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Fallout Wiki

You are a true friend of the night. Your eyes adapt quickly to low-light conditions indoors and when darkness falls across the post-nuclear wasteland.— In-game description

Friend of the Night is a perk in Fallout: New Vegas.


Taking this perk grants the Low-Light Vision effect, increasing visibility in dark environments, but only during nighttime between the hours of 8:15 p.m. and 5:45 a.m.

The effect is not a gradual one, and its presence can be recognized by a colored tint on the game world reflecting the dominant color of the player's surroundings (most often light blue when outdoors).


  • The effect given by this perk is not as potent as the similar one from taking Cateye or Ghost Sight from Dead Money.
  • Unlike the similar effect when wearing the riot helmet and its variants, which only happens when crouched, this perk's effect is constant whether standing or crouching.
  • Friend of the Night appeared in previous Fallout games as Night Vision.
  • Contrary to the perk's description, the night vision effect does not apply indoors unless it is between the hours of 8:15 p.m. and 5:45 a.m.


  • Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 The perk cancels out the effects of the varmint rifle night scope.[verified]
  • Xbox 360Xbox 360 Does not seem to work in the Dead Money or Honest Hearts add-ons.[verified]