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Fallout Wiki

Bysshe: a leader in eco-friendly natural gas.— Harpers Ferry tunnel terminal entries

The Bysshe Energy Company, also called Bysshe Co., was a pre-War company in the energy sector, primarily in natural gas resources. In 2077, it operated the research vessel USS Ozymandias and acquired rights in the area of Point Lookout to probe for natural gas resources. It also developed a powerful Assaultron unit, the Imposter Sheepsquatch.

Known projects[]

Natural Gas Survey Project MD-16-001[]

Main article: An Antique Land

The purpose of Natural Gas Survey Project MD-16-001 was to determine whether sufficient deposits of bio-gas were present on Point Lookout to make large-scale diggings viable. The company was aware that potential bio-gas reserves on the island would likely be a result of mass burials from the American Civil War, a fact it sought to conceal even from its own leading expert, Caroline Saunders, as it was aware of her "liberal" leanings. Martin J. Roach was given the task to monitor her and, when it became apparent that Saunders was starting to show interest in the gas deposits' origins, executed "Code Blue" protocols in order to destroy all evidence by running the Ozymandias aground.[1]

Operation: Mary's Little Lamb[]

Main article: The Lowe-Down

An ambitious covert plan to allow Bysshe to seize land for unspecified purposes, the Company commissioned Calvin van Lowe, one of its talented engineers, to create an Imposter Sheepsquatch out of an Assaultron and cause a string of Sheepsquatch sightings. In that way, Bysshe hoped to throw property values in Lewisburg into freefall so that it could buy up the town.[2] The project team consisted of Calvin (codenamed "Blacksheep") as the main developer, Bo-Peep as the handler, and Big Bad Wolf as the fixer.[3] At some point, the Imposter Sheepsquatch escaped containment, severely injuring van Lowe and killing Bo-Peep, leading to Big Bad Wolf being dispatched to investigate. After discovering their fates, he acquired prototype anti-robot technology originally intended for sabotaging Hornwright Industrial robots[4] from Allan Garrahan,[5] and used it to set up the pylon ambush site in an attempt to contain the rogue Assaultron.[6]

Harpers Ferry Tunnel natural gas pipeline[]

Main article: Out of the Blue

The Bysshe Natural Gas Co. offered to maintain a historic train tunnel near the town of Harpers Ferry, to which the town readily agreed. This seemingly altruistic act allowed them to secretly construct an illegal underground pipeline within the tunnel.[7] The facility used a new alphanumerical decryption system for improved info security to a middling degree of success, as many of the employees were unaccustomed to the changes.[8][9] Due to its closed climate control, water cycling systems, and emergency food supplies, the employees inside survived the Great War unscathed, initially not even noticing the devastation.[10] However, they sickened and died over time when one employee, Mel, put herbicide in their water supply in an attempt to curb the rapidly growing strangler vines intruding into their space.[11]

Natural gas well NG-17[]

Main article: Big Meadows gas well

This natural gas well was operated by the Bysshe Energy Company in the southwest part of Shenandoah National Park, not far off its scenic tourist route, Skyline Drive. The site was dangerous and the staff were poorly-trained, with at least three workplace casualties reported in the month of September 2077 alone.[12] One of its employees, Harold Osborne, was also secretly an assassin, given orders by federal government executive Bagman to assassinate a target codenamed Zeus who was headed for Rapidan Camp not long before the war occurred.[13] This assassination was successful, although Osborne himself also appears to have died, possibly due to the Great War.

Known subsidiaries[]

Bysshe Energy Partners[]

Bysshe Energy Partners was responsible for Natural Gas Survey Project MD-16-001.

Bysshe Natural Gas Co.[]

Bysshe Natural Gas Co. was another subsidiary company of Bysshe Co. It sent Caroline Saunders to act as the principal geological chemist for the field research of Natural Gas Survey Project MD-16-001, and was also responsible for the operation of the underground gas pipeline in the Harpers Ferry tunnel.

Known employees[]


The company is fond of building hidden installations behind reinforced doors, with these installations only being accessible after inputting a code using a company calendar, as was the case of their installations at Van Lowe Taxidermy and the Harpers Ferry tunnel.


Bysshe's Ozymandias appears in the Fallout 3 add-on Point Lookout. The Bysshe Company and its subsidiaries are mentioned in terminal entries inside the ship's wreck. The company also appears in the Fallout 76 updates Wild Appalachia, Steel Reign and Skyline Valley.

Behind the scenes[]

The company name is a reference to Percy Bysshe Shelley. The research vessel USS Ozymandias from Point Lookout is also a reference to Shelley's most famous poem Ozymandias.


