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Fallout Wiki

// Speech File for Mission 08 - Springfield
// Version 1.3
// The format for the speech file is explained in the README.txt file in the
// speech file directory.
// I eliminated most of the dialogue in this mission since there isn't a whole lot to say.
// Since we can't have EB's bonus mission "cheesy" I added a simple cut scene //speech. Place the leader in front of the mayor so we don't have to worry about the //scripting for "which objective the player completed first shit".
// After the leader (who the player has to pass to reach the mayor) is destroyed the
// Mayor will initiate speech with the player and //give his thanks.
// After this go to an in game cut scene (simple on Ed, don't get your knickers in a
// knot). Have the screen fade then come back in a center area of the town. Have the // mayor addressing the crowd (ghouls and humans), he doesn't have to move. The
// mayor will give his speech // followed by applause and boos). Cut scene ends and
// the player can now leave the
// map.


General Barnaky[]


// Mission Briefing
// Note: General Barnaky's voice does the briefing and debriefing.


Welcome, warrior.\n\n

Brotherhood Intelligence has recently uncovered a plot involving the town of Springfield. The plot rotates around Springfield's Mayor Avellone.\n\n

Intelligence reports that the mayor's political stance with the ghouls has angered some of Springfield's far-right, human activists who refuse to acknowledge the sub-humans as near equals. While I have to say I agree with them... our Elders think otherwise.\n\n

Dagger Squad already captured one of the ringleaders to this plot, but it might already be too late. Our interrogators have informed me that these resident troublemakers will be dressed as raiders, which is probably a clumsy attempt to frame the local bandits.\n\n

Normally, the Brotherhood doesn't meddle in politics, but this offers a chance to increase our hold on this resource rich province. \n\n

Your mission is to find Mayor Avellone and to protect him at all costs. If he is already in the clutches of the kidnappers, you must rescue him and eliminate the one responsible.\n\n

You will leave immediately.\n\n



// Mission Debriefing

// Situation A: The first part, acknowledging completion of the mission.
// Tone/Mood: Proud and impressed.
Well done, warrior.\n\n

The Mayor of Springfield has sent his thanks to us for your timely rescue.\n\n

More importantly, he is fully indebted to the Brotherhood and has agreed to increase their resource export allotment to one hundred and fifty percent!\n\n

While I do not agree with his ideals... he is becoming quite the puppet official and those extra resources will help fuel the Brotherhood machine.\n\n

You have done well.\n\n


// Mini-map Information
M08_MiniMap_01 = {
This is your insertion point.

M08_MiniMap_02 = {
The town hall. The most likely location of the mayor.

M08_MiniMap_03 = {
Proceed to the extraction point here to end the mission.


// Objective Breakdowns:
M08_OBJ_01 = {Rescue the mayor.}
M08_OBJ_01 = {Eliminate the Right-Wing leader.}

M8_SUCCESSA = {Mayor Avellone is safe. Mission objective complete.}
M8_SUCCESSB = {Right wing leader eliminated. Mission objective complete.}

M08_FAILUREA = {You have perished. Your bones will rattle inside your armor as the insects search for carrion. The Brotherhood must prevail without you.}
M08_FAILUREB = {The mayor has perished. We do not tolerate failure in the Brotherhood. If only you had another chance.}




// Name: Carino
// Role: The "Town Guard"
// Background: Carino is the head of the town guard who is waiting for the brotherhood
// since he doesn't have the firepower to get the job done.


name_CORE_m08_Carino = {Carino, Town Guard}

// Situation A00: Carino will initiate this conversation at the start of the
// mission.
M08_Carino_A00_W = {

You're too late! A raider attack surprised us last night. Most of the town guards are dead and the mayor's held hostage somewhere.\n\n

You guys have to help us. I've never seen raiders like these before, but they went straight for the mayor and, after that, they started going after all the ghouls.\n\n

We've got enough racial problems in this town without the raiders having to join in.


// Situation B01: This is will float before the player speaks to him.
M08_Carino_B00 = { Damn alliance! }
M08_Carino_B01 = { Where are they? }
M08_Carino_B02 = { I can't do this by myself! }
M08_Carino_B03 = { You can never find an initiate when you need one. }
M08_Carino_B04 = { Strangest bandits I've ever seen. }


// Situation C00: This is floating text after the player has spoken to Carino once. This will
// float when he's clicked on and it will float by itself.
M08_Carino_C00 = { Did you finish your mission yet? }
M08_Carino_C01 = { (looks both ways) I don't see the mayor here. }
M08_Carino_C02 = { It's the ghouls fault, if you ask me. }
M08_Carino_C03 = { I have a feeling that the sub-humans are behind this. }
M08_Carino_C04 = { Wow! You work fast... oh, you're not finished yet. }


// Situation D: Carino will float this (or when clicked on) after the player finishes his objectives.
M08_Carino_D00 = { So it wasn't the ghouls? Damn! }
M08_Carino_D01 = { As long as everything's back to normal. }
M08_Carino_D02 = { I was just about to help you out. }
M08_Carino_D03 = { I bet you guys get real training. }
M08_Carino_D04 = { Maybe ghouls do deserve better. }



// Name: Presnell
// Role: Store merchant (Female)
// Background: Presnell runs the store.


name_CORE_m08_Presnell = {Presnell}

// Situation A00: Presnell will initiate this conversation when the player has
// killed the raiders guarding her store.
M08_Presnell_A00_W = {

The mayor ain't no friend of mine what with his "ghoul this" and "ghoul that." I bet he's got some ghoul blood in him, if you know what I mean. Now he wants to make me allow ghouls in my store and everybody knows that ghouls make food go bad.\n\n

Can't say I'm shedding any tears over this.


// Situation B00: Presnell will initiate this conversation when the player has
// killed the raiders guarding her store.
M08_Presnell_B00 = { Damn ghouls are bad for business. }
M08_Presnell_B01 = { I don't "hate" the mayor. I just don't like ghouls. }
M08_Presnell_B02 = { I don't want any humans to get hurt. }
M08_Presnell_B03 = { This isn't a motel! You want to buy something? }
M08_Presnell_B04 = { You can call me "Bunny." }




// Name: Joe
// Role: The HUMAN Bartender
// Background: Joe is a bartender

name_CORE_m08_Joe = {Joe the Bartender}

// Situation A00:
M08_Joe_A00_W = {

Who me? I'm Joe and this is my bar. You can find the mayor here sometimes, but those crazies threw a hood over his head and took him somewheres.

Those guys look like bandits, but if they really were, they would have killed and looted a lot more.\n\n

Now, I'd like to help, but I can't have my bar targeted by those freaks.\n\n

You understand, don't ya? I ain't no soldier.


// Situation B: Joe's generic floating text.
M08_Joe_B00 = { I spit clean each glass here myself. }
M08_Joe_B01 = { Use a coaster, God Damn it! }
M08_Joe_B02 = { You gonna buy a drink or what? }
M08_Joe_B03 = { Drinks so strong they hurt your gums! }
M08_Joe_B04 = { You gonna stare or you gonna drink? }
M08_Joe_B05 = { Hey, those peanuts ain't free, pal. }


Old Man Withers[]


// Situation B00: Old Man Withers - Right Wing Leader will initiate this conversation
// when the player is close enough.
M08_Withers_B00_W = {

That's far enough, ghoul licker! I can't let you ruin my plans. \n\n

Those ghouls aren't human! Why would anyone want to give them regular, God-fearing, human rights? It ain't fair to all the honest pure bloods. \n\n

My plan was perfect, and I would gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling soldiers.

// heh :)

Chris Avellone[]


Mayor Avellone
// Name: Mayor Avellone
// Role: Mayor of Springfield
// Background: After the previous mayor disappeared under suspicious
// circumstances, Samson was voted in as a puppet mayor. But he took to his new
// power and started causing trouble.

name_CORE_m08_Avellone = {Mayor Avellone}

// Situation A00:
M08_Avellone_A00_W = {

Thank God you're here! Look, this has got to stop. Those bastards aren't really raiders, you know. They're a right-wing hate group. \n\n

Now if we let them kill all the ghouls, who will they go after next? Besides, the ghouls do tasks and jobs that humans can never do. I mean no human can work in the waste cesspools long without getting sick. The ghouls don't mind at all.\n\n

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I hope you stick around for my big speech, it's really what this whole thing is about. Follow me.


// Situation B: Avellone's generic floating text before he's rescued
M08_Avellone_B00 = { Help! Help me! }
M08_Avellone_B01 = { Damn Hate Mongers. }
M08_Avellone_B02 = { ...all because you don't want ghouls treated better? }
M08_Avellone_B03 = { You think I did -WHAT- with a ghoul? }
M08_Avellone_B04 = { Just wait till the Brotherhood gets here! }
M08_Avellone_B05 = { I hate you racists! }

// Situation C: Avellone's generic floating text after he's rescued.
M08_Avellone_C00 = { Ghouls are almost people you know. }
M08_Avellone_C01 = { You can't blame a ghoul for being a ghoul. }
M08_Avellone_C02 = { I did not have relations with that ghoul! }
M08_Avellone_C03 = { Humanity needs to move forward. }
M08_Avellone_C04 = { I won't stand for hate crimes in my town. }
M08_Avellone_C05 = { A ghoul is always welcome to pick up my trash! }

// Situation D: Avellone says this after he's rescued and the player speaks to him. This is a simple in game cut scene with the mayor addressing some of the towns people (humans and ghouls).
M08_Avellone_D00_W = {

People of Springfield. You've all known me as Mayor Avellone for two years now and as Chris Avellone for many years before that. I've always been proud serving this town and all its people - and that's a fact. But I won't stand for this worthless hate violence, not as a mayor, and certainly, not as a man. \n\n

We shouldn't hate the ghouls for being what they are. They can't help it if they were mutated into hideous looking monsters. Remember, that inside that monster, under the rotting flesh, the flaking skin, and the misshapen features is a second-class citizen. \n\n

These good people delouse our cesspools, clean our grease-pits, and work the slaughterhouse. That's honest, hard work. So don't hate them for being insidiously ugly. Instead of attacking them, be kind. Instead of calling a ghoul ugly, tell it how fine it looks. I know you may not want to pat a ghoul on the back and that's OK. Just don't burn its house down..\n\n

And now here's a new bill I would like to present to you. It's called the Bill of Monster Rights. Under this bill, there will be no violence against a ghoul...unless the ghoul started it. And from now on, a ghoul is entitled to payment equal to, or greater than, half that of a pure bred human. And lastly, no more will "taking a dump" be referred to as "pinching the ghoul," "making ghoul babies" or "dropping off the ghoul at the pool." \n\n

I know we can live together in harmony. I just know it. Thank you.

(applause and boos)}



name_CORE_m08_Assassin = {Assassin}

// Situation A: Racist Humans floating text
M08_Hracist_A00 = { Kill the monsters! }
M08_Hracist_A01 = { I hate ghouls! They smell like dead Brahmin. }
M08_Hracist_A02 = { I'm with the mayor on this one. }
M08_Hracist_A03 = { Ghouls? Don't trust 'em.}
M08_Hracist_A04 = { I heard the ghouls eat human children. }
M08_Hracist_A05 = { I don't know, the ghouls just scare me. }
M08_Hracist_A06 = { Why don't the ghouls live in their own town? }
M08_Hracist_A07 = { Ghouls are dirty and that's the God's honest truth! }
M08_Hracist_A08 = { I still don't like it one bit! }
M08_Hracist_A09 = { My dog is more human than those ghouls! }
M08_Hracist_A10 = { Bunch of fucking ghoul sympathizers! }

// Situation A: NonRacist Humans floating text
M08_Nonracist_A00 = { The ghouls never bothered me. }
M08_Nonracist_A01 = { I need ghouls to clean my animal pens. }
M08_Nonracist_A02 = { Maybe the ghouls can be second class citizens. }
M08_Nonracist_A03 = { Hate never improved a town! }
M08_Nonracist_A04 = { The mayor really believes in this. }
M08_Nonracist_A05 = { I think that one ghoul is kind of hot! }
M08_Nonracist_A06 = { Thank God for the Brotherhood! }
M08_Nonracist_A07 = { Who are they going to target after the ghouls? }
M08_Nonracist_A08 = { Hi, I'm Shanna! }
M08_Nonracist_A09 = { I hate ghouls! They smell like dead Brahmin. }


// Situation A: Ghouls floating text
M08_Ghouls_A00 = { You are my Ghoul-Friend. }
M08_Ghouls_A01 = { We don't steal or nothing! }
M08_Ghouls_A02 = { I cleaned that cesspool myself. }
M08_Ghouls_A03 = { That mayor is alright. }
M08_Ghouls_A04 = { I was attacked last night. }
M08_Ghouls_A05 = { The human folk ain't all bad. }
M08_Ghouls_A06 = { Heck, ghouls used to be human once. }
M08_Ghouls_A07 = { We are the World. We are the Children! }
M08_Ghouls_A08 = { Might be time we fight back. }
M08_Ghouls_A09 = { Humans better not fuck with my family. }
M08_Ghouls_A10 = { The mayor don't seem to hate ghouls. }
M08_Ghouls_A11 = { What's so bad about being different. }
M08_Ghouls_A12 = { We have to believe in the mayor! }
M08_Ghouls_A13 = { No more bloodshed! Please. }

// Situation A: Rightwing (bad guys) floating text. This includes raider leader.
M08_Rightwing_A00 = { Death to the Ghoul-lover! }
M08_Rightwing_A01 = { Avellone the Traitor! }
M08_Rightwing_A02 = { Be true to your race! }
M08_Rightwing_A03 = { Don't let the ghouls ruin our town! }
M08_Rightwing_A04 = { The mayor's an asshole! }
M08_Rightwing_A05 = { Brotherhood is a bunch of ghoul lovers! }
M08_Rightwing_A06 = { The ghouls never bothered me. }
M08_Rightwing_A07 = { The Brotherhood only wants our resources! }

