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The Life Extension And Prolongation program,[1] otherwise known as the LEAP-X program, was an experimental program developed by the United States Armed Forces.


Developed as late as the mid-2070s, the LEAP-X program was a feat of biomechanical engineering that could preserve organic tissue and keep a human subject alive indefinitely.[2] The original concept involved the creation of a living bio-suit that preserved the entire body, but all the prototypes required so much power and specialized components that no more than 15 pounds of organic matter could be preserved, equating to one's head only.[3] Bio med gel was not opted for, instead the more cost effect use of cryonics was utilized for the LEAP-X machine instead.

The CEO of the Nuka-Cola Corporation, John-Caleb Bradberton, struck a deal with General Braxton on March 13, 2076, trading the services of Bradberton's Beverageers, a team of world-class organic chemists to the military's chemical weapons program, for access to the program.[1][2] He pooled his immense fortune and embezzled funds from Nuka-World's budget to cover the expense, including the salaries of the researchers. Though the park staff complained about the cutbacks and the resulting decrease in park safety, Bradberton pushed forward.[4]

On April 2, 2077, Bradberton underwent the procedure in the personal vault beneath his office in Nuka-World, leaving the management of his affairs in the hands of executive assistant Peyton Huxley.[5]

When the Great War struck, Bradberton was left as a head in a jar in the secret vault under his office, alive but isolated for the next two centuries.[6] Trapped in solitude and without any autonomy to himself, he eventually grew to see his fate as worse than death, hoping for the day to come when he would finally die.[7]



The LEAP-X program is mentioned only in the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka World.


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 Bradberton's office terminal entries; Bradberton's project terminal, 03-17-2076 JCB
  2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 General Braxton's visit
  3. ↑ Bradberton's office terminal entries; Bradberton's project terminal, 01-19-2077 JCB
  4. ↑ Bradberton's office terminal entries; Bradberton's project terminal, 08-27-2076 JCB
  5. ↑ Bradberton's office terminal entries; Bradberton's project terminal, 04-02-2077 JCB
  6. ↑ The Sole Survivor: "We solved your Hidden Cappy contest."
    John-Caleb Bradberton: "The Hidden Cappy contest... it all seems so long ago. Another lifetime. That was before I became this monster. Before I was trapped here for centuries to suffer in solitude. This was General Braxton's plan all along. Damn the man! He called it Project Cobalt. In exchange for my weapon design, he would give me access to life-extending technology. I'm such a fool for taking him at his word. He never told me that this would be the price!"
    (John-Caleb Bradberton's dialogue)
  7. ↑ The Sole Survivor: "What about Sierra's offer to keep you company? Wouldn't that help?"
    John-Caleb Bradberton: "I admit I'm flattered by her admiration, but I'm so tired, in ways that words could not explain. I've lived far too long already, and I'm prepared to move on. I await your decision."
    (John-Caleb Bradberton's dialogue)