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Quincy ruins terminal entries are a series of entries found on five terminals at the Quincy ruins in Fallout 4. None of the terminals are locked.

Long's terminal[]


== Long Family ==


<user "Jun Long" signed in>

Mama Murphy[]


I can't believe Mayor Jackson is actually trying to get the Minutemen out here based on Mama Murphy's drug crazed-hallucinations. Marcy tried to explain to him that she's just an old loon, and we've been refusing to sell her chems anymore, but she's even got Sturges convinced!

Now we're going to have to board and feed a bunch of freeloaders with Laser Muskets, for nothing in return. Kyle's all exited and I'm going to have to break it to him that the Minutemen aren't actually like the stories he's heard.

She was right[]


I can't believe it, she was actually right. Sloan and Irma were working making repairs to the walls and saw them sneaking around by that old warehouse. We tried to scare them off, but they were still advancing on the monorail stairs. Then just when it looks like they are going to break through, the Minutemen actually showed up and drove them off! They're led by a man named Col. Hollis, and Kyle is completely awestruck. Said he is going to join them when he gets older and has been following them around like a puppy.

Kyle's hurt[]


I can't believe this. None of the reinforcements Col. Hollis promised were on their way have shown up. The Gunners have been trying to find a way to get through the wall daily now. To make matters worse, while Kyle was following the Minutemen patrols around he caught a bullet in the leg. It only nicked the bone, but he's going to have trouble walking. If we even make it through this somehow.

Something's up[]


Something's going on. We thought at first that another of the Minutemen had shown up, since it seemed like Col. Hollis recognized him. The two of them went off to talk with Mayor Jackson in private. Not ten minutes later the man left and Col. Hollis followed him to the wall shouting about what he would do to deserters. Was that guy one of the Minutemen or not?

Hollis's terminal[]


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink

<user "Col. Hollis" signed in>

Setting up defenses[]


Looks like we got here just in time. We ended up taking a group of Gunners from behind as we came into the town. Took out about a third, but at least a dozen ran off. Mayor Jackson was practically in tears when we came up, even let us use his own house as a barracks. Gotta say, it's nice to find the Minutemen wecomedIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar like we were back in the old days for a change.

Preston has been helping them get some better walls up, and the town mechanic has been invaluable. He even has a couple suits of Power Armor. If he can get them up and running it'd be a huge help. We don't have near enough manpower to hold the town if the Gunners return in force, but I can't tell anyone that.

I've sent out word to try to get reinforcements from any other Minutemen out there. I hope at least Col. Marbury will be willing to help.

Status report[]


We've gotten the walls in pretty good shape and filled the stairwell at the monorail platform. I've had Sturges working on getting some walkways set up across the rooftops, figure if they manage to breach the wall, we may be able to retreat up there for a counter-attack.

The Gunners attack almost daily now, but we've got food and supplies enough that we can probably wait them out. Unfortunately, my call of reinforcements has been disappointing. Not a single person has shown up.



Today has been a terrible turn of events. One of our own, a ten-year veteran named Clint, showed up at the gate. I thought at first that he had come to tell us reinforcements were on the way, but it turns out the bastard has changed sides. He's apparently leading this group of Gunners who've been laying siege.

He actually had the nerve to try to convince the mayor and me to stand down. I politely informed him that there was not a chance in Hell of that happening, and what I would do to his traitorous ass if he showed up again. If someone of his experience is leading them, we'd better be ready for anything.

Gunner terminal[]


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink

<user "Lieutenant Clint" signed in>

Personal Logs[]



Personal Logs for User <LeutenantIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar Clint>

Col. Hollis[]


Shame I couldn't convince Col. Hollis to see reason, but the attack plan worked all the same. Once we blew the support on the highway and took the high ground, there was nothing they could do. Garvey managed to escape with a group of the settlers, but the rest was just a bloodbath.

I had them capture Col. Hollis alive so I could prove to my new troops that I'm done with the Minutemen. Even when I put the barrel to his head he still refused to see that this is just how the world works. If you want to bring order out of the chaos, you need strength to do it. The Minutemen don't have it any more. The Gunners do. Captain Wes assures me that the troops he's given me in exchange for breaking the siege will obey the chain of command, but two of the more senior troops are proving difficult.



The detachment I sent after Garvey returned yesterday. They managed to pick off several more of the settlers before losing them in Jamaica Plains. Tessa is complaining that we let some of them get away, but she's still thinking like a raider. The Minutemen are done. Col. Hollis was the last leader they had of any worth and Preston certainly isn't going to be leading a counterattack with a bunch of wounded women and children.

Tessa and Baker[]


We've gotten our main camp set up on the freeway here so we can't be taken the way the Minutemen were, and I managed to get the radio tied into an old tower to establish contact with GNN.

Tessa and Baker had a long talk with Captain Wes, and while Baker has fallen into line, Tessa seems to be even more subordinate. Now that we're pretty well established, and the troops are done setting up camp, I'm going to have to find other work for them to do. If they're busy, Tessa won't have time to rile them up. Maybe if I can keep her out of camp for a while the others will follow Baker's lead and stop questioning my commands.

Captain Wes also said to check with the medic to get my blood type tattooed. Seems unnecessary, but if the gesture will convince them, it's probably worth a bit of pain.




Regional Intel Reports



I sent some scouts down the highway to check for any other nearby threats, but the only thing nearby seems to be the quarry up the inlet. Looks to be a group of Raiders, but with a good sniping position on the freeway, they wouldn't dare try to start a fight with us. Baker fired off a few rockets down at them, nothing major, just to make sure they know what they're dealing with.

The Factory[]


I sent Tessa out with a squad to scout to the south, mostly to get her out of my hair for a while. They've reported that there's not much out there in the marsh other than an old factory. Looks to be inhabited by the greenskins. They might cause a problem eventually, but for now I don't think we need to pick a fight when we've got prisoners to deal with.

Atom Cats[]


Turns out there's a group living at the garage out on the peninsula. Call themselves the Atom Cats, and they seem to be a pretty tight crew. The scouts have reported that their external fortifications are fairly weak, but they have several suits of Power Armor. Normally I'd say it isn't worth our trouble, but with the troops angry about losing the prisoners, it might be the distraction they need.

Sturges's terminal[]

==Sturge'sIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar Garage==


<user "Sturges" signed in>

Got a new project[]


I was out visiting some friends of mine down at the Atom Cats garage earlier, and they hooked me up with a sweet deal on couple suitsIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar of Power Armor. They're in rough shape, but nothing I can't fix up. We had to drag that one back here, since it won't start up at the moment, even with a fresh fusion core.

I gotta find some way to thank Fenton for helping me out with that. Maybe I can pay off his tab at The Hole in the Wall. Well, maybe part of this tab anyway.

Mama Murphy's vision[]


I don't like this. Mama Murphy's been holed up in her room since that trader came through. She got a fresh stash of chems and when I went to make sure she's eating something she said she's ben having "the Sight" again. Said she saw the town surrounded, then overrun. Our people dead in the streets or captured. It sounds crazy, but she's been right about things before, and we were able to convince Jackson to put out a call for the Minutemen. I just hope it's not too late.

The Minutemen[]


Col. Hollis rolled in with the Minutemen yesterday, and man did they ever get here in the nick of time. Took those Gunners from behind and had 'em running for the hills. Marcy's been making a fuss about how few showed up, but the Colonel has been assured us that others will come.

In the meantime, Preston has been helping Sloan and me reinforce the walls. Shame that Power Armor is on the fritz again - sure would be a help carrying all that lumber.

Baker here[]


Sgt. Baker here. Looks like this terminal is still working. Quite the set up that grease monkey's got here. I'm impressed how well Clint's plan worked. Guess I should say Lieutenant Clint. After he blew out the support, we were able to rush up onto the highway itself. With the cover of darkness and the height advantage we had things wrapped up in under an hour. A group of them managed to slip away. Good thing the Lt. sent a detachment after them or Tessa may have broken ranks and done it herself.

Maybe if we can get these suits of Power Armor back in order it'll convince her to cool it.

Book return terminal[]


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