Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Kyle Long was the son of Jun and Marcy Long. He lived with his parents in the Quincy ruins.


Kyle lived with his parents in their business, the Quincy pharmacy. Although his parents were skeptical of the ability of the Commonwealth Minutemen to protect the town, they arrived in time to thwart the Gunners' first assault. Kyle began following the Minutemen around, viewing them as heroes and hoping to someday join their ranks.

Although the Minutemen drove off the Gunners once, they still plagued the small settlement. One day, while Kyle was tailing a Minutemen patrol, he was shot. Although not fatal, his father worried it would impact his ability to walk.[1] However, Kyle was killed shortly thereafter in the Quincy Massacre after the Gunners breached the settlement's defenses.

The remainder of the settlers, including Kyle's parents, fled the settlement. Although they survived the onslaught, Kyle's death drove his father into a deep depression and caused his mother to be overcome with bitterness and resentment.


Kyle Long is mentioned only in Fallout 4.

