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Dialogue for Sheriff Hawk and Sheriff Eagle.


1DLC04DryRockGulch_01_SheriffIntroScene{excited, like you're a park mascot talking to a little kid} Hope y'all are having a good day here at Nuka-World. Ready to saddle up and ride into the old wild west?Player Default: This whole area is infested with bloodworms and who knows what else. It's not safe.A
2{excited, like you're a park mascot talking to a little kid} Welcome back, partner! You ready for a rootin tootin good time here at Dry Rock Gulch?Player Default: This whole area is infested with bloodworms and who knows what else. It's not safe.A
3Player Default: Processing: Hostile visitor. Ignore and continue explanation for the sake of the other guests.{excited, like you're about to explain a game to little kids} The door to Mad Mulligan's Mine is locked up. I got a spare key in a safe by the theater, but wouldn't you know, I plum forgot what the combination to the safe was!A1a
4You'll need to talk to my three amigos: Doc Phosphate, One-Eyed Ike, and the Giddyup Kid.A1b
5Prove to them you're tough enough to take on the outlaws, and they'll give you their part of the combination.A1c
6Good luck, little doggie! And don't forget your complimentary deputy uniform, courtesy of Nuka-Cola!A1d
7Player Default: This is why I hate robots. It's over, okay? The world ended. Deal with it.{momentarily breaking programming to process the player yelling at you} Processing: Hostile visitor. Ignore and continue explanation for the sake of the other guests.SheriffForcedAlias: The door to Mad Mulligan's Mine is locked up. I got a spare key in a safe by the theater, but wouldn't you know, I plum forgot what the combination to the safe was!B1a
8Player Default: Let me see if I can run some overrides and make you a little more helpful...{player has managed to trigger an employee override} Employee manual login recognized. Currently running in full park exhibition mode.Y1a
9Visitors are directed to our three main activity centers: Doc Phosphate's Saloon, Giddyup Kid's Corral, and One-Eyed Ike's quick-draw contest.Y1b
10After completing each activity, the visitor will be given part of the combination to the safe that holds the key to Mad Mulligan's Mine.Y1c
11Signs of life in the mine originally believed to be Mine Cart Ride attendants, but may actually be an infestation of deadly worms. Advise contracting exterminators.Y1d
12System will now reboot. Have a nice day, and don't forget your uniform!SheriffForcedAlias: The door to Mad Mulligan's Mine is locked up. I got a spare key in a safe by the theater, but wouldn't you know, I plum forgot what the combination to the safe was!Y1e
13Player Default: Let me see if I can run some overrides and make you a little more helpful...Processing: Confused or concerned visitor. No need to worry. I am just a friendly Nuka-Cola Protectron, programmed for theme park amusement.Y2a
14Our friendly cowboy personalities will guide you and your loved ones through several fun, Wild West activities.Player Default: All right. Tell me what I need to do.Y2b
15Player Default: This whole area is infested with bloodworms and who knows what else. It's not safe.{excited, programmed park robot talking to a visitor} You must mean the no good outlaws that are coming out of Mad Mulligan's Mine!A1a
16{excited, programmed park robot talking to a visitor} Well, partner, if you're interested in lending a hand, I could use a new deputy! What do you say?Player Default: All right. Tell me what I need to do.A1b
17Player Default: Great. More dumb robots...{excited, like you're a park mascot talking to a little kid} I'm the sheriff of these parts, and I need your help getting rid of those no good outlaws holed up in Mad Mulligan's Mine!Player Default: All right. Tell me what I need to do.B1a
18Player Default: Sheriff! Your town is under threat from the bloodworm menace, but fear not! For I am the Silver Shroud!{player says they are the Silver Shroud} Well, now, we got ourselves a genuine celebrity! Howdy, there, Silver Shroud. We could sure use your help.X1a
19I don't know about this Bloodworm menace y'all are talkin' about, but we got ourselves a bunch of no-good outlaws holed up in Mad Mulligan's Mine.Player Default: All right. Tell me what I need to do.X1b
20Player Default: Sheriff! Your town is under threat from the bloodworm menace, but fear not! For I am the Silver Shroud!I don't know about varmints, but we got us some no-good outlaws holed up in Mad Mulligan's Mine.X2a
21We could sure use a hand around here. What do you say? Want to be my deputy?Player Default: All right. Tell me what I need to do.X2b
22Player Default: So are you in charge here?We like to say the only thing that's really in charge here is fun!Player Default: This whole area is infested with bloodworms and who knows what else. It's not safe.Y1a
23DLC04DryRockGulch_40_SheriffScene{player returns from the mine} Did you have fun in Mad Mulligan's Mine? Tussle with any bad outlaws?Player Default: That mine was the nest for a Bloodworm Queen. Now that she's gone, this whole area should be a lot safer.A
24{player returns from the mine} Did you have a rootin-tootin good time in Mad Mulligan's Mine?Player Default: That mine was the nest for a Bloodworm Queen. Now that she's gone, this whole area should be a lot safer.A
25Player Default: That mine was the nest for a Bloodworm Queen. Now that she's gone, this whole area should be a lot safer.I can't understand a word of what you're sayin', but you've been the best deputy this side of the Mississippi!SheriffForcedAlias: Here. Take some souvenir bottlecaps, courtesy of the Nuka-Cola Janitorial Service Department!A1a
26Player Default: This has been a real pleasure, sheriff. But I think it's time you and your robot friends got sent to the scrap heap.{player says he's going to kill you, you break character to issue an alert} Processing: Emergency Defense Protocols activated! Intruder! Intruder!SheriffForcedAlias: Here. Take some souvenir bottlecaps, courtesy of the Nuka-Cola Janitorial Service Department!B1a
27Player Default: I thank you for your aid, sheriff. Your town is safe for now, but the Silver Shroud will be watching over you.It's been an honor having the Silver Shroud as my own deputy!SheriffForcedAlias: Here. Take some souvenir bottlecaps, courtesy of the Nuka-Cola Janitorial Service Department!X1a
28Player Default: I thank you for your aid, sheriff. Your town is safe for now, but the Silver Shroud will be watching over you.Well, all right. Please put in a good word with Nuka-Cola corporate when your survey card arrives in the mail.SheriffForcedAlias: Here. Take some souvenir bottlecaps, courtesy of the Nuka-Cola Janitorial Service Department!X2a
29Player Default: Look, sheriff, I just cleared out that mine full of dangerous pests. Can you drop the act for one second?I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just an old-fashioned cowboy trying to show folks a good time here at Nuka-World!Player Default: That mine was the nest for a Bloodworm Queen. Now that she's gone, this whole area should be a lot safer.Y1a
30Player Default: I can't understand a word of what you're sayin', but you've been the best deputy this side of the Mississippi!Here. Take some souvenir bottlecaps, courtesy of the Nuka-Cola Janitorial Service Department!A1a
31You and your friends are welcome in Dry Rock Gulch any time!A1b
32-{a park visitor is speaking to you too early} Whoa, there. You need to talk to one of the sheriffs first, partner!
33{a park visitor is speaking to you too early} Go talk to one of the sheriffs at the gates, first.
34{a park visitor is speaking to you too early} Talk to one of the sheriffs. The fun starts there!
35Old Prospector Owen is just upstairs. Take him his drink.
36Miss Trixie and Handy Hank are in town. Handy Hank is the blacksmith, and Miss Trixie lives right across from him.
37Check all the Nuka-Cola refreshment stands. Those Giddyup Buttercups have got to be hiding around there.
38Once you find a Buttercup, just place her in the corral here.
39{as if shouting to park visitors as they pass by} Howdy, partners! Welcome to Dry Rock Gulch, where it's always high noon!
40{as if shouting to park visitors as they pass by} Yeehaw! Get along little doggies at Dry Rock Gulch!
41{as if shouting to park visitors as they pass by} Do you have what it takes to be one of my deputies? Come on over and find out!
42{as if shouting to park visitors as they pass by} Feeling thirsty? Visit Doc Phosphate's Saloon for a free Nuka-Cola Wild! It's a rootin tootin good time!
43-Can't believe what those bandits did to my Giddyup Buttercup. It's a tragedy.
44Thanks again for corralling that horse, deputy!
45Hope you're having fun in Dry Rock Gulch, folks!
46Don't forget to purchase a refreshing Nuka-Cola at any of our stands, partner!
47{you've already talk to the player and he's now your deputy} There's my favorite deputy!
48{you've already talk to the player and he's now your deputy} Good luck out there, partner!
49{you've already talk to the player and he's now your deputy} Y'all have fun!
50{player won a quick draw duel against you} There he is. The fastest gun in the West.
51{player won a quick draw duel against you} There she is. The fastest gun in the West.
52I ain't got nothin' for ya. Go on now.
53You take care.
54You're welcome at Doc Phosphate's any time.
55Feel free to take any of the Nuka-Cola Wild samples we have in the saloon.
56Howdy again, partner.