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This is a transcript for dialogue with John-Caleb Bradberton.


(Nuka-Cola Clear)
{as if dictating for records purposes / Confident} In regards to Nuka-Cola Clear production, I think it's obvious that we need to take a step back and examine the facts.A1a
2{as if dictating for records purposes / Concerned} Project Cobalt dropped Quantum in our laps, so I think it's best we leverage its potential popularity before someone else beats us to market.A1b
3{as if dictating for records purposes / Confident} Additionally, installing the equipment to produce both flavors would cost us a pretty penny and I'd rather use the funds to promote Quantum.A1c
4{as if dictating for records purposes / Concerned} We also have our Lemon-Lime flavor debuting soon, and need to work out how to market two clear-colored flavors simultaneously.A1d
5{as if dictating for records purposes / Confident} With all these factors taken into account, I have no choice but to hold off Nuka-Cola Clear production for at least the next two fiscal years.A1e
(General Braxton's visit)
Player Default: You either sign off on Project Cobalt, or I can walk right out that door.{Irritated} This isn't like deciding what color bottle to pick for our next flavor, General.A1a
7{Concerned} You're asking me to take my laboratories and my Beverageers, and basically turn them over to your team.A1b
8{Irritated} I need assurances that my people and my facilities are going to be treated with the respect that they deserve.Player Default: You and I both know that's a load of horse shit.A1c
9Player Default: I already told you you'd be well compensated. Now, cut the crap and tell me what you're really after.{Leap-Ex say it like a word / Confident} Fine. I want in on the military's LEAP-X Program.Player Default: What? How the hell did you know about that?A1a
10Player Default: What? How the hell did you know about that?{almost gloating / SinisterSmile} Let's just say you're not the only one in this room that can throw his weight around in Washington, General.A1a
11{Confident} I've been following the program ever since its inception, and I have to say that I'm impressed.A1b
12{Confident} The ability to keep a human in a state of veritable immortality using a machine? Now that's something that I didn't expect from the military.A1c
13{say "Leap-Ex" like a word. / Confident} Look. You want me to agree to this proposal, then get me on the LEAP-X list, and I'll sign whatever you want.Player Default: I always knew you were a greedy son-of-a-bitch, John. But the last thing I expected to hear is that you were afraid of death.A1d
14Player Default: It isn't as easy as throwing a switch and suddenly you can live forever.{Confident} Stop trying to talk me out of it.A1a
15{Defiant} We both know the enemy is developing chemical and biological weapons and that my Beverageers are the top organic chemists in the world.A1b
16{Defiant} Our countries are in a race where no one comes in second, General.A1c
17{Confident} So you need to ask yourself: can you really afford to stand here and say "no."Player Default: You had this all figured out before I even arrived, didn't you?A1d


18DLC04MS01_BradbertonDecideSceneSo. Have you made up your mind?Player Default: I'm not shutting off the power. With Sierra to keep you company, I think you'll both be happier.A
19Player Default: I'm not shutting off the power. With Sierra to keep you company, I think you'll both be happier.{Surprised and disappointed / Angry} What?! Will you not respect the wishes of a man who has suffered the way I have? Please, I beg you to reconsider!A1a
20Player Default: I'll do it. I'll shut off the power.{Grateful} Thank you.B1a
21Now please do get on with it. I'm ready. I've been ready for a long, long time.B1b
22Player Default: I haven't decided yet.{Weary, helpless / Tired} I see. I can only hope your sense of compassion compels you to do the right thing. I've been a prisoner long enough.X1a
23Player Default: What about Sierra's offer to keep you company? Wouldn't that help?{Weary, despondent / Tired} I admit I'm flattered by her admiration, but I'm so tired, in ways that words could not explain.Y1a
24{Tired} I've lived far too long already, and I'm prepared to move on.Y1b
25{Tired} I await your decision.Player Default: I'm not shutting off the power. With Sierra to keep you company, I think you'll both be happier.Y1c
26DLC04MS01_BradbertonPlayerScenePlayer Default: Yeah, if our places were reversed, I'd probably want the same thing.Then I trust you will honor my wish.Sierra: You can't kill him! He's a great man! He invented Nuka-Cola, the best thing in the world!A1a
27Player Default: There's got to be a better solution than killing you.That's easy for you to say, standing there on your own two legs, able to go where you wish and do what you want.Sierra: You can't kill him! He's a great man! He invented Nuka-Cola, the best thing in the world!B1a
28Player Default: Come on, you're a disembodied head trapped in a vault. You've got so much to live for!Despite your obvious sarcasm, you clearly recognize my situation for the living hell that it is.Sierra: You can't kill him! He's a great man! He invented Nuka-Cola, the best thing in the world!X1a
29Player Default: Are you really sure that you want to die?I've had plenty of time to think about it.Sierra: You can't kill him! He's a great man! He invented Nuka-Cola, the best thing in the world!Y1a
30Sierra: You can't kill him! He's a great man! He invented Nuka-Cola, the best thing in the world!{Bitter, sad / Sad} Young lady, you don't know what a torment it is, being trapped here alone and staring at the same wall, decade after decade.A1a
31{Getting annoyed / Irritated} Now please shut up while I talk to your more rational friend hereBradbertonsHead: I realize that what I'm asking isn't easy, but there's something in it for you.A1b
32BradbertonsHead: Now please shut up while I talk to your more rational friend hereI realize that what I'm asking isn't easy, but there's something in it for you.A1a
33{Despair, sadness / Sad} When the power is cut, the door to the prototype storage room will open automatically. Take anything you want. I don't care anymore.A1b
34Just... please... set me free at last. I can't bear this loneliness any longer.Sierra: Wait, wait, wait! I have an idea!A1c
35Sierra: It's one of my most treasured possessions, but... well... I'm willing to let you have it.A Nuka-Cola jumpsuit? Hah! That's a paltry prize compared to what I'm offering.A1a
36The choice is yours, but I beg you to honor my wishes. There is noone else who can help me.A1b
37DLC04NPCMJohnCalebBradberton: You there, with the Pip-Boy. What are you doing here?{Stern, demanding / Stern} You there, with the Pip-Boy. What are you doing here?Player Default: We solved your Hidden Cappy contest.A1a
38Player Default: We solved your Hidden Cappy contest.{Lost in memory, wistful / Irritated} The Hidden Cappy contest... it all seems so long ago. Another lifetime.A1a
39{Bitter / Irritated} That was before I became this monster. Before I was trapped here for centuries to suffer in solitude.BradbertonsHead: This was General Braxton's plan all along. Damn the man!A1b
40Player Default: This has to be a joke.{Angry, indignant / Angry} You trespass in my private vault in my office in my amusement park, and you have the gall to treat me like some joke?B1a
41Oh, what's the use. Look at me. Look at me! I'm a monster, trapped in a prison of my own making.BradbertonsHead: This was General Braxton's plan all along. Damn the man!B1b
42Player Default: We used the contest code to get in. What the hell happened to you?I made a devil's bargain, though I didn't know it at the time.BradbertonsHead: This was General Braxton's plan all along. Damn the man!Y1a
43Player Default: That was before I became this monster. Before I was trapped here for centuries to suffer in solitude.{Bemoaning your fate / Irritated} This was General Braxton's plan all along. Damn the man!A1a
44He called it Project Cobalt. In exchange for my weapon design, he would give me access to life-extending technology.A1b
45{Irritated} I'm such a fool for taking him at his word. He never told me that this would be the price!Player Default: I can't imagine what you must have gone through. I'm truly sorry, Mister Bradberton.A1c
46Player Default: When something sounds too good to be true, it usually is.{Irritated} You don't think I know that? You don't think I've contemplated my folly for decades on end?B1a
47I do not need some interloper to remind me of my greatest tragedy!Sierra: A... a weapon? I don't believe it. Why would the genius who brought so much joy to the world want to make something destructive?B1b
48Player Default: Smart enough to invent Nuka-Cola, but you still fell for that?{Arrogant pride / Stern} Yes, make your jokes, but I've still accomplished ten times more in a single lifetime than anyone I've met, including you!X1a
49As long as one person in this world still enjoys Nuka-Cola, my legacy remains intact, no matter what I've been reduced to!Sierra: A... a weapon? I don't believe it. Why would the genius who brought so much joy to the world want to make something destructive?X1b
50Player Default: Who was General Braxton?{Irritated} He was one of the top men in the Army Research Laboratory's Weapons and Materials division.Y1a
51He'd taken a keen interest in my quantum mechanics research, and offered me a trade.Y1b
52In exchange for my assistance on a top-secret weapons project, he gave me access to an experimental process tthat In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar would artificially extend my life.Y1c
53Like a fool, I leapt before I looked. I've certainly paid the price for my short-sightedness.Sierra: A... a weapon? I don't believe it. Why would the genius who brought so much joy to the world want to make something destructive?Y1d
54Sierra: A... a weapon? I don't believe it. Why would the genius who brought so much joy to the world want to make something destructive?{haughty} Genius is restless, madam! It must expand, seek new challenges, and explore new frontiers. So yes, a weapon.A1a
55It was going to be a quantum-enhanced variant of the standard portable tactical warhead.A1b
56In fact, the prototypes are stored in this very chamber. You can have them, on one condition.A1c
57I want you to shut off the power to this machine that's keeping me alive. I want to die.Sierra: What?! No!A1d
58DLC04MS01_SierraEnterHeadRoomSierra: That's John-Caleb Bradberton! Or at least, it's his head. Wow!{Surprised, seeing humans for the first time in decades / Surprised} Who... who are you? I haven't seen a real human face in so long. I had given up all hope.Sierra: Oh my God! It's alive! He's alive!A1a
59-{Impatient, the player has stopped responding} I realize my appearance is disturbing, but do try to focus.
60{Impatient, the player has stopped responding} It seems both of us have become frozen.


61DLC04MS01BradbertonDies_Scene{A death gasp} Finally... free at last...Sierra: No! Mister Bradberton... I'm sorry.A1a


62-{Grudging admission} I won't deny that it's nice to have some company again.
63{Impressed / Impressed} I commend your diligence. It can't have been easy to find your way in here.
64{Pleased / Happy} I'm pleased to know that even now, the legacy of my work is still appreciated. Sierra has made that very clear to me.
65{Indifferent} Help yourself to anything that you think is useful. None of it means much to me anymore.
66{Grateful, relieved, a weight has been lifted} You can't know how wonderful a real conversation can be until you've gone without one for a few hundred years.