Tower of God Wiki
Tower of God Wiki

???F - Warp (1): This is the hundred and twenty-eighth chapter of Volume 3 of Tower of God. The Warp has sent the different sections of the Warp Fleet several different parts of the tower. The Lo Po Bia Family branch heads have arrived at the Ark of Knowledge, while the Slayer groups has arrived in an unknown location, A.A.'s group has arrived at the Lo Po Bia Family Mothership, and the rest of the FUG alliance have left for an unknown place.


Prior to the Warp in Lo Po Bia Lilial Zahard is showering on her Floating Ship before going in a towel to the couch wondering what is so urgent that she needed to be called back to the Lo Po Bia Family so abruptly, since she did not have time to say goodbye to her team mates or get ready. She asks whether something happened to the family and worries that the floor test is coming up soon, which Lo Po Bia Shilial Zahard answers that she should not overcomplicate things and everything will be fine. Lilial asks whether Shilial will be alright by herself, which she responds that she can handle being by herself, though she has her team mates with her anyway. Lilial says that she was not really worried for her safety, just found it strange that she was the only one of them that got called back to the Lo Po Bia Family Mothership. Shilial agrees that it is strange, but it must be some sort of special mission that only Lilial can complete, but Shilial admits that she is slightly disappointing at being left out. The conversation is cut short, as a section of the Lo Po Bia's Warp Fleet appears near her floating ship.

While protecting the Needle Transport, Sophia Tan notices that the chaotic energy has left alongside all the Shinheuh, which she says is good as she was reaching her limit on the Lighthouse Barrier. Inside the Needle transport the Beastkin alongside Sola and Mule Love are seen waiting to be warped away, with Sola wondering where Namo is.

Meanhile, Khun Maschenny Zahard also has noticed that Lo Po Bia Traumerei has left, which disturbed the conversation she was having with The Boss, who continues the conversation, which she responds by calling it an interesting proposal and that she always follows her curiosity. In another part of Maschenny's floating ship next to the Shinsu Warp Device Khun Aguero Agnis alongside Rak Wraithraiser, Vicente, Hwa Ryun, and Aria are about to be warped, but to A.A.'s dismay Maschenny has changed the warp location in the last minute. A.A. says that they will not be able to meet Baam this way, which Maschenny responds by saying if they are meant to meet someone then they will end up seeing them someday, before A'A. and his team are warped away.

On the battlefield, McCage's corpse is seen floating among his destroyed Lighthouses and Lo Po Bia Whitegarment Widow is seen alive hiding behind her shield Zubizarreta, which was given to her by Traumerei. The Needle Transport is seen empty, since everyone has warped away, as it falls towards the bottom of the floor. Kallavan overlooks Lo Po Bia Lefav, as she lowers her weapon and wishes good luck to all those who warped a way.

In another part of the tower, Baylord Yama, Baylord Doom, Dowon, Karaka, Lo Po Bia Yasratcha, and Yu Han Sung has arrived to where the Warp Fleet sent them to and wondering where they have arrived. At the same time in a different part of the tower, Lo Po Bia Pudidy, Lo Po Bia Perseus, Lo Po Bia Holan, Lo Po Bia Candidi, and Lo Po Bia Meyer have arrived at the Ark of Knowledge to dismay of Pudidy who recognizes it immediately. The sudden arrival of the War Fleet causes much confusion and bewilderment among the Po Bidau Family who are present on their Mothership.

Before the warp on the Lo Po Bia Mothership, Po Bidau Gustang is asked by Lo Po Bia Kirin what his business is here, which Gustang responds with saying that the Lo Po Bia's Army has set up camp right outside his territory and that Kirin can only play innocent for so long. Gustang continues to ask for Traumerei, with Kirin being nervous at the fact Traumerei is not present, since if Gustang knew that they would likely all die, since they have no way to stop him. Gustang starts destroying some floating ships around to try and lure Traumerei out, but his rampage is stopped by A.A.'s ship that has warped right in front of Gustang. A.A. is disoriented after the warp but everyone seem to have made it over in the warp, including Lo Po Bia Yool, but they are met with the sight of Gustang outside their floating ship.

Back on the Ark of Knowledge, the Lo Po Bia members are hiding their identity, which they do by turning off their pockets, in order to find a way to sneak out and call for help from the Mothership. On their arrival at the Path of the Will a member of the Po Bidau family reads to them an excerpt from Robinson Crusoe, which annoys the Lo Po Bia family members who are not as interested in books. On another part of the Ark of Knowledge, Ha Yura is talking with Rachel about the Warp Fleet that has arrived at the Mothership carrying several rankers, which Rachel responds in surprise with "Now I've seen it all.".

Hiatus Notice

Hello, this is SIU.

It is always like this everytime I write a hiatus notice, but I really put a lot of thoughts while writing it.

Something very personal has been happening for me in the past few months, Which caused me to have very bad work conditions and such. I wanted just a week break and then to continue on.

I tried increasing the time I put into the work, which was already at its limit. I tried to have only one purpose of working towards the deadline. However, I ran into a lot of trouble because of the guilt caused by the fact that I wasn't able to purely focus on my work as an artist due to personal reasons, also I wanted to show my readers a work that I was satisfied with. I wanted to be blunt towards the problems I was facing in life, and in work But that didn't work out as I wanted it to.

Originally, the plan was to go straight into working on the next episode as soon as I finished this episode. But I had come to a conclusion that recovering my condition back before continuing on the next episode is the better choice, Even if it meant giving up on some of the works I was doing. Instead of continuing on with no breaks and bad condition, presenting works that I wasn't satisfied with to my readers.

I will return after regaining some margin in my life, After finishing my preparations looking over my past works and some works that I had already done.

I aplogize for the disappointments that I had brought upon the readers, And for the long hiatus.

As much as you love Tower of God, I also love it too.

So I'll try my absolute best to come back in better condition. Thank you for your love and attention.




Naver Endnote[]

It's Rachel, who appears in an unexpected place after a long time. ^^;[2]

Blog Post[]

First of all, I am sorry that my personal reasons as a writer have affected the serialization.
I have met good readers for a long time
I have been living as an unduly happy writer. I think so now and that it will continue in the future.

I thank you for the love and I think I put a lot of effort into maintaining myself,
I am always thinking about whether I am a writer who can repay that love and interest enough.
I am very ashamed to think that it was a concern that did not reach the readers sufficiently through the work I was working on.
Every week, I was troubled by the thought that if I had been a better person or writer, the readers would have been happier.
I am repeating the life of constantly picking up a heavy pen again.
Therefore, it seems that he cannot let go of his love for his work and work under any circumstances.

I will take care of my body and mind and come back with good works and images.
I love you and thank you.
I hope you have a happy and healthy Monday every week.



  1. Translation by Pajaka on Discord
  2. Translation by Mgf60
  3. Chapter Blog Post
    Translation by Mgf60


Part III
List of Arcs