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Fallout Wiki

The Vim! Pop factory terminal entries are entries found on several terminals within the Vim! Pop factory in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.

Tour terminal[]

Note: This desk terminal is located on the counter in the souvenir shop.


              ..:: Vim! Pop Inc. ::..


=            Vim! Factory Tours        =

History of Vim Presentation[]


Adult Price: $40
Child Price: $30
Group rate (10 or more): $25

Covers the history of the company, the Reed family, and the unique following of the Vim beverage. Shows start at 10 am, noon, 2 pm, and 4 pm. Run time 45 minutes.

20% discount if purchased with Factory Tour Pass.

Factory Tour and Tasting[]


Adult Price: $70
Child Price: $60
Group rate (10 or more): $55

Guided tour of the Vim Factory, showing how the beverage is made, bottled and shipped. Includes a taste test of current and in development drinks in the price. Tours run at 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm, & 5 pm and last approximately one hour.

20% discount if purchased with History of Vim Presentation Pass.

NOTE: Tour guides should review tour notes while guests are filing in, but should not read directly from terminal.

Tour Notes #1[]


Founded in 1931, Vim is one of the oldest soda pops in the country. Originally sold as a health tonic, it found widespread popularity for many years. Though it has been slower to reach a national audience than certain other brands, Vim is a state tradition, and may soon be named the official state drink! Still owned and operated by the Reed family, the building front you came in through is a re-creation of the original factory, which burned down in 2026. If you will follow me to the theater, you can see a short film on the history of Vim.

Proceed to theater.

Tour Notes #3[]


NOTE: Wait for guests to congregate after 10 minute break following the History of Vim presentation.

Now that you've seen the history of Vim, we will soon begin the Factory Tour and Tasting, where you can see how our beloved beverages are made and try out some of the new flavors we are currently developing. If you are not continuing with us on the tour portion, we welcome you to visit the gift shop next door for souvenirs. We are also now shipping internationally if you want to send a case of Vim home or to a loved one! For those of you just joining us or continuing with us on the tour, hard hats are required and we shall begin in 5 minutes.

Madison's terminal[]

Note: This desk terminal is located on the desk in Madison Young's cubicle. It has a Novice lock.


              ..:: Vim! Pop Inc. ::..


=       <User "Madison Young" signed in>         =



- Talk with Willis in Manufacturing to sort out Hazard Pay
- Update Quarterly Earnings Report
- Lunch with A.C.
- Call Vernon Conroy at Nuka to set up meeting with board members
- Call Sheriffs Dept. for update on bar brawl
- Work on getting Iris to release the recipe for Captain's Blend
- Meet A.C. at bowling alley

Quarterly Earnings Report[]


=           Quarterly Earnings Reports           =

Start Date: October 1, 2077
End Date: Current

Gross Income                          $ 72,047,501
Taxes                               - $ 28,716,625
Payroll                             - $  3,167,924
Production                          - $ 10,403,128
Distribution                        - $  7,268,912
Marketing                           - $ 10,746,308
Repairs                             - $ 15,033,855
Net Income                          - $  3,289,251



> Loading Report...

Internal Mail Relay[]


=             Internal Mail Relay                =
=           <User "MYoung" signed in>            =

[DReed] - How dare you![]


>> How dare you!

Ms. Young, I don't care how many times the investors ask you to schedule a meeting with Nuka. My family is still the majority stockholder and I am still the CEO. Vernon Conroy is a snake, and we will NEVER work with Nuka! And if you EVER go behind my back again to set up meetings with our competitors your employment with Vim will immediately be terminated.

- Doyle Reed


> Loading Mail...

[IMason] - Too soon to start production[]


>> Too soon to start production

Madison, what the heck? Leroy, down in production said you were asking for the recipe for Captain's Blend to set up bulk ordering for production. He doesn't have the recipe because we haven't even finished half our cycle of taste testing yet. I know it's testing well so far, but Doyle promised we wouldn't rush this out to market till we had time to refine it. You of all people know we can't afford to have this one fail.

- Iris Mason


> Loading Mail...

[WRudd] - Hazard Pay[]


>> Hazard Pay

You've got to be kidding me! How can you spend money on this big marketing push and not have money to pay our staff hazard pay? That was the 3rd truck that was hit this week! I'm telling you, someone is out to get us and I can't ask the guys to risk their safety for standard pay. All this marketing bullcrap doesn't amount to anything if the pop ain't on the shelves!

- Willis


> Loading Mail...

Marketing terminal[]

Note: This desk terminal is located on the googie desk in the [clarification needed]. It has a Novice lock.


              ..:: Vim! Pop Inc. ::..


=            Marketing and Promotion             =
=       <User "Norman Fuller" signed in>         =

Internal Mail Relay[]


=             Internal Mail Relay                =
=         <User "NFuller" signed in>             =

[DReed] - That's great news![]


>> That's great news!

God Norman, you have no idea how much I needed to hear that this week! I was totally convinced after that issue with the bar fight that the Governer was going to completely drop us from becoming the State Beverage. I don't know how you managed to convince her to at least see how the case turns out, but it's better than nothing! When we get things turned around and go national, I'll make your hard work worth it.

- Doyle Reed


> Loading Mail...

[MYoung] - Have to delay TV ads[]


>> Have to delay TV ads

Norman, I know you don't want to hear this, but we have to cancel the TV ads till January. With the litigation, having to replace trucks and other machinery, and new investment falling through, we just don't have the funds availible. You need to call and cancel the ads or I'll have to get Mr. Reed to do it.

- Madison Young


> Loading Mail...

[WRudd] - Alex is being framed![]


>> Alex is being framed

Norman, I know you guys are trying to find a way to downplay the incident at the bar, but I'm telling you, Alex didn't do anything to that gal. We had three other guys there from the factory and they saw the whole thing. He stood up to go get a beer and when he turned around she socked him right in the eye. He hadn't even gotten his vision straight when he punched her back, it was just reflex. He's former military, you can't blame him for that!

- Willis Rudd


> Loading Mail...

[IMason] - The taste of Maine?[]


>> The taste of Maine?

What the hell does that even MEAN, Norman? The taste of Maine? What is it that you think Maine tastes like? You want me to put trees and fog in a bottle or what? Oh I know, we'll put lobster and fiddleheads in there, maybe a plaid shirt too! I get that you're trying to push the Local Specialty thing, but come on, this is ridiculous!

- Iris Mason, R & D


> Loading Mail...

Marketing Plans[]


=             Marketing Plans 2077               =
=          <User "NFuller" signed in>            =

Vim Ambassador[]


The Vim Ambassador program was going well for a while, but recently our staff have been having problems with crime. One of the suits of power armor was stolen right off the truck. Another of our Ambassadors ended up in the hospital after some gal at a bar apparently beat the hell out of him. He said that he hadn't even spoken to her and she just cold-clocked him out of the blue, but she told a reporter that he grabbed her. He's got witnesses that agree with him, but it's not playing well in the local news.

Escape to Adventure[]


Rollout of the Escape to Adventure branding so far has met with very good success. Market studies are showing that 87% of test group subjects feel "Excited" and "Intrigued" by the print ads. 56% said they would be likely to buy a bottle of Vim after seeing these ads. We're still having trouble developing a name for the female figure, which could help in audience branding recognition. Casting has stalled as well due to problems with finance.

Captain's Blend[]


Test Formula 10784, tentatively branded as "Captain's Blend," has been a far bigger success than we could have imagined. Despite initial protest by the R&D team at our request for a drink that captured "The taste of Maine", the test formula they have developed seems to be very popular with tasters. Very strange considering the #1 term used to describe the flavor so far has been "fishy".

Mr. Reed has still held back on a full rollout, but we have convinced him to try a regional testing distribution.

CEO's terminal[]

Note: This desk terminal is located on the googie desk in the CEO's office, It has an Advanced lock but can be unlocked with the Vim CEO's password.


              ..:: Vim! Pop Inc. ::..


=        <User "Doyle Reed" signed in>           =

It's happened[]


The air sirens went off. I've locked myself in my office but the reports I've heard on the radio are not good. I can't imagine they would attack here, but who knows what the Chinese will do. Shit I just heard an explosion outside the building! It can't be them, why the hell would they attack a pop factory! Oh god, I've got to get out of here.

Meeting with investors[]


Looks like I'm going to have to meet with the members of the board to clear up this take over mess. I'm not going to let Nuka bully me into selling the company. We already lost the trademark battle on Quartz. We're probably going to have to cease sales of it by the end of next year. I just need to get them to keep faith till we can get Captain's Blend out and start shipping our drinks nationally. We've finally got everything nearly in place, we just need to get over the last few hurdles and we can compete on a large scale.

Internal Mail Relay[]


=             Internal Mail Relay                =
=           <User "DReed" signed in>             =

[MYoung] - The investors called Conroy[]


>> The investors called Conroy

Sir, I didn't mean to go around you. The other investors talked with Vernon Conroy and said that after the various financial troubles from the past year that if we didn't at least schedule a meeting to discuss it with him, they might sell their stock to him directly. Even if he can get a 5% share, that would entitle him to a seat on the board, and you'd have to meet with him regardless. What did you want me to do?

- Madison Young


> Loading Mail...

[WRudd] - We're being attacked[]


>> We're being attacked

Mr. Reed, I know you told everyone in the monthly meeting that "the troubles in distribution," as you put it, are just coincidences, but with respect sir, you're wrong. This isn't just a couple of random muggings or thefts. Our trucks have been stolen, shot up, our drivers jumped, even the machine technicians are reporting weird stuff. This isn't just bad luck, this is some kind of attack on the company. If you can't do something about this, we're going to start losing staff.

- Willis Rudd


> Loading Mail...

[IMason] - Captain's Blend[]


>> Captain's Blend

Mr. Reed, I really can't believe that people are actually liking this "Captain's Blend." I thought Norman was crazy when he asked me to put the taste of Maine in a bottle. I'm actually a little hesitant to share what's in the recipe yet, cause I don't think you are going to believe it. We can do a limited release, but you really need to give us some more testing time before permenantly adding it to the Vim line up.

- Iris Mason, R & D


> Loading Mail...

[MYoung] - Another offer from Mr. Conroy[]


>> Another offer from Mr. Conroy

Mr. Reed, Vernon Conroy from Nuka called again today. He's upped the initial buyout offer by 5% and said that he'll be sending copies of the offer letter to our investors if you don't start returning his phone calls. Are you sure you don't want to take the offer? Our finances have been in bad shape for years now, sir. I know you have a lot of family pride in the company, but would it really be the worst thing to work under the umbrella of Nuka?

- Madison Young


> Loading Mail...

Dock terminal[]

Note: This wall terminal is embedded into the north wall of the loading/unloading dock. It has an Advanced lock.


              ..:: Vim! Pop Inc. ::..


=         Heavy Storage and Loading Dock         =

System Errors[]


               ::: SYSTEM ERROR :::
Communications with exterior loading dock door could not be established.

User Memo[]


If you are reading this, you may not want to open these doors. I've locked Grun inside and he's not going to be happy when he gets out.

Vim brewing terminal[]

Note: This wall terminal is located on the west wall of [clarification needed].


              ..:: Vim! Pop Inc. ::..


=       Manufacturing and Distribution           =
=       <User "Willis Rudd" signed in>           =

Tour Notes #5[]


NOTE: Bring everyone in from the tasting area before allowing them to progress onto the walkway.

This area overlooks many brewing vats, all of which contain our different flavors of Vim. After initial mixing, the soda pop is pumped up here for aging and carbonation. All our soda pops are lightly fermented to bring out the natural flavor profile, exactly the way Herbert Reed made the very first Vim tonic. But don't worry, all our Vim beverages are non-alcoholic and safe for little Jimmy, Judy, or even Fido!

Proceed to the Mixing station.

Internal Mail Relay[]


=            Internal Mail Relay                 =
=           <User "WRudd" signed in>             =

[DReed] - I believe you Willis[]


>> I believe you Willis

You don't need to call me Mr. Reed, Willis. You've been working at this factory for as long as I've been alive. Your sons and I went to school together when you were working for my father. I believe you about Alex, I'm making some calls and I'll front the bail money. We'll get this cleared up, but I can't let you start a panic about this. Please, just let me try to get things sorted out.

- Doyle Reed


> Loading Mail...

[MYoung] - Hazard Pay?[]


>> Hazard Pay?

Mr. Rudd, I think you are blowing things out of proportion. This isn't some sort of conspiracy, it's just a series of bad events. We're one of the largest employers on the island, of course it it is going to look like more things happen to our employees than others. I don't think we can justify hazard pay based on a couple of unrelated incidents.

- Madison Young


> Loading Mail...



Spread word that everyone from Manufacturing and Distribution is going to meet after work on Friday to discuss the attacks that have been going on. I don't care what they say up in the office, we're the ones out here with our butts on the line.

Between the out of order signs, the stolen trucks, that bitch framing Alex, and that stolen power armor there is clearly a pattern, even if they don't want to see it. If Mr. Reed can't do anything to protect us, then we'll organize and do it ourselves.

Vim mixing terminal[]

Note: This desk terminal is located on the desk in the [clarification needed]. It has a Novic lock.


              ..:: Vim! Pop Inc. ::..


=            Beverage Mixing Station             =

Tour Notes #6[]


NOTE: Take another head count at this time to ensure no guests wandered off in the brewing area.

This area houses the control systems that pump the various extracts and syrups that give our beverages their distinctive flavors. Below us, they are mixed with pure Maine spring water. We use a combination of mechanical agitators and forced aeration to provide a perfectly consistent mixture.

Proceed to Bottling.

What is this place?[]


We came to the island a few weeks ago, and I've been feeling strangely calm ever since we got here. Not sure if it's this weird Vim stuff or the fog, but the others don't seem to feel it. If anything they seem more violent.

Why are we doing this?[]


We took out another group of harbormen today. Mostly I just stood there watching as Grun smashed his way through their camp. I don't know why we're doing it any more. There's plenty of hunting on the island, but when I brought it up to the others they threatened to kill me if I turned weak like one of the humans. Grun took a swipe at me, but he's slow enough that I was able to dodge it.

I'm getting out of here[]


I've figured out a plan. I found the password to the storage area in the office. If I can lock Grun up in that section of the basement, the others are probably not going to be able to unlock the terminal. While they're busy trying to let him out, I'll be gone before they realize. Find somewhere quiet to live on my own. And if they manage to let Grun out, he'll probably be so mad he'll attack them.

Vim Ambassador terminal[]

Note: This desk terminal is located on the desk in the Vim Ambassador office niche.


              ..:: Vim! Pop Inc. ::..


=                Vim! Ambassador                 =
=               Painting Station                 =

Vim Ambassador Program[]


The Vim Ambassador program is a ground level advertising campaign to bring Vim directly to consumers. Approved staff members will bring an advertising truck out to population centers. Dressed in custom painted suits of power armor, our Vim Ambassadors will hand out bottles of Vim, Vim Refresh, and Vim Quartz. They will answer questions and give out contact information for our sales and distribution team.

Vim Paint Job Schematics[]

Accessing this command adds Vim power armor schematics to the Sole Survivor's PIP-Boy 3000 Mark IV.


> Downloading...

Tour Notes #8[]


NOTE: Wait for guests to finish arriving from the bottling center before beginning this part of the tour.

In this area, we paint and maintain the suits of power armor used by our Vim Ambassadors! These stalwart friends carry the message of Vim's great taste to your local communities! Be on the look out for them in your home town, where they may be coming soon to give away free bottles of Vim pop!


Note: This desk terminal is on a desk in the taste testing room.


              ..:: Vim! Pop Inc. ::..


=            Vim! Taste Test Center              =

Tour Notes #4[]


NOTE: Wait for guests to finish walking through the shipping overlook. Make sure to get a head count at this time.

This is our Taste Testing area. When we return at the end of the tour, you will have a chance to sample our many beverages, including the new Captain's Blend! If you will follow me, we will proceed to the brewing and carbonation facility.

Tour Notes #9[]


NOTE: Wait for guests to be return from the Vim Ambassador station and seat them at the tasting table. Double check head count to make sure no one got lost during the tour.

This concludes our tour of the Vim Pop Factory. We hope you have learned a lot about how our delicious drinks are made, bottled, and shipped to a store near you. And if you've never had the chance to try Vim before, don't worry because we will no be giving you all a special taste testing, so you can help us develop exciting new flavors, such as Captain's Blend!

Test Tasting Instructions[]


Make sure that all guests are seated at the table and pass around glasses for everyone. Bottles of Vim should be poured into pitchers before being served so participants are not sure which beverage they are drinking. Have them rate the beverage on a 1-10 scale and encourage them to give any notes or descriptors for what they have sampled.



So far the responses to Captain's Blend have been overwhelmingly positive despite having a "fishy" taste. The only complaint we've had so far was from a couple people who purchased cases of the tester bottles. A couple of them complained that after drinking a few bottles they started to have weird smelling sweat. One of the guests sniffed the guy and said he smelled like a pier. We'll have to let R & D know, in case they are still playing with the formula.

R & D terminal[]

Note: This console terminal is located in the research and development department.


              ..:: Vim! Pop Inc. ::..


=           Research and Development             =
=                 Test Kitchen                   =
=         <User "Iris Mason" signed in>          =

User Logs[]


=                 User Logs                  =
=           <User "IMason" signed in>            =

The Taste of Maine[]


I really can't believe this. Marketing wants me to develop a new drink, but all they've given us to go on is "The Taste of Maine." I swear to god, Norman just thinks that if he can string a few words together things will just magically appear. What does it even mean!? Fine. They want the taste of Maine, then that's what we'll give them.

It's actually not terrible[]


After firing off a couple of angry letters, I decided to to try to show them just how stupid this idea was. We took bottles of Vim classic and brewed it up with fiddleheads, lobster shells, and a couple other extracts and I was sure this was going to be absolutely disgusting. The thing is, it definitely taste kind of weird, but it's actually not as terrible as I thought. Maybe if we work on the flavor profile a bit... cloves or Aster extract... What the hell, we can try taste testing it. At least it will keep them off my back while I figure something else out.

So this is really happening[]


I just got the label proofs from Mr. Reed. They are actually going forward with this crazy thing. Despite taste testers saying it has a "fishy" taste, they seem to actually be liking it. The Aster extract seems to cover up the aromatics of the lobster... somehow. I really can't explain why anyone likes this thing.

Apparently they are going to call it Captain's Blend. At least for now.

Well that's weird[]


Some of our taste testers have reported having weird smelling sweat after drinking Captain's Blend. I mean I'm not really surprised, there is a looot of lobster in there. But it get's weirder than that.

One of the testers said that he's a commercial fisherman, and just loves the taste. He's been buying cases of the testers to bring out on his boat. The weird thing is that he claims that when he's been drinking Captain's Blend, the lobsters seem less prone to attack him when he takes them out of the cages. It sounds ridiculous, but I mean, what if it was actually true?

Internal Mail Relay[]


=             Internal Mail Relay                =
=           <User "IMason" signed in>            =

[DReed] - Just do your best[]


>> Just do your best

Iris, I know it sounds stupid, but Norman knows this business. If he says the market research is showing that our best brand awareness tactic is to play up the regional specialty angle, then I'm sure he has the numbers to back that up. I'm not asking you to work a miracle, but at least try it. For what it's worth, I have no idea what "The taste of Maine" means either, but I have the utmost confidence in you.

- Doyle Reed


> Loading Mail...

[MYoung] - Weird expense reports?[]


>> Weird expense reports?

Mrs. Mason, I'm going to need you to explain a few things before I can authorize these expense reports. I'm seeing nearly $10,000 spent at the fish market. Is that right? What on earth are you spending that much money on at the fish market that would possibly be going into a soda pop? I'm not saying you've done anything wrong, yet, but I really need to know what is in that recipe before I can approve this.

- Madison Young


> Loading Mail...

Vim Recipes[]

Accessing this command adds the Vim recipes to the Sole Survivor's Pip-Boy 3000 Mark IV.


> Downloading...

Generic terminals[]
