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Communist commissars are ghoulified infiltrators found in Appalachia in Fallout 76.


Equipped with Communist power armor in striking red, commissars are political officers who served with the military contingent of Operation Trinitite. Ghoulified in the wake of the Great War, they now lead combat units of communist holdouts, all ghouls, continuing the secret war against the United States.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 Raider Hostile
This character is always hostile with the player.
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


The commissar spawns in Daily Ops as the boss enemy whenever communists are encountered. They are a formidable enemy, as they start with over 6500 hit points (that's nearly four times the health of a mythic deathclaw) and are protected by a near-full suit of T-60 power armor using the Red Scare paint, giving them 344/400 DR and 319/375 ER. The commissar is also immune to having crippled limbs, due to its special perk.

Their primary attack is a unique Pepper Shaker called the Riot Shotgun, modified to use .50 caliber ball projectiles. It fires six projectiles per attack, dealing damage that scales with the players' level (starting at 25 per shot at level 20, rising to 75 per at 40, and capped at 125 at 100 and over) and is further increased by the commissar's special creature perk, applying a flat +75% damage modifier to all of their attacks. The shotgun has just 50 shots, meaning the commissar has to reload every nine attacks or so.

As such, the commissar is extremely deadly to less protected player characters, and due to the sheer damage output is likely to outdamage their ability to heal while on foot (due to the use of the stimpak animation; in power armor players can spam the quick-heal button with minimal cooldown).

The commissar shares combat styles with Blood Eagle Destroyers and Scorched Exterminators, meaning it will never switch to melee combat and will try to maintain some distance, rather than closing in for the kill to maximize damage from the riot shotgun. This allows the scenery to be used for cover to reduce his effective damage.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Communist power armor (equivalent to T-60)
Communist commander outfit + hat
Riot shotgun[1] Stimpaks: Normal (30%), diluted (60%), or super (10%)
Explosives: Frag grenades (60%), frag mines (20%), or Molotovs (20%)
Contextual ammo


Communist commissars appear only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wastelanders update.


  1. ↑ A special Pepper Shaker which fires 6 projectiles per shot and uses .50 caliber ball visual effects, spawned via crPRCBoss_AutoShotgun_DailyOps (WEAP:0061961C)