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Versicorps was a pre-War company that made nuclear fusion power systems, providing them to Vault-Tec Vaults.[1]


Versicorps is mentioned only in Fallout 3. It may be expanded upon in Fallout 76 if Poke the Beehive is implemented.

Behind the scenes[]

The Poke the Beehive expedition for Fallout 76 would have included the Bastion, formerly the Versicorps Tower in the Pitt, expanding on the company. With the new lore, Versicorps was a significant megacorporation that rose to prominence during the Sino-American War, providing nuclear fusion reactors as secondary power systems for most of the Vaults. The Tower was named after the corporation due to the amount money it provided for its construction.[2] This also ensured the corporation could carry out unethical research without interference,[3] digging deeper than they should have, according to Marilyn Crestlawn. Erasing that research would be her life's mission, to ensure it cannot fall into the wrong hands.[4] However, Poke the Beehive and the Bastion have been left unimplemented, and it is unknown if they will be introduced in a future update, as they have not been marked as cut.


  1. Citadel terminal entries; Vault 87
  2. Vault 76 dweller: "Why do you call it Versicorps and not the Bastion?"
    Marilyn Crestlawn: "The "Bastion" is a recent nickname. I can assure you, no one called it that before the bombs fell. I used to work there. Versicorps was a pretty formidable megacorporation during the war. They provided nuclear fusion power systems to most of the Vault-Tec vaults as a secondary power system. They donated a large sum of money towards the construction of the tower, and even had some of their corporate offices there. You know how money talks. The tower was named for them. "
    (Marilyn Crestlawn's dialogue)
  3. Marilyn Crestlawn: "There are some server towers left over from before the war that stored our research data They have information on them that...should not see the light of day. It goes without saying that the only people I trust to not exploit that data are the trogs. I need you to wipe some of the computers with access to the servers. There should be about five total."
    (Marilyn Crestlawn's dialogue)
  4. Marilyn Crestlawn: "Not all research is done for good. We dug deeper than we should've, and there are some things better left unknown. There's too many corrupt people in this world to just let it lie. It plays on my conscience every day."
    (Marilyn Crestlawn's dialogue)