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This is a transcript for dialogue with Marilyn Crestlawn.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00699AD2 00699B1B Used to be Versicorps Tower before the bombs. It's the tallest building in Pittsburgh. Casually offering info.
2 It was the full shebang pre-war. Had a shopping mall, restaurants, offices, and even a few research labs. Impressed by the tower's magnitude but also judgmental of how high-class it was.
3 The general vibe was high-class, sleek, and modern. Not so much anymore. Reflecting on the unfortunate situation of post-war life.
4 The whole building has a stick up its ass. Making a sarcastic joke.
5 00699B1C Oh, there's a whole score of reasons. For one, being a literal skyscraper, it's an amazing vantage point to keep tabs on the whole city. Explaining to the player.
6 In addition to that, it's essentially a treasure trove of food and supplies stocked up from before the war. Continuing to explain to the player the objective advantage to taking the tower.
7 I bet a lot of it has been picked clean by now, but the Fanatics use what little of it that they can as a storehouse. Still giving an objective debrief to the player.
8 Smart of them. It's basically impenetrable, so it's not like we can just walk in and steal it. Hates the Fanatics, but admires their tact.
9 00699B1D My "people" are struggling just to hold the front line right now. Annoyed that the player is asking this question.
10 We hardly have enough numbers to keep that up. So how can we expect to gain a foothold over the Fanatics if we can barely keep up with them? Frustrated and annoyed.
11 0069FBC3 The "Bastion" is a recent nickname. I can assure you, no one called it that before the bombs fell.
12 I used to work there. Versicorps was a pretty formidable megacorporation during the war.
13 They provided nuclear fusion power systems to most of the Vault-Tec vaults as a secondary power system.
14 They donated a large sum of money towards the construction of the tower, and even had some of their corporate offices there.
15 You know how money talks. The tower was named for them.
16 0069FBC4 I was a biochemical engineer in another life. I used to work in Versicorps Tower before the bombs.
17 I suppose you can guess where I was when they fell.
18 Now I'm just another survivor. No amount of education or fancy terminology will set me apart from any other poor soul left in the Pitt.
19 0069FBC5 A leader? Haha, no dear. I WAS a scientist before the war. If I was charismatic, I'd have worn a suit instead of a lab coat. Laughs dryly at the suggestion.
20 However, the Underdwellers have come to respect my opinion on important matters.
21 I help in the decision-making around here, but I am not the decision maker. We function as a community. We don't have a leader.
22 0069FBC6 Simply put, we aren't interested in fighting a losing battle. The Pitt may have been my home once, but a wise woman recognizes when a battle is lost. Straightforward and grim.
23 War is not always worth its price. The Union wants to fight until that war is over, and it will only ever end with their deaths. Grim.
24 0069FBC7 There are some server towers left over from before the war that stored our research data Explanatory.
25 They have information on them that...should not see the light of day. Cryptic, hiding a painful memory.
26 It goes without saying that the only people I trust to not exploit that data are the trogs. Making a sarcastic joke.
27 I need you to wipe some of the computers with access to the servers. There should be about five total. Giving instructions.
28 0069FBC8 Goodness, what a relief! You'll need to access several different terminals in order to wipe the data from them. Genuinely relieved.
29 I hope you've refined your hacking skills. Tune into this frequency once you've taken care of the last one. Explaining the task at hand.
30 And please, be careful. Those terminals will be in the heart of the nest. Worried for the player's safety.
31 0069FBC9 Not all research is done for good. We dug deeper than we should've, and there are some things better left unknown. Regretful and mournful.
32 There's too many corrupt people in this world to just let it lie. It plays on my conscience every day. Genuinely regretful.
33 0069FBCA They're scattered around the upper levels. You'll find some in the research labs, the office spaces, and a few in the maintenance wings. Giving directional advice.
34 The data was stored on our private servers, so it's hard for me to recall every single system that retained copies of it. Struggling to remember.
35 0069FBCB I don't look like the hardy type, do I? I'm afraid the creatures within the tower would tear me apart on sight. Being realistic about her own abilities.
36 0069FBCC I understand. I do implore you to reconsider. You'd be doing humanity a massive favor. Until then, I'll be here. Understanding, but disappointed.
37 00699AD3 00699B07 So I can finally put a face to the carnage. You handled yourself pretty well. But don't pat yourself on the back yet. Thankful, friendly, relieved.
38 It's only going to get rougher from here on out. Brutally honest.
39 00699B09 Thanks for the fire support. You're not around much but, damn, when you're here things get a helluva lot easier. Guess that's why we need you now. Thankful, relieved, but also tired.
40 00699B0B It's embarrassing at this point. Constantly needing to get bailed out of near extinction. Tired, resentful.
41 But...*sighs* don't think I'm not grateful for your help. We'd be paste if it wasn't for your help. Tired, but still grateful.
42 I won't sugarcoat things. The situation with the Bastion hasn't improved much at all. Tired, resentful.
43 The area is still hotly contested, and we are basically fighting tooth and nail just to keep up with the Fanatics' efforts. Upset at the reality of the situation.
44 Yet we aren't gaining any ground. Do you think you could get back in there for us and raise some hell? Frustrated, resentful. Sighs in between "ground" and "do you think."
45 00699B0D Have you decided to actually help instead of just rudely walking away? Annoyed.
46 0069FBB4 We can talk face to face or lead to flesh. Your choice. Aggressive and confrontational, but is giving the player a chance to explain themselves.
47 00699AD4 00699AFD Best news I've heard all day. I'm sure you can put two and two together and probably figured you can't just waltz into the Bastion. Happy the player agreed to help her, but goes back to business.
48 The main entrance is a warzone right now. You'd get turned to Swiss cheese if you even tried. Bluntly honest.
49 However, there's another entrance. If you go through the old subway system under the Pitt, you can get in from underground. Straight to business.
50 Only problem is, there's people down there, too. 'Cept they aren't hostile. Doesn't think too highly of the people she's speaking about.
51 They call themselves the "Underdwellers." They hate the Fanatics and will shoot them on sight;. It's the only reason they're still alive. Very blunt.
52 But they're too cowardly to join up and fight 'em. They're generally not hostile towards us, but that's only because we leave them alone. Judgmental and frustrated.
53 If you went trapezing through their home turf, they wouldn't be too pleased. Blunt and honest.
54 Do something to get on their good side, and they'll let you pass through unscathed. Blunt.
55 00699AD7 00699AFF I don't have a clue. It wouldn't benefit me at all to hide anything from you. Genuinely doesn't know, is very blunt.
56 Could it be their own incompetence? Maybe, but as cruel as they are, the Fanatics aren't incompetent. Speculating in a blunt and frustrated tone.
57 Maybe the Bastion's just too much for them to handle. Doesn't actually believe this, but just wants to insult them.
58 00699ADD 00699AF8
59 00699ADF 00699B02 We're winning small battles, but we're still losing the war right now. Serious and grim.
60 We've been fighting tooth and nail against the Fanatics for control of the tallest building in Pittsburgh. Serious and defiant.
61 The Bastion. A bit of dramatic flair surrounding this name without being too over the top.
62 We've had them caught in a stalemate for a while now, but our numbers and supplies are dwindling whereas they're only growing stronger. Describing a grim situation.
63 Continuing this fight is going to slowly kill us, but we're equally fucked if we let them take the Bastion. Stuck between a rock and a hard place. Harsh and frustrated with her situation.
64 Recently, the Fanatics have managed to actually push their way inside of the building. For some reason, they haven't taken it over. Strange. Genuinely confused about this, but doesn't really care why they aren't successful since she wants to get the upper hand anyway.
65 I don't know what's stopping them from doing so, but I can tell you it hasn't been us, that's for sure. A bit upset with herself that the Union haven't been the force that prevents the Fanatics from getting in.
66 However, we can't even allow them to make it that far. I need someone to go in and sabotage their operations. Blunt and to the point.
67 You in? Defiantly asking the player if they will help the Union.
68 00699AE1 00699AF9
69 00699AE3 00699B04 It's the only place they won't get shot. Plain and simple. Casual and matter of fact.
70 They've gotten really good at using the space to their advantage. Matter of fact.
71 If some Fanatics went down there trying to clear them out, they'd probably be able to pick em off. But they'd be toast against a full-frontal assault.
72 I guess the Fanatics haven't deemed them as worthy enough of a target to go full boar like that yet. Casual and matter of fact.
73 00699AE5 00699AFA Because they're a bunch of pansies who are so afraid of the Fanatics that they'd rather live with the rats underground. Vindictive and petty.
74 We've tried to recruit them before. They're skeptics. They don't think we can truly drive the Fanatics out of Pittsburgh Annoyed.
75 Maybe they're right. But I'm not going to give up our home without a fight. Defiant and determined.
76 00699AE7 00699B05 I figured. It's not like you to turn down a challenge. Admiring the player's gumption.
77 Before we can get started, our new friends the Underdwellers could use your assistance again. Getting straight down to business.
78 00699AED 00699AFB I'm still standing here talking to you, and the Fanatics haven't taken the Bastion yet. That is a major improvement. Defiant, and desperate to prove a point. Emphasis on "that"
79 00699AF1 00699AFE
80 00699AF3 00699B16 They're a bunch of, how do I put this...? They're a neutral party that lives underground in the old subway system. Is about to viciously insult them, but then stops herself and tries to find a very polite and sanitized way of saying what she REALLY wants to say.
81 They hate the Fanatics enough where they won't join up, but they're too afraid to fight against them with the Union. Judgmental and annoyed.
82 00699AF5 00699B00 You did. Only problem is, the Underdwellers are our only in to the Bastion until the warzone at the entrance dies down. Matter of fact and blunt.
83 Until then, we need to make sure they maintain their hold on the subway system and aren't exterminated by the Fanatics. Matter of fact and blunt.
84 So yeah, we need to lend a hand when they need help. Resentful about this.
85 00699AF6 00699B18 The Fanatics have set up explosives to go kaboom above the subway. They're hoping to collapse it from the top in order to draw the Underdwellers out. Serious and matter of fact.
86 Thing is, these explosives are activated remotely. Good for the Fanatics, but also good for us. This means they give off radio signals. Matter of fact.
87 I need you to track down the explosives and disarm them. To the point and matter of fact.
88 Now get moving! I have no idea how much time we have before the Fanatics decide to detonate 'em. Urgent and serious.
89 00699B19 Being the sadistic bastards that they are, the Fanatics have set up turrets around all the manholes leading in and out of the subway. Angry and frustrated with the situation.
90 They're waiting for the Underdwellers to pop out so they can gun them down like some sick game of whack-a-mole. Angry and filled with hate towards the Fanatics.
91 If you destroy the ammo supply dumps around the entrances, they won't be able to bring in new turrets for a while. Serious and to the point.
92 Be careful. It's not just turrets you'll find. There's Fanatics guarding the entrances as well. A grim word of warning.
93 Watch your back. Those turrets can be brutal. A grim word of warning and goodbye.
94 00699B1A I'll need you to be a bit crafty here. The Underdwellers have dropboxes scattered around the Industrial District. Matter of fact and to the point.
95 They use 'em to hide loot in while scavenging aboveground. One of our scouts has intel on the locations of a few of them. Serious and to the point.
96 I need you to find the dropboxes and leave these supply packages in them as a gesture of good will from the Union. Straight to the point.
97 They'll be locked up pretty tight, but you look like the type who's picked a lock before. No offense. She doesn't really care if she offends the player or not.
98 A word of warning before you go: don't let your guard down. There's bound to be more Fanatics in the area. A grim word of warning and goodbye.
99 00699AF7 00699B0F Quick introduction. I'm Hex, you're the backup we've been asking for. No time for small talk. Strained, desperate and fed up with her current situation. She is venting her frustration to the player.
100 We're under heavy fire from the Fanatics and can't make a move until we get these assholes off our backs. Get to the Penn when you land ASAP! Strained, desperate and fed up with her current situation. She is venting her frustration to the player.
101 00699B11 You again? You have a habit of showing up when everything goes to shit, don't you? Strained, desperate and fed up with her current situation. She is venting her frustration to the player.
102 We're going to need your help big time. Strained, desperate and fed up with her current situation. She is venting her frustration to the player.
103 The Fanatics are drowning the Penn in gunfire right now! Get over here as soon as you land! Strained, desperate and fed up with her current situation. She is venting her frustration to the player.
104 00699B13 Man, am I glad to hear from you! Friendly and colloquial with the player, genuinely relieved that they are coming.
105 The Fanatics are trying to push into the Penn to take us out, so as you can imagine, it's just another Tuesday for us. Friendly and colloquial with the player, genuinely relieved that they are coming. Angry at the Fanatics.
106 Get here as soon as you can so we can take these bastards out! Angry at the Fanatics.
107 0069FB72 0069FBBB You're the one Hex sent? The one from Appalachia? Surprised and doubtful.
108 0069FB74 0069FBAC So you expect me to just let you trapeze past all these people while armed to the gills because you're just "passing through"? Sarcastic.
109 Yeah, I don't think so. Annoyed at the player.
110 0069FB76 0069FBBE I do. Consider yourself lucky. We don't talk to most of them first Stern and straight to the point, a bit threatening.
111 Now, I'm going to ask you again, how is this going to go down? Not accepting any nonsense.
112 0069FB78 0069FBAF Ha! Let's hope you're a quick draw then! Ready for a challenge.
113 0069FB79 0069FBC1 Put the gun down, Derek. You know the saying, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you?" Trying to calm him, annoyed at his sense of bravado.
114 0069FB7A 0069FBB1 I-well-yes, I do. Why? He stammers. Clearly she is well-respected.
115 0069FB7B 0069FBCD You don't shoot it, either. Sarcastic and annoyed.
116 0069FB7C 0069FBB5 I apologize for that uncouth reception. I do hope you don't view us as a bunch of savages. Cordial and apologetic.
117 Let me introduce myself. My name is Marilyn, Marilyn Crestlawn. I presume you're here on behalf of the Union? Straightforward yet very polite.
118 0069FB7E 0069FBA6 I thought as much. You look too competent to have wandered in here accidentally. Complimentary.
119 0069FB80 0069FBB7 If you were a Fanatic, there would've been more blood and less conversation. Straight to the point, vague hint of a threat.
120 0069FB81 0069FBA8 Hex briefed us that you'd be coming. You are, of course, welcome to pass through. Polite and cordial.
121 However, before we can open up the entrance, it behooves me to warn you of what you'll find within Versicorps Tower. Blunt, cordial and polished.
122 0069FB83 0069FBBA Let me cut to the chase. The tower is swarmed with trogs. Polite, cordial, refined.
123 The monsters that skulk around Pittsburgh eating people and trash alike. A good day here is a day gone without seeing one. Concealing a huge disgust for trogs.
124 And when I say "swarmed", I mean the entire damn building's a nest of them. I doubt most people even know. Loses a sense of her politeness.
125 It's hard enough to get in with folks killing each other left and right, and impossible to get out with some mutant eating your face off. Detailing the grim situation in the most proper manner possible.
126 0069FB8D 0069FBB9 Take out some, maybe. But there's no way you can exterminate the whole nest. More just keep coming. Trying to get the player to have realistic expectations.
127 Doing so would take a strong, consistent effort. Since you're going in, I have a favor to ask. Genuinely needs help while asking the player to be realistic.
128 0069FB8F 0069FBAA They were human, once. Maybe they still are. It's hard to really understand what made them turn. Musing on the nature of what the monsters are.
129 Are these creatures only endemic to Pittsburgh, or has this happened elsewhere? I suppose it's impossible to know. Purely speculating to herself.
130 They may have been humans at one point, but now they are mindless, bloodthirsty creatures who will rip you apart on sight. Warning the player.
131 0069FB91 0069FBBC I worked in the tower before the bombs. You could say I practically lived there with the hours I worked. Speaking bluntly.
132 I would rather be holed up in a luxury business center than a sewer system. Only reason we're here and not there are the trogs. Straightforward.
133 But you have a point. It's not common knowledge. Admits the player is onto something.
134 0069FB93 0069FBAD I'd...rather not speak about that. Let's just say I had some foolish, foolish colleagues who let their curiosity get in the way of self-preservation. Reliving a painful memory.
135 Those colleagues aren't with us anymore. And if they are, you'll meet them in the tower. They're just not human anymore. Morbid and foreboding.
136 0069FB95 0069FBBF Apart from a barrage of trogs, it's what you'd expect of a classy commercial building. Polite and cordial.
137 Shopping mall with restaurants, corporate offices, a few research labs. The building is extremely tall, the tallest in Pittsburgh. Polite and cordial.
138 In my experience, the higher you go, the more trogs there are. Giving an important warning.
139 0069FB99 0069FBC2 There's unfortunate truth to that. If you change your mind, I'll be here. Disappointed, but understanding.
140 Good luck. You'll need it. Genuine.
141 0069FBA4 0069FBA7 If we had time for praise, I'd be laying laurels on your head. But you need to get underground ASAP. Serious and stressed out.
142 Go through the old subway tunnels and just keep heading down 'til all the lights are gone. Just whatever you do, play it cool. Serious and advisory.
143 They won't shoot if you don't. Cryptic.