Fallout Wiki
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Hello, Rebel427, we are glad you have joined the Fallout Wiki!


For assistance, please feel free to reach out to our admins or join the Nukapedia Discord server. We look forward to working with you!

Sincerely, Tocinoman (talk) 00:55, March 30, 2016 (UTC)


Hey, I saw your Talk Page message post. No need to edit less because your edit count isn't as high as that of others. Feel free to keep editing wherever you think you can help, and if people undo your edit, that isn't necesarilly bad. We've all made edits that weren't perfect, and mistakes are a part of learning :). Happy editing! -- Greets Peace'n Hugs (talk) (blog) 01:55, January 29, 2017 (UTC)

Thanks, I'm just trying to get the hang of editing here. I should be a lot better at it by now, but it's been like 10 years since I was in school and actually had to use proper grammar and punctuation. Honestly most of the articles are well written as it is, finding small mistakes is hard enough. I will continue to try though. Rebel427 (talk) 18:45, Jan 28, 2017.

RE: That was my bad, didn't read it fully.[]

It's no problem. I had to reread the sentence multiple times to figure out whether the comma was even necessary or not. It shouldn't turn you off from editing. Everyone's edits are bound to be revised or undone at some point. Think of it more as peer review. Sigmund Fraud Talk Contributions 01:56, January 29, 2017 (UTC)

It hasn't turned me off, I'll just be more careful with my edits in the future. I don't mind if people correct them, it helps me get better at helping the wiki, thanks. Rebel427 (talk) 19:01, Jan 28, 2017.

Re Nicky[]

I'm not too fussed about small changes like that to a message, it was well intentioned and we can all get into the moment and do something we're technically not meant to. To me it's only a problem when someone gets prolific about doing things they shouldn't when they're very aware of the rules.

Other than Jspoel I'm not consciously aware of anyone else who has I depth knowledge of the kit. If I come across anything I will let you know, but I suspect it will be a case of the Devs decided to stop writing at the point of his memories getting scanned as there is no relevance to the character after that point.

Then again he could be the detective the Fens Phantom is obsessed with. Sakaratte (talk) 15:07, February 20, 2017 (UTC)

Just had a thought, cutting room floor might be a good place to search for answers. I discovered it at the back end of last year and there may be cut content tagged with give some answers. Sakaratte (talk) 10:53, February 21, 2017 (UTC)

Settlement objects[]

I noticed you've been editing a couple of the settlement objects and I was wondering if you aware of the Projects pages. There is project dedicated to getting all the settlement objects catalogued if you're interested, or you might see something else that gets your interest. Sakaratte (talk) 03:34, February 26, 2017 (UTC)

s'all good, I just happened to notice from my e-mails it was the same person and thought to extend the offer. For me this is my break from games (I've gotten a bit of burn out lately) so its keeping me busy in my free time.
P.S. thanks for catching those really silly typos. I really shouldn't write full articles at 4am. Its so easy not to see the obvious. Sakaratte (talk) 04:03, February 26, 2017 (UTC)
Don't worry about typing over me or looking like you're taking credit, we all make typos and overlook errors in other people's work. The junk items is pretty much my too and from work time burner so my phone lives to autocorrect me at every turn, but it's learning.
You're doing a good job of catching the errors so keep it up! Sakaratte (talk) 12:54, March 3, 2017 (UTC)

Pages vs blogs[]

Hey, I noticed you put what looks to be an article in your blog. I wasn't sure if you were playing around with articles or wanted personal page, but did you know you can create additional pages?

I have two separate sandboxes for cross working on articles, but there isn't a limit to how many personal pages you can have it what they can be called. For example you create User blog:Rebel427/Last Man Standing and it will be a new personal page contained in your profile.

There's nothing to say you can't use blogs to create personal pages, it's just an alternative that helps keep blogs and pages separate in case you make the decision in the future to blog as well.Sakaratte (talk) 13:19, March 11, 2017 (UTC)

We're not going to add special categories for normal user blogs. Me or another user will inform you next time you should create an unwanted category, then you can change it yourself. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 20:22, March 14, 2017 (UTC)
I know it wasn't intentional, just an honest mistake, can happen. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 20:39, March 14, 2017 (UTC)

Wreck of the FMS Northern Star[]

Just seen your editor comment on the verified bug and i think it would be good to include the solution with the jetpack underneath the bug. Do you mind taking a moment to slot it it? Sakaratte (talk) 09:08, March 21, 2017 (UTC)

It's something that I think could easily slip anyone's mind. I've added in a couple of extra fixes as I think I encountered this a while ago too. I couldn't even fast travel out because of the raiders up on deck so using the Console commands was my only escape Sakaratte (talk) 13:31, March 21, 2017 (UTC)

Dunwich borers bug[]

Do you mind taking a look at the raider note bug again? Currently it reads as "first raider" at the start and then "their bodies" later on. I'm assuming there's several bodies from you change, but I don't know enough on the subject to make the call. Sakaratte (talk) 07:23, March 28, 2017 (UTC)

I though Lt that's where you were going with it as you changed it to the plural, but better to check than guess imo. It's not quite a fix as you, but it's certainly noteworthy for the bug.
One a separate not, would mind testing the bug on Robot workbench? We can check the bugs list off on settlement project page once it's done. Sakaratte (talk) 12:23, March 28, 2017 (UTC)
Might just be that we have to leave them be, although the bug about hands seems more to like an application of game logic. If you have no hands how do you pick a lock without extra assistance? Sakaratte (talk) 20:33, March 28, 2017 (UTC)

Robot workbench[]

Thanks for checking that out it could well be someone who is trying to pick a lock that's too high, but considering that they are saying it cannot be done with this specific subset i think we are best to leave it in until tested on the Xbox at least. Still one more bug down! Sakaratte (talk) 08:33, March 29, 2017 (UTC)

Sorry about that i reverted the edit to put the note back in and forgot to put it back in the platforms template. Normally I'd just put it back in from the revision history but i was on my phone at the time.


I noticed how far out of guideline they were the other week and touched a few of them up, but there's just too many for one man alone as they take several hours to bring up to standard so it had to be a project. Im good with your primary focus being bugs, i don't think anyone else is really doing them at present. Just do the ones where you have cross over on both areas maybe? Sakaratte (talk) 10:00, March 30, 2017 (UTC)

I can't think of any bugs that are absolutely urgent at the moment, but i will let you know. If i do. If you're linking to category pages just put a colon at the start of the link and it will embed it like this. External links are as is and if you want to essentially make it a reference link use a single set of square brackets [1]. Wikipedia is and putting "wikipedia:" at the start of the link, followed by the article name e.g. [[Wikipedia:Wikipedia:Manual of Style|Manual of style]] and it will redirect to the article no matter what changes are made to the address system. Sakaratte (talk) 11:57, March 30, 2017 (UTC)
You're more than welcome., you have easy reference now for the future too. I always forget that wikipedia one myself so I might come creeping back here for it too. :) Sakaratte (talk) 22:27, March 30, 2017 (UTC)
Just updated my second message with correct linkage for wikipedia. Technically I shouldn't change mine or others historic messages, but this feels like a justified change :). Sakaratte (talk) 16:23, April 1, 2017 (UTC)

Preston page[]

Everyone is free to copy pages to their userpage. That being said, article categories should only be used for articles, to avoid the confusion you spoke of :). It has been fixed already I see. - Greets Peace'n Hugs (talk) (blog) 12:40, April 2, 2017 (UTC)

Settlement project progress template[]

I've come up with a replacement template for the progress tables documentation which should allow working with the tables much easier. The main concern with the old table was it was very difficult to navigate in source and update and the row labels should make this much easier.

I plan to make it more modular in the long term so it can be used as a general progress table for all future projects if users wants to use it. At present I'm looking for feedback and changes before uploading it to the Settlements object project. A working example can be found here if you want to see a working example. Let me know if you're happy with the changes or if there is anything you want changing/adding/etc. Sakaratte (talk) 14:11, April 2, 2017 (UTC)

Its fine if you don't feel confident using the template, if you want me to update it for you then I'm more than happy to. Its pretty much just a case of putting {{Yes}}, {{No}} or {{Neutral}} after the equals sign to say what state its in. My bad that its missing, I've added it below so you can see it at play.
I saw you were having fun linking over and decided to see what was going on. I've been working through categories before and found things that shouldn't be in there, if you know how to take the tags out you are free to do so as they shouldn't be there (Its one of the few exceptions to the don't touch other users pages rule.) If in doubt I'll always swing by if you give me a nudge :) Sakaratte (talk) 21:21, April 2, 2017 (UTC)
Object nameInfoboxCharacteristicsBase IDCrafting tableNotesBugsSee AlsoCategories
DetailsImageCompletedAlphabetical order
Eyebot podYesNoNoNoYesYesNoNoNoYes
Robot workbenchYesYesYesNoYesYesYesNoNoYes

Bug hunt[]

If you feel up to the challenge, would you like to take a shot at bug checking The Big Dig? There is a huge number of bugs that are largely unverified. I saw it was bad at first glance, but Jspoel pointed out the full extent of it to me. Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 20:37, April 11, 2017 (UTC)

Thanks for that, there are an insane amount for that one quest. I'm going to have a quick read through and see if I can verify any from memory now, should trim one or two off the list. Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 21:04, April 11, 2017 (UTC)
It certainly looks better than it did before. A lot less red marks. I'll try and get some more verified, if I can't replicate them I'm going assume that they are fixed by patch's or mod related issues. Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 12:11, April 12, 2017 (UTC)
I have spotted the Fallout 4 bugs page has a lot of unverified bugs. Can you keep an eye out for them while you're testing others? Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 20:48, April 13, 2017 (UTC)
I'm honestly not surprised that you're burned out after that quest. There really was a ridiculous number of bugs. I take my hat off to you for doing it. Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 02:50, April 15, 2017 (UTC)

Misc items[]

I'm horribly confused on what's happened here. All i did was a bunch of background changes, but the revision history shows I removed those links too. I think I was being special in my sleepy haze last night and edited an old revision or something. I'll get it fixed when I get to work, unless you beat me to it. Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 06:12, April 19, 2017 (UTC)

Fixed it now. Sorry about that. Dakiatte Talk (Sakaratte's secondary) 08:13, April 19, 2017 (UTC)
Nah, i think i was the one going crazy last night. Sorted it on my alt now, but feel free to check it over incase I missed something. pretty sure there were only 2 items lost when i looked at the history. Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 13:16, April 19, 2017 (UTC)
I think all of us have been feeling a touch burnt out, you're not the first to mention feeling like it to me and even Jspeolstra has his days where he doesn't do much at the moment. I popped over to another wiki just for a break and it got me moving here again a little. Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 07:08, April 20, 2017 (UTC)

Out of Time[]

Just seen a bug I'm not entirely convinced is real on the above quest: "When approaching the Red Rocket gas station, if the player enters VATS toward Dogmeat, the player will die.". I checked the history and it was added back in January by an anon, plus it has no platforms tagged on it. Want to try and prove me wrong for being cynical? Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 05:11, April 23, 2017 (UTC)

It did seem a bit too daft to be true, that's one of the few things that would have been picked up in QA, even by accident. VATS was the oddly specific part that made me thing I could be being too cynical, but appears not. I'll let you know as always if I spot anything else, I've most been doing cleaning and tidying. Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 16:06, April 23, 2017 (UTC)

Broken Steel bugs[]

Just reading your test summary on this one and I'm wondering if the bug reported is one and the same with game file corruption? I don't know if there is an end game corruption issue with Broken Steel in general for PS3 so I thought I'd run it past you to get your take.

P.S. Have you considered becoming a patroller now you hit the 500 edit cap? With the quality of you bug testing, plus general mistake catching abilities I think you would make a good one. Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 10:50, April 26, 2017 (UTC)

To my "family"[]

Im passing on a question about To my "family" from Jspoelstra, as some people in chat told me that you play on PS4, while the rest of us in chat are pc players. Would you be able to check whether the To my "family" note is present in the Nucleus on PS4? On PC, it's apparently not there, so it may be a PC bug only. - Greets Peace'n Hugs (talk) (blog) 12:17, April 26, 2017 (UTC)

Thank you for the extensive answer :) - Greets Peace'n Hugs (talk) (blog) 09:34, April 27, 2017 (UTC)

Creation Kit[]

Have you ever used the creation kit before? The Cabot house edit got me wondering how rare some of these items really are. I put Mole rat teeth in the notable section of Railroad HQ a while ago because it was the only physical appearance. Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 21:39, April 30, 2017 (UTC)

It does take a little bit of learning to get the knack of. I think it was about 1-2 months before I felt competent with it. I've been through now and there were only 2 things I would really class as exceptionally rare junk. At least it was worth the edit to get the location looked at again. Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 12:19, May 1, 2017 (UTC)
It has been a long while since i was in education as well. CK is thankfully quite straight forward once you start looking at it and I'm more than happy to talk you through bits and pieces to get you running, then if you want to go digging through GECK later for 3 and NV its not massively different.
Ask Agent c, Gunny or Jspoel about patroller rights, reverting something twice then entering discussion with me and Richie is the correct behaviour as far as I am concerned (I prefer to stick to revert to be on the safe side of the rules personally, but twice isn't what i would consider edit warring). Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 03:25, May 2, 2017 (UTC)

He's a rebel, He's a demon[]

I thought I'd drop in a third ear to see what I could hear, that's why I added the YouTube address to the summary. What I am hearing is "He'll call for me at nine, and take me out somewhere to dine, then staggers in and sings sweet Sweet Adeline". There was a slight skip/stutter straight after nine so I pulled it up on spotify to confirm if its just a few bad videos and the stutter is still present there.

I honestly don't know if this is a case of studio version was sung differently to what she sang live or the lyrics have been plagiarised from their original online source without anyone verifying the content for accuracy. It's not like the vocals are unclear at that point either. I can't even hear enough syllables or words to fit "late" in. Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 20:51, May 1, 2017 (UTC)

RE: He's a Demon he's a... do I really have to type out that whole thing?[]

Lyric sources can be wrong, even with popular songs such as Feel Good Inc by the Gorillaz where you'll find a few different lyrics listed, let alone with an old song that faded into obscurity until Fallout 4 came along. I sat and listened specifically to that part of the song in question. Every time it's "He's says he'll call for me at nine" there some sort of stuttering/skipping going on in the youtube video versions of it but that's what's being said. More importantly, that lyric matches with the rhyme scheme used in the rest of the song with verses ending with He's a demon he's a devil he's a doll, all of which have the three preceding lines rhyme. late at Night rhymes with none of the later words and would just throw the whole thing off rhythmically as well by adding in an extra syllable from what is heard. Now, I'm no musician (that's a lie, I am ) but it sounds to my ears like late at night doesn't fit in with what I'm hearing.

As for research, I wasn't able to find much in the way of lyrics, however, ol' Betty Hutton enunciates clearly enough and is singing slowly enough that I'm pretty sure I could transcribe the lyrics of the song just by listening and typing along a couple of times through. It could be that you found a bad source for the lyrics. Definitely says "call for me at nine" though. Richie9999 (talk) 23:19, May 1, 2017 (UTC)

That's a lot of sources, but it doesn't match what is heard unless that weird stuttering/skipping sound is hiding something. Could just be they all copied off of each other as they realized their site lacked the lyrics to the song. Definitely not late at night. Richie9999 (talk) 03:10, May 2, 2017 (UTC)
Naw man, you're good. Contrary to your username you weren't being a rebel. You just explained your reasoning which is all well and good. I explained mine, you showed your sources etc and basically did your due diligence. The only real learning to take away from this on either of our parts is that I need to be more diligent in looking up lyrics as opposed to saying to hell with it and just listening to the song 18,000 times for just one part of the lyrics, and when a debate about lyrics takes place it is advantageous to just listen to the song for a while. Happy editing and all that. Richie9999 (talk) 03:17, May 2, 2017 (UTC)

Vault-Tec rep[]

Jesus, you're right about it being huge. I didn't notice because my focus was on the background section (why would you refer to him as the salesman when he has a name?) The notable content template doesn't help either. I can verify one now (it has no template on it anyway) and I'll leave the rest for testing as I can't confirm.

Just as an aside, I patrolled your edits the last couple of days and noticed a few extra carriage returns in there. They make the split between paragraphs wider. I haven't spotted anything major though. Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 09:29, May 3, 2017 (UTC)

Dont worry about posting so much on my wall. You should check DistgustingWastelanders archive. It's about 90% me. His wall is even worse for me spamming it. Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 09:31, May 3, 2017 (UTC)

Taking Independence[]

My bug? I was just tagging it ;). It does sound to me like it could be a bug of some form. The game usually won't let you continue dialogue to even get the stage to activate the radio, so I think it's possible it is valid. Could be something stuck somewhere or a bug in the quest. I'm inclined to side with someone forgot to kill something, but the rules say we have to test before we kill these things.

I just wish we knew more about the playthrough itself when these bugs occured. That way we could generate a fairly accurate setup and get it done more scientifically. Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 03:39, May 7, 2017 (UTC)

Re: anything else[]

I have spotted anythig lately. I know i tagged a couple recently if you have want to have a look at my contributions. Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 13:44, May 14, 2017 (UTC)

A fair bit of it comes with the territory of patrolling. Always worth keeping an eye to see if I tag something. If you feel up to it, you can always lurk in chat when I am there and I can give you direct feeds to what I spot. Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 20:12, May 14, 2017 (UTC)
Funnily enough one just came up in chat. Doc Mitchell apparently flags as a settler briefly when you kill him. I did a test but nothing, NomadMC is going to do some more testing on it, but I thought you might like to as well.
A few sidenotes: I made it work first time w/ dynamite, and by killing him in the kitchen

maybe not relevant, but who knows It's also possible that this is just a generic bug where people can sometimes have their name replaced with a faction-relevant one temporarily which I think I've seen before

so its probably not unique
Nomad in Chat
It's not on the page yet, Nomad wants to verify first. Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 21:12, May 14, 2017 (UTC)
It's all good, mother's day was a point of conversation in chat yesterday so you won't have been the only one. I know you said a while ago you'd be interested in being a patroller. Agent c is happy for you have the rights of you want them, all you have to do is ask. Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 11:29, May 15, 2017 (UTC)
Funnily enough, you sound just like I did when i went for patroller, I was a little unsure of my abilities and if they were good enough and i was going to put it off for a while. If it makes you feel more sure about your abilities, NomadMC and myself vouched for you and as such 'staff' see you as fit and capable. As far as votes go they are community votes rather than staff votes, anyone can vote with a small number of exceptions for preventing fraudulent voting. Right now there is the issue of Wikia looking to enforce videos and hearing as many opinions as possible would be good if you can add yours to the list if possible.
There's no rush to decide, you're pretty much an honourary patroller as is and you'll still have all the support in the world either way you go. Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 13:02, May 15, 2017 (UTC)
Sorry the interwiki guys kept me busy yesterday, hence the lack of reply. Nice to see you got the shiney star now, it saves me a small job for the most part as you won't come up on the patrol list now. I'll probably do the same with Distusting and check your contributions from time to time. No harm in a second check. Post counts were always going to be the issue, but you got two endorsements so as long as you met the numbers Chad wasn't going to refuse.
Well if you can't replicate it I'm included to believe it's the more game specific bug where it can happen to any named character randomly on death. Thank you anyway. Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 06:50, May 17, 2017 (UTC)
You can never have your own work checked often enough imo, lack of oversight I'd how people get complacent. After killing him that many times do you feel by Betty now?
I haven't spotted any articles with huge numbers of bugs, but I have invented some for you on conveyor belt lift. I know they exist because they annoy me to no end (manufacturing in CW is buggy as anyway, hoppers and sorters are just as bad.) The issue tends to be with the smaller objects like forms and spoons or the exceptionally large itslems like Deathclaw hands and mutant hound meat. Not the most fun of bugs to test and they are flagged as of as i can't check on a trying else, but feel free to try and replicate on PS as you see fit. Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 07:39, May 18, 2017 (UTC)


You just scrape over the line in minimum edits, but I can't see any reason to deny your request. Agent c (talk) 21:38, May 15, 2017 (UTC)


I don't understand the "when removing the item from the settlement" part of the bug on the page. Anyway, I don't see abnormal behavior. If I shoot at a mailbox and scrap it, the harpoon just disappears which is normal. It doesn't stay there in mid-air. Also don't get the exploit. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 22:47, May 16, 2017 (UTC)

Conveyor belt lift[]

It's something I've noticed a lot, as I turned the Mechanist's Lair into a large scale production facility. It gets annoying when you want the mutant hound meat to go into the sorter, but it drops off at the top of the list.

You're not the first person to notice the Chat Mod icon, after my temp rights were removed. Wikia is very buggy like that at times. Jspoel has nudged me to become admin, so it might be a case of we have another vote go up soonish. If you see my icon in the chat, I am very rarely absent when I'm there. Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 09:30, May 21, 2017 (UTC)

Ok so there's this glitch that i added but it was taken away for the laser detonator and i have no idea why, its the one where you can fire infinite mini nukes. I will try to figure out why. also 1234abcdabc (Think that's there name) says hi. --A cat was here:Mr.Whiskers (talk) 18:00, May 22, 2017 (UTC)

Feeding the Troops[]

You're welcome, sometimes I have to get Shane to fix run-on sentences and the like when I can't do it. That one was badly worded and essentially duplicated information, so the revert was needed regardless. I'm about getting to grips with the god-aweful chart template now, so there should be less missing sections on the quest articles in the near future. Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 10:40, May 28, 2017 (UTC)

If only he wouldn't irritate Mara with oxford commas, I don't know what the big deal is with not using them. If someone knows how to use them correctly, then use them.
I certainly could do with the help on them. The template is here if you want to have a play around in sandbox, but even I find it a pain to work with. IF you're playing shelter at all, adding non-template walkthroughs would be good. It gives them the content they need to look finished and can be replaced later. Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 11:15, May 29, 2017 (UTC)
Just a quick message to let you know I haven't forgotten you. I'll be out of town the next couple of days so I'm trying to catch up the patrol log before I go. Once I get back I'll pull a list, but Category:Fallout 4 quests might be a good place to start. A fair few of the radiants are likely missing the walkthroughs. Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 23:40, May 31, 2017 (UTC)
I'm cracking up again. The right category is Category:Fallout Shelter quests. Almost zero in the way of walkthroughs. I've done Broadsides already if you need an example. Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 10:54, June 1, 2017 (UTC)

──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ouch, how did you injury yourself? As with everything on here there is no rush to get them done. It's been a good trip, beat our NukaTurtle at Mario cart, but got annihilated by her and Agent c at Mortal Kombat. Certainly a much needed adventure that.

It's should be going up in the next couple of days. Not long now. Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 11:21, June 2, 2017 (UTC)
It's a nasty template to work with, but once you get used to it those charts do look good.
Pulled muscles in the back are probably some of the worst. I remember when my old man was put out flat by them. Hopefully it sorts itself quickly.
It was a good trip and very very much needed. Honestly the small trips like that do more for the soul than big vacations, it's been 2 years since I had a proper one myself.
The application is going to go up today. Let's see what happens from there really. A few people have already said they will say yes so the odds are pretty good
Do you mind taking a look at my edit that was reverted on City Liner I'm pretty convinced from looking at photos that greyhounds had an influence on the design (probably for the buses in 4 as well) and they are really iconic culturally too. My knowledge of US transport as a whole is poor so I may be missing something and don't want to challenge the revert without a second eye on it. Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 10:20, June 3, 2017 (UTC)
P.s. the vote is up now.

Re: Vandal Edit Warring[]

Peace gave him a 3 day ban. So he won't be an issue until then. You're doing a very great job with the bugs, very nicely done. If you can include some images of the bugs in the gallery too, that would be awesome. Great job! Thanks for letting me know. Best regards Jackiboy Logo (talk) 09:11, June 6, 2017 (UTC)

The most vital flaw with the images from PS4 is that the HUD is visible and the "Screenshot saved" modal in the corner. If possible, try to use images without any HUD, per policy the images on the wiki should not feature any HUD, though, of course, there are exceptions to this rule. I'd say that if the image is very bad then don't bother uploading it. But if the image itself is good and clearly displays the bug in question, even if it features HUD then upload it, the HUD isn't a major problem. But as mentioned, if possible try to stick to as clean images as possible. Best regards Jackiboy Logo (talk) 09:48, June 6, 2017 (UTC)

Something to do[]

Just noticed that the Ripper (Fallout 4) has a citation needed regarding a bug in there article. My first thought was you would be the person to verify it. Want to take a shot? Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 23:57, June 6, 2017 (UTC)

Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System[]

Spotted another bug filled list for you, mostly PC, but some of them might crop up on the PS4 as well. Want to take a shot? Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 16:15, June 10, 2017 (UTC)

Talkpage Yangtze possible bug
Thanks for checking that one out, sorry about the delay in response. Had a fair bit going on irl. Anyway, this one is a bug I've just found on the Yangtze, but I want it verifying before it goes on the page as it may be caused by the coc command. It could be a genuine graphics glitch on PC, as all COC does is move me to the location. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 18:58, June 14, 2017 (UTC)
Yeah my edit count has been down a little on what it was before. I've been over at discussions a little too, want to see if we can make the wiki work as a whole instead of two parts.
The exact location was in what would have been the crew quarters on the way to grab the war head in here in be monsters. I'll double check tonight and see exactly where it was. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 07:28, June 15, 2017 (UTC)
Sorry I misplaced my joypad, which is why I haven't come back to you. Been in a bit of a depression the last couple of days too. I'll get back to you once I've found the bugger so I can get the details for you. I've been wanting to knock the person off the bottom more than I wanted to hit the leaderboard. They left a rather sour taste in my mouth the first (and only) time i met them. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 13:45, June 18, 2017 (UTC)

Xbox tester[]

I found out today that our discussions moderator SSJ3 Rusticus is an xbox player who has also been wanting to look into doing some editing. Do you mind showing him the ropes?

P.S. By controller has gone completely AWOL at the moment. Its in none of its usual places. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 19:37, June 18, 2017 (UTC)

Thanks for getting back to him. Be nice to clear some of those bugs that have been "bugging" us for a while. Yeah I'm still up, too warm to sleep. In chat right now if you want to say hi. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 01:28, June 19, 2017 (UTC)

High Ground[]

This one looks like it's going to be a fun one if you feel up to testing it. From what the anon has added I think they might be right, but can you try replicating it? It's clear this is a bug with FH installed reading the original bug. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 12:15, June 21, 2017 (UTC)

Your initial thoughts are the same as mine on this one. I think the bug is a dud too and is down to Far Harbor not being started. You might be able to see if you can get Cleansing the Commonwealth or Quartermastery to produce the same effect and see if triggering the DLC resolved it. Would be quicker and reflects our reasoning for the railroad radiants. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 08:01, June 22, 2017 (UTC)
It seems to be as I suspected, seems like you're enjoying just being able to play for a bug instead of doing the same thing over and over in the same place for a change. I'll hold off on it until you get bored and then let you change it. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 02:26, June 25, 2017 (UTC)
Sorry, I completely forgot about your message with trying to get a program up and running for Js, then losing a day in real life somewhere. Fed up of talking to PAM after that?
I've had this one brought to my attention today, a lot of what isn't verified is either xbox or [platforms tag needed]. I you don't want to even look at the Railroad at all, then I can understand that. I've got a few bits to clean up on this one now, plus I can verify one straight away. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 13:55, July 2, 2017 (UTC)

──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Its all goos, we have our own lives and they need to come first. Take you time with the bug testing. As for my image that was taken upon entry to the crew quarters on the Yangtze during the "Collect the nuclear warhead from the unfired ICBM in the submarine." stage. Literally just opened the door and was met with the glitch and a half. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 05:40, July 15, 2017 (UTC)

Thanks for checking that one. I'll have a check with bleep and see if we would log it as my bug may have been created by console commands. Technically it wasn't created by normal behaviour. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 07:48, July 17, 2017 (UTC)

Hey Rebel[]

I am interested in helping. Unfortunately, something came up in my personal life. So, I'm going to be inactive for the most part. I plan on talking to you once I'm back on. Not entirely sure when that will be.


SSJ3 Rusticus (talk) 16:10, June 29, 2017 (UTC)


Looks like our ol' Richie got him. I'll have a sweep and check we got everything. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 11:35, July 18, 2017 (UTC)

Battle of Bunker Hill[]

Before I get down to business, ever feel like this just a page filled with my graffiti?

Anyway I saw this bug had been pulled with a summary, I'm not sure if it got removed because it was old or they tested it on the platform they play on. (It was down as platforms needed). Mind giving a whirl and seeing if you can validate the removal? Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 01:42, July 20, 2017 (UTC)

If you join the Brotherhood of Steel after starting this quest, the optional quest stage to inform them will not appear.
I'm not surprised, the last Railroad bug I asked you to test about near killed you. I'll take your recollections as confirmation on this one. I trusted the original editor that they knew what they were doing, when it comes to removing bugs if there is no summary as to why I'd rather get a quiet second check than have it potentially go back and forth on the article.
If you want to go through the motions and check it out fully, then there is no rush. It's on your talk page for when you're ready. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 02:05, July 20, 2017 (UTC)
This is why I said when you're ready. Last thing I wanted was you getting burn out. I appreciate you looking it though. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 04:26, July 22, 2017 (UTC)
I was thinking it had been a while since we last spoke the other day, seen you around still though. I wouldn't worry too much about forgetting, plus I've found a new source of potential bug testers on our discussions board. A lot of them do play on console so we should be able to grab a couple of Xbox players that way. I'll see if I can find some people who are interested in doing a bit of bug testing over there and lure them over. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 06:30, August 15, 2017 (UTC)

( I found a couple. Wil that take pressure off you if we can get them up to standard? Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 19:34, August 15, 2017 (UTC)

Bug test[]

Hello, I've run across a "bug" on Xbox and was wondering if you could test it to see if you get the same results on PS4. I was talking with Saka about cash registers respawning contents to gain infinite Pre-War money, and there are 3 locations respawning for me.
  1. Nuka-World Safari Adventure. To the west of the entrance next to a Nuka-Cola Dark mixing station. Its not the one directly left of the mixer but the next 1 over to the left, I can provide a picture if needed.
  2. Faneuil Hall. After entering the door you are at a room with 9 registers. More than half have been respawning with cash inside. 'Super mutants are here
  3. Bridgeway Trust entire bank

If you have some free time to look into these I would really appreciate it, thank you. Xa3MysteriousStranger 21:16, August 3, 2017 (UTC)

yeah I'd love to help out if I can, now that I'm back. For Radiants I don't know if it matters or not, but I have none active and not receiving them, just waiting about 5 in game days. Xa3MysteriousStranger 03:14, August 4, 2017 (UTC)

Big Boy[]

I wouldn't consider that edit strategy, though it is pretty much a foregone conclusion that using a weapon like that indoors will definately tear you a new one. I suppose the anon editor's heart was in the right place though...lol. StormRider71 (talk) 09:22, August 7, 2017 (UTC)

Wikia's forced addition of videoes to the wiki[]

Hello, This is a message to all listed active members of the leadership team, so please accept my apologies if this seems a little impersonal.

As you may be aware, Wikia/Fandom have added a number of videos to pages on the wiki that they have self authored. Although the consensus view so far seems to be that these are not to our standards, I encourage you to view these for yourself and make up your own mind.

You can find a link to all the videos, and a petition I would like you to consider here. If you believe that these videos do not meet our standards, detract from the wiki, and should be removed, I encourage you to vote yes on this petition. You are of course welcome to vote no if you do not believe this is the case.

Thank you for your consideration. Agent c (talk) 21:03, September 7, 2017 (UTC)

Video Negotiated Settlement[]

Thank you very much for your vote on the petition. We have had talks with Wikia/Fandom, and a settlement has been proposed. I encourage you to review it and have your say here. Agent c (talk) 20:34, September 8, 2017 (UTC)

Triangle button stopped working in game.[]

Hey I'm huge fallout fan, i've been playing fallout 4 on my ps4 for sometime now and i recently ran into a "rare" glitch and its absolutely crippling my game experience to the point where i may quit playing.i can't seem to fix or reverse this error. In game i entered good neighbour and paused moments after, when i returned i resumed the game and my Triangle button for my DS4 no longer works in Fallout 4, i remapped triangle for activate and X button for jump. after remapping the buttons further, loading a previous save point, restarting, changing controllers etc. still haven't resolved the issue. the controllers are not broken, triangle work outside of fallout 4. please help.

-- 04:06, September 9, 2017 (UTC)

Video Forums[]

Thank you for participating in the video forums so far.

In order to work out where to go from here, I've created another forum asking the community where our "Red line" is, and whether or not I should continue to be the point person on this.

You can find the new forum here. I look forward to seeing your thoughts on this matter. Agent c (talk) 16:15, September 10, 2017 (UTC)

Congrats in advance on 20,000 Edits![]

Hey, thank you for all the kind words, I made sure this is number 20 000 :)! - Greets Peace'n Hugs (talk) (blog) 08:14, September 11, 2017 (UTC)

All Hands Meeting[]

Okay, I think its clear that going ahead with a meeting is a good idea. At this stage I would like to open the floor to agenda items. We have the following things to discuss.

  • An update on any negotiations, and other actions
  • Possible action to progress our case further whilst staying on network
  • Possible engagement with Wikia on video in line with the proposed deal- if we should participate and whom that contact person should be.
  • Possible alternatives if the situation cannot be resolved.

Please let me know if you want anything added to the agenda here

I'll be asking a number of people to speak on certain issues, but as always there will be plenty of room for discussion.

I propose that the meeting be held at 3pm North American Eastern Time on Sunday 24 September, this should be 8pm in London, 9pm Central European time, and Midday North American Western. If there are any objections please note them below and we'll look into alternative scheduling, the more objections the harder we look for a new time.

We have arranged facilities for the meeting, it will be held online. It is open to all persons who have participated in any of the video discussion threads up to today, except those employed by Fandom/Wikia inc (as this is the Community's meeting), or have been employed by them in the recent past.

Votes taken in this meeting will be taken as consensus view of the wiki, so everyone is encouraged to attend.

We have setup a discord server (Nukapedia's Fallout Shelter) located here. It is mobile friendly (via an app) and is very flexible.

Although everyone is welcome in our social space (The-Common-Room), only persons who meet the above criteria will be admitted to The-Town-Hall (where the meeting will be located). You may be asked to verify your account before this access is granted. Agent c (talk) 21:53, September 11, 2017 (UTC)

No need for a mic, we'll be pure text. Agent c (talk) 01:30, September 12, 2017 (UTC)

Fusion core[]

I've checked that fusion core location at the GAG in the Creation Kit, but it's not there. Are you sure you don't have mods installed? I'd like to see a screenshot then. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 01:33, September 26, 2017 (UTC)

Still must be random, you can see the difference in the image between mine and yours. Only fixed items are mentioned. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 21:53, September 26, 2017 (UTC)


Certainly been a while since we last spoke, been tied up with a lot of things, including our new exodus platform. Anyway I spotted this article today where it looks like an anon tried to verify a bug, but didn't give us the platform. Want to see if you can replicate on PS3? Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 07:41, September 26, 2017 (UTC)


Thanks, I appreciate it! It all seems to come naturally to me, the combination of Fallout and wiki editing. Who would've thought 7 eight years ago. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 01:47, October 1, 2017 (UTC)


Sadly on Wikia we don't control the platform, so we have no control of the counter. I would suggest asking Wikia/Fandom Special:Contact is the way to reach them. Agent c (talk) 20:33, October 4, 2017 (UTC)

You could have been bamboozled by the fact that the achievement asks for an edit every day of the GMT timezone. That's what happened to me the last time I tried to go for Guardian of the Wastes. --YOD ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ 20:59, October 4, 2017 (UTC)
The Savior of the Damned badge uses the Greenwich Time. If you live in California, the moment it skips to the next day is 0:00 GMT, so that would be 16:00 hours where you live. If you make an edit 15:59 and then the next day 16:01, you will lose the achievement. You can test it by looking at your so many days in a row counter on 15:59, then make an edit at 16:01 to see if it's gone one up. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 15:42, October 5, 2017 (UTC)

Patroller to Content Moderator[]

Hello, can you cast your eye over this forum and give your input? Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 21:16, October 7, 2017 (UTC)

I saw what you said on Dekker's forum and talkpage. If content moderator is something we need, then we keep discussing it until we get a consensus. There are a few forums and bits outstanding, which is why I ressurected community news yesterday. We all need to be a little more engaged as a community to get things to happen imo. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 12:39, October 16, 2017 (UTC)

I agree, we certainly have got some good candidates and I have 3 names I would put forward gladly as a starting point already, if they wanted it. I know what you mean by real life, it has to come first and this is a hobby, plus our numbers aren't great (a fair few Maintenance jobs just aren't being done), we need to talk more and think a little smarted about how we do things, for example projects. Many of them have been in the works for over a year with little in the way of movement. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 07:25, October 17, 2017 (UTC)

Sounds like a lot of hats to juggle at once. I think as well intentioned as they were over at discussions, they have similar issues to us, although they're younger. Schools back in now so homework and extra curricular are taking up time again. I was looking at the projects page the other day and I'm wondering if we need to go through, wind a huge chunk down to inactive and focus on the important ones. Big project and ravamp may become part of the inactive for now, but in part because I think we need to look at how handle bugs and how to make it more manageable. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 09:32, October 18, 2017 (UTC)

Pretty much all of them are going to be moved I think, I'll talk to numbers, see how he feels about the FO2 and VB projects being moved, then look at what we have for 4 and see what we keep active and what we suspend for now. 20-ish projects with about half a dozen people active to look at them isn't going to work, plus most of the leaders etc have now gone from the wiki.

No harm in adding it. I was quite happy not to have one then I realised a fair few people were reading my talk page for shucks, so I got curious as to who was reading it. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 07:12, October 19, 2017 (UTC)

I shuffled one or on-going and another to inactive from input off the only active member of the project. I agree handling one at a time is going to be a good way forwards, first I want to elimate the infoboxes while we know for certain we have the resource to handle it.
If you want a bit of help with the coding end of it then I can give you a hand there. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 09:03, October 20, 2017 (UTC)

Adminship request[]

Thank you for voting on my adminship request earlier! I'd like to inform you that I have changed my request from a Content Moderator request into an Administrator request. If you do not support my updated request, or are unsure of whether to support it, please be sure to update or even remove your vote.
- FDekker talk 17:10, October 15, 2017 (UTC)

Last Man Standing Usage Request[]

Hey there - I noticed you left a poll comment regarding how you wished someone could make your gun concept into a mod. Well, unfortunately due to my lack of knowledge of how to actually mod in Fallout, I probably can't accomplish that part in Fallout. However, my Minecraft Fallout server is rather lacking on handguns right now - and we would be very, very happy if you would allow us to use your weapon design (with your permission, of course; we'd put your name on the description of the item in an Acknowledgement section).

TL;DR: Would you be OK if the NMC Fallout: Dallas Minecraft server used your Last Man Standing design? |\| () |\/| /\ |) | Talk | Discord | NMC 13:56, October 23, 2017 (UTC)

Of course. I'll keep you updated with images - it may not be done anytime soon, and our apologies in advance if it comes out looking horrible... To be honest, though, thanks. We'll try out best! (Hopefully.) |\| () |\/| /\ |) | Talk | Discord | NMC 12:01, October 24, 2017 (UTC)
Well, the image you provided should be good enough to make a model. The more difficult part will be actually making the 3D ingame model, since this image shows the item only from the side - hence we have to imagine what the depth looks like. Considering it seems to be a fairly standard-looking pistol design, though, it shouldn't be too difficult to model. It's more a question of how long it'll take us to get the game mechanics working that actually let us use it as a weapon... I suspect it'll be nothing but a functionless model for some time. |\| () |\/| /\ |) | Talk | Discord | NMC 12:01, October 26, 2017 (UTC)


You may well be right. Testacles was likely a final(ish) addition to the game for debug testing. I'd like to know who added this and where they got their source from. We might as well ask J.E.Sawyer tbh. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Sakaratte (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

I'll take a look at the article history first, see if I can find a pointer, failing that, ask Sawyer. (I fixed the lack of signature now). Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 21:07, October 25, 2017 (UTC)

Found a little more out, it was added by an anonymous editor, then extend by Kastera back in 2011. Wasn't you was it? ;) Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 21:35, October 25, 2017 (UTC)


Hey there, a little birdy/cat told me you have a particular interest in bug testing. I'm just starting to get back into my groove, and wanted to let you know that you're not alone in working through these sections (I've been doing it for 6 years). If you need help with anything, or advice, shoot me a message. ---bleep196- (talk) 00:24, November 2, 2017 (UTC)

Content Moderator[]

As discussion on Content moderators stalled last month and there was plenty of input, I have now raised a forum with a policy to vote on based upon the comments. When you have a moment, can you take a look at cast your votes? Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 23:37, November 11, 2017 (UTC)

P.S. I took a shot at making Last Man standing, it's do-able as a mod, I just need the textures. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 23:37, November 11, 2017 (UTC)

Update and Discord question[]

Hey there - my server's been working on some pistol plugin configurations, and as I just finished a vault light model, I will be starting work on your pistol next.

Meantime, just wanted to ask: Do you have Discord? It'd help a ton with communication if you could get a Discord account. Thanks - |\| () |\/| /\ |) | Talk | Discord | NMC 13:07, November 20, 2017 (UTC)

It's up to you of course, but Discord does allow you to leave/mute channels. And if you wanted to make a new account, I'm sure we'd be more than happy to have you in the Nukapedia discord group. (Even I sometimes mute Nukapedia discord, we won't mind if you want to ignore notifications.) |\| () |\/| /\ |) | Talk | Discord | NMC 13:28, November 21, 2017 (UTC)

Battle of Bunker Hill redux[]

Can't blame you for switching between them. Yesterday was a day for bug catching too, bleep went all out on them too.

I'll see about trying to confirm some of the others myself. Might be a little while before I can sit down and play any games though. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 07:28, December 1, 2017 (UTC)


Ooops! Didn't mean to steal your thunder on those. I'm not used to having someone else working with me on bug sections, so apologies, we should probably be exchanging lists and potential solutions. I tend to sit down and just attempt to do the easiest and most obvious ones as I go. Obviously it takes awhile for me to work through things as I do them in chunks, but yeah. Which pages are currently on your list? I just wrapped up my most recent one yesterday, but we can coordinate for the next round. ---bleep196- (talk) 19:28, December 1, 2017 (UTC)

Read through the bugs on that page. Its fortunate, I encountered several of those in my raw playthrough before I started bug testing in 4. Was going to put them up if they weren't already there, but users usually beat me to that. ---bleep196- (talk) 19:36, December 1, 2017 (UTC)
Also, I just made the terrible mistake of clicking on the Fallout 4 Bugs page... I cleaned it out at one point wayyyyyy back... and its gotten 10x worse. ---bleep196- (talk) 20:17, December 1, 2017 (UTC)

Old Guns[]

Hi Bleep, going to leave this on both yours and Bleep's talkpages as I'm a little confused. Saw this on Old Guns and was wondering what it means by knee as it seems very odd to me:

Ronnie gets stuck behind the door that the computer terminal needs to open and the terminal says inaccessible. This happens when Ronnie takes a knee in the hallway prior to entering the room with the sentry bot. When a bottle cap mine is placed at the right corner of the rooms doorway and the sentry bot triggers it. When the mine goes off Ronnie disappears and the sentry bot gets stuck. Once the bot is defeated Ronnie appears behind the security door and cannot come through to unlock the terminal.

Any ideas? Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 22:40, December 2, 2017 (UTC)

Coffee tin[]

I always you pulled the coffee tin off Monsignor Plaza. If I remember rightly they were argued as being notable because their is 15 or so and needed for the for the Slucum Buzz bites. Thought I'd check in with you before putting it back. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 07:28, December 5, 2017 (UTC)

Fallout 4 Bugs Page[]

The Fallout 4 bugs page is and has been an absolute nightmare since day 1. At one point I cleaned off the entire page after locking it for awhile. I've been meaning to do that on a regular basis just to verify bugs, and cull others that cannot be verified. Obviously my life got really busy and doing that regularly became basically untenable. ---bleep196- (talk) 19:49, December 7, 2017 (UTC)

The issue with Xbox is nobody owns the newest one. ---bleep196- (talk) 19:16, December 8, 2017 (UTC)

Last Man Standing update[]

I haven't put it in game yet - that will probably be next week - but I've finally finished the Minecraft model for it. Tell me what you think - https://imgur.com/a/9e0Rx

|\| () |\/| /\ |) | Talk | Discord | NMC 20:27, December 10, 2017 (UTC)


Ok, thanks. The page needs some rearranging though I see, I'll move some characteristics to notes. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 13:37, December 30, 2017 (UTC)


Hello. I do not know English, so please forgive the interpreter's tongue-tie. I understood the essence of your question. I'm afraid that due to ignorance of the language, I can hardly do more good than abolishing obvious vandalism. Thanks for the suggestion. If they offered me this in the Russian wiki, I could not refuse :). Beard 8025411341 (talk) 14:31, December 30, 2017 (UTC)

Bugsy Mallone[]

Well I'm trying to make the old ones disappear as Stormrider asked me about them. At least if we can clear the 185 in overdue it will be one box ticked off. I'll have a poke around Discord as see if I can find some unwilling victims volunteers for you. Happy new year to you too! Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 02:32, January 1, 2018 (UTC)

I agree, there should at least be a good faith attempt to clear them off. Removing just because they're only will result in them coming back again, which means instead of them being verified at that point, they just go back to the log. I've dropped the link to the category, ideally I'd like to have something on the front page to say "please help us here" but Js doesn't want editorial in a position that would really benefit having it on the front page. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 06:56, January 2, 2018 (UTC)
I've asked again and JBour] plays on Xbox. He said he might take a look. I know he wants something to edit, so you might see a few drop off. I've given him the overdue category to look at, let's get that cleared off to start with.
Honestly there has been one I removed that was Xbox because I couldn't replicate on PC. I may be wrong in removing it, but it felt like a bug that would be shared. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 07:39, January 2, 2018 (UTC)

(Looks like ylwe have a few more bug testers lately. I'm honestly not sure where they have come from but it's a good sign, even one plays on Xbox iirc. I'll give them a nudge about the categories and see if they are genuinely interested.

I'm going to be absent for the best part of this coming week, it is Agent C's wedding. I'll be around to pick up messages and might get the chance to look in on some stuff. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 05:33, January 6, 2018 (UTC)

It looks like we might have a new generation of bug testers coming in. NukaTurtle has Xbox too so she will check some bugs when she has time. Might be a few months before it happens though. I'll pass on your regards and let them know you want to be one of the cool kids. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 01:40, January 7, 2018 (UTC)

Bleh Bug Pages[]

Apologies for the late response, I've been bogged down with work and other things. I'll take a look at the Red Rocket bug. ---bleep196- (talk) 16:53, January 11, 2018 (UTC)


I probably should have paid more attention. Did even cross my mind the = sign would send the template off on a tantrum. All sorted now. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 01:02, January 17, 2018 (UTC)

Savior of the Damned[]

I noticed your post to Sakaratte about the daycounter. The time the counter switches from the current day to the next is not 0:00 hour in America but it should be 16:00 or 17:00, depends on where you live. It uses the GMT time which is 01:00 for me but 8/9 hours earlier for you. You can try for yourself when it switches if you check your daycounter just before 16 and/or 17 and make an edit a minute after it and check again to see if it changed. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 15:20, January 17, 2018 (UTC)

Contribs SatD Rebel427
Ok I dug into it. Here you see your contributions as I see them. At your end it should show differently, 8 or so hours earlier. You missed December 31 and January 18 by (half) an hour or so both times. Counter resets at 0:00; that is 26 minutes later than when you sent your message to Beard on December 31st. I don't know where you got the information from the 12th, but those edits counted. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 15:46, January 19, 2018 (UTC)
It matches like I expected. The time difference between you an me is 9 hours. In the Netherlands it is GMT time +1:00 hours. Where your live (probably region California) it is GMT time - 8:00 hours, a difference of 9 hours. The exact time the counter resets where you live is 16:00 hours (in the Netherlands it's 01:00 hours). Not sure if you have a wintertime and summertime setting (we turn back the clock one hour at the end of October and advance it again one hour at the end of March, so in the summertime we are GMT +2:00 hours. For now anyway you know when you need to make an edit if you want to keep your streak. If you make an edit 15:55 and the next one 16:05 the next day you will miss a day, so don't let that happen. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 22:38, January 19, 2018 (UTC)
The point is, Wikia uses the Greenwich Meridian Time to switch from the current to the next day for the Savior of the Damned badge, for all 24 timezones. It doesn't matter what my time or your time says, what matters in the GMT time, and for you that's more "off" than for me. Your last three edits counts as 23:01, January 17, then 00:46, January 19 and 07:10, January 19. Clearly January 18 is missing in GMT time. What you need to keep in mind is to make at least one edit everyone evening when you come home from work and that 16:00 hours your time is the threshold. There should be plenty of opportunity for at least one edit I think. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 17:49, January 20, 2018 (UTC)


This wiki is US based and the language should reflect that, not be changed to follow suit outside of it. Great Mara (talk) 23:23, January 21, 2018 (UTC)

So basically remove the American bit altogether. I'm storngly opposed to that. :/ Great Mara (talk) 02:14, January 22, 2018 (UTC)

Why undo my revision on CC page??[]

All current CC weapon skins are created by the creator Skibadaa, so why the undo? Eddo36 (talk) 07:54, January 25, 2018 (UTC)

It's all good Eddo36 (talk) 22:23, January 25, 2018 (UTC)


It's a rare loot item I see now. Still many chances to get one, it's used by many objects, vendors, in containers etc. Try Leonard Moore, he's linked. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 21:15, January 28, 2018 (UTC)

Ran the Cooking Oil base ID through my quick n' dirty ESM parser, which only shows cells with an editor ID, and doesn't include any of the DLCs...
Qty    Cell ID   Editor ID                                           Cell Name
    2  0003c0f1  ShawHighSchool01                                    Shaw High School
    2  0000e1f0  JamaicaPlainExt03                                   None
    2  0002a728  Vault81                                             Vault 81
    2  0000e01f  TiconderogaStationExt                               None
    2  000a1cb7  LaytonTowers01                                      Layton Towers
    1  0000dbb8  EasyCityDownsExt02                                  None
    1  00001e5d  DmndDugoutInn01                                     Dugout Inn
    1  0000e0f7  BostonCommonExt04                                   None
    1  0000e1ef  JamaicaPlainExt02                                   None
    1  0000dbd8  EasyCityDownsExt03                                  None
    1  00001e56  DmndCitySurplus01New                                Myrna's House
    1  00001e4f  DmndStandsCodman01                                  Codman Residence
    1  00048de3  BostonMayoralShelter01                              Boston Mayoral Shelter
    1  00062338  RevereBeachStation01                                Revere Beach Station
    1  00001e52  DmndJohnsHouse01                                    John and Cathy's House
    1  00039c9e  FortStrong01                                        Fort Strong Armory
    1  00001e60  DmndWaterfrontCrockersHouse01                       Doc Crocker's House
    1  0002b12d  Yangtze01                                           Yangtze
    1  000c8041  FensParkviewApartments01                            Apartment Building
    1  0004c7ed  GwinnettBrewery01                                   Gwinnett Restaurant
    1  000252bf  SandyCovesHome01                                    Sandy Coves Convalescent Home
    1  00070116  Financial24                                         Joe's Spuckies
    1  00184a31  TheaterHub360                                       Hub 360
    1  000c0791  FensCafeBuilding                                    Apartments
    1  0006f0ca  Financial30                                         Water Street Apartments
    1  000cd2ae  FortHagen02                                         Fort Hagen Command Center
    1  0011e7ec  Libertalia01                                        Captain's Cabin
    1  0000dadc  GibsonPointPierExt02                                None
    1  0000e0b3  WaterfrontExtE                                      None
    1  0000e2c3  QuincyRuinsExt05                                    None
    1  000941df  Theater27TickerTapeLounge                           Ticker Tape Lounge
    1  00001e5c  DmndChoiceChops01                                   Polly's House
    1  00002374  UniversityPoint01                                   University Point: Sedgwick Hall
    1  0000dfa5  CollegeSquareExt03                                  None
    1  0000db07  WestEverettEstatesExt02                             None
    1  0000db26  WestEverettEstatesExt06                             None
    1  0000d9b4  GeneralAtomicsGalleriaExt02                         None
The "None" means the cell doesn't have a value for that field. Aya42 (talk) 03:14, January 29, 2018 (UTC)

Getting a clue[]

As you can see here, I simply added what this guy said to the article. I forgot to ask what platform he was on. I've asked him on his talk page now. DisgustingWastelander (talk) 16:39, February 1, 2018 (UTC)

I've added the platform tag now. DisgustingWastelander (talk) 18:13, February 1, 2018 (UTC)

Anacostia raider fingers[]

In the summary of this edit you claim that "Not all Raiders drop Fingers". Are you sure about this? I personally haven't ever encountered a raider that did not drop a finger (or maybe I'm just misremembering things).
- FDekker talk 02:46, February 8, 2018 (UTC)

I'm sure I misremembered only because of the Mandela effect. /s
- FDekker talk 00:43, February 9, 2018 (UTC)

CC bugs[]

Don't worry about it, I know you guys have a lot on at present. Can't hurt to ask /d, I know you're avoiding Discord for personal reasons, but the more helpful discussions guys are there if you really need the help.

I'll try and check that bug myself, short of pipboy skins, I have all the released content. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 11:56, February 12, 2018 (UTC)

Ah so not so bad then. Let's hope there aren't too many. I imagine Bethesda is keeping a tighter QA on CC than they do their own work. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 08:45, February 13, 2018 (UTC)
I think there is a lot of confusion over CC at present. New users particularly feel that we should be making lore based additions, which I think makes sense. I've raise another forum about it. Need as much input as possible there. Tired of nothing happening because of silence at the moment. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 09:11, February 13, 2018 (UTC)


Raltin here, you left a message regarding the Reclamations note on the bug list. The platform was Playstation 4, and sadly am past the point on my save where I could go back and take screenshots or start a video. My word will just have to be taken at face value, and I'm sure that's not the most valuable thing when working on bug fixes, apologies. I can however give an account of my experience.

My firsthand issues with this bug was, after doing the necessary quests to make this Institute radiant quest available, I tried speaking with Secord in her quarters. All other radiant quest givers in the Institute provided their quests during night-time hours when they can be found in their quarters, but Secord however continued looping her usual dialogue. I exited the Institute, didn't really do anything but build in settlements (Preston would be proud), returned during daytime hours and, after a chance meeting when I was in the SRB during her work hours, I just activated her to check her dialogue and she ended up giving the quest as she should normally.

I hope that's a satisfying reply for you, I was happy to help in any small way I could. Validating information for a wiki is important, just as important as helping settlements in need, and there's one nearby that needs your help, here, let me mark it on your map...

Raltin avarr (talk) 02:10, February 13, 2018 (UTC)Raltin Avarr

Dead pc[]

Sorry Rebel, I read you message at the time, then fell asleep before replying. Did the same again this time, but making sure I reply this time.

You had to replace the entire PC because of a crashed hard disc? Or just made more sense? Glad to have you back either way.

I decided I'd had another of being pestered to run and just did it. Now here I am, crat 5 of the wiki. Let's see what happens next on this adventure. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 07:51, March 15, 2018 (UTC)

I swear I have become the worst person to reply to messages lately. At least you're back up and running now, in sure I'll find a list of bugs to send your way at some point.
I know your pain on that, I appear to have misplaced all my Fallout 4 save files myself. Really not feeling like restarting that just yet. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 08:35, March 27, 2018 (UTC)


An observation, if you're willing to check into it:

  1. If Vulpes is killed, no matter by whom, the Courier gains CL infamy
  2. If Vulpes is attacked and made hostile during the Nipton sequence, this may trigger him to remain hostile against the PC, as well

I'm not sure of how true that may be, but enemy creatures and NPCs do have a habit of clipping through to areas where they are not supposed to be, and so the possibility is always there that Vulpes may be attacked before the PC manages to reach him after he spawns at Nipton.

I imagine that would mean he'd spawn in with different character IDs, though, since after his leaving Nipton, he regularly engages both creatures and the NCR Rangers without becoming hostile towards the PC. Just some food for thought, since I'm currently sitting here, bored. 寧靜 Fox 00:05, March 26, 2018 (UTC)

Haha - it's nice to see someone so thorough, especially when dealing with the 'Bugs' coverage, here. I always appreciate it when people take the time out to do that, especially since I know how tedious it can be, doubly so with the more obscure bugs that can sometimes be nearly impossible to verify/debunk.
Keep up the great work, and happy editing! 寧靜 Fox 16:38, March 27, 2018 (UTC)

Bugs, glorious bugs[]

Yeah, the real world people infoboxes were an absolute mess so I did a bit to tidy them up and make them look nice again. Still plenty to clean up with them though. Glad to see that one down to one page now, xbox tester would be nice, but I've been wondering if there are some we can work out from the Creation kit. I keep taking a stab at Bug verification overdue to try and get those ones down myself. I've taken a big step back to avoid burning out lately and it has certainly done a lot of good. Most of what I do is to and from work so it is a nice time killer instead of here 24/7.

Discussions.... is certainly fun isn't it? Might be worth making a topic and see if the response you get is anything like what you have seen. Call it a social experiment maybe? Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 22:00, May 9, 2018 (UTC)

Character affinity[]

Apologies for the generic message.

This forum was raised almost a week ago to tweak article guidelines so we could get companion reactions added into the layout guidelines with the hope of achieving a consensus rather than a vote. Can you take 5 minutes to cast your eye over and give your input? Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 14:37, May 12, 2018 (UTC)


Hey Rebel, it seems Fandom has had the ingenious idea of switching on some functionality which moves categories around on every edit. Before you start editing, can you pop into Preferences > editing and disable the category module?

Thanks Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 14:11, May 16, 2018 (UTC)

Ah its all good. It was actually a little before I left you that message. They fixed the problem now and at the same time the option has vanished. If you want to disable it anyway as a future precaution, go to w:c:Divinity and access your perfs from there. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 20:22, May 16, 2018 (UTC)
Yeah, it was an odd one. Thankfully it's fixed for now. I've mostly been trying to clean things up, get information to remain consistent. What do you feel like doing for a change? Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 05:57, May 18, 2018 (UTC)

Notable content[]

Hello, one of the requests that was made quite a while ago, was a review of the notable content template, to make it clearer there is hidden content. A new draft has now been created and is fully functional. Can you swing by, take a look and give you input as to suitability/changes? (This will directly affect the bugs) Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 11:40, May 23, 2018 (UTC)


I know you have your reasons for avoiding it like the plague, but do you mind swinging by? Just stay in offline to avoid people you don't want to talk to. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 22:33, May 30, 2018 (UTC)

Sounds like tough times over the right now. Best of luck with finding one. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 06:46, June 1, 2018 (UTC)
Pretty much the same here as minimum wage goes. we have had to introduce a "living wage" to re-address the balance. |Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 22:42, June 1, 2018 (UTC)
I know that feeling. You start to get somewhere with saving them something happens to get in the way. I think if I tried to work two jobs I'd end up sick a lot, so sticking to one is all I can do. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 21:08, June 3, 2018 (UTC)


Did that negatively correct, or did you have another weapon with a DT modifier? Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 23:16, June 16, 2018 (UTC)

Nukapedia and Fandom/Wikia talks[]


Apologies for the impersonal nature of this message, as I'm relaying the same thing to admins and people who have previously expressed a view on featured video. Forgive me if I tell you some things you already know.

We have a call scheduled with Wikia this Friday. We need your input - and the input from as many others as possible. We're hoping to settle once and for all what our relationship is, if it can be salvaged, and what the future should be, as until we settle these featured video can't be settled.

Please, have a look at this forum and tell us what you think.

In addition to looking at our own future hosting option, we've also been in talks with other hosts. Included in these is Gamepedia/Curse. We have an ongoing dialogue with them, and if you have any questions about a possible unification to the vault, please do let me know and I'll relay any similar response we've had, and if your question is a first, I'll ask the question.

Thanks again. Remember, War never changes. Agent c (talk) 21:05, July 2, 2018 (UTC)

Our relationship with Wikia[]

Hi, You’ve previously expressed an opinion on whether we should remain with Wikia, and the Featured Video Situation. Its really important we hear from you again about what we should do about it. Please participate in the vote here. Agent c (talk) 13:08, August 11, 2018 (UTC)


That's ok, good to hear your back. Best wishes and good luck in 2019! Jspoel Speech Jspoel 00:15, January 1, 2019 (UTC)

Nice to see you're still around rebel. Was wondering how you were a couple.of days ago. Not here too much nowadays, but if you want to keep in touch give me a nudge. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 00:43, January 1, 2019 (UTC)
Jesus Christ. That is some exceptionally shitty times you've had lately, you undoubtly deserve some good fortune now after recent events in your life. I'll be honest, I've put maybe 20/30 hours into Fallout 76, gotten somewhere and gotten bored with it. Might be that you, me and Dust could hook up at somepoint down the line when you're in the mood and have time for it.
I wouldn't worry too much about how much or little you do around here. Even I kind of just linger not doing much (only reason I got admin back was to support CSS/JS after being asked to take a look at a template and getting frustrated at waiting for someone with access.) Just do what you want to do and don't worry about how often you do it imo. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 08:30, January 3, 2019 (UTC)

Call to Action[]

There have been quite a few sweeping changes to the wiki lately, and now that the Unified Community Platform has come to fruition here, it's more important than ever for our leadership to get together and inspire innovative changes for the next generation of wiki editors/readers.

As someone who is somewhat inactive myself, I understand how life gets in the way, and I'll fully understand if many of you are unable to commit, but I'd still like to try my best to appeal to you all in getting involved in a few of our currently active projects; especially so since rights-users participating in our discussions/votes are at an all-time low, and many internal decisions are having to be made between a select few users, which is bad for building consensus on important matters.

As such, I would like to ask for you all to look into two of our most important projects right now, as it would mean a lot to me and the wiki if as many people as possible got directly involved in helping shape our future:

  1. The Vault Academy is a program for the training and acclimation of new and even veteran users, training them on how to get involved in the various facets of the wiki, as well as helping them build bonds with their fellow users. The program has kicked off in a big way, and we are in desperate need of more rights-users to sign on as mentors, as we're having to share multiple mentees between each mentor. If you're looking to leave your mark on the wiki, then signing onto TVA program will be your way of doing so.
  2. As a minor update, we now have a new plagiarism point of contact. Should you suspect plagiarized content is at play, please get into point with the user FDekker who will be the initial handler of all such cases going forward.
  3. We have an upcoming meeting of the minds coming up on the 20th of this month, and we need people to come forth and pitch their ideas for adapting to the recent UCP changes, and to possibly adopt some of the ideas that our new datamining friends have been pitching to us.

Thanks for your consideration, and I do hope to hear back from you all! Even if it is just some of you dropping by to check the place out and say a quick hello. 寧靜 Fox 14:12, 13 November 2020 (UTC)
