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Fallout Wiki

People of Springfield. You've all known me as Mayor Avellone for two years now and as Chris Avellone for many years before that. I've always been proud serving this town and all its people - and that's a fact. But I won't stand for this worthless hate violence, not as a mayor, and certainly, not as a man. We shouldn't hate the ghouls for being what they are. They can't help it if they were mutated into hideous looking monsters. Remember, that inside that monster, under the rotting flesh, the flaking skin, and the misshapen features is a second-class citizen...

Chris Avellone is the mayor of the town of Springfield around 2195.


Avellone reached the mayor's seat after the previous mayor disappeared under suspicious circumstances. However, Avellone took to his new power and started causing trouble. This lead to a developing assassination plot that was only averted due to the protection of a squad from the Brotherhood of Steel. He was made to sign a "Bill of Monster's Rights"; this political stance angered some of Springfield's far-right, as well as human activists who refused to acknowledge the "sub-humans" as near equals.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk empathy synthesizer
This character is involved in missions.


FO76 ui exploration team
This character appears in the following locations.



In 2197, the Brotherhood of Steel sent a squad to Springfield to protect Avellone from a plot to assassinate him. After the BOS squad rescued the mayor, he became quite the puppet official and the extra resources helped fuel the Brotherhood machine. He signed the "Bill of Monster's Rights", which gave some limited rights to ghouls (such as ghouls being entitled to a payment equal to, or greater than, half that of a purebred human).


Apparel Weapon Other items
Clothing none Clipboard

Notable quotes[]

  • "Thank God you're here! Look, this has got to stop. Those bastards aren't really raiders, you know. They're a right-wing hate group. Now if we let them kill all the ghouls, who will they go after next? Besides, the ghouls do tasks and jobs that humans can never do. I mean no human can work in the waste cesspools long without getting sick. The ghouls don't mind at all. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I hope you stick around for my big speech, it's really what this whole thing is about. Follow me."
  • "People of Springfield. You've all known me as Mayor Avellone for two years now and as Chris Avellone for many years before that. I've always been proud serving this town and all its people - and that's a fact. But I won't stand for this worthless hate violence, not as a mayor, and certainly, not as a man. We shouldn't hate the ghouls for being what they are. They can't help it if they were mutated into hideous looking monsters. Remember, that inside that monster, under the rotting flesh, the flaking skin, and the misshapen features is a second-class citizen. These good people delouse our cesspools, clean our grease pits and work the slaughterhouse. That's honest, hard work! So don't hate them for being insidiously ugly. Instead of attacking them, be kind! Instead of calling a ghoul ugly, tell it how fine it looks! I know you may not want to pat a ghoul on the back and that's OK; just don't burn it's house down. And now here a new bill I would like to present to you: it's called the Bill of Monster Rights. Under this bill, there will be no violence against a ghoul, unless the ghoul started it! And from now on, a ghoul is entitled to payment equal to or greater than half that of a pure-bred human! And lastly, no more will "taking a dump" be referred to as "pinching the ghoul," or "making ghoul babies," or "dropping off the ghoul at the pool." I know we can live together in harmony, I just know it. Thank you!"


Chris Avellone appears only in Fallout Tactics.

Behind the scenes[]

This character is based on game designer Chris Avellone, who formerly worked at Interplay Entertainment and Obsidian Entertainment. The character shares both Avellone's name and appearance; however, Avellone did not voice the character, nor was he even aware of the character's inclusion in the game. Had he learned about the character, Avellone has stated that he likely would have asked the developers to take him out of the game, as he is against "breaking the fourth wall."[1]



  1. Twitter conversation between Agent c and Chris Avellone