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Showdown 2: This is the hundred and fifty-third chapter of Volume 3 of Tower of God. It follows the Holan, as he attacks Matte riding Sharknose, after Matte defeated Zamzam in their fight. Jinsung and Cha meet with Goruro, who explains his motivation and goals before showing the method of escape. Baam decides to have a showdown with Traumerei, while Yuri and Tiara are still fighting.


Near Lo Po Bia Family Mothership's third hospital, Lo Po Bia Holan is walking away from the hospital hunched over in pain from the curse placed upon his tongue by Po Bidau Gustang, but he looks up after hearing an explosion at the Viridis Parus Hotel. In the air around the hotel, Zamzam floats unconscious while being repaired by his dragonfly drones, with the speed of recovery worrying Po Bidau Matte Ha so he decides to finish off Zamzam before he recovers, but he is stopped by Holan who attacks him from below. The attack forces him to dismount Sharknose before facing Holan alone, with Holan screaming at Matte demanding an answer to why he is here and if he is from the Po Bidau Family. Matte remains silent, though he notices that Holan is one of the castaways they found at the Ark of Knowledge, who is now draped in an unusual shinsu flow and is likely a danger to himself and others. Holan demands Matte do something about his burning tongue, before summoning a giant Shinheuh to attack Matte with, which Matte has a hard time blocking.

In an underground passage, Ha Jinsung and Cha meet with the Lo Po Bia Family insider Lo Po Bia Goruro for the first time, with the exchanging pleasantries before Jinsung ask about Goruro's reasons for revealing himself now. Goruro answers that the current war between Lo Po Bia and Po Bidau was an opportunity for his group, who like FUG operates in darkness, which makes Jinsung question what they want from him. Goruro wants Twenty-Fifth Baam to help achieve their organization's goals, which is to bring down the system of the 10 Great Families and create something new, with the orginization calling itself the Revolution. Goruro continue to explain, that they want Baam to help them stir up endless conflict and topple the families, so they will go to great length to stop Baam from joining the Lo Po Bia family, so for the moment their goals align. Goruro shows Cha and Jinsung their escape method, which is a giant submarine shaped as a Pink Dugong, seeing their escape path Jinsung asks Cha if he can go tell Baam that he is leaving.

Baam, Khun Aguero Agnis, and Rak Wraithraiser catch up on their situation, while Dravy, Hemus Lime, Androssi Zahard, Lo Po Bia Shilial Zahard, and Lo Po Bia Lilial Zahard watch from the sideline, with Dravy and Hemus realizing that the trio were actually friends and Shilial being surprised by the appearance of Po Bidau Tiara and Ha Yuri Zahard. Khun is surprised by Lo Po Bia Traumerei's action and ask Baam what he wants to do, which Lilial interrupts by saying they have to do what the family head wants, but Baam disagrees since he do not want to be controlled by Traumerei. Baam says that he wants to win the showdown with Traumerei and win his freedom, Lilial thinks this is absurd, but Baam reminds her that Traumerei already agreed to letting Baam participate in the Marriage Tournament, which Lilail responds that Traumerei never intended to hold the tournament and it was a trap all along. Baam acknowledges that it was a trap, but he is adamant that he will continue his showdown with Traumerei and he won't just fight for his own freedom but the freedom of everyone present, including The Serpent Master.

Khun explain that it may work due to Traumerei needing Baam, so he explains the plan as all participants will oppose the marriage tournament, which will force Traumerei to accept a showdown directly between him and Baam, where all the contestants will fight alongside Baam against Traumerei. Baam suggest this plan to the twins with a disturbing smile, which both sisters view as betraying their family, but Shilial is curious and asks about the kind of showdown they had in mind and if it is realistic to win. Khun explains that the type of showdown does not matter, but he will ensure a good chance of winning and if they lose, they have a couple backup plans to use in the worst-case scenario. Shilial had planned to seduce Baam and make him do what he wants, but Lilial is so opposed to the marriage that she would disobey Traumerei and Baam is uninterested in her, so she has no chance of seducing him and she is doomed if she fails, so she comes to the conclusion that it is the only way out for her. Lilial says that it is ridiculous, but Shilial disagrees and manages to convince Lilail of the same, but with the condition that Baam protects her and her family, including Lo Po Bia Laura, Shilial, and Lilial. Baam agrees, before giving the twins the coordinates of Laura's room and sending Androssi along with them, Dravy and Hemus are told to and support FUG's escape plan, while Baam and the others go to challenge Traumerei. Lilial is still confused why Shilial agreed to the showdown, while Shilial has become interested in Baam and would actually want to marry Baam for his usefulness. Khun and Baam discuss the plan in greater details, with Khun taking the role as negotiater with Traumerei while Baam keeps moving and avoid capture. Dravy received details of the escape path from Jinsung, so she calls Baam on the Pocket and reveals that it is the Portal in the Lobby and she relays a final message from Jinsung "Don't let anyone catch you.".

At the fight between Yuri and Tiara, Yuri is dodging the super high shinsu density blast created by Tiara's ability while charging towards Tiara before landing in front of Tiara and engaging her in close quarter combat. However, every attack made by Yuri is ineffectual due to Tiara's ability while Tiara's punches and kicks hit hard, but while fighting Yuri is using her Reel and the Green April to hook Tiara's book before using ignition to blow the book up. After this maneuver Yuri is coughing up blood due to the exertion of igniting Green April under less than optimal conditions, but the destruction of the book does not end Tiara's ability and Tiara readies 4 more shinsu blasts. Yuri equips Green April and the fake Black March, which is an Ignition Weapon as strong as the original, but their battle is interrupted by Holan who burst through the wall using his large shinheuh, which also blocks Tiara's shinsu blasts in the process. Holan is still angry and demands to know who Yuri and Tiara is, and when they do not answer he attacks them, but both Tiara and Yuri easily dispatches of Holan's Shinheuh before telling him to get lost, leaving him wondering who those two beasts are. Baam, Rak, and Khun are approching the center of the lobby and Khun suggest to scout ahead first, which Baam agrees to, but when he sees that Yuri might be in trouble he charges ahead to help her, despite the protest from Khun. Baam burst into the room, which draws the attention of everyone, since Baam is the one they all are looking for.





Part III
List of Arcs