Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Mr. Mackeson was the owner of the Pittsburgh Union Steel Company and the Foundry in the Pitt.


In July 2077,[1] under pressure from the government to increase production for the war effort,[2] Mr. Mackeson demanded a tripling of production of steel at the Foundry. The workers had already been having trouble making the previous quota, but this large of an increase seemed like it was doomed to lead to a strike.[1] In the following September, Mr. Mackeson came down in person to see "what the fuss was all about" and was met with harsh verbal attacks by the workers. The foreman Hal Caldwell had to call in Protectrons to prevent the situation from escalating. However, at this time, Mr. Mackeson responded that the new production quota "was out of his hands."[2]

By early October, Hal Caldwell, the Union, and Mr. Mackeson reached an agreement - to avoid a repeat of the labor wars down south in Beckley and Welch, Mr. Mackeson would "pull some clever accounting" to make it seem that production had tripled. In exchange, the workers would do all they could to "squeeze just a little bit more out of everyone."[3]


Mr. Mackeson is mentioned only in the Fallout 76 update Expeditions: The Pitt.

