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The Hero Biography is a system in Fallout Shelter Online accessed via the VR Room. It allows the player to learn more about the lore of certain characters in Fallout 3 and Fallout 4.

Each character has 5 ranks which can be incredibly difficult to acquire due to the game's gacha nature. After unlocking a rank, the player controls the character; the gameplay is often very puzzle-like in nature, and the player must carefully think critically about how to complete it, such as when to use a Stealth Boy to sneak past a dangerous room.




  • John Hancock
    • Part 1: Vic kills a man, angering Hancock who wonders how he could do such a thing. Vic replies because he is the ruler, though Hancock asks, "Can a ruler take away their subjects' lives at will?!?!" Vic replies, "Of course, Hancock. I hope one day, when you get this right, you can look back at what you're saying now. Wake up, this is a world where the law of the jungle prevails! I know you are not convinced, but I can give you a chance to overthrow me!" Hancock chases Vic who criticizes his abilities, calling him just a homeless ghoul.
  • AntAgonizer:
  • Lorenzo Cabot
    • Part 1: Cabot mentions after visiting the artist Pickman, he took an interest in the Dunwich Mine Pit, hoping to find its secrets and something related to the Rubal Hari Desert. Cabot mentions while his family thinks he is crazy, he knows he is sane and is the only one who can find truth in the world.
  • Dave
    • Part 1: Dave is annoyed the people who built his kingdom are coming to take his throne, asking him to re-open the election. Dave uses Stealth Boys to check the votes to make sure his people can make the right choice. While snooping, Dave finds a holotape which calls him a lunatic and the recorder says they are willing to steal "Ol' Painless" and throw Dave into the wild to become Deathclaw food. Dave is enraged his kindness was used to betray him and then becomes determined to kill the traitors.
  • Marowski:
    • Part 1
    • Part 2: Marowkski is angered because people burned and destroyed all he had, and he wishes to get his money back. He hears a cry for help downstairs and it turns out to be Zeke. Zeke says MacCready is upstairs and needs saving, too. They find MacCready who asks, "You're not here to rob us? Thank goodness!" Marowski replies he doesn't care about him at all, and asks if he has seen a box. MacCready says he might've; when the bandits drove them in, they ransacked the place and MacCready thinks they found a box full of caps. Marowski replies it's his box and MacCready says he heard them say it's in Dunwich Mine Pit. Marowski asks MacCready to join him.
    • Part 3: MacCready asks Marowski if he really wants to go down the mine for some caps. He replies it's his money, says he is the king of the Wasteland, and will kill them. Marowski, MacCready and Zeke explore. Inside, they find Magnolia and he ask her if she has seen a box of caps, but she is offended because she thinks they are impolite and should add a "dear"; Marowski asks if they have seen his "dear" box of caps. She says she doesn't know, but says he should rescue more people. (to be continued)
    • Parts 4-5 will be added
  • Mechanist
  • Crocker: All Crocker will be added
  • Preston Garvey:
    • Part 1: Preston is at the lair of monsters. After clearing them out, he is satisfied that another settlement does not need his help. The Minutemen receive a radio message from Sturges that the Starlight Drive-In was attacked. Preston is annoyed at the lack of breathing room and wonders if he should find a suitable person as a "general" to share the burden.
  • Desdemona:
    • Part 1: Deacon orders Desdemona to escape because the Institute found their location. Desdemona is worried about Carrington and other members of the Railroad, and she tells Deacon to go to the safe house while she will save them to prevent their capture.
  • The Silver Shroud: Part 1
  • Stanley Carrington: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
  • Mistress of Mystery
  • Clint: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
  • James: Part 1
  • Gabriel:
    • Part 1: This doesn't have any dialogue, it is simply Gabriel trying to escape the Institute.
    • Part 2: Gabriel has been hiding down in a place and wonders why wasteland creatures are chasing him, as he is a synth. He simply kills some creatures and escapes.
    • Part 3: A male Railroad member asks B5-92 to forget his number and past. Learning he must change his identity and appearance to gain freedom, Gabriel declines and says, "Although I am a synth, I still think of a complete mind and consciousness, to be a complete human being!" The agent replies then he's not a human being, simply an Institute pawn, and says since he can't rid himself of them, he's a threat that must be destroyed. Gabriel replies he will leave and briefly fights Deacon on his way out. Gabriel eventually finds a shipyard, hearing it is a land of freedom, although he does not feel free after becoming the leader of the raiders there.
    • Part 4: Nate asks Gabriel if he is looking for a thrill here. Gabriel replies this is the land of freedom and asks if it truly exists here. Nate replies, "If this is your place, then it's a place of your freedom." Gabriel wonders how he can make his place his and Nate replies, "Grab your gun and steel your heart." The two fight a building of people together.
    • Part 5: X6-88 asks Gabriel is he is turning himself in. Gabriel says he wants to fight for his freedom, and because X6-88 is hunting him, Gabriel asks if he will set him free if Gabriel defeats him here. X6-88 says, "I will complete my mission, and you... do your best. Don't regret your choice." Gabriel finds and defeats X6-88. However, X6-88 claims B5-92 has been retrieved.
  • Danse:
    • Part 1
    • Part 2: Cutler and Danse are excited that they will go to the Prydwen after their mission. The two race to clean out a beast den. Danse wins the race and Cutler says drinks are on him.
    • Part 3: Danse and Paladin Krieg are assigned by Kells to clean out a ghoul lair. By now, Danse has served on the Prydwen for a year and desires more challenge. Krieg and Danse decide to split up and after the mission, Krieg says he received bad news about how Cutler's team was ambushed and communication was cut off. Cutler went missing and Danse asks for permission to find him. Krieg denies this for later, as they need to ask their captain first.
    • Part 4: Danse has been searching for Cutler for three weeks. Krieg radios Danse to come back but Danse denies it because he has a hunch this time in a super mutant's lair. Deep in the lair, Danse discovers Cutler has turned into a super mutant. Cutler says he feels angry and tells Danse to kill him or he will kill him first. Danse kills Cutler and says he finally understands that mutants and ghouls are sad and twisted creatures who are nothing but tumors on the wasteland. Like a cancerous cells, if they are not completely removed, they will only cause more pain.
    • Part 5: Danse tells Haylen to evacuate with Reese. Danse soon finds himself cornered by two super mutants, thinking he is done for. Nate suddenly appears, saying he has received a distress signal, and Danse smiles.
  • Arthur Maxson: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
  • Sarah Lyons:
    • Part 1
    • Part 2: Sarah is annoyed super mutants broke her formation and decides to regroup with her troops to defeat the Greenskins. She finds them and faces the super mutant boss who wonders why Sarah is not frightened, and she replies the warriors of the Brotherhood have iron wills and fight as one. After killing it, a Brotherhood members tells Sarah that Lyons wants her back at headquarters; this is to help her perform better on missions and she can choose the members of a new special team. Sarah would then to be promoted to Iron Guard, the first soldier in the Brotherhood's history to obtain this rank. Sarah is honored, but decides to postpone it to save civilians.
  • Jessica:
    • Part 1: At the address on a recruitment flyer, Jessica finds an old building and hopes to find clues about the Brotherhood. She finds a Brotherhood terminal with a recording from yesterday. It is from Sam, a Brotherhood Vertibird pilot; his Vertibird was hit by the Enclave and he has to make an emergency landing near the police station, and he calls for support. Jessica decides to find him.
    • Part 2: Jessica overhears "Big Boss" Kurt arguing with an Enclave sergeant. Although Kurt says the area is their turf, the sergeant says he is on a search and rescue mission and attacks. (to be continued)
  • Neriah:
    • Part 1: Neriah is a workaholic who ensures everything in her lab is organized so that she does not waste time. Despite this, she is reluctant to go on field missions. On October 2, Neriah is on a mission. She told Quinlan she needed some biological samples to study radiation resistance, and he sends an investigation team with her. She wonders if he is upset because she secretly fed Quinlan's pet cat Emmett. The team finds a radiated mole rat but it gets away.
    • Part 2: The mole gets into the sewer. While chasing the mole rat, a BoS warrior accidentally scares it away. The warrior tells Neriah that Maxson urgently needs her to prepare a new batch of the X-111 compound.
    • Part 3: Quinlan radios Neriah who asks her if she can find a limited-edition copy of Grognak the Barbarian near her. Neriah's crew finds the mole rat again, but a BoS warrior scares it again, but gives her the Grognak issue. Neriah radios Quinlan to mention she found it and he says he will buy her dessert.
    • Part 4: While chasing the mole rat again, Neriah thinks she has it cornered, but a gigantic mole rat arrives and the team kills it instead.
    • Part 5: The team finally catches the mole rat. Neriah says she has grown rather fond of the mole rat because he was difficult to catch and wants to raise it as a pet; it can also scare Quinlan's cat away.
  • Teagan: All 5 will be added
  • Conrad Kellogg: Part 1
  • Shaun:
    • Part 1: An elderly Shaun tells Kellogg he wants to see the surface with his own eyes, but Kellogg insists against the idea, saying it is too dangerous for him. Shaun says he can summon a synth for protection, to which Kellogg agrees. Shaun says, "Kellogg, I don't think you like to see me... Since I became Father, in order to redefine human beings, I've tried to understand this so-called... "kinship." As far as I know, you're the only person close to me." Kellogg replies the two of them haven't seen each other in a very long time; the Institute pays Kellogg so he works for them and nothing more. Kellogg was very cold to Shaun which always puzzled him and made him curious about Kellogg's past.
  • Zimmer: Part 1
  • Manta Man: Part 1
  • Mount Mabel Monster
    • Part 1: The deathclaw wanted to escape Ravenrock, and was pursued by the Enclave.
  • Chase: Part 1
  • Strong: Part 1, Part 2
  • Nick Valentine:
    • Part 1: Nick tells DiMA to leave him alone and save himself. DiMA replies, "My brother, I won't let you suffer through this experiment again. Once we escape, we will get away from the grasp of the Institute. We'll be free." DiMA says he will stall the Institute, while Nick should use his detective talents to find an escape route. Nick replies he is actually an empty shell who contains Nick Valentine's memories, but will do his best. After finding a way, Nick suffers a strange "headache", frightening DiMA. Nick asks DiMA who he is, calls DiMA a mechanical monster, and asks him to stay away. Although DiMA reminds they are brothers, Nick is still horrified by the talking robot and attacks. DiMA says he is sorry that his memory data is scrambled. DiMA decides to leave Nick behind and move on alone and wishes Nick a safe journey.
    • Part 2: Nick is following gangsters, hoping to sneak into their lair and disrupt their plans. A fierce thug demands Nick follow him and meet the boss. He takes Nick to a room with a girl who is the daughter of the mayor. Nick threatens the thug not to move or he will activate his self-destruct protocol, causing the thugs to flee. The girl asks Nick if he is here to save her, and says the bad guys disguised themselves as traveling merchants and said they would give her candy, but then abducted her to be used as ransom to her father. She confirms her father is Henry Roberts. Nick asks her if she is afraid of him due to being a robot, but she replies she is not and can see he has a kind heart. The two leave.
    • Part 3: Nick: Nick mentions the citizens said they saw a mysterious guest in the courtyard. Although Nick cleans the place up, he can't find a trace. The Mysterious Stranger suddenly appears and Nick tells them to freeze. However, he disappears.
    • Part 4: Nick is captured by thugs. Nick tells Dino he should be worried about himself because his boss learned he cheats at cards. Nate arrives and kills Dino, and meets Nick. Nate admits Nick seems more mechanical than he thought. Nate explains how Nick's assistant requested for Nick to be helped. (to be continued)
    • Part 5: Nate becomes lost in Far Harbor. (to be continued)
  • Mother Isolde: Part 1 will be added
  • Amata Almodovar
  • Grognak:
    • Part 1: Unlike other Hero Biographies, this one is different, taking the form of a Pip-Boy video game called "Grognak and the Red Grotto". The Beta version is complete and an unseen narrator tells "Brother Peter" he can play. Peter Sharna can't wait. The narrator tells Peter the boring farming part is already over, and Peter must control Grognak to challenge Dr. Brainwash eventually. Peter mentions he actually likes farming, but will do it the narrator's way. Grognak and a powerful female martial artist (who is simply Cait's sprite) defeat a bear.
  • The Doom Slayer
  • The Inspector:
    • Part 1: The Inspector claims it is so dark. The Silver Shroud emerges from the shadows and disappears. She catches up to him and asks him to come with her because the Mistress of Mystery is in danger.
    • Parts 2-5: Will be added
  • Nuka-Girl
  • Maruader
  • Blades Hero
  • Khan Maykr
  • Captain Cosmos: Parts 1-5 will be added
  • Ancient Flame Dragon: Part 1
  • Ishmael Ashur: Part 1


  • Zeke:
    • Part 1
    • Part 2: Zeke comments it's very dangerous in the wasteland. Wishing to be a superhero, he claims he hears someone asking for help and he looks around. Zeke finds a thug and demands the thug give him power suits. The thug calls Zeke a stupid thief and orders his guards to kill Zeke. Zeke replies, "Do you even have the right to call us thieves?" (to be continued)
    • Part 3
    • Part 4
    • Part 5
  • Robert MacCready:
    • Part 1
    • Part 2
    • Part 3
    • Part 4: Duncan tells his father he can't walk anymore. MacCready tells Duncan to hang in there as he has found a renowned doctor. Duncan coughs and MacCready tells him to wait. In the doctor's house, it is discovered there are bandits. While outnumbered, MacCready notes there are traps in the room. After eliminating the raiders using items, the doctor appears and says he has been trapped in his house for two days and worried about starving. MacCready tells the doctor Duncan has a strange disease and no other doctors can cure him. After examining the boy, the doctor says he can't help either as he does not know the affliction. The doctor tells MacCready that doctors in the Commonwealth are better.
    • Part 5: MacCready stands outside a Vault. He remarks it seems he's a mercenary again and the Gunners who hired him don't seem to be upstanding people. Although Duncan wouldn't like MacCready returning to his old job, MacCready says in order to save him, he can't worry about morals. MacCready's goal is to occupy an abandoned Vault. Inside, he finds two scavengers who ask him what he's going to do to them, but MacCready instead asks who they are. They explain they're just picking up the Vault's leftovers. A Gunner arrives and says MacCready has done a great job, and tells him to "get rid of these eyesores" due to the belief it is the law of the wasteland. However, a disgusted MacCready kills/injures the scoundrel instead, saying it's not just about the money for himself anymore. MacCready tells the scavengers to run and says while he is still a mercenary, he is not who he used to be, and now has a reason to fight.
  • Magnolia: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
  • Irma: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
  • Bobbi No-Nose: Part 1, Part 2
  • Amari: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
  • Dogmeat: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
  • Father Clifford:
    • Part 1: A couple came to Clifford asking for his blessing, but invite him to have an adventure in a giant ant lair. Clifford mentions poor people are entranced by love and the Lord will blame him if he does not do something about it so he fights to improve his abilities. To help with church expenses, a mysterious man has said he has hid caps in a building. Clifford intends to donate it to the church.
    • Part 2
  • Ingram: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
  • Kells: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
  • Tara Astlin: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
  • Brandis: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
  • Z2-47: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
  • Madison Li:
    • Part 1
    • Part 2: A Rivet City Dweller finds Madison who tells her something happened in the underground facility. People were sent to investigate but they have lost communication after a long time. Li replies she is a scientist, not a mercenary, but she will go down and take a look anyway. Li deduces someone has been trying to sneak into Rivet City from an underground tunnel, accidentally stirring up creatures doing so. James arrives and admits it was him trying to sneak into Rivet City. Although James says hi as it has been a while since he saw her, she calls him a bastard and gives him a hard slap. James admits maybe he deserved that, and says he came back to fulfill their dream: Project Purity.
    • Part 3: On a radio, Sarah tells Madison to get a grip. Madison believes they have already lost because the Enclave are everywhere and James is dead. Sarah tells Madison to gather the survivors and that Lyons Pride will rendezvous with her. When they do, Sarah asks her squad to call the medical team because the survivors need treatment. Madison tells Sarah that Project Purity has failed again. Sarah tells Madison that as long as Madison herself is alive, there is still hope. Sarah says she will tell her father what has happened, that the Enclave's crimes are too numerous and it's time for them to pay. Secretly though, Madison felt she would be a threat to the Brotherhood and quietly left for the Commonwealth.
    • Part 4: Madison mentions she has finally arrived in the Commonwealth and mentions she agreed to meet Zr. Dimmer here. She finds Zimmer who mentions he has been waiting for her a long time. Madison asks if the Institute will guarantee her safety and he says her presence as an honor and they will do their best. Li tells Zimmer they need to flee due to nearby feral ghouls. After, Zimmer tells Madison he will escort her to the Institute, provide her with the beam team and all the scientific resources she wants.
    • Part 5: Virgil, as a human, tells Madison that if she helps him, she will be suspected. She replies she only does what's right, and agrees with him the FEV research must be stopped. Virgil comments the hospital they're in has the materials he needs to make a serum, although the area has a strong security system. Madison says not to worry as she has synth guards. They find the room and Virgil makes the serum, but says that if he loses his mind as a result, she must immediately kill him. Virgil ends up transforming into a super mutant, saying that it worked and his mind hasn't been affected. Virgil says goodbye, saying he will hide in the Glowing Sea while he works on an antidote.
  • Cait:
    • Part 1: Tommy asks Cait if she's ready for her first debut on stage. Cait replies of course as this is not the first time she has beat someone up, and her last opponent fared badly. Tommy tells Cait they are evil raiders, not passing merchants, and they are only here because they killed a lot of people. Cait asks Tommy if she looks like a weak person; Tommy replies he just hopes she survives so that the money he spent buying her won't be wasted. Cait asks him to just leave her two injections and requests for some meds. When she approaches the raider, he calls her a weak lass; Cait instead requests they fight to the death. After, Cait is victorious and Tommy asks the audience to congratulate Cait.
    • Part 2: Tommy declares Cait is in a battle royale. Cait finds a large rat fighting a thug. Cait defeats the enormous rat and is declared the winner.
    • Part 3: Cait finds Tommy being threatened by a thug. After defeating some thugs, one of them says he didn't mean to do it, claiming him and Tommy were both forced to do so, and if she gets out alive, both of them will be killed. Cait asks who is behind this and he says someone else in the apartment who is in a power suit.
    • Part 4: Cait finds a heavily guarded apartment. She finds a raider boss who says she is cheating scum for shooting him, but Cait says he cheated and sneaked an attack first and tells him to go to hell. She defeats him and he says his men will burn her arena down. Cait replies if that's the case, then he should let her kill them.
    • Part 5: Cait decides to attack a group of raiders. She kills them and thinks her actions will make other cheaters think twice about attacking her in the future. She takes a moment to enjoy the warm sunshine, but wonders when she will be able to experience it freely. Cait's chem use began destroying her body, making Tommy pass out leaflets, hoping that someone can defeat her and take her away so she could enjoy a free life.
  • Curie: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
  • Moira Brown:
    • Part 1: Moira is searching a building which is full of thugs. Moira uses Stealth Boys to seek her way out.
    • Part 2: Moira posits she is in their meeting place, and uses rope to escape.
    • Part 3
  • Piper Wright:
    • Part 1
    • Part 2: Piper comments the townspeople are ready to fight, but the raiders still have them outnumbered. Piper decides to sneak into their camp and start a fire. After starting a fire, Piper deciders to make her escape.
    • Part 3: Piper thinks she found a shortcut to Diamond City through a monster-filled cave. Piper defeats a deathclaw on her way out. Some Diamond City dwellers arrive and ask her if she has a death wish. Piper asks if she is in Diamond City and they reply yes, so she goes with them.
    • Part 4: Piper mentions she thought the Bunker Hill water source was polluted because the dwellers accidentally broke a nuclear waste barrel, and that she never thought the Children of Atom would be behind it. Piper is discovered by a couple of cultists, and Piper claims she is here to join them and asks them to show her the path to fission. They accept her, but order her not to interfere with their mission to convince Bunker Hill to join the cult. While sneaking her way out, Piper mentions she has to tell the Bunker Hill guards about this, but she is happy she has found front-page material for her newspaper. The story made her newspaper become a household name.
    • Part 5: Piper says she has suspected the mayor is a synth for a long time and sneaks to find evidence. She finds X6-88 talking to M7-62 (mayor McDonough) who comments his report is late again. McDonough asks what he should do because he is being followed nonstop by a newspaper girl, and asks if the Institute can find a way to get him out; he does not want to be mayor anymore as it it too much pressure. X6-88 comments he will report to his superiors, but McDonough will have to keep playing the role of mayor for now. McDonough comments coursers really are cold-hearted. Piper arrives and is excited to make front page news.
  • Alien: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5