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Fallout Wiki

The Big Meadows gas well terminal entries are entries found on terminals at Big Meadows gas well in Fallout 76, introduced in the Skyline Valley update.

Deputy foreman terminal[]


||Bysshe Energy Company == NG-17||
Welcome: Nathan Davidson


|             Deputy Foreman Terminal              |
|                 Nathan Davidson                  |

Personal Log[]


Damn site terminal is acting up again!

I've asked Nathan to contact Tim again to come out tomorrow and get it fixed for Monday. Last time I remember this happening, Tim mentioned something about "bugs" in the machine? No idea how bugs are getting into the machine but we seriously need to sort this out. I have to use NathansIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar terminal AGAIN!

I seriously need to get September's casualty report ready for this weeks monthly report! I hope this site gets automated soon or so help me God, if management send me more idiots disguised as workers, I'm going to go mad!

Employee Report[]


Employee Report
Reason for Report: Anti-social Behavior/Possible Communist Sympathizer
Employee Name: Harold Osborne

Mr. Osborne is a recent employee, having joined the company 5 months ago. He was hired as a general laborer, helping construct and maintain the gas extraction platform. A quiet individual, normally keeping to himself however, has lately started to completely ignore his co-workers unless he is being given a task to complete.

Within the last few weeks, he has been spotted climbing up to the top of the tower rather frequently during his shifts. One employee stated they had witnessed him at the top of the tower during the weekend, when the site was meant to be closed.

When confronted with these accusations Mr. Osborne is stated on record saying that they are untrue and that he is a true patriot. It is unclear why he immediately alluded to patriotism, but has been flagged by management as evidence that Mr. Osborne may be a Communist Sympathizer.

Management has requested that we keep a close eye on him and to contact the proper authorities if we find any definitive proof of Mr. Osborne's sympathies.

Foreman terminal[]


||Bysshe Energy Company == NG-17||



|             Site Foreman Terminal                |

|               Richard Harrison                   |


Latest Casualty Report[]


|             Site Foreman Terminal                |

2nd September 2077[]


Casualty Report

Date: 2nd September 2077
Name: Moses MacCormack
Cause of Death: Electrocution and/or Unplanned Landing with Ground.
Note: Employee was repairing a lighting fixture found on the middle platform of the extractor tower. Employee was reported saying "The bulb was leaking.". Soon after this statement he was seen convulsing violently, plummeting over the safety barrier. Coroner report still has yet to confirm the cause of death.

Data Lost[]


           ||   ERROR: DATA CORRUPTED  ||
           ||  PLEASE CONTACT A SYSTEM ||
           ||       ADMINISTRATOR      ||

15th September 2077[]


Casualty Report

Date: 15th September 2077
Name: Larry Gilligan
Cause of Death: Welding torch gas explosion.
Note: Employee was conducting repairs on a previously damaged gas extraction pipe, however the gas line was accidentally reopened resulting in further damage to company property and the death of the employee. Witness states the employee was seen leaning against the opening valve when working on the repairs.

18th September 2077[]


Casualty Report

Date: 23rd September 2077
Name: Jerome Goldstein
Cause of Death: Head trauma due to personal negligence.
Note: Employee was said to have been "skiing" during the lunch break hour, stating that he could "bust anything" with just his head. Employee has been previously recorded showcasing said "talent" to other employees, however this occasion resulted in emergency services being called. Employee later died in hospital due to an intracranial hemorrhage.

Data Lost[]


           ||   ERROR: DATA CORRUPTED  ||
           ||  PLEASE CONTACT A SYSTEM ||
           ||       ADMINISTRATOR      ||

Note to Richard[]


Hey Richard,

As you can see, I've nearly got the terminal working. I need to grab some parts from the office so should be up and running on Monday.

Also, a friendly reminder; company terminals are not coffee-proof so please try to avoid this again in the future. It's most likely the reason for your frequent terminal breakdowns.

On a side note: I saw that new guy (Osborne?) skulking around the site today. Said he forgot some "tools" at the top of the extractor tower. Barry says he's been acting strange lately so thought you'd want to know.

See you next week,
