Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Vault Boy gotcha

Hey man thanks for all the emotes I was really wanting to know some of the old emotes keep up the good work!—Preceding comment was unsigned. Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

The Vault Academy[]

Hi there! I wanted to let you know that I am very excited to see you join the mentee roster for the Vault Academy. I have not been able to touch base with Old Man Leon quite yet to discuss pairing you up, but I will soon. I just wanted to let you know I am on it and will have more information shortly. Did not want to leave you hanging! Stay tuned, and thank you again for joining us! -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 01:11, September 22, 2020 (UTC)

Re:Tank Killer[]

Tank Killer is a perk that mods the behavior of a weapon, such as increased accuracy, range, disarming etc. It is not a direct damage buff, which the perk dmg cell is for. Great Mara (talk) 06:24, September 23, 2020 (UTC)

Mentorship Program[]

User:The Dyre Wolf has been notified of your interest in the General Editing program, and they should be reaching out to you soon to get started on your first lesson. In the meantime, we do have basic information of what to expect on The Vault Academy page, and of course feel free to reach out to me or any of the other mentors if you have any further questions/feedback.

Good luck with the program, and hopefully you have some fun doing it! 寧靜 Fox 13:40, September 27, 2020 (UTC)

A gift for you[]

TIW Very special
You have been given a very ... SPECIAL ... gift.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
For all the excellent contributions made in such a short period of time! -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 15:20, September 28, 2020 (UTC)



Welcome to the TVA. I will be happy to help guide you through general editing, as well as any other aspects of the wiki that I am able. And will promise not to proselytize for Discussions any more than is necessary. Had a chance to browse through some of your edits over the weekend and I know you are tech savvy from your time already spent at the datamining server, so it's clear you are not a day one, fresh off the boat editor.

With that in mind, what have you found are your editing strengths so far, and what are the areas you feel you need the most assistance with? In addition to edits, are there any features, practices, or bits of wiki culture that you are aware of but do not yet consider yourself well versed in or comfortable enough to participate in?

I am available most days, but the hours I am around can vary. No need to feel rushed to reply, and no worries about writing too much or too little. This is just reaching out to get a feel for where you are, and what you want to get out of the TVA most. The Dyre Wolf (talk) 15:11, September 29, 2020 (UTC)

No trouble at all. Discord is fine with me for a lot of communication, though there will be a few things I leave here on talk page, just because there's times it's preferred for the TVA.
So far as a lesson plan for general editing, we're going to be using a slightly modified verstion of Kdarrow's, which you can browse here. Two main reasons for this lesson plan are 1) to provide some semblance of uniformity in the tools provided to mentees, regardless of who the mentor is and 2) the way the lesson plan is outlined provides a brief guide, often easier to digest than some of the guidelines own instructions, which you will be able to have on hand to review at anytime. Save for perhaps J, anyone who tells you they remember everything they've ever seen and never find themselves scratching their head trying to remember some aspect of editing they've not touched in years, is full of it.
For leadership, we'll touch on a few things as we go, but it's also a much more subjective and personal topic. For this one, I would recommend not only speaking with me, but other users, mentors or not, to find out what their takes are for various situations you and I may discuss. Editing is usually a matter of repetition and ensuring our standards keep information cleanly and uniformly presented, where there's a right or wrong reason to do something based on established rules, but leadership and the reputation you cultivate for yourself are going to be affected much more significantly by your own style of approach, with only very basic tenants of conduct shaped by the guidelines.
To get started, we're actually going to begin with lesson 6 and set up a few sandbox pages. A sandbox is exactly what it sounds like, a place where you can play around with all the tools the wiki has to offer and in some cases, to save and record work as you go. Sandboxes are a lot like lockers, in that some people's are managed immaculately, while others are an absolutely mess. The first sandbox we're going to make is one that's just for you. It can look however you like and you can put most anything in them. For example, I use User:The Dyre Wolf/sandbox2 for most things that I'm just playing around with on the wiki. If you browse it's history, you can get a sense of how I use this page. Sometimes it's holding progress for edits which do not work particularly well in small incremental pushes and sometimes it's just a place to shotgun ideas or thoughts that I do not want to just get away. You can make your first sandbox by clicking the red linked section above on your welcome to the wiki message. For the subsequent sandboxes, they need to read User:Intrepid359/benchmark1, User:Intrepid359/benchmark2, and User:Intrepid359/benchmark3.
The next sandboxes are going to be a little more fun. Consider this a benchmark to see where you are as an editor, and maybe feel for some of those areas which are a little easer and harder. Simply show off your skills as an editor in a mock up of a page. Make a character page, a location page, and an item page. These are all yours, not actual article pages, so as you go, if there's something you are unsure of, do what you think is right. You can note any of these instances as you go on your generic sandbox page if you like. While you certainly could just make mentioned only pages, try to spice these up as articles that really have a lot to document.
My discord is linked on my profile and it should be easy enough to see me on the Nukapedia server if you have any questions as you go. No rush and just because it's a chance to show off does not mean you have to break your back over it either. The Dyre Wolf (talk) 16:47, October 1, 2020 (UTC)

Creation template[]

Just wanted to let you know that I was able to update the weapon infobox template with the related perks section collapsed. Had a little snag with it covering up information underneath but I think I found a solution. I went through a dozen or so 76 weapons to check. It was a good idea, saves a lot of space. Let me know if you run into any issues and I can give if a few more whirls if need be. -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 17:51, October 12, 2020 (UTC)

TVA Report 1[]

Even before joining the TVA, this user, Intrepid, has show editing skills and an ability to cooperate and participate in the community at large. Between skills shown in his sandbox. a series of benchmarks, and his own expressed interest, Intrepid has been able able to showcase what he knows how to do as well as the areas he hopes to improve most, such as technical editing and polishing up on wiki conventions. The Dyre Wolf (talk) 10:27, October 15, 2020 (UTC)

Sound files[]

Sound descriptor link

I see where you're going, but I can't find the QSTHoloBWCTaser [SNDR:0043BAEE] under Response Data. See image. But I understand now the files are in the QST map. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 08:11, October 20, 2020 (UTC)

Thanks a bunch! Figured it all out now with the new version of xEdit! Just found the proper deathclaw roar on Operation Summary - Blackwell. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 09:05, October 20, 2020 (UTC)

Fallout 76 player character[]

You gave some good background evidence there for change to Vault Dweller. I still like Resident better, we've used it for so long already and it differentiates much better than Vault Dweller. I'm also a bit frustrated because personally I heard no one complain about it for two years and now they come up with this. Important thing is that I see a lot of community input (good thing I made an alert of it) and that makes that I think I can live better with either decision. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 10:41, October 24, 2020 (UTC)

Fallout 76 Player Character[]

It's a semantics thing for me really. I recognize that Bethesda says one particular title used for the PCs is the one they want, but there are multiple titles which others users appear to be calling "fanon" when in reality appear in-game (Residents). I'll happily change my vote to match Bethesda's preferred title when the position of Option 2 reflects that there are multiple legitimate titles used in the game ("Residents", "Seventy-Sixers", etc.) but that Bethesda prefers the use of the "Vault Dwellers" moniker. Because right now I can't support an option which isn't actually correct. Sorry. Saxhleel12 (talk) 13:36, October 24, 2020 (UTC)


Do you know by any chance where I can find the Collectron protectron images in the game files? Can't find them in xEdit. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 21:09, October 28, 2020 (UTC)

I'm looking for the image on the Free States collectron page. That looks to me like an NIF render. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 22:10, October 28, 2020 (UTC)

TVA Report 2 and next section[]

Congrats on completing that section of the TVA! Report card is about as positive as it could be. Unless you have any lingering questions from the lessons that have yet to be asked, everything is going smoothly. No doubt being a tech wizard dataminer with a foundation of technical knowledge has helped you to accel in the wiki, both in the TVA and in general.

The next section is going to be focused primarily on using templates. Some aspects, like the sandbox, we already covered earlier on, so this one will be a shorter series of quizzes. Here ya go! One other minor thing to note in case you are browsing, with some of the TVA content still being shuffled around, you may notice the nav box outlines sections a little differently than the full listing of lesson plans. All the individual lessons and quizzes are correctly numbered, just the sections which currently have lessons paired into slightly different groupings.

At any rate, you should be all set to keep plowing through. The Dyre Wolf (talk) 13:49, 23 November 2020 (UTC)

Edid font[]

I see you removing the <tt> typemachine font editor ID coding on the item pages. We've got those all over the place on the wiki in many categories and on overview pages (items, quests). Not sure why we started using that but it's there. I'd like a good reason for removing that, otherwise leave it be I reckon. Jspoelstra (talk) 14:59, 24 November 2020 (UTC)

Being important/affecting, the move from Fallout 76 holotapes and notes to separate pages/categories is approved by me, but not yet by bureaucrat Tagaziel (as far as I know). So hold on for that before you start moving more pages. Jspoelstra (talk) 15:09, 24 November 2020 (UTC)


I did that because it the sandbox was a copy of The Scribe of Avalon (season) and had a link to Inkwell's Quill paint with capped Q, while on the Scribe of Avalon it has a lowercap, creating two red linked pages for the same item. We only need one. Jspoelstra (talk) 19:10, 10 December 2020 (UTC)


I changed the names for those campgrounds, you are totally right about needing the change. I can handle the redirects, too. And even more thanks for the link to all the campgrounds. I will be in the game world in the real world later this week and can't wait to see them with my own eyes! -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 23:58, 12 December 2020 (UTC)

Just kidding on redirects, looks like you already did them! Right-o! -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 00:02, 13 December 2020 (UTC)

A legitimate heir[]

Only the most glorious and beautiful axe ever forged by mortal hands could possibly suffice today, to commemorate such Mysterious Milestones.

You have been given one axe to rule them all.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
You are now a legitimate heir to the Nukapedia throne, with an edit count that officially validates your having of opinions.
-kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 11:58, 16 December 2020 (UTC)

-kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 11:58, 16 December 2020 (UTC)


If the currency is a bottle cap, then use nothing. Every other currency you can add an icon. See how that works. Jspoelstra (talk) 18:27, 16 December 2020 (UTC)

Can you give me an overview of the articles (categories) in Fallout 76 that generally are affected, and to what degree? I'm still not sure, if we start doing this, what's to hold back people asking to do it on older games (wanting to use the caps icon there). Jspoelstra (talk) 16:37, 19 December 2020 (UTC)
That's still a lot of pages, most of em I'd say. Tell you what, if Tagaziel and/or AllYourFavorites agree with it go ahead, they know the game well (unlike me). I don't want to make this decision alone. Jspoelstra (talk) 15:26, 27 December 2020 (UTC)
Intrepid, I love the icons. Go for it. Makes it so much easier for me and others to know what currency we need. Solid work! -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 16:57, 27 December 2020 (UTC)


I'm wondering about the revert you made here, since a few other people online seem to stating that Grenadier only affects throwables (grenades), and not explosions from weapons or legendary effects. In particular, Angry Turtle has stated that here. Can you confirm your claim? -- Bovinejeff (talk) 20:44, 20 December 2020 (UTC)

Hello there! Let me first explain that angry turtle is not an authority on anything fallout 76 related. He refuses to listen to the dataminers who provide accurate information about what it going on in the game using the games files themselves. In the case of this claim the way grenadier works is that equipping the perk (Grenadier01 "Grenadier" [PERK:00393F66]) casts a spell (AbPerkGrenadier "Glow Sight" [SPEL:00393F67]) on your character. That spell then applies a magic effect (AbPerkFortifyExplosionRadius "Fortify Explosive Radius" [MGEF:00393F68]) with either 50% for rank one or 100% for rank 2. The magic effect then modifies an actor value (STAT_ExplosionRadius "Explosion Radius" [AVIF:00066997]) which gets set to whichever value the magic effect was passed in. That actor value is only ever used in one spot which is one of the base player perks (STAT_DamagePerk "Player Damage Stat Mod Perk" [PERK:0023A0EB]). In this there is an effect that calls a function called "Mod Player Explosion Scale" with a modifier of "Multiply 1 + Actor Value Mult". The actor value is then multiplied against 0.01 and the resulting value is applied to the scale of the explosion. Nowhere in any of this does it even check if it's a thrown weapon explosion. Here are all the images from the files themselves: https://imgur.com/a/S9dKcs9. Angry turtle has also said things like "The SBQ is immune to explosive weapons" which is entirely incorrect as well. -Eckserah User Eckserah Head Dataminer 16:56, 27 December 2020 (UTC)


You are now a patroller. Make us proud. Richie9999 (talk) 06:06, 3 January 2021 (UTC)


Hooray! Congrats on your new title, what an exciting day! I wanted to give you this handy guide for patrolling, and if you know the information, feel free and ignore me completely! Any questions, feel free to ask me. Congrats again and welcome to the Nukapedia staff team! -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 07:50, 3 January 2021 (UTC)


Undid you edit because Carter recently died in Vault 3 after he was kidnapped travelling to New Vegas. The prisoners themselves couldn't have been there long because the Fiends don't keep prisoners alive that aren't useful, which Rick Lancer states and fears them figuring out. Devastating DaveZIP ZAP RAP 07:17, 23 January 2021 (UTC)


Heya! I am always happy to help and of course would be willing to review this. Let me take a look and I will let you know my thoughts after I dig into it a little bit more. I appreciate you coming to me for help, I am glad to do so anytime. Stay tuned! --kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 10:36, 23 January 2021 (UTC)


Scribe-Howard figured it out with the Eviction notice (Wastelanders) and Flavia's disappearance notes that state she had been missing/closed for months. Devastating DaveZIP ZAP RAP 19:39, 28 January 2021 (UTC)

If you want my two cents, the last eviction notice confirms that her missing/death happened some months prior to the Great War. Otherwise that Pawn Shop would've been completely empty as Flavia's stuff was thrown to the curb or in a garbage dump somewhere. Devastating DaveZIP ZAP RAP 19:58, 28 January 2021 (UTC)

NOTY 2020[]

Howdy! Congrats on being one the nominees for NOTY. Just like the discussions ping, I'm reaching out to let you know. If you want, you can say something to highlight why you feel you are the user of the year. Here are some examples other users have had in the past.

If and when you decide what you would like to say, copy it and send it to me. I'll give you a few easy options to reach me since not everyone is everywhere. You can leave a message on my talk page, you can @ me anywhere on the nuka discord, or you can @ me on the 2021 off-Topic thread. If you do not intend to write a message or if you want to decline the nomination, please let me know as well, so I'm not having to track someone down to squeeze an answer out of anyone. There's no deadline to reply, but I would appreciate it if it's sooner rather than later.

Thanks, The Dyre Wolf (talk) 04:36, 12 February 2021 (UTC)

Why the Gender neutral language?[]

Hello, I want to talk about my edit on the Vault Dweller's page, as I am very much confused. It is confirmed in Fallout 2 that the VD was male. When describing the canonical events of Fallout 1, it makes very little sense to describe the VD as "they".


Heart exploded[]

The talk page message you left me hit me right in the feels. Not to make myself sound cool, but I guess I had not reflected on the different ways I contribute. What you said was really, really nice and it meant a lot to hear. Messages like that make it easier to keep on keepin' on during days I feel deflated. Thanks for the confidence fuel. Also I caught that FNV reference, nice, now you're speakin' my language. EvEr uPWaRdS! -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 07:08, 3 March 2021 (UTC)

fastest hands in the ...area[]

Thanks so much for helping out with that talk page message on ore/excavatorthinger. You answered it before I could even holler that there was a question to be answered! Go team! And by team I mean you! -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 05:08, 29 March 2021 (UTC)


Assume good faith: Do your best to assume that other editors are trying to help unless you have evidence to the contrary. Accidents happen, and not everybody has a lot of experience with editing a wiki.

Unless there is proof to the edits in question coming from a user who has been banned, there is only bad faith being assumed from a patroller making multiple reverts without evidence or reasoning as to why. 02:19, 2 April 2021 (UTC)

You have already been identified as a banned user through multiple points of verification, and this has been discussed with multiple admins who concur that you are indeed a banned user. Thank you for reaching out to receive an explanation.
intrepid359FO76NW Overseer7/30/24 [2:19am]

Edit conflict[]

It's all right, accidents happen. Aiden4017 (talk) 07:44, 8 April 2021 (UTC)

NTV 2020[]

Just stopping by with a little something for all of our NTV runners-up this year. Feel free to do with it what you will!

GoodNaturedNTV 2020 Runner-up

We're well into 2021, so maybe this year will be yours to claim! The Dyre Wolf (talk) 16:06, 8 April 2021 (UTC)

Disclaimer template[]

I can respect your support for this template, and your argumentation (though I'm hesitant myself), but refering to Tagaziel the way you did was unnecessary. A little more common courtesy is at its place here. About the template, I've asked Eckserah to make this template a more concrete and we'll see how it goes from there. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 12:10, 19 April 2021 (UTC)

About the categories, you meant splitting the armor and apparel plans category. I suppose that's ok for a better overview. I'm not entirely satisfied with the Category:Fallout 76 plans category, but we'll talk about that in MotM. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 12:46, 19 April 2021 (UTC)

Praise Ug-Qualtoth![]

My faith in humanity has been restored. I am so sorry that this happened to you, but I can't begin to express how overjoyed I am that justice carried the day. Now we can get back to the fun stuff ... tons of edits :) -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 19:23, 11 May 2021 (UTC)

Yeah, that's ok. It was touch and go there for a while but they have responded to our pleas. Good thing! Jspoel Speech Jspoel 11:16, 13 May 2021 (UTC)


Supplementary sources include Manuals, Strategy Guides, and Developer Commentary and as policy states: "All should be noted, at minimum, as Non-game to distinguish them from game sources." I have reverted your edit to AYF's previous edit as it follows policy. Devastating DaveZIP ZAP RAP 20:40, 21 May 2021 (UTC)

Correction, AYF has beaten me to it. Devastating DaveZIP ZAP RAP 20:41, 21 May 2021 (UTC)


It requires a bit more of an extensive rewrite and that's too much of a time sink for me atm. I'd also prefer the original editor or another editor take a crack at it before me. Devastating DaveZIP ZAP RAP 22:02, 22 June 2021 (UTC)

Mediation request[]

Hi there, I saw your message and appreciate you bringing it to my attention. I locked the article for now, will review the interactions and edits, and swing back around here shortly with any next steps. -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 19:40, 23 June 2021 (UTC)


I would like to know where Harkness is directly referred to as a courser, because he isn't on the actual courser page and since the term 'courser' didn't exist prior to FO4, I doubt he is referred to as such in-game. This Harkness/courser debate isn't new, and while I agree that the descriptions of his previous profession are in line with the role of one, the previous consensus was that it would not be appropriate to refer to a FO3 character with terminology that did not exist at the time. Its why he is still called an android as opposed to a synth. Branebriar1930 (talk) 10:01, 24 June 2021 (UTC)


Thank you for reaching out. Your concerns are duly noted. AllYourFavorites (talk) 00:18, 9 July 2021 (UTC)

I actually just noticed something particularly interesting - you pointed out to me that the Help page I cited says <br>, <br />, and <br/> are all valid, but this was not the case until that same editor changed the Help page to reflect that, after I made my edit. I'm not assuming bad faith from him, the opposite really, but that does mean your particular mention of that is invalid. Your Discord link does not appear to work for me, as well, so I can't read what that "best practices" claims. Wikipedia's own line-break handling help page seems to prefer "<br />" as well. Not that "<br/>" is invalid, mind you, but I feel compelled to point out that those changes were made alongside a more substantive edit, namely, my adding of the voice type parameter to Pappas' page and link fixes on Test Your Metal.
I understand where you are coming from but next time, I would appreciate it if you made sure of every detail before leaving a message like that. AllYourFavorites (talk) 01:03, 9 July 2021 (UTC)
Your insistence on this worries me. I'd like for you not to assume I'm being contentious with this editor, as that's assuming bad faith. I already said I didn't have an issue with him or his edit, I just wanted to make it clear that certain parts of your message weren't valid. AllYourFavorites (talk) 02:25, 9 July 2021 (UTC)
I don't anticipate there to be future conflicts, as I've already eliminated a highly toxic influence. I'd like to be able to edit going forward without the assumption that there's some sort of bad faith happening. I'm glad you understand. AllYourFavorites (talk) 02:47, 9 July 2021 (UTC)


Is there anything that directly states Sofia was on the Valiant-1 space station? She mentions a space station that crashed in the reference you added to the page, but Crash Landing and Hope Remains seem to establish that it's a different station. You meet her in a crashed escape pod, after all. AllYourFavorites (talk) 16:58, 19 July 2021 (UTC)

Apologies, just misremembered that detail of where you meet her. Still, I'm not seeing where it's stated that her ship was the Valiant-1. AllYourFavorites (talk) 17:19, 19 July 2021 (UTC)

Thank you![]

Thanks for helping with that NW knowledge. Here I am, can't figure it out with all possible datamining tools at my disposal, and then there's you, just swoopin on in and completing it from memory. I appreciate it a lot a lot! -kate Pickman heart kdarrow take her for a spin! 02:44, 24 July 2021 (UTC)

Thank you[]

You have been given a blood pressure cuff, now with more pressure.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
I am so thankful for your support of me on my b-crat app, derpderpid! We made a lot of waves forging the path to where we are now, but look at what a great view it ended up being. Here's to many more adventures.
All my love, Pickman heart kdarrow take her for a spin! 03:03, 28 July 2021 (UTC)

Reaching out[]

Hi there, I received your message and appreciate your willingness to come forward and share your thoughts with me. I feel sorrow reading these sentiments, but at the same time, want to assure you that I take the situation and claims seriously. There may be a short delay, I am just leaving work but fully intend to give it my full attention shortly. If I need more information or clarity, I will absolutely reach out. Thank you again for trusting me with the issue at hand, I will do my best to understand and navigate the different perspectives, hopefully to the tune of a positive result for everyone. -kate Pickman heart kdarrow take her for a spin! 23:51, 16 August 2021 (UTC)

New California Republic[]

Hey, Intrepid, good to see you active again after last week and hope you're doing alright. Wanted to respond to your edits on the NCR page - honestly you have good points and were right to drop the federal part, and I'm gonna be doing some edits of my own to the page to further fix stuff and clear things up. As for the part you added citation needed for, I think you might have slightly misunderstood what was written there, though you were right that we should add citations there.

Essentially, what it was saying is that the NCR has five "states" within it, which is supported by content from FO2, the New Vegas game guide (and possibly manual? need to check that), and the Bible (which, admittedly, not valid XD). These aren't pre-war US states, they're post-war "NCR states" based around the NCR's founding settlements/territory: the states are Shady, The Hub, Maxson, Los Angeles, and Dayglow. I don't know if it's ever actually specified how these states are structured - they may well be city-states given two of them (The Hub and Dayglow) share their name with a major settlement - but still. All of these are located in the southern half of California, hence the mention of "southern California"

The second part about "additional territorial holdings" is covering the fact that according to dialogue throughout New Vegas (again, you were right that we should have had refs for that) the NCR controls and/or has jurisdiction over many settlements in the northern half of California, including Sac-Town, New Reno, and Redding, and may control settlements in Southern Oregon such as Arroyo and Klamath, though I think in those cases the evidence is shaky and you might be right that we need to review it. And I think you were right to drop Baja altogether since we do indeed have no way of knowing anything about their involvement there other than that troops have been dispatched and they made a failed attempt to colonize it once.

Overall I think you were in the right with how you handled it and that we need to do an overview of NCR stuff for quality of references and speculation cleanup; just wanted to clear things up since the way you worded it me think you maybe misunderstood a bit (IIRC you've said you haven't played New Vegas or the originals - forgive me if I'm wrong about that lol). I'll definitely work on improving the sourcing on that article and related ones. Thanks for taking the plunge on it, and hope to see you around more soon. Later! DirtyBlue929 (talk) 18:21, 4 September 2021 (UTC)

Monster mash[]

Ope! I didn't know it was a proper noun. I will use a bot to change them back. Oopsie! Thanks for letting me/us know. -Pickman heart kdarrow take her for a spin! 15:51, 1 October 2021 (UTC)

Patroller rights[]

Hi there Intrepid, thank you for reaching out. I removed your rights following comments you made on Discord 10/06/2021, which appeared to me to be a very clear and resolute resignation. Patroller rights are not an award or a gift, they are a tool for serving the wiki and improving its content. If you have no intention of continuing involvement with the wiki, you would not necessitate tools for which to improve it.

However, I can accept that I misunderstood you. If you are interested in taking back up the role, I would be comfortable deferring back to the minimum patroller requirement of continuous activity for at least one month before doing so. Feel free to reach back out to me at that time and I can set you up. In the meantime I will correct your information, moving from resigned to inactive in our records. Thank you for your interest, and I hope to see you around recent changes. -Pickman heart kdarrow take her for a spin! 22:50, 23 October 2021 (UTC)

Hi there! The link you referenced is me stating that I had no interest in the politics of the wiki, which is a very common sentiment. It wasn't a resignation. In fact, you told me I should leave you a talk page message if I wanted to resign. That never happened, indicating that I did not resign nor did I wish to. The reason I reached out to you was because I had heard rumblings of some discontent with other people losing rights, and I wanted to help avoid any untoward doubts cast on you with this confusion. I have reached out to J to resolve this, and I can't see any policy allowing rights to be stripped after a few weeks of inactivity, we'd lose several other staff members as a result of this policy, and it would cause extreme stress for anyone going on a vacation, knowing they will be fully demoted and need to start from scratch if they don't integrate the wiki into their vacation plans. Something like this definitely needs to be voted on in a forum, and I can't see it passing.

intrepid359FO76NW Overseer10/31/21 [1:58am]

I'll send a message to Kate about your rights. Rule about losing rights is a bit confusing at this point. Once we had a policy on the admin page (rights removal at 9 months of inactivity), but is was reverted in 2014, and in a later discussion it was set to a vote of no confidence. But that information wasn't added to the admin page. I'd say your appearant resignation was misunderstood by Kate, and you would become an inactive patroller, without the removal yet. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 14:29, 31 October 2021 (UTC)

For your perfect attendance and donut eating expertise[]

Slocums buzzbites
You have been given A Prestigious Present for Being Presented a Present for Being Present..
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
For your contributions to the focus group and for not eating all the donuts. You have my gratitude. TheGunny2.0 (talk) 18:31, 8 May 2022 (UTC)

Audio file[]

It's restored. About the other 30 day thing, you mean your patroller rights? Jspoel Speech Jspoel 09:51, 11 May 2022 (UTC)


It's more about that webp format is derived from other formats, as in you download an image (which can be .png/.jpg/.gif) and is downloaded as .webp format. Probably should replace them. ☢ Energy X ☣ 17:24, 17 May 2022 (UTC)


I'm gonna leave it, it's a little bit of frustration, I don't really see a direct harm in it, and it's from a user with a low profile now. Its existence will soon fade away. Dave has a similar going away quote on his talkpage and that still stands. I'd just forget it about. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 15:58, 20 May 2022 (UTC)

A gift[]

FO4FH Acadia's Shield
You have been given Acadia's Shield.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
For your exceptional work in restoring lost content and helping repair the wiki! LaymansReign (talk) 17:34, 23 May 2022 (UTC)


He should ask himself, he already knows about it. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 17:40, 23 May 2022 (UTC)

A Gift![]

Taggerdy's Thunder logo
You have been given Taggerdy’s Thunder.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
For your extremely thorough and effective work in restoring credible and verifiable knowledge to Nukapedia, you’ve been awarded a citation by the members of Taggerdy’s Thunder! You are a valued member of the W.A.N.K.E.R initiative! The Greatest Savior (talk) 18:44, 23 May 2022 (UTC)

User rights request policy[]

Thanks for that catch on the user rights request policy. Missed that one. TheGunny2.0 (talk) 12:50, 26 May 2022 (UTC)

Giving a Face to "a mysterious appearance of barely-eligible account"[]

Primus Alexianus#7292

I hope you don't mind that I ask out of curiosity why it matters that people who felt like this Fallout Fandom didn't give them what they want, so they left it behind, are suddenly a factor in the reasoning of a vote in Solefuls appeal. I can be a friend of Soleful and not have to be an active member. I am not a bot or some random anon paid or convinced by any other reason as to giving my vote.

User Neverass3

I was a community member of Old World Blues, and I've seen first hand the way this community (the Fallout community in general, not this specific Wiki or its members) treats its fellow fans. I didn't know the thick of the community aside from No Mutants Allowed, but I didn't really join that community aside from downloading mods for the original Fallouts. But I've come to realize there are two, very disturbing, fandom communities. (Fandom NOT meaning this website, but a fandom in general) There is the Enclave community, who can be cringe and harsh and, well, Enclave-y, I suppose may be the best term. Sucks, since I enjoy Enclave, but not in that kind of way. The other, however, is the "Canon" community.

This Canon Community shuts down and disrespects all dialogue concerning anything that doesn't conform to their standards of what they consider "Official Canon" which disregards the very miniscule amount of lore that Fallout has in general. Fallout is like a cake; it's delicious, it's enjoyable, it is amazing. But we only have the one cake. And these Official Canon people want to destroy over half of it, and leave what little is left for the rest of us to nibble on.

I have spoken to Soleful and gotten to know him. The friendship started early this year, but we have talked beforehand, because he was the best source of all lore I could get, while trying to make mods that fit the fallout universe. Every time I would ask anyone else, they would just say "that's not canon" and end the conversation. I've been witness to severe harassment against Soleful, every time he would dare speak a word in a discord, people would shut him down, call him names, call him brainless. And no, not for one second don't think that we are buddy buddy. I will say up and down I will go to bat for him, but the same is not for him. My personality has been shown to him and his friends, and the Old World Blues community. I am not a perfect person, I have my feelings on things. Soleful and I have created a slowly yet growing distance between us. Not out of hatred or disgust, it's just unfortunate these things happen. I can't say Soleful sees me as a friend, but I can say I see Soleful as a friend.

User Neverass2

I recently asked a favor of him, no simple request. I respected his knowledge and his kindness, so I wanted him to join a community for help in lore. He declined, unsurprisingly, as it was not as simple as just joining. But he asked me to help him out. He told me he wanted to join back to this fandom, even after the way he was mistreated and had accusations thrown at him, he still cared about the wiki. Maybe he didn't care for the staff but he cared about the wiki. And a wiki is nothing without its viewers. I made a personal decision upon hearing about the staff here that I would either go to fallout-archive or Soleful, personally, for anything on lore. Either or website works with technical stuff like ref ID's and such. But I digress, I don't know why Soleful would ever wish to come back here. If it were me, no, I'd never want anything to do with these people. It's wrong how he is mistreated. Soleful is a long standing member and has contributed far more than I ever could. I have made numerous edits on the Wiki, through my IP Address, but I've never needed recognition. I only help with broken code or grammar or spelling, nothing actually contributing. I did a lot mainly over on Wookieepedia, at least they made a proper distinction between what is and is not "Canon" but that's besides the point.

Soleful doesn't want anything nor to gain anything. He just wants to come back and contribute. It's a waste to throw away someone with such vast amounts of knowledge, on what, an accusation of botting? Was I to be an example of this supposed continued botting?

My friend asked me for help. No one has anything to gain to be on a site like this, only to lose. Time. Effort. Freedoms. creativity and imagination. I was going to help him, if I could, and just because I haven't been here in years does not mean I don't have rights. That vote concerned me, so I voted. You may say a bunch of yes's came out of the wood work, well almost a dozen no's came out as well on the last day.

You can go ahead and say "I don't know what happened" or "I'm talking about things I have no clue of." But the best way to prove botting is with an IP address. Before then, it's just an accusation. And Soleful was willing to leave. I know about the thing with kate. Soleful doesn't have any power here, as shown that even a "transparent vote" is faux. No matter how many people voted, Soleful wouldn't be allowed back.

But he's my friend. I don't give up on friends. I know his personality, in text and in person. Soleful isn't bad. He's mistreated.

User Neverass1

I am real, I have feelings, I am not an alt, I am not a bot.

This group needs to seriously evaluate themselves. Just because someone has a different opinion of you, it doesn't mean they are wrong. What this community is doing is immorally wrong. -- Neveras333 20:49, 7 June 2022 (UTC)

I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts. If you were told that the reason that Sole was removed from the community was botting or rigging a vote, I can understand the confusion. That offense was simply the straw that broke the camel's back; the last straw in a continuous series of quite literally hundreds of major and minor offenses, driving several people away from the Fallout community generally and this wiki community specifically.
I personally don't care that much about the vote rigging accusations. That is the least of his offenses. And your vote played only a minor role in my decision. However, given the context of the previous vote rigging accusations, where oddly inactive accounts showed up in droves to vote, I hope you can understand the concern that myself and others had when history seemed to repeat itself. And please bear in mind, I was one out of 50 voters. I account for only 2% of the vote.
I hope this helps clear things up. I think you've been misled about the reasons leading to the original ban. If you think about it, it doesn't make any sense that Sole would face such stark opposition over something so minor. That's a bit of a red flag, when the story you're given doesn't match the reality before your eyes, no? Don't take my word for it, though. I'm merely a stranger to you. I'd encourage you to review his talk page and its archives, or review the discussion that occured prior to the vote. You'll probably find some context there that you didn't get when you very reasonably asked for brutal honesty about the topic.
intrepid359FO76NW Overseer6/7/22 [5:17pm]
If you were told that the reason that Sole was removed from the community was botting or rigging a vote, I can understand the confusion. That offense was simply the straw that broke the camel's back; the last straw in a continuous series of quite literally hundreds of major and minor offenses, driving several people away from the Fallout community generally and this wiki community specifically.
There is no confusion, the supposed rigging was the incident that got him banned.
However, given the context of the previous vote rigging accusations, where oddly inactive accounts showed up in droves to vote, I hope you can understand the concern that myself and others had when history seemed to repeat itself.
If there is such a concern, then members need to be vetted. One excuse to say he botted with new accounts is inconclusive to an excuse to say he botted with old accounts. Are people to imply he made old accounts from 11 years ago with different IP addresses in preparation of voting decisions 11 years later? Or are you to imply he would have magical skills to take control of emails and restore activity to old accounts? If there really was a concern of this, there should have been some sort of vetting for accounts, aside from just "have to be made before the appeal voting was created" since that means there wasn't any original concern or none that weighed heavily enough.
Understandable? Potentially. Reasonable? No.

I think you've been misled about the reasons leading to the original ban. If you think about it, it doesn't make any sense that Sole would face such stark opposition over something so minor. That's a bit of a red flag, when the story you're given doesn't match the reality before your eyes, no?
I've been heavily criticized in my past and had outlandish accusations thrown about at me, as well. I was once claimed to creep after certain women on a Play-By-Post roleplaying forum after I heard their voices, and out of context jokes lead one or two people to decide they were going to slander me because it was what they believed, that they assumed I was a bad person. Never thought to ask me anything, nor ask my friends. When I was younger, and far more socially challenged than I used to be, I would admit I liked accents. Sometimes, other accents were more interesting than others, gender not a factor. I would tell people I loved their accents. Another example was, in high school and being socially inept as I possibly could be, I did not know what "Netflix and Chill" meant. I thought it was related to binge watching shows. I made this joke to a woman once over voice, and everyone blew it out of proportions. The ironic part is the woman knew I didn't know what it meant, and couldn't care less I said it.
My point TL;DR is that accusations are just that, accusations. And people are only human. They more often than not assume there is emotion in text, or assume that one thing means another. Whether or not there is evidence of it, it doesn't make it fact. If, because of my mental difficulties and ADHD, make me say something that in society can be taken as entirely rude or offensive, it does not mean my intention was to upset anyone. I have often said things I appreciate or find positive and fascinating, but the words out of my mouth were spoken before I thought about them.
To bluntly answer your question, no. It is not a red flag for me. However, I am always open to evidence. Speaking of which...

I'm merely a stranger to you. I'd encourage you to review his talk page and its archives, or review the discussion that occured prior to the vote. You'll probably find some context there that you didn't get when you very reasonably asked for brutal honesty about the topic.
I have taken the time to review his current talk page and his archived talk page. I have seen two important reprimanding messages that contribute to evidence, additionally, a report by Soleful himself about pornography spam and vandalism towards his talk page as further evidence to something else.
All indications of "warnings" were from Edit Wars. That is understandable, but it doesn't contribute to "bad behavior." The supposed bad behavior comes from testimonies and opinions of users disliking his edits. Numerous accounts prove that it's just opinionated and baseless, these accounts come specifically from his talk page. Many people responding and disliking the edits that he makes. Many are "I just don't agree, sorry" or argumentative based in opinion. Either way, they are all proven that their edits were incorrect as outsiders continue to comment that Solefuls were correct, or the people making the complaints admit that they discovered their edits were wrong and accepted their mistakes.
Furthering with the harassment from Scribe, it is indicative and proves to me Soleful is also disliked for "lore" because of the "official canon" people. They prefer "canon" over "lore" and harass him because he doesn't subscribe to their opinion. The "behavior" accusation is not based in fact, but opinion, opinions that are baseless.
Example: "Well I don't think Character X should be leader. Even though Soleful is correct, I don't like him or his opinion. I just don't agree, sorry" That is effectively the "behavior" because people don't like being wrong. I suspect this also delves into Solefuls position of writing all lore, canon or not, which other staff or editors may agreeably dislike, as it does not conform to their narrative.
The evidence you want me to accept that mob rule has decided they don't like him because he has a different opinion. Edit Wars are not acceptable and I can agree to that, but squabbling children saying "no, you can't have this toy, I say it's blue!" are not easily reasoned with. But it appears if enough of them dislike that Soleful is right, they can get him banned. You want me to accept that Soleful has bad behavior based on this alone. Aside from that, the evidence shows Soleful caused Edit Wars, and that is not a ban for behavior, that is a ban for rules. The only thing factual here is the Edit Wars. If I get a bunch of people to say you cause conflict and escalate situations, is it true because the mob says it? There's always a potential for misunderstanding. But this is a blatant targeting of a man because of his beliefs. And I refuse to stand by your side.
Let's say I'm wrong. Let's say that I should agree with you and side with you, to say Soleful has a bad behavior. He made people leave, potentially a fact. He caused edit wars, fact, and potentially upset people, more than likely true. But in order to agree with you, I have to slander him and say he is bad and is incapable of learning from his mistakes. That - no matter the explanation - Soleful has bad behavior - which the connotation comes with all of its baggage. We have to cater to everyone who made edits based off of their opinions, NOT based off of fact - from game or dev - but because how they felt. "I don't agree with you, sorry." No. If I'm wrong, I don't want to be right.
My voice will not have any sway or weight in the faux vote or in the community or staff to better itself, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't speak. Lawyery or not, facts are facts, and opinions are not. If you want to rule by mob rule, by all means, do it. But just because 20 people say it, and 10 don't, doesn't make it fact. I have seen nothing to change my mind, but I am still welcoming any other evidence. -- Neveras333 23:43, 7 June 2022 (UTC)
Well, look. We're not going to agree. Your context is not my context, nor the context of the other voters who expressed legitimate concerns. It is absolutely your right to dismiss or accept those concerns as you see fit, and I won't try to force my viewpoint on you. Thank you for coming out to vote in support of your friend.
intrepid359FO76NW Overseer6/7/22 [9:23pm]
I don't know what to tell you, those are the facts. It's simple binary, 0 or 1. If Soleful has an attitude problem it would be new to me, and I'm not the only person I know that has experience with him having good behavior. He received two rule breaks for Edit Wars, and then banned for a potential 1 bot vote rigging. That's the evidence you told me to go and read. If you feel strongly about this you should try harder, unless you don't actually have any merit or proof to these accusations and it is as I said, just straight harassment and dislike, baseless opinions. --Neveras333 08:24, 8 June 2022 (UTC)