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John Hancock (January 23, 1737October 8, 1793) was an American Founding Father, merchant, statesman, and prominent Patriot of the Revolutionary War. He served as president of the Second Continental Congress and was the first and third Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


Hancock was born in Quincy and is known for being the first individual to sign the Declaration of Independence.[1][2][3] Paul Revere set out on his Midnight Ride to warn Hancock of his impending arrest at the hands of the British forces before the Revolutionary War.[4] Described as a war hero, Hancock was buried in Boston's Granary Burying Grounds.[5] The National Archives in Washington, D.C. produced a Protectron John Hancock which was used for historical reenactments of his signing of the Declaration of Independence.[1]

A set of Hancock's clothing, a red frock coat and a tricorn hat, was kept in Boston's Old State House as a memorial. The clothing survived the Great War and was eventually discovered by John McDonough, a ghoul refugee from Diamond City. Inspired by the Founding Father's reputation as the "first American hoodlum and defender of the People,"[6] McDonough used the clothes to assume the identity of John Hancock so as to inspire resistance against Vic, the despotic ruler of Goodneighbor at the time. He has remained in the persona ever since, acting as Goodneighbor's mayor.[7]


John Hancock is mentioned in Fallout 3 and Fallout 4.



  1. 1.0 1.1 National Archives terminal entries; JHANC003 John Hancock, Unit Directives
  2. Archives prize voucher
  3. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition pp.387-389: "[6.24] QUINCY RUINS
    Due to some controversial zoning, the freeway was run right over the main street, near the buildings of this once-picturesque and historical settlement. John Adams, John Quincy Adams, and John Hancock were all born here. Currently, Gunners have taken over the Quincy ruins and a section of freeway that runs through the town. This was once a Minutemen stronghold until the arrival of the Gunners and a defection of one of the Minutemen’s own."
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)
  4. Boston landmark inscriptions: "Built in 1680, this wooden building is the oldest structure in all of Boston. In 1770 this home was bought by famed patriot Paul Revere. Paul Revere dwelled here with his family (including his 16 children) until 1800. Paul Revere was living here when he made his famous midnight ride to Lexington and Concord to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock that Redcoats were en route to arrest them and seize the militia weaponry."
  5. Boston landmark inscriptions: "The Granary Burying Grounds were established in 1660 - making it the oldest surviving burial ground in Boston. Many famous Revolutionary War heroes were buried here including: John Hancock, Paul Revere, Samuel Adams, and the victims of the Boston Massacre. In 2031, after the tragic death of Emilia Butler, the city council voted unanimously to have her remains interred here."
  6. The Sole Survivor: "Was there no one who could have helped?"
    John Hancock: "Who knows. Maybe. Honestly we were all so terrified, we couldn't bring ourselves to move until it was over, let alone get help. I felt like less than nothing. Afterwards, I got so high, I blacked out completely. When I finally came to, I was on the floor of the Old State House. Right in front of the clothes of John Hancock. John Hancock, first American hoodlum and defender of the People. I might've still been high, but those clothes spoke to me, told me what I needed to do. I smashed the case, put them on, and started a new life. As Hancock. After that, I went clean for a bit, got organized, convinced Kleo to loan me some hardware. Got a crew of drifters together and headed out into the ruins, started training. Next time Vic's boys went on their tear, we'd be ready for 'em."
    (John Hancock's dialogue)
  7. The Sole Survivor: "A guy like that only understands one thing - swift and brutal force. You made the right call."
    John Hancock: "See, I knew you had your head on straight. So the night of, we all got loaded, let Vic's boys get good and hammered, and burst from the windows and rooftops where we'd been hiding. They never even saw it coming. We didn't have to fire a shot. We didn't have to. But we sure fucking did. It was a massacre. Once we'd mopped up, we strolled right into Vic's quarters in the State House, wrapped a rope around his neck, and threw him off the balcony. And there I am, gun in hand, draped in Hancock's duds, looking at all the people of Goodneighbor assembled below. I had to say something. That first time I said 'em, they didn't even feel like my words: "Of the people, for the people!" Was my inaugural address. Became Mayor Hancock of Goodneighbor that day. And from then on, I vowed I'd never stand by and watch. Ever again."
    (John Hancock's dialogue)