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This is a transcript for dialogue with Jeremiah Hopkins.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 006C1C68 006C1CE9 Step right up, my friend! I've got a special opportunity for you, approved by Management themselves. How would you like to go on a little vacation?
2 006C1CEB Care to learn more? I haven't got brochures, but there's just no way the big AC could fit on such a little piece of paper.
3 006C1CEC I would be delighted to answer any questions you have.
4 006C1CED Do I have a curious tourist on my hands? That's my second favorite kind of tourist, just behind a satisfied one.
5 006C1CEF Hello! I hear you've been making waves in Atlantic City. And with any wave, you never know what treasures may wash ashore.
6 006C1CF0 I trust America's Playground has delighted you as much as it delights me.
7 006C1CF1 You're back, and looking healthier than ever! How about that. Surprised the player is unharmed, but hiding it with a diplomatic smile
8 006C1C69 006C1CDD Lights, games, an ocean breeze. America's Playground awaits.
9 006C1CDE Could I interest you in a vacation?
10 006C1CDF Could I interest you in a visit to the best city in America?
11 006C1CE0 You look like someone who needs a vacation. Am I right, or am I right?
12 006C1CE1 Allow me to tell you about your next vacation destination!
13 006C1CE2 Atlantic City! Ain't no place like it across the entire coast.
14 006C1CE3 There's no place like Atlantic City. I would know! I've seen it all. He's seen parts of AC that he doesn't like, but is hiding it behind a diplomatic smile
15 006C1CE4 Atlantic City welcomes all visitors! The rich, the poor, the sane, the insane, the ghoulified and mutated... There's something for everyone! Slightly uncomfortable with the things he's talking about, but hiding it behind a diplomatic smile
16 006C1CE5 Comfort, entertainment, adventure - Atlantic City has it all! Sometimes even more than you bargained for. "More than you bargained for" is NOT a good thing, but Jeremiah is hiding it behind a diplomatic smile
17 006C1C6A 006C1CD2 Don't think about it. Just keep doing your job. Muttering quietly to himself. Still with a positive, if hesitant tone
18 006C1CD3 As long as I stay inside this lovely Refuge, I'm all good. Muttering quietly to himself. Still with a positive, if hesitant tone
19 006C1CD4 Think happy thoughts! That's the way.
20 006C1CD5 Ain't nothing bad gonna happen inside this Refuge. Comforting himself
21 006C1CD6 Now isn't this a nice vacation, Jeremiah?
22 006C1CD7 These Responders must really have a game plan, the way they're always flitting about. Now that's something to admire. This should be alarming, but Jeremiah is taking a positive interpretation
23 006C1CD8 Should I practice my pitch? Nah, who am I kidding? I've been doing this all decade.
24 006C1CD9 You're gonna wow 'em. That's your gift, Jeremiah, and it just wouldn't be right to waste it.
25 006C1C6B 006C1CE6 We are offering free travel to America's Playground: Atlantic City, New Jersey!
26 A haven of wonder, excitement, and opportunity. Fully governed and, I assure you, safe from the dangers of the world outside. It appears to be safe on the surface, but Jeremiah knows what threats lurk underneath...
27 In exchange for your all-expenses-paid vertibird flight, all we ask is a little assistance paid back to the locals.
28 006C1CE7 It varies from person to person. I don't have all the details, but I know the Lombardi family is looking for assistance with some business matters.
29 If game shows are more your style, the Showmen are always looking for fresh faces to star in their entertainment.
30 I'm sure a bright person like you will find just the opportunity you're looking for.
31 006C1CE8 That's right! As long as the city leadership hears you're helping out, that's all they ask of you.
32 They were mighty jazzed to hear word of an organization from abroad that's all about helping people.
33 We can always use fresh faces in AC, and especially ones with initiative. That's what keeps our city alive!
34 006C1C6D 006C1CB2 That's the spirit!
35 006C1C6F 006C1CC6 We're talking about the greatest city on the east coast.
36 006C1C71 006C1CB6 Then you'll be happy to hear that part of this vacation involves helping out the local residents.
37 006C1C73 006C1CBA Sounds like a deal, right?
38 006C1C75 006C1CCD Hey, now that's what I'm talking about!
39 I'll let Orlando know you've agreed to help out. I'm sure they'll get word back to the city leaders.
40 And hey, you come right back and talk to me if you have any questions, alright? I'm your one-stop guide to the city.
41 006C1C7D 006C1CF3 Well, by all means, ask away!
42 006C1C7F 006C1CC4 Jeremiah Hopkins, mighty pleased to make your acquaintance. I am at your service to tell you anything you'd like to know about Atlantic City.
43 006C1C81 006C1CB4 Glad to help out. You let me know if you have any more questions.
44 006C1C87 006C1CCB Of course!
45 006C1C89 006C1CBB Do you remember relaxing beach getaways? Exciting nights out on the town?
46 Amenities and entertainment to fill your safe and mundane life with inspiration and excitement?
47 Even if you're not old enough to remember those blissful before-days, Atlantic City is your chance to experience them for the first time.
48 Our city is safe, luxurious, and beautiful. But don't believe me - see it for yourself!
49 006C1C8B 006C1CCE First off, you can take a relaxing stroll along the Boardwalk to enjoy street vendors and a delightful sea breeze.
50 Larger attractions take place at Showman's Pier on the far end of the Boardwalk.
51 Underneath the Pier, lose yourself in the architectural wonder of an aquarium built beneath the sea.
52 When night falls, Casino Quarter has everything you need to make it an evening to remember: nightclubs and casinos galore.
53 Further inward, all the magic you don't see happens at the city center. That's where the Mayor's Office keeps the city running.
54 006C1C8D 006C1CBE Outside of civilians and visitors such as yourself, there are three groups that keep on the lights and life of Atlantic City.
55 The Showmen are our entertainers, hosting performances and games of all kinds, primarily from the Boardwalk and Pier.
56 The Lombardi family manages the nightlife in Casino Quarter.
57 They're an intimate bunch, but don't be intimidated. They're as much a part of Atlantic City's charm as anyone else.
58 Last but definitely not least, our city government workers manage the day-to-day operations that make life easy for the rest of us.
59 006C1C8F 006C1CDA Threats? Oh, no, you're unlikely to encounter any of those. Surprised and nervous, but still attempting to be diplomatic
60 Not unless the gorgeous wildlife of the Pine Barrens bordering our city becomes unruly, but the Mayor's Office has that completely under control. Acting friendly and optimistic, but the truth is they do NOT have it under control, which is why this is on his mind
61 006C1C91 006C1CBF Aw, and we were just getting to the good part! Friendly. He wants to talk about AC more
62 006C1C93 006C1CF2 *awkward laugh* Well now, of course reality is always more complicated! But just like any place, it depends on where you stick your head.
63 Stick it too deep, and well... You're not likely to appreciate what you find. I much prefer the delightful breeze comfortably above the water. He knows firsthand
64 006C1C95 006C1CC3 That it is, my friend, that it is.
65 006C1C97 006C1CB3 Nothing's impossible, my friend!
66 006C1C98 006C1CC7 After the war, the city government worked hard to keep things running how they should. No need to let a bomb ruin a great day!
67 006C1C9A 006C1CB7 Well, if that's the case, then... The mutated flora... We call them the Overgrown. Uncomfortable talking about this
68 For the most part, folks don't know they're a problem because the municipal workers have been fighting them back. Uncomfortable talking about this
69 But that's not all. There's something more sinister out there. Genuinely terrified
70 I'd prefer not to talk about this anymore. Every city's got problems, right? And outside of this little pest problem, there's so much to love in AC! Putting the joyful and diplomatic mask back on
71 006C1C9C 006C1CC2 No, no, of course not! Of course, every city's got city going-ons, if that's what you're talking about. You know, street drama.
72 Big shots talking about who disappeared who, and who stole who's exclusive designer drugs, and who's all screwed up until they get another dose... Rambling on more than he should
73 I'm kidding, of course! That's all radio drama. Good ol' fashioned entertainment, ain't that right? Trying to save it and pretend he was joking
74 006C1C9E 006C1CB1 It's the safest place in the Wasteland. You have my guarantee.
75 006C1CA0 006C1CC5 How insightful you are! Yes, my travel was arranged by the Atlantic City Mayor's Office.
76 There's no tourism board per se, but the groups managing the nightlife and entertainment of the city are always interested in bringing in new faces.
77 They worked out an arrangement with the city, who decided my skills were best put to work out here, in a fresh and safe new environment!
78 006C1CA2 006C1CB5 Now if I were to stop being optimistic, I would have to think about all the stressful things that I may or may not be choosing not to think about. Joyful tone
79 Better to focus on the good and keep smiling, ain't that right? Joyful tone
80 006C1CA4 006C1CC9 Beautiful place! Just a gorgeous view, from up there on the rooftop. Never seen anything like it.
81 006C1CA6 006C1CB9 Certainly!
82 006C1CA8 006C1CCC Well, I, uh... I saw something that was... against nature. Evidence of the unholy. Deeply uncomfortable
83 Look, I can accept mutated wildlife. All those nukes weren't gonna fall without consequence.
84 But this thing... It was too close to my nightmares. I can't handle the possibility of Hell on Earth. And in my fair city, of all places. I just... Deeply uncomfortable
85 Let's not talk about this anymore. I came here to clear my mind of all that nonsense, get a fresh start. Deeply uncomfortable
86 006C1CAA 006C1CBC Well, the Responders are all about helping others, ain't that right? Just like the Mayor's Office back home. Only problem is...
87 *awkward laugh* Well, there's a lot of helping to do. Sometimes too much for a gentle heart like mine to handle. He doesn't want to talk about this
88 006C1CAC 006C1CDB I truly appreciate that. I couldn't imagine a better post than serving our surprising and... delightful city! Surprising in good ways and bad
89 006C1CAE 006C1CCF Outside? Now why would there be any need for that when I'm enjoying my snug and secure accommodations right here? Surprised to be asked. Emphasis on secure - he's terrified to go outside
90 No siree, I am fully satisfied staying inside, where there are no surprises.
91 006C1CB0 006C1CC1 Heh, are you trying to scare me now? Uncomfortable, but trying to be friendly
92 I've heard, I've heard. You get breathed on by a bat and suddenly big green crystals are growing out of your skin, right? *nervous laugh* Trying to make light of something that terrifies him
93 I am perfectly good never seeing one of those, thank you very much. Uncomfortable, but trying to be friendly
94 006F88D6 006F88E1 If you're interested in some new sights, how about Atlantic City?
95 006F88D7 006F88DD Well yes, I understand that Initiate Ellison over there is a member of such a Brotherhood. And he's an upstanding young man.
96 He asked me if I would go outside if I had a suit of power armor to protect me. The answer is: absolutely not.
97 What if the armor malfunctioned and crushed me alive? Or ran out of juice just as something scary approached?
98 I bet if someone saw me in the armor, they'd think I was a monster! I'd rather make friends than scare people.
99 006F88D8 006F88E2 A wendigo? You mean the mythical flesh-eating kind, but... bigger? That... *nervous laugh* I'm sure that's not possible. Optimistically disbelieving
100 You're just coming up with stories to scare me. I'm used to that. Can't let good old fiction haunt my dreams, after all.
101 Now, why don't we talk about something else? Slightly stern, but still friendly. He doesn't apprciate the player trying to scare him.
102 006F88D9 006F88DE That is true, isn't it? Everyone's got their own special style in this crazy world of ours.
103 006F88DA 006F88E9 "A day without laughter is a day wasted!" Quote from Charlie Chaplin
104 Now, I'm not much of a comedian, but I sure do love to smile.
105 006F88DB 006F88DF Yeah... I know. Uncharacteristically serious. If there's a moment to see Jeremiah's thoughtful and intelligent side (when he usually seems quite ditzy), this is it.
106 My father used to say that too. He was a courageous man. Did a lot for people. Then went out just the way he wanted to: in a blaze of glory.
107 I know there are dangerous things out there. And other people may be well-equipped to handle them, but... I'm not.
108 My energy is best spent making people smile. Helping them not to worry. If that means putting my blinders on a little, so be it.
109 Let me enjoy the little pocket of this world that I still have left to me. That's still... safe.
110 And let the bold ones venture out and take on the world. That's what they're born to do. I don't want any part of it.
111 006F88DC 006F88E0 Our city is run by the tough and virtuous Mayor Tim. Once a humble farmer, now a city leader.
112 Around Casino Quarter you'll hear the name Quentino Lombardi, who's known to be a bit hot-headed. He's been the head of the Family for a long time. A long time = kind of suspicious. Shouldn't he be dead by now?
113 And finally, there's Mother Charlotte, the creative and daring founder of the Showmen. Creative and daring = scary and insane. Jeremiah may struggle here to have a positive tone, giving away a bit of his fear
114 These three work together to provide the city with everything it needs to thrive: lights, entertainment, and a functioning economy.