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Vic was the ruler of Goodneighbor before John Hancock.


Vic was an abusive mayor who mistreated the citizens of Goodneighbor. After finding the clothes of John Hancock, John McDonough decided to take up his mantle and raise a militia to overthrow Vic's rule. Hancock and his militia slaughtered Vic's men, before hanging Vic himself. After achieving his goal, Hancock became the self-proclaimed mayor of Goodneighbor.[1][2]


Vic appears in Fallout Shelter Online and is mentioned only in Fallout 4. In Shelter Online, he only appears in Hancock's Hero Biography.


  1. ↑ The Sole Survivor: "You seem awfully torn up over Bobbi. Was there something between you?"
    John Hancock: "Nah, nothing like that. I just hate seeing guys like me use their sway to do that kinda harm. Hell, that sorta bull's the whole reason I became mayor in the first place. Some ass named Vic ran the town for I don't know how long before that. Guy was scum. Used us drifters like his own personal piggy bank. He had this goon squad he'd use to keep people in line. Every so often he'd let them off the leash, go blow off some steam on the populace at large. Folks with homes could lock their doors, but us drifters, we got it bad. There was one night, some drifter said something to them. They cracked him open like a can of Cram on the pavement. And we all just stood there. Did nothing."
    (John Hancock's dialogue)
  2. ↑ The Sole Survivor: "A guy like that only understands one thing - swift and brutal force. You made the right call."
    John Hancock: "See, I knew you had your head on straight. So the night of, we all got loaded, let Vic's boys get good and hammered, and burst from the windows and rooftops where we'd been hiding. They never even saw it coming. We didn't have to fire a shot. We didn't have to. But we sure fucking did. It was a massacre. Once we'd mopped up, we strolled right into Vic's quarters in the State House, wrapped a rope around his neck, and threw him off the balcony. And there I am, gun in hand, draped in Hancock's duds, looking at all the people of Goodneighbor assembled below. I had to say something. That first time I said 'em, they didn't even feel like my words: "Of the people, for the people!" Was my inaugural address. Became Mayor Hancock of Goodneighbor that day. And from then on, I vowed I'd never stand by and watch. Ever again."
    (John Hancock's dialogue)