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Fallout Wiki

Conveyor belt lifts are constructible settlement objects added by the Fallout 4 add-on Contraptions Workshop.


Conveyor belt lifts are tall, vertical elevators, typically fed by conveyor belts or rollers. The lifts are fed from the base and each variant will release the items at the top from one of its four sides. Each variant comes with either floor support and an unsupported subtype.

In order to function, the conveyor belt lifts must be connected to a conveyor belt system with a power source capable of allocating 2 power exclusively for the lift. However, they cannot be directly connected to a power source themselves.


Gears (4)
Rubber (2)
Screw (2)
Steel (8)
Conveyor belt lift (1)


  • PCPC Playstation 4Playstation 4 Objects will get stuck in the exit port instead of moving along the port's conveyor. [verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 4Playstation 4 Instead of exiting through the port, objects will come out the side of the conveyor and fall to the floor. [verified]
