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Fallout Wiki

Communist commanders are officers of the People's Liberation Army in Appalachia, added in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wastelanders update.


Ranking members of the communist cell still active in Appalachia, these commanders lead the ghoulified communist troops in their attempt to continue covert operations on American soil. They answer to a mysterious group of communist loyalists, who visit infrequently but command the utmost loyalty among remnant Chinese troops.[1]

Found at the Motherlode interception facility, they are unique in that they use captured T-60 power armor suits, stripped of any identifiable markings, save a red rank indicator on the left forearm. Only communist commissars use the Communist power armor.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

38 Paradigm of Humanity
This character has no special interactions.



The Communist commander appears only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wastelanders update.

Behind the scenes[]

A variant of the communist commander (LvlPRCGhoul01_Commander [NPC_:00553D4E]) is placed in the cut Vulcan research laboratory, suggesting it was an early version of The Deep.


  1. A Vault Dweller: "Someone tracked you down? Who?"
    Mochou: "Another pre-war asset, very loyal to the cause. They only come here occasionally to check up on us... but trust me, you don't ever want to meet them."
    (Mochou's dialogue)