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Do you remember relaxing beach getaways? Exciting nights out on the town? Amenities and entertainment to fill your safe and mundane life with inspiration and excitement? Even if you're not old enough to remember those blissful before-days, Atlantic City is your chance to experience them for the first time. Our city is safe, luxurious, and beautiful. But don't believe me - see it for yourself!

Jeremiah Hopkins is a travel agent from Atlantic City currently residing at the Whitespring Refuge in Appalachia in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update part one, Boardwalk Paradise. A charismatic, optimistic salesman trying to bring visitors to Atlantic City, he works out of a kiosk near Giuseppe Della Ripa's shop.


Jeremiah is a native of Atlantic City, who came to the Whitespring Refuge to promote the entertainment and nightlife of the city, as well as to attract potential help for the city's major factions. Hopkins was selected as the spokesperson thanks to his decade-long[1] experience as a promoter and natural skills at making people laugh.[2] His seemingly boundless optimism plays a key role in making him convincing. Jeremiah chooses to ignore the horrors of the wasteland,[3] to better present Acee as a vacation destination, where the Showmen, Lombardis, and Munis all happily cooperate to make life easy,[4] full of relaxing strolls along the beach, entertainment, nightlife and games of chance from the Boardwalk to the Casino Quarter.[5] If Jeremiah is taken at face value, Acee is a legitimate chance to experience the pre-War world once more, in all its splendor and luxury.[6] All that the city asks in return for an expenses-paid Vertibird flight is providing some form of aid to the city.[7]

The situation is a little more complicated than that, as usual. Hopkins deliberately downplays the friction between the factions, particularly the stream of assassinations and high-profile thefts,[8] the insanity of Mother Charlotte and ruthlessness of the oddly long-lived Quentino Lombardi,[9] and the threat posed by the wildlife streaming out of the Pine Barrens. In fact, the reason that Jeremiah is the one speaking for Acee is related to the Barrens:[10] While the Munis are generally managing to confine the Overgrown threat, Jeremiah has seen the true horror of the Barrens[11] firsthand, which made him choose to flee the city as soon as the opportunity presented itself.[12] He witnessed the Jersey Devil itself, which broke something in him. He could accept mutated wildlife, but not creatures that point to Earth being turned into literal Hell. His arrival in Appalachia is more than just a job, it's a chance at a fresh start.[13]

When not promoting the City, he stays inside the refuge among Responders and heavily armed robots to avoid the dangers of the outside.[14] After his brush with the Devil he's terrified of stepping outside the bounds of the Refuge, steering clear of surprises,[15] especially giant mutant bats that turn people into monsters with their mere breath,[16] and refuses to believe rumors of even worse things, like giant versions of the mythical flesh-eating monsters.[17] Even power armor is unlikely to change his mind, as it can always malfunction and crush him, or run out of fuel just as something scary approached.[18]

He is aware that he is a coward and accepts it as his character flaw. His father was a courageous man who helped others, and died in a blaze of glory, like he wanted to go. Jeremiah knows that his strength lies elsewhere: He can make people smile with ease, making their lives a little lighter and easier, smoothing the way for the truly bold ones to go and conquer the new world. All he asks is the ability to enjoy the little pocket of bliss he made for himself.[19] As for why laughter is so important? Hopkins falls back on an inspirational quote: "A day without laughter is a day wasted!"[20]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FoS ghost costume
This character ignores combat and cannot be damaged.
Icon interactions essential
This character cannot be killed.
Icon interactions other
This character offers miscellaneous services.

Provides an introduction to Atlantic City and its services, but not essential for undertaking expeditions.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Clean striped suit


Jeremiah Hopkins appears only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update part one, Boardwalk Paradise.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Jeremiah's appearance changed during iterations of the Public Test Server. During the first release of the PTS, Jeremiah was leaner and had the Trailblazer hairstyle. This prompted suggestions from players to change Jeremiah's appearance, as his hairstyle, hair color and eye color were identical to Initiate Ellison, who stands nearby. Jeremiah's appearance was changed with the November 3, 2023, PTS release.
  • Jeremiah quotes Charlie Chaplin when he says "a day without laughter is a day wasted." The script notes for Jeremiah's dialogue explicitly identify it as a Chaplin quote.



  1. Jeremiah Hopkins: "Should I practice my pitch? Nah, who am I kidding? I've been doing this all decade."
  2. Vault 76 dweller: "Do you work for the tourism board or something?"
    Jeremiah Hopkins: "How insightful you are! Yes, my travel was arranged by the Atlantic City Mayor's Office. There's no tourism board per se, but the groups managing the nightlife and entertainment of the city are always interested in bringing in new faces. They worked out an arrangement with the city, who decided my skills were best put to work out here, in a fresh and safe new environment!"
  3. Vault 76 dweller: "Has anyone ever told you that you're overly optimistic?"
    Jeremiah Hopkins: "Now if I were to stop being optimistic, I would have to think about all the stressful things that I may or may not be choosing not to think about. Better to focus on the good and keep smiling, ain't that right?"
  4. Vault 76 dweller: "Can you tell me about the people who live there?"
    Jeremiah Hopkins: "Outside of civilians and visitors such as yourself, there are three groups that keep on the lights and life of Atlantic City. The Showmen are our entertainers, hosting performances and games of all kinds, primarily from the Boardwalk and Pier. The Lombardi family manages the nightlife in Casino Quarter. They're an intimate bunch, but don't be intimidated. They're as much a part of Atlantic City's charm as anyone else. Last but definitely not least, our city government workers manage the day-to-day operations that make life easy for the rest of us."
  5. Vault 76 dweller: "Can you tell me about the different parts of the city?"
    Jeremiah Hopkins: "First off, you can take a relaxing stroll along the Boardwalk to enjoy street vendors and a delightful sea breeze. Larger attractions take place at Showman's Pier on the far end of the Boardwalk. Underneath the Pier, lose yourself in the architectural wonder of an aquarium built beneath the sea. When night falls, Casino Quarter has everything you need to make it an evening to remember: nightclubs and casinos galore. Further inward, all the magic you don't see happens at the city center. That's where the Mayor's Office keeps the city running."
  6. Vault 76 dweller: "What's the situation like there?"
    Jeremiah Hopkins: "Do you remember relaxing beach getaways? Exciting nights out on the town? Amenities and entertainment to fill your safe and mundane life with inspiration and excitement? Even if you're not old enough to remember those blissful before-days, Atlantic City is your chance to experience them for the first time. Our city is safe, luxurious, and beautiful. But don't believe me - see it for yourself!"
  7. Vault 76 dweller: "It's a deal."
    Jeremiah Hopkins: "Hey, now that's what I'm talking about! I'll let Orlando know you've agreed to help out. I'm sure they'll get word back to the city leaders. And hey, you come right back and talk to me if you have any questions, alright? I'm your one-stop guide to the city."
  8. Vault 76 dweller: "Is there anything else?"
    Jeremiah Hopkins: "No, no, of course not! Of course, every city's got city going-ons, if that's what you're talking about. You know, street drama. Big shots talking about who disappeared who, and who stole who's exclusive designer drugs, and who's all screwed up until they get another dose... I'm kidding, of course! That's all radio drama. Good ol' fashioned entertainment, ain't that right?"
  9. Vault 76 dweller: "Who are the city leaders?"
    Jeremiah Hopkins: "Our city is run by the tough and virtuous Mayor Tim. Once a humble farmer, now a city leader. Around Casino Quarter you'll hear the name Quentino Lombardi, who's known to be a bit hot-headed. He's been the head of the Family for a long time. And finally, there's Mother Charlotte, the creative and daring founder of the Showmen. These three work together to provide the city with everything it needs to thrive: lights, entertainment, and a functioning economy."
  10. Vault 76 dweller: "Any threats I need to worry about?"
    Jeremiah Hopkins: "Threats? Oh, no, you're unlikely to encounter any of those. Not unless the gorgeous wildlife of the Pine Barrens bordering our city becomes unruly, but the Mayor's Office has that completely under control."
  11. Vault 76 dweller: "[Charisma 8+] Help me out, Jeremiah. I'm going to Atlantic City, but not for fun. I need to know what I'm up against."
    Jeremiah Hopkins: "Well, if that's the case, then... The mutated flora... We call them the Overgrown. For the most part, folks don't know they're a problem because the municipal workers have been fighting them back. But that's not all. There's something more sinister out there. I'd prefer not to talk about this anymore. Every city's got problems, right? And outside of this little pest problem, there's so much to love in AC!"
  12. Vault 76 dweller: "I have seen it. The situation is more complicated than what you're selling."
    Jeremiah Hopkins: "*awkward laugh* Well now, of course reality is always more complicated! But just like any place, it depends on where you stick your head. Stick it too deep, and well... You're not likely to appreciate what you find. I much prefer the delightful breeze comfortably above the water."
  13. Vault 76 dweller: "[Perception 8+] Sounds like something happened that scared you away. What was it?"
    Jeremiah Hopkins: "Well, I, uh... I saw something that was... against nature. Evidence of the unholy. Look, I can accept mutated wildlife. All those nukes weren't gonna fall without consequence. But this thing... It was too close to my nightmares. I can't handle the possibility of Hell on Earth. And in my fair city, of all places. I just… Let's not talk about this anymore. I came here to clear my mind of all that nonsense, get a fresh start."
  14. Vault 76 dweller: "A "safe" environment? What does that mean?"
    Jeremiah Hopkins: "Well, the Responders are all about helping others, ain't that right? Just like the Mayor's Office back home. Only problem is... *awkward laugh* Well, there's a lot of helping to do. Sometimes too much for a gentle heart like mine to handle."
  15. Vault 76 dweller: "Have you ventured outside the Refuge?"
    Jeremiah Hopkins: "Outside? Now why would there be any need for that when I'm enjoying my snug and secure accommodations right here? No siree, I am fully satisfied staying inside, where there are no surprises."
  16. Vault 76 dweller: "Have you seen the Scorched?"
    Jeremiah Hopkins: "Heh, are you trying to scare me now? I've heard, I've heard. You get breathed on by a bat and suddenly big green crystals are growing out of your skin, right? *nervous laugh* I am perfectly good never seeing one of those, thank you very much."
  17. Vault 76 dweller: "Did you know there's a Wendigo Colossus terrorizing Monongah Mine?"
    Jeremiah Hopkins: "A wendigo? You mean the mythical flesh-eating kind, but... bigger? That... *nervous laugh* I'm sure that's not possible. You're just coming up with stories to scare me. I'm used to that. Can't let good old fiction haunt my dreams, after all. Now, why don't we talk about something else?"
  18. Vault 76 dweller: "Have you heard of the Brotherhood of Steel?"
    Jeremiah Hopkins: "Well yes, I understand that Initiate Ellison over there is a member of such a Brotherhood. And he's an upstanding young man. He asked me if I would go outside if I had a suit of power armor to protect me. The answer is: absolutely not. What if the armor malfunctioned and crushed me alive? Or ran out of juice just as something scary approached? I bet if someone saw me in the armor, they'd think I was a monster! I'd rather make friends than scare people."
  19. Vault 76 dweller: "[Endurance 8+] Open your eyes, Jeremiah. It's not healthy to hide from everything that scares you."
    Jeremiah Hopkins: "Yeah... I know. My father used to say that too. He was a courageous man. Did a lot for people. Then went out just the way he wanted to: in a blaze of glory. I know there are dangerous things out there. And other people may be well-equipped to handle them, but... I'm not. My energy is best spent making people smile. Helping them not to worry. If that means putting my blinders on a little, so be it. Let me enjoy the little pocket of this world that I still have left to me. That's still... safe. And let the bold ones venture out and take on the world. That's what they're born to do. I don't want any part of it."
  20. Vault 76 dweller: "You're right. Optimism is valuable these days."
    Jeremiah Hopkins: ""A day without laughter is a day wasted!" Now, I'm not much of a comedian, but I sure do love to smile."