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The Oathbreaker is a melee weapon in Fallout 76, introduced in the Steel Dawn update.


The war glaive consists of a long, dark metallic shaft with light brown accents. By default, it is topped with a broad, double-sided sword-like blade. The edges of the blade are serrated, the central ridge is flattened, and two capacitor-like objects protrude from the base of the blade.

The war glaive can be equipped with multiple elemental heads, with each having a unique appearance. The shocking head consists of dual concave crescent blades attached to a central wave-bladed spike, with electrical arcs between the blade tips. The flaming head has a thick curved blade with a rear spike and a fuel tank to create flames along the blade. The cryo head has a wide, semi-circular, spade-like blade covered in frost. The plasma head consists of a large, thick contraption and metallic enclosure that creates a single-sided beam of plasma acting as the blade.

All of the mods for the war glaive cut the damage as seen in the Pip-Boy in half while adding the full base damage of the war glaive as a secondary damage type (cryo, energy, etc). The secondary damage type will be buffed by global damage boosts such as Bloody Mess or Adrenal Reaction, but will not be impacted by weapon type-specific buffs such as the melee-enhancing Twisted Muscles. This is due to the secondary damage type not being associated to any specific weapon types. The primary damage will continue to be enhanced by weapon type-specific buffs.

For example, the Pip-Boy displays 82 Physical damage for the standard level 50 war glaive. If one adds the cryo blade mod, the war glaive now has 41 Physical damage and 82 Cryo damage. Both specific and global buffs and nerfs will be applied to the primary Physical damage of the glaive, while only global buffs and de-buffs will be applied to the secondary damage of the glaive.

Similar in damage to the super sledge, the war glaive is a heavy-hitting two-handed weapon, though bladed instead of blunt. War glaives cannot be traded, dropped, or sold to vendors, and neither can the plans for the war glaive and its mods. Legendary war glaives can be scrapped at a legendary exchange machine.

Weapon modifications[]

War glaive
Mod Description Weapon prefix Damage per hit change
Weight change
Weapon value change in caps
Components Plan Form ID
Standard blade Standard. Circuitry x1
Screw x4
Steel x4
Shocking blade Adds Electrical damage.
Note: it does not add Electrical damage; it adds Energy damage.
Electrified -50% Attack
+100% Energy
Circuitry x1
Nuclear material x4
Rubber x5
Screw x4
Steel x4
Plan: War glaive shock blade
Gold Bullion 200
Cryo blade Target Freezes causing reduced movement speed for 3 seconds. Adds Cryo damage.
Note: enemy movement speed is reduced by 40%.
Freezing -50% Attack
+100% Cryo
Circuitry x1
Nuclear material x4
Screw x6
Steel x4
Cryo cell x10
Plan: War glaive cryo blade
Gold Bullion 200
Flaming blade Target Burns for 5 seconds. Adds Fire damage. Flaming -50% Attack
+100% Fire
Circuitry x1
Nuclear material x4
Screw x6
Steel x4
Fuel x10
Plan: War glaive flaming blade
Gold Bullion 200
Plasma blade Adds energy damage and Plasma Crit Effects Plasma -50% Attack
+100% Energy
Circuitry x1
Nuclear material x4
Screw x6
Steel x4
Plasma core x1
Plan: War glaive plasma blade
Gold Bullion 200

