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The Quincy ruins are the remains of the pre-War city of the same name and are a location in the Commonwealth in Fallout 4.



In the American state of Massachusetts, Quincy was a town with great historical significance, being the hometown of John Adams, John Quincy Adams, and John Hancock.

In the years leading to the Great War, a controversial zoning plan led to the construction of a raised interstate highway straight above the city's main street.[Non-game 1]

Following the nuclear apocalypse, the city's ruins were eventually resettled at some point, growing into a thriving community with many businesses and trade relations with other Commonwealth settlements including Diamond City in the Boston metropolitan area.[1] However, by the late 2280s, the community's prosperity resulted in the settlement becoming an attractive target for raiders and other threats. The greatest threat, though, was the Gunners.

Quincy Massacre[]

See also: Quincy Massacre

Around October 2287, Quincy's destruction at the hands of the Gunners was predicted by Mama Murphy, a Quincy resident who possessed a mysterious psychic precognitive power she called the Sight. She attempted to bring her warning to Quincy's then-leader, Mayor Jackson. However, not everyone believed her, viewing her as an insane old woman, but since her predictions had come true before, the mayor was convinced of the danger and sent a request for aid to the Commonwealth Minutemen.[2][3][4]

Sometime later, a Minutemen detachment led by Colonel Ezra Hollis and including Preston Garvey arrived at Quincy just in time to fight off the Gunner advance and wasted no time in helping the townspeople fortify their positions. The mayor even allowed them to use his own house as barracks out of gratitude. However, one significant problem remained; though Col. Hollis' group was well-equipped, they were outmatched numerically against a prolonged assault. Hollis attempted to send out numerous calls for reinforcements, but the other Minutemen groups either never arrived in time or never came at all. In the meantime, Hollis directed further defense measures, such as filling up the monorail platform stairwell and building rooftop walkways. By that point, the settlement was experiencing daily assaults from the Gunners, and their only option was to sit and wait, hoping that the Gunners would give up before their supplies ran out.[5][6][7]

Quincy's fate was sealed when a negotiating party sent in by the Gunners was revealed to be led by Clint, a 10-year veteran Minuteman that betrayed the organization to join the mercenaries and was placed in charge of the siege on Quincy. After a failed attempt to convince Hollis to surrender, Clint set a special assault plan in motion: Quincy was well-defended on ground level, but not against higher positions. He had the Gunners detonate part of the highway overpass outside the city, allowing them to climb up onto the structure and use it to attack Quincy from above. In the resulting slaughter, becoming known as the Quincy Massacre, the Gunners killed or captured almost everyone in the city and claimed it for themselves, save for a group of remaining survivors led by Preston and the few remaining Minutemen who fled to seek refuge elsewhere in the Commonwealth. The Gunners pursued them as far as Jamaica Plain and killed several of them on the way, but ultimately lost their trail. However, the dangers of the wasteland also took their toll on the refugee group. After a disastrous attempt to settle in Lexington, by the time they reached Concord, they had dropped to just five people: Preston himself, Sturges, Mama Murphy, and Jun and Marcy Long.

Colonel Hollis was captured by the Gunners and personally executed by Clint. With the breaking of the Minutemen's defense at Quincy, many in the Commonwealth considered the organization effectively destroyed.[8][9][10][11][12] Any surviving Minutemen disbanded into the wastes to eke out their own lives and public opinion turned against them.[13]

Gunner control[]

For his part in taking over Quincy, Clint was made a lieutenant in the Gunners and placed in command of building a new stronghold in the ruins, working with two senior subordinates: Tessa and Sgt. Baker. The troops under his lead set up their main camp on the freeway so that they would not be defeated in the same way they defeated the Minutemen, and they quickly established communications with the main command at the GNN Plaza. Despite his increase in rank, Clint knew that his subordinates were skeptical because of his past with the Minutemen, likely to turn disorderly because they were no longer in active combat. To try and curb this, he began to send out scout teams, and had Tessa stationed away from the main camp to avoid her disruptive influence. The Gunners had also kept several prisoners from Quincy but ended up "losing" them under unspecified circumstances. With his troops angered and becoming unrulier due to this failure, Clint was forced to find another target to distract them; he set his eyes on the Atom Cats garage, where the Atom Cats kept several suits of power armor.[14][15][16]

The defeat at Quincy did not demoralize everyone in the Minutemen, however. Instead, for Captain Mercer and his group, it became a source of anger, enough to rally them for one last battle against the Gunners, whatever the cost. Mercer and his subordinates knew their attempt would likely end in their deaths, but were determined to make it count.[17][18]


To the west of Quincy is a Red Rocket station with a power armor station, weapons workbench, and armor workbench.

The Quincy ruins consist of the walled-off fortified settlement occupying the northwestern side of the city ruins, alongside a Gunner camp on the two levels of the highway overpass, which can be accessed via walkways on the rooftops of the settlement's buildings or by climbing up the destroyed overpass to the east of Quincy. This freeway marks the northern limit of the city, and the majority of its buildings are found to the south. A collapsed monorail train provides access to the town from the north, though several laser tripwires can be found inside the train and will trigger a rigged weapon if they are touched.

The northwesternmost building in Quincy is the church, inside of which are a cooking stove, a power armor station, and a weapons workbench, as well as Sturges' terminal. Sergeant Baker is located in the church bell tower, and the church roof is connected to the lower level of the highway overpass.

Southwest of the church is a graveyard which the former settlers of Quincy had cleared out to use as farmland, with a Gunner guard post in the southwest corner. Just outside the graveyard is a flatbed truck with three locked but empty cages. East of the church is the Quincy town center, which is a small courtyard with a single dead tree, surrounded by a number of shops and buildings which can be entered. Just across from the church and the graveyard are the diner, apartments, and Guns Guns Guns, all of which are connected to one another. Walkways on the roofs of these buildings also link them to buildings across the streets to the north and east. The building to the north, marked "For rent," is connected to the overpass via the roof. Fentons Food Stuffs, a small metal shack, is located outside.

Across the street, southeast of the town center, are the pharmacy, The Hole in the Wall, and the remains of a Pinelli's Bakery. The street intersection between the apartments and the pharmacy contains a large pile of burnt remains, including a lootable raider corpse and settler corpse. North of these buildings, closest to the overpass, is a two-story building formerly used as the barracks of Colonel Hollis' Minutemen, which still holds his terminal. This building is also connected to the lower overpass, as well as to the buildings to the south via rooftop walkways.

The southeastern side of Quincy is largely unoccupied, separated from the settlement via its walls. The Quincy police station is just outside the settlement walls, near the pharmacy, and can also be accessed via the pharmacy roof. Tessa is located inside the police station. Across from the police station is a derelict and inaccessible Super-Duper Mart, alongside a nearby parking garage. The garage contains two leveled radscorpions burrowed underground. Taking the vehicle ramp all the way to the bottom of the garage will lead to a steamer trunk in the back of a destroyed van.

The buildings northeast of the police station are also inaccessible, but their rooftops can be accessed via the police station roof or via stairs on the side of one of the buildings. The courtyard in between these buildings holds a deceased trader's camp, with a sleeping bag and a cooking station. Further southeast, the terrain becomes marshland, with only a few destroyed houses sinking into the marsh. The Peabody house, the only occupied residence in the area, is located here.

The Gunner camp is on the two levels of the freeway overpass in the northern part of the ruins. The lower level of the overpass is mainly a living quarters. The upper overpass, accessible via a collapsed road in the western part, holds a watch station and a makeshift command post set up between two trucks, from which Lieutenant Clint oversees the ruins. Clint's terminal and a steamer trunk are found in the command post.


Notable loot[]

  • Nuka-Cola Quantum - On the lower level of the elevated freeway, in the cooking area west of the church entrance.
  • Mini nuke - On the upper level of the elevated freeway, in the small wooden shack. It should be located under the table with the radio and ammo box.
  • An issue of Guns and Bullets - On the upper level of the elevated freeway, next to the terminal. Take the church up and follow the path west to the ramp leading up, then around the other side of the truck right at the ramp.
  • Good Intentions - a unique laser weapon, carried by Clint, who will also be wearing a mix of T-51 and T-60 power armor minus the helmet and can be found just past the ramp to the upper level of the elevated freeway. He can occasionally be found out of the armor, mainly at night, at which point it can be stolen. If it cannot be found on Clint, check around the truck and trailer on the lower level of the freeway by the beds. Ascend through the church and follow the path west to the ramp leading up; the truck and trailer are in front of the ramp.
  • Tessa's Fist - a unique piece of power armor, carried by Tessa.
  • Tessa's holotape and an almost complete set of heavy combat armor - Looted from Baker.
  • Two fusion cores - One is on the first floor of the church, in a wooden box next to the terminal. Another is on the second floor of the police station, in a wooden box on a desk near a cooler and an ammo box.
  • Mama Murphy's note - In the Quincy apartments, on a dresser on the upper floor in a heavily-furnished room accessible from both the diner and Guns Guns Guns.
  • Mama Murphy's stash - In the Quincy apartments, in a cooler containing a large number of chems on the balcony accessible from the room containing Mama Murphy's note.
  • Plasma mines - Five armed ones, scattered throughout the ruins.
  • Creation Club Receiver schematics - In The Hole in the Wall, in an Expert-locked safe.
  • Creation Club Quincy shop key - In a nearby cash register. Unlocks the safe with the receiver schematics.

Related quests[]

  • Cleansing the Commonwealth - Knight Rhys gives the Sole Survivor an assignment to clear the location of what he calls "abominations" to further the aims of the Brotherhood of Steel.
  • Randolph Safehouse - The Railroad agent Mister Tims will leave dead drops in the form of six holotapes for the Sole Survivor, containing information about possible hazards to the Railroad's escort and escape of synths out of the Commonwealth. They can assist in these efforts by clearing out the location of hostiles.
  • Creation Club Combat Ready - The receiver schematics for the CR-74L are in The Hole in the Wall.
  • Creation Club War Paint - If this quest is completed, Quincy will be reclaimed by the Minutemen, and the Gunners will (mostly) no longer respawn in Quincy.


  • In the far cell of the Quincy police station, a skeleton can be seen who unsuccessfully tried to tunnel out of his cell with a wooden spoon.
  • Fast traveling to this location will often spawn the player character in the middle of the ruins and surrounded by Gunners if they have not been cleared or have respawned.
  • As soon as the enemies on the elevated freeway note the player character's presence, Clint will try to enter the power armor located on the wooden lookout. To prevent him from doing so, the player character can try to kill everyone from a distance, or run to enter the power armor before him, although that will be considered stealing. Quickly killing the Gunners can also be achieved by climbing the freeway by its east end and past some fragmentation mines.
  • If the Sole Survivor fast travels away from Quincy ruins after killing Tessa, Clint, and Baker, but has not defeated all of the remaining Gunners, the entire area will respawn upon the Survivor's return with a Gunner lieutenant, Gunner captain, and assaultron dominator in their place. These variants may be based upon the player character's level.
  • This is the only point of reference for more details on the lives of Jun Long, Marcy Long, Mama Murphy, and Sturges prior to finding them in Concord, e.g. inside the Quincy pharmacy are terminal entries authored by Jun.
  • Inside the liquor store, one can find a working terminal that has no entries nor any loaded holotapes.

Companion comments[]

  • When at this location, companions make comments, which are activated at two locations, including the southeast entrance and the freeway stronghold bridge to the roof catwalks.
Location comments
Character Specific location Comment
Cait Southeast entrance "This entire area's overrun with Gunners. I can smell the crazy bastards from a mile away."
Freeway stronghold bridge "You sure it's safe for us to be walkin' up here?"
Codsworth Southeast entrance "Well, this place has certainly seen better days."
Freeway stronghold bridge "I do hope this overpass holds out long enough for us to get back down... safely, I should say."
Curie Southeast entrance "I wonder if there is a monument to John Adams here. He was born in Quincy, you know?"
Freeway stronghold bridge "I suppose driving cross-country is now out of the question."
Danse Southeast entrance ""
Freeway stronghold bridge "We have to be careful. One solid hit in the right place could bring this whole overpass crashing down."
Deacon Southeast entrance "Gunners have overrun Quincy. Great."
Freeway stronghold bridge "Let's get back to the ground, OK? Sometimes you can see pieces of the freeway fall off."
John Hancock Southeast entrance "Quincy's Gunner territory. At least, for now."
Freeway stronghold bridge "Gonna be a hell of a show when this thing finally goes."
Robert MacCready Southeast entrance "We're entering Gunners territory so we need to be careful. If I'm recognized they'll be going after me with a vengeance."
Freeway stronghold bridge "Great sniping position from up here."
Nick Valentine Southeast entrance "Quincy wasn't exactly a tourist hotspot before the Gunners moved in."
Freeway stronghold bridge "Watch your step."
Piper Wright Southeast entrance "See scenic Quincy, home to... uh... gimme a minute..."
Freeway stronghold bridge "Oh, it's nicer from up here... I think."
Preston Garvey Southeast entrance "We gave the Gunners a hell of a fight, but we never really stood a chance. There were just too many of them and too few of us."
Freeway stronghold bridge "Once the Gunners got up here, there was no way to defend the rest of Quincy."
X6-88 Southeast entrance ""
Freeway stronghold bridge "I hope we won't be up here for long."


Quincy ruins appears only in Fallout 4.

Behind the scenes[]

Quincy is based on the real-world town of the same name in the state of Massachusetts.


  • Playstation 4Playstation 4 The headless T-45 power armor on the overpass will respawn every time the area respawns, allowing for infinite T-45 power armor suits every time the ruins are cleared of Gunners. [verified]
  • PCPC The power armor frame and power armor are listed as owned, and will be marked as such if you decide to take them. [verified]



  1. Sole Survivor: "I just got here, but yeah."
    Piper Wright: "Shh. Play along. What was that? You said you're a trader up from Quincy? You have enough supplies to keep the general store stocked for a whole month? Huh. You hear that, Danny? You gonna open the gate and let us in? Or are you going to be the one talking to crazy Myrna about losing out on all this supply?"
    (Piper Wright's dialogue)
  2. Mama Murphy's note
  3. Quincy ruins terminal entries; Long's terminal, Mama Murphy
  4. Quincy ruins terminal entries; Sturges's terminal, Mama Murphy's vision
  5. Quincy ruins terminal entries; Sturges's terminal, The Minutemen
  6. Quincy ruins terminal entries; Hollis's terminal, Setting up defenses
  7. Quincy ruins terminal entries; Hollis's terminal, Status report
  8. The Sole Survivor: "What was the Quincy Massacre?"
    Preston Garvey: "I thought everyone in the Commonwealth knew about that by now. Where the Minutemen betrayed each other, and the people they were supposed to protect. I was with Colonel Hollis's group. A mercenary group called the Gunners was attacking Quincy; the people there called for the Minutemen to help. We were the only ones that came. The other groups... they just turned their backs. On us, and the folks in Quincy. Only a few of us got out alive. Colonel Hollis was dead. So I ended up in charge of the survivors. We never found a safe place to settle. One disaster after another... you saw how it ended, in Concord."
    (Preston Garvey's dialogue)
  9. Quincy ruins terminal entries; Hollis's terminal, Betrayed
  10. Quincy ruins terminal entries; Gunner terminal, Col. Hollis
  11. Quincy ruins terminal entries; Gunner terminal, Preston
  12. Quincy ruins terminal entries; Sturges's terminal, Baker here
  13. Preston Garvey: "Man, I don't know who you are, but your timing's impeccable. Preston Garvey, Commonwealth Minutemen."
    The Sole Survivor: "Minutemen? So now I'm traveling backward in time?"
    Preston Garvey: ""Protect the people at a minute's notice." That was the idea. So I joined up, wanted to make a difference. And I did, but... things fell apart. Now it looks like I'm the last Minuteman left standing."
    The Sole Survivor: "Who are these people?"
    Preston Garvey: "Just folks lookin' for a new home. A fresh start. I've been with 'em since Quincy. Lexington looked good for a while, but the Ghouls drove us outta there. A month ago, there were 20 of us. Yesterday there were 8. Now, we're 5. It's just me, the Longs - Marcy and Jun - that's old Mama Murphy on the couch. And this here's Sturges."
    (Preston Garvey's dialogue)
  14. Quincy ruins terminal entries; Gunner terminal, Tessa and Baker
  15. Quincy ruins terminal entries; Gunner terminal, The Factory
  16. Quincy ruins terminal entries; Gunner terminal, Atom Cats
  17. Captain Mercer's note
  18. Nunez's note
  1. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition pp. 387-389: "[6.24] QUINCY RUINS
    Due to some controversial zoning, the freeway was run right over the main street, near the buildings of this once-picturesque and historical settlement. John Adams, John Quincy Adams, and John Hancock were all born here. Currently, Gunners have taken over the Quincy ruins and a section of freeway that runs through the town. This was once a Minutemen stronghold until the arrival of the Gunners and a defection of one of the Minutemen’s own."
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)
Fo4 Minutemen Flag
Fo4 Minutemen Flag