka-Cola Quantum hit the market in select cities on the East Coast, like Boston and Washington, D.C..[22] As the drink landed on the shelves, Bradberton took the last step in attaining immortality: He was beheaded. The LEAP-X program couldn't preserve more than 15 pounds (roughly 7 kg) of organic mass, corresponding to the weight of a human head. Permanently installed in his personal vault beneath Nuka-Town as a head in a jar, the now immobile Nuka-Cola CEO handed over corporate affairs to Peyton Huxley, his executive assistant.[21]

The Nuka-Cola Corporation ceased to exist six months later, although its legacy would live on: Nuka-Cola would continue to be the most popular soft drink on the North American continent, available in almost limitless quantities.[23] Despite being flat and usually warm, it holds the allegiance of many and continues to addict wasteland denizens, such as Dugan, Zip, and Sierra Petrovita.


Soft drink acquisition[]

Nuka-Cola, the company's flagship soft drink, was commonly considered to be the most popular drink in the United States before the war.[24] The bottle, originally a curved shape, changed to a rocket shape after a rival corporation successfully sued for patent infringement. This change proved to be even more popular with consumers.[25] The company also purchased patents, rebranding and repackaging them as new Nuka-Cola flavors, such as Nuka-Cherry (originally Merle's Very Cherry Soda by Merle Haverston), Nuka-Grape (Grape-Pearl Soda by Joannie Cheng), Nuka-Cola Clear (Sharon's Downhome Country Lemon by Sharon Lawrence), and Nuka-Boost (Packed Full of Joe by William Lee).[26]

When Nuka-Cola was unable to acquire patents, the company would attempt to compete or engage in hostile takeovers.[9] In the case of Sunset Sarsaparilla, when negotiations with the southwestern United States company fell through in 2058, Nuka-Cola attempted to compete by launching a rival soda, Nuka-Cola Wild.[12] Conversely, to handle Vim! Pop Incorporated's competing Vim! soda, Nuka-Cola executive Vernon Conroy hired mercenaries to start targeting Vim operations after CEO Doyle Reed refused to sell the family-owned business.[27] This included sabotaging the production line at Southwest Harbor in Maine, stealing trucks, and targeting workers in an attempt to acquire the company and products.[28][29]


Nuka-Cola's marketing strategies positioned the soft drink and its variants as a cultural symbol of America, often appealing to regional culture if not the national consciousness itself. For instance, Nuka-Cola Victory was released around early January 2077, coinciding with the U.S. reclamation of Anchorage and appealing to the patriotic fervor of the time.[Non-game 1][Non-game 2]

The Nuka-Cola Corporation would often enter promotional deals with other companies or businesses for marketing purposes. It would enter agreements to use local shops for product sales test sites, as with Nuka-Cola Quantum in select supermarkets around Washington, D.C.[30] A larger-scale example is that of the Whitespring in Appalachia, which negotiated a full sponsorship deal. Nuka-Cola would fund them in exchange for being allowed to use the resort to promote Nuka-Cola Quantum. However, financial difficulties at the resort meant this was far more beneficial to Nuka-Cola than to the Whitespring.[3]

Nuka-Cola promotional programs were not limited to the business sector. In 2077, the corporation had a national educational literacy program, Zap It, in which students who read over 10,000 books could be "rewarded with sugar."[Non-game 1] On the other hand, it has taken to defacing public landmarks, with the Hollywood Sign modified with a giant "Sponsored by Nuka-Cola" sign beneath.[31]


FO4NW Transit center street signs

Inspired by his brand's success, Bradberton decided to open an amusement park dedicated to the soft drink. Nuka-World opened on May 1, 2050, less than a year after ground was broken for its construction. The first two sections in the park were the Kiddie Kingdom and Nuka-Town U.S.A., but more were added, with six sections as of 2077. Safari Adventure, Dry Rock Gulch, The World of Refreshment, and Galactic Zone were all added later.[24][32]

A fourth park opening on schedule in Nuka-World, Safari Adventure was commonly considered at the time to be a crowning achievement of Bradberton's company, having taken seven years to build and housing several hundred exotic animal specimens from around the world,[14] including polar bears, alligators, gorillas, and venomous snakes. The completion of the park also marked the start of covert experimentation at Nuka-World. The underground facilities of Safari Adventure contained a laboratory capable of cloning creatures.[15][16][33]

In 2072, Nuka-World opened its last attraction, Galactic Zone. Bradberton was determined to turn Nuka-World into a refuge in case of nuclear war. Through a sponsorship deal with the military and cooperation with RobCo Industries at the Battlezone, the newest zone featured a robotic security force comprised of military-grade hardware.[19][18] Bradberton also commissioned a vault built beneath Nuka-Town USA by Vault-Tec[20] and committed to the military's LEAP-X program to extend his life indefinitely, leaving the management of his affairs in the hands of executive assistant Peyton Huxley.[2][21][34]

Nuka-World was incredibly popular with the American public, and as of 2077 it had been breaking its visitor attendance records for four consecutive years, which was attributed to Galactic Zone.[Non-game 3] The company raised ticket prices that year, expecting the trend to continue.[Non-game 4] Its popularity was such that, later in 2077, the Nuka-World on Tour traveling carnival was created, functioning as a mobile mini-version of the park.[35]

The corporate mascots of Nuka-Cola, Nuka-World's Bottle and Cappy, were deemed popular enough to the point that the company entered an agreement with California Crest Studios to produce a series of seventeen animated movies featuring them.[Non-game 5] Promotional products such as toy trucks were also ubiquitous across the nation.


Nuka-Cola was a publicly-traded company. Nuka-Cola also had a dedicated atomic research division. In 2077, this division became a full corporate entity with SEC approval.[Non-game 6]




The constant drive to improve and innovate the Nuka-Cola formula resulted in numerous flavor variations, with the most popular ones like Cherry, Grape, and Orange released just a few years after the corporation was founded.[11] Nuka-Cola Quantum was the result of a research program undertaken at Nuka-World's Beverageer Division and the Washington, D.C. Nuka-Cola plant, focused on creating an isotope safe for human consumption; sources differ on the length of its development time.[36]

Nuka-Cola also sold a wide array of memorabilia that would be purchased by fans and collectors. A variety of offshoot products proved successful, such as the Nuka-Girl rocketsuit released in 2062. The costumes sold out and stores couldn't keep up with the demand.[13] The company also offered a very broad catalog of corporate merchandise, including toys, clothing, fridges, stools, banners, clocks, lamps, posters, models, and the Thirst Zapper. Nuka-Cola branded clothes, armor and even weapons also existed.


¹ Unreleased







Several products are named similarly to Nuka-Cola but were never marketed by the company, including Nukashine, Rum & Nuka, Nuka-Cola My Blood's In It, Fallout Tactics Yellow Nuka-Cola, and Fallout Tactics Fusion Nuka-Cola.


The Nuka-Cola Corporation appears or is mentioned throughout all Fallout titles.

Behind the scenes[]

WSTOB Nuka-Cola Reference

Nuka-Cola Easter egg in The Old Blood.

  • During the 2008 E3 as a promotional item, people were given a real drinkable version of Nuka-Cola. It greatly resembles the 1950s look of the Coca-Cola brand bottles.
  • From 2015 to 2016, a real limited-production version of Nuka-Cola Quantum could be purchased online and in Target stores worldwide.[Non-game 7]
  • Its logos, bottle designs, market crash, and even its name are heavily based on The Coca-Cola Company.
  • The name of the Nuka-Cola creator, John-Caleb Bradberton, is an amalgamation of the inventors of Coca-Cola (John Pemberton) and Pepsi-Cola (Caleb Bradham).
  • The font used for the Nuka-Cola logo is "Brush Script Std Medium" however the "N" is not and is an unknown font or was made specially.
  • Nuka-Cola is available from Nazi vending machines at Schloss Wolfenstein in Wolfenstein: The Old Blood, a stand-alone expansion for Wolfenstein: The New Order (both published by Bethesda Softworks).





  1. The Sole Survivor: "It was everything you promised, sheriff. More fun than a bale full of hay."
    Sheriff Eagle: "Well, all right. Please put in a good word with Nuka-Cola corporate when your survey card arrives in the mail. Here. Take some souvenir bottlecaps, courtesy of the Nuka-Cola Janitorial Service Department!"
    (Eagle's dialogue)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 General Braxton's visit
  3. 3.0 3.1 The Whitespring Resort terminal entries; general manager's terminal, 8/14/77: RE: Business Class Sales
  4. M.A.R.Go.T.: "The Nuka-Cola Corporation is proud to announce its newest taste sensation, Nuka-Cola Quantum. Try one today."
    "This next series of announcements is brought to you by the Nuka-Cola Corporation."
  5. Nuka-Cola accident report
  6. Welcome to the Nuka-Cola family!
  7. Fallout 4 loading screen: "Amateur chemist John-Caleb Bradberton discovered the formula for Nuka-Cola in 2044. Within a year, Nuka-Cola could be purchased across the entire United States."
  8. 8.0 8.1 Sierra Petrovita: "When Nuka-Cola was invented by John-Caleb Bradberton in 2044, it quickly became the world's most popular soft drink. The wonder drink soon drew a dedicated following which prompted the Nuka-Cola Corporation to release many promotional items like these. By 2067, a Nuka-Cola machine such as this rare pristine model could be found on almost every street in America. Even in today's crazy world, Nuka-Cola is still the number one choice of refreshment among Armageddon's survivors."
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Nuka-Town ground terminal entries; Nuka-World informational terminal
  10. World of Refreshment tour: Nuka-Cola began its journey in the year 2042 when our founder, John-Caleb Bradberton, was a budding chemist. He dreamt of a delicious soft drink that would provide energy, focus and 120% of the recommended daily value of sugar!
    It took almost two years to perfect the formula, but in late 2044, Mr. Bradberton was finally successful and Nuka-Cola was born! It quickly surpassed other, lesser beverages to become America's number-one favorite soft drink. Not one to rest on his laurels, Mr. Bradberton and his team of talented "Beverageers" continued to create new and exciting formulas.
  11. 11.0 11.1 Fallout 4 loading screen: "Nuka-Cola introduced fruit-flavored beverages such as Nuka-Cherry, Nuka-Grape and Nuka-Orange only a few short years after the corporation was founded. They were an instant success."
  12. 12.0 12.1 Fallout 4 loading screen: "Although the Nuka-Cola Corporation would never admit it, Nuka-Cola Wild was released to directly compete with Sunset Sarsaparilla after attempts to acquire that company met with failure."
  13. 13.0 13.1 Fallout 4 loading screen: "In 2062, the Nuka-Girl Rocketsuit costume was released to retailers just in time for Halloween. Its popularity was so overwhelming, the stores couldn't keep up with the demand."
  14. 14.0 14.1 Welcome Center terminal entries; Dr. Hein's terminal, Journal Entry 09-19-2077
  15. 15.0 15.1 Welcome Center terminal entries; Dr. Hein's terminal, Journal Entry 06-02-2077
  16. 16.0 16.1 Welcome Center terminal entries; Dr. Hein's terminal, Journal Entry 01-01-2077
  17. Welcome Center terminal entries; Dr. McDermot's terminal
  18. 18.0 18.1 Fallout 4 loading screen: "Thanks to a sponsorship by the U.S. Military, Nuka-World featured a formidable security force and had access to all sorts of military-grade hardware."
  19. 19.0 19.1 Bradberton's office terminal entries; Bradberton's terminal, Nuka-World mail system, Outgoing Mail JCB944NWC
  20. 20.0 20.1 Bradberton's office terminal entries; Bradberton's terminal, Nuka-World mail system, Outgoing Mail JCB976NWC
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 Bradberton's office terminal entries; Bradberton's project terminal, Project Cobalt, 08-27-2076 JCB
  22. Nuka-Cola plant terminal entries, research terminal, Company Announcement
  23. Nuka-Cola is ubiquitous in all Fallout games.
  24. 24.0 24.1 World of Refreshment PA tour
  25. Fallout 4 loading screen: "Nuka-Cola's signature rocket-shaped bottle replaced the traditional curved bottle when a rival corporation successfully sued for patent infringement. Fortunately, the public saw the new bottle as an improvement and Nuka-Cola's sales increased."
  26. Bradberton's office terminal entries; Bradberton's project terminal, Acquisitions
  27. Vim! Pop factory terminal entries; CEO's terminal, Meeting with investors
  28. Vim! Pop factory terminal entries; CEO's terminal, Internal Mail Relay
  29. Vim! Pop factory terminal entries; Madison's terminal, [DReed] - How dare you!
  30. Quantum distribution details
  31. Fallout TV series, Season 1, Episode 8: "The Beginning"
  32. The Sole Survivor: "It was everything you promised, sheriff. More fun than a bale full of hay."
    Sheriff Eagle: "Well, all right. Please put in a good word with Nuka-Cola corporate when your survey card arrives in the mail. Here. Take some souvenir bottlecaps, courtesy of the Nuka-Cola Janitorial Service Department!"
    (Sheriff Eagle's dialogue)
  33. Welcome Center terminal entries; Welcome Center terminal, SA-Memo 102377
  34. Bradberton's office terminal entries; Bradberton's project terminal, Project Cobalt, 01-09-2077 JCB
  35. Del's journal
  36. A terminal entry in Fallout 3 states that Quantum was developed for 3 years prior to test release in 2077, while terminal entries in Nuka-World indicate the drink began development no earlier than October 2076.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Fallout - A Special LIVE Report from Galaxy News, ~51:49: "In other sponsored news, Nuka-Cola is celebrating the success of one of their newest flavor launches, Nuka-Cola Victory, with an exclusive redesign release later next year! Students that read over 10,000 books can be part of the Zap It program, rewarding literacy with sugar! I don't like Nuka-Cola… Personally, I don't like Nuka-Cola. Too sweet. I don't drink it… but it's popular, I have stocks in it, I invest- I invest in it."
  7. Game Informer article on real-life Nuka-Cola Quantum