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Sister and I will be Sensations again. Though we both know it was never about the title.

Juchi Batsuuri is a character in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update part one, Boardwalk Paradise.


One half of the Batsuuri duo that dominates Veracio Cruz's The Most Sensational Game, the twins entered it like any other entrant and started on even ground. However, a combination of exceptional skill, conditioning, and coordination characteristics of twins allowed them to dominate the Game for several straight cycles, culling the competition and defeating even the most skilled warriors brought in by Cruz from the eastern wastelands. Veracio is concerned that their successes are discouraging participation and causing his prized Game to stagnate.[1] Cruz wants them to be challenged and defeated, to demonstrate once more that the game is open and fair to all, rather than just a Batsuuri plaything.[2]

Where the Batsuuri twins hail from is unclear. What is clear is that they came into the Game as normal participants and chose to make it their own, to realize their potential and then exceed it. It is part of their life's goal: Self-actualization, rather than mere survival from one morsel to the other.[3] While they have consistently won, they do not relish their win streak: Why compete if there's no competition? The arrival of the Vault 76 dwellers signals a potential to reverse the trend and finally give them a rival they yearn for.[4] After all, what is life if one doesn't reach for greater heights?[5]

The twins are cordial towards the Showmen and believe that in another life, they might have been their family. However, they prefer the current arrangement, allowing them to face the challenges together, rather than expect them to separate, becoming individual pieces that are part of a greater whole.[6] They are extremely close, so much in fact that any conversation with them involves both smoothly answering in turn. The way they complement each other can be disturbing to others, something they are incredibly amused by.[7] Juchi and Jullian are not identical twins, but fraternal ones, and there are differences between them. One of them is the attitude: Juchi is a fighter and appreciates talent and its realization. Unlike his sister, he prefers tests of strength and will that push people to their extremes and reveal what lies at their core. He treats Jullian's enthusiasm for tricks and random chance with reservation, but it's an agreement to disagree and they still act as one on the battlefield - and Jullian does appreciate some aspects of Juchi's personality.[8][9] Juchi is also a little more understanding of newcomers to the game than his sister.[10][11]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FoS ghost costume
This character ignores combat and cannot be damaged.
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.

The Most Sensational Game


  • The Most Sensational Game: Juchi is one of the main challenges in the quest. Either he or his sister appears at the conclusion of Act Two of the Game and must be defeated to progress, and both are then fought at the end stage, before Mother Charlotte. Juchi at the pier fights with a flamer and has a generous health pool (50% more than his sister), but no damage resistances. The -75% creature perk limits his damage output, likely to mitigate the flamer's extreme rate of damage. During the finale, the twins trade places and Juchi fights with a sledgehammer that causes bleeding (like Fanatic Harrowers), with his sister providing supporting fire.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Seasoned survivor outfit Flamer (Pier)
Sledgehammer (finale)


Juchi Batsuuri appears only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update part one, Boardwalk Paradise.

Behind the scenes[]

Batsuuri is a Mongolian patronymic, though its use as a last name suggests the twins are descended from Mongolian immigrants.



  1. Vault 76 dweller: "What's the deal with the Twins?"
    Veracio Cruz: "The Batsuuri Twins... How I tire of their name. The Game used to be for everyone. An outlet... An opportunity for the lost and the lowest. With every win, the Twins stole the ambition from other participants. If another could challenge them, how that would inspire the masses once more! Proving that none are infallible. There is always an opportunity to seize your own greatness. I have sought talent from far and wide to break us free from this stagnant cycle. You have the potential. I can see it in you."
    (Veracio Cruz's dialogue)
  2. Vault 76 dweller: "What's the deal with the Twins?"
    Veracio Cruz: "The Batsuuri Twins... How I tired of them, before you brought them to heel. The Game must be for everyone! An outlet... An opportunity for the lost and lowest. With every win they stole the ambition from other participants. But you have come to challenge them, and how that's inspired the masses once more! Proving that none are infallible. There is always an opportunity to seize your own greatness. Others have, in your absence. It is just as I hoped. But I urge you to continue competing. Showcase your distinct spark... Keep the Game churning with great aspirations."
    (Veracio Cruz's dialogue)
  3. Vault 76 dweller: "Why are you doing this?"
    Juchi Batsuuri: "Is it so strange to strive for something?"
    Jullian Batsuuri: "Out there, the wastrels scramble to survive. Their life's purpose is a meager bite from a slice of bread."
    Juchi Batsuuri: "Ours is actualization. Living up to potential. Breaking past it."
    (Jullian Batsuuri and Juchi Batsuuri's dialogue)
  4. Vault 76 dweller: "So you two are the Twins who are dominating this competition?"
    Jullian Batsuuri: "Is that what they say about us?"
    Juchi Batsuuri: "We found this Game just like any other competitor."
    Jullian Batsuuri: "We chose to make it our own. But now we have a problem. Why compete if there's no competition?"
    Juchi Batsuuri: "We seek a rival."
    Jullian Batsuuri: "Will it be you?"
    (Jullian Batsuuri and Juchi Batsuuri's dialogue)
  5. Vault 76 dweller: "What do you get out of the Game?"
    Juchi Batsuuri: "There is no exchange. Only experience."
    Jullian Batsuuri: "A seed grows when watered."
    Juchi Batsuuri: "And what is life if we don't reach for greater heights?"
    Jullian Batsuuri: "The growing warmth of the sun on our outstretched palms is reward enough."
    (Jullian Batsuuri and Juchi Batsuuri's dialogue)
  6. Vault 76 dweller: "What do you think of the Showmen?"
    Juchi Batsuuri: "They are like us. Striving for self-actualization."
    Jullian Batsuuri: "In another life, they might have been our family."
    Juchi Batsuuri: "But it's better this way. Facing their challenges on our own terms."
    Jullian Batsuuri: "They would have asked us to let go of each other, both becoming pieces of a greater whole."
    (Jullian Batsuuri and Juchi Batsuuri's dialogue)
  7. Vault 76 dweller: "Would you two stop with the riddles and talk to me normally?"
    Jullian Batsuuri: "Normal?"
    Juchi Batsuuri: "A closed mind is weak to assault."
    Jullian Batsuuri: "We speak to you frankly. Perhaps, with no pair to answer, you feel left out?"
    Juchi Batsuuri: "Or outnumbered."
    (Jullian Batsuuri and Juchi Batsuuri's dialogue)
  8. Vault 76 dweller: "I'd rather take on a straightforward challenge."
    Juchi Batsuuri: "A fighter after my own heart."
    Jullian Batsuuri: "Oh, that's no fun at all. In a test of strength, the outcome was already decided during preparation."
    Juchi Batsuuri: "A test of strength is a test of will. What emerges during the moment of greatest need?"
    Jullian Batsuuri: "An enticing point. Then let their will be tested!"
    (Jullian Batsuuri and Juchi Batsuuri's dialogue)
  9. Vault 76 dweller: "Things are more fun if you don't know what to expect."
    Jullian Batsuuri: "Precisely! And far more thrilling if your life is at stake. Done my way, the Game relies on more than just brawn."
    Juchi Batsuuri: "Done your way, it's tricks above talent. What's so fun about rolling a die?"
    Jullian Batsuuri: "The uncertainty, of course. But perhaps our challenger should weigh in."
    (Jullian Batsuuri and Juchi Batsuuri's dialogue)
  10. Vault 76 dweller: "You've won this a bunch of times. You tell me which way I'm more likely to survive."
    Jullian Batsuuri: "Oh, you poor thing. Nothing's less attractive than indecision."
    Juchi Batsuuri: "I say spare the first-timer some pity."
    Jullian Batsuuri: "Very well then. Let their actions speak for them."
    (Jullian Batsuuri and Juchi Batsuuri's dialogue)
  11. Jullian Batsuuri: "Forget your worries, troubles, and preconceptions."
    Juchi Batsuuri: "All that matters is the finish."
    Juchi Batsuuri: "Welcome to the Game."
    Jullian Batsuuri: "Welcome to the Game."
    (Jullian Batsuuri and Juchi Batsuuri's dialogue)