Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Begin your Odyssey with us.

Poseidon Energy was a pre-War energy conglomerate that operated a number of oil rigs, factories, refineries, gas stations, and power plants and with further operations in military defense contracts. It was not a single, monolithic company, but was rather a cartel of various Poseidon-owned corporations controlling various aspects of the global energy market.

Poseidon was infamous for its aggressive market domination strategies and profit margins, as well as the expansive nature of the conglomerate, including a byzantine network of child corporations, organizations, and pawns, of which the overtly branded Poseidon Oil and Poseidon Gasoline were only a small part of its operations. It was also a major lobbyist, paying its representatives millions to rake in billions for the company.[Non-game 1]


Poseidon Energy was an umbrella corporation with its fingers in virtually all known forms of renewable and non-renewable power sources on both the east and west coasts of America,[1] as well as research and development of new, more powerful weapons through their subsidiaries, so long as they remained profitable. One of its most notable features was the unified PoseidoNet, a national data transfer system that provided instantaneous communication between various Poseidon facilities including Poseidon Oil Reactor #5, the Poseidon Energy oil rig, the Navarro refinery, HELIOS One, and the power plants of Appalachia, as well as various military and government locations throughout the United States.[2]

Energy mogul[]

Poseidon Energy dipped its arms into every energy source imaginable that could be weaponized or developed further. Poseidon Gasoline served as its face of gasoline, continuing to operate automobile gas stations such as its Navarro location in Northern California. Poseidon Oil focused on the mining and refining of what little reserves of oil still remained in the world. Poseidon Energy, while focused on gasoline and oil production, also dabbled with coal power and involved itself with a number of alternative energy sources from solar energy to experimental sources like ultracite. They also had a branch in Mexico, controlling the largest oil field in the southern neighbor, invaded by America in 2051. The conglomerate was also not above buying out companies that delved into energy production, especially those founded by former employees of Poseidon, like Mass Fusion.[1]

In its drive to control the energy market, Poseidon cooperated with other companies, such as Atomic Mining Services, and was openly hostile to organized labor. When workers organized a walkout at Poseidon Energy Plant WV-06, supported by the Associated Miner's Union, the corporation supported its on-site security director, Brent Olson, in his plan to humiliate the strikers and the union. Poseidon called in the National Guard, which proceeded to gas the protesters using HalluciGen, Inc.'s riot control gas. What the corporation hoped would be a violent riot that could be leveraged to further damage organized labor turned into bedlam, as the gas turned peaceful protesters into a rampaging horde that overran the perimeter, exposed soldiers to the gas, and eventually seized control of the plant.[3] The Great War ended any further manipulations of the sort.

Deep state involvement[]

Though much of the pre-War United States knew of Poseidon and its involvement with the United States government, few were aware of the conglomerate's heavy involvement with the U.S. deep state: the Enclave. Poseidon Oil's offshore oil derrick was repurposed as Control Station ENCLAVE, the Enclave's main continuity-of-government facility, while Poseidon systems such as PoseidoNet were also repurposed for Enclave use. Poseidon's various advanced military research projects also contributed to the designs of the Enclave's equipment.[4]

After the Great War, Poseidon no longer existed as a real force in the post-atomic world. However, technology scavengers like the Brotherhood of Steel still tried in vain to decipher Poseidon's plans.[Non-game 2][4] Meanwhile, the Enclave has continued to preserve and build off of Poseidon's research data.[5][6]

Corporate relations[]

Poseidon gas station

One of the many derelict gas stations operated directly by Poseidon

The corporation operated a number of subsidiaries, which focused on different aspects of the global energy market:






  • From the company history of Mass Fusion, it is known that Poseidon Energy has existed as far back as 2037, but is likely older than that.[10] Terminal entries at Poseidon Energy Plant WV-06 indicate that the plant was built in the 1970s, but it is not stated whether or not it was owned by Poseidon at that time.[11]
  • A Poseidon Energy logo is printed on a large, round metal chimney on the side of Ma June's supply shop in Filly in the Fallout TV series. This part of the building is not visible in any of the actual episodes, but has been seen in behind-the-scenes social media posts.[12]


Poseidon Energy appears in Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4, Fallout 76, and Fallout Shelter.

Behind the scenes[]

Poseidon Oil (during the Pre-War years) would not want its tankers using fusion cells because that would run contrary to the image of the company, despite its practicality. Plus, the idea of something so big running on something so small hurts its self-confidence.Chris Avellone, Fallout Bible 8
  • Poseidon was the Greek god of the sea as well as horses and earthquakes. His weapon and symbol is the trident. Poseidon's projects often used codenames drawn from Greek mythology.
  • The company's slogan, "Begin your Odyssey with us," is a reference to Homer's epic poem, the Odyssey. The tale follows Odysseus' journey home from Troy after being cursed by the god Poseidon.

Van Buren[]





  1. 1.0 1.1 Danse: "Poseidon Energy was one of the largest power companies on the East Coast. I heard they were trying to buy out Mass Fusion right before the war began."
    (Danse's dialogue) Note: location comment; Poseidon Energy, generator room - the part past the raider defenses.
  2. Reactor maintenance and repair robot control terminal: "{332}{}{List other stations}"
    "{350}{}{Searching Comlinks…Searching… Iron Mountain…Offline, NORAD…Offline, SAC…Offline. Searching PoseidoNet… --More?--}"
    "{360}{}{Active PoseidoNet Stations: Atomic Powerplant #5, Navarro Refinery, Control Station ENCLAVE, ENCLAVE Vault-Research Control... AccessDenied}"
  3. Poseidon security director's recording
  4. 4.0 4.1 Hidden Valley bunker terminals; terminal, Journal Entry 745
  5. The Courier: "What would you like it for?"
    April Martimer: "I've heard through our channels that it has some research that may be related to Enclave and Poseidon Energy technology. I'd like to get what I can from it and use that data for the good of humanity... ALL of humanity, unlike the Brotherhood."
    (April Martimer's dialogue)
  6. The Courier: "I've heard some information from its logs, sounds like it is carrying some Enclave data."
    Lorenzo: "Really? What kind of logs? What kind of data does he have on it?"
    The Courier: "The logs spoke about Enclave Duraframe research and Poseidon Energy research."
    Lorenzo: "Did... did you say Poseidon Energy? I've been researching some Poseidon projects here. Do you think you could leave your robot with me for a few days? I have some materials that I can use to upgrade his armor while he's here."
    (Lorenzo's dialogue)
  7. NavCom parts: "{47901}{}{These are computer parts that look like they slot into the interior of a machine. The fact that they say "Poseidon Oil" and "Navigational Computer" on them lead you to believe they fit into a Poseidon Oil Navigational Computer.}"
  8. Thunder Mountain power plant terminal entries; Thunder Mountain master control terminal
  9. Callville Bay sign
  10. Mass Fusion building terminal entries; customer service terminal, Company History
  11. Poseidon Energy Plant WV-06 terminal entries; receptionist's terminal
  12. Alexa Marcigliano on Instagram


  1. Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Rulebook p. 231: "Poseidon was infamous for aggressive strategies in maintaining its market share and profit margins. It operated with a bewildering array of sub-corporations, daughter organizations, and cat’s paws. These ranged from overt branding efforts like Poseidon Oil and Poseidon Gasoline, to back-channel deals made with lobbyists paid millions to make the company billions."
  2. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 43: Brotherhood of Steel
    "The Brotherhood of Steel is a militant organization devoted to the preservation of pre-war technology and human knowledge. Their professed mission is to preserve pre-war technology and human knowledge for the benefit of future generations. In practice, its definition of technology is strangely selective, ignoring basic but potentially useful technologies (genetic modification of crops and civil engineering, for example) in favor of combat technology such as energy weapons and power armor: and even now, nearly two centuries after the Great War, the Brotherhood zealously restricts the use and knowledge of such technologies to its own membership.
    The Mojave Brotherhood operated freely amid the Vegas wastes for several years, carrying out many reclamation missions without serious opposition. The balance of power shifted in 2251, when a large contingent of NCR troops entered the region and occupied Hoover Dam. Conflict was inevitable. Nearly two years of guerrilla skirmishes culminated in a pitched battle at HELIOS One, a solar energy plant the Brotherhood had been refurbishing for several months with the goals of bringing it back online and activating its hidden offensive capabilities, ARCHIMEDES. The battle for HELIOS One (Operation: Sunburst) proved a disaster for the Mojave Brotherhood. More than half its Paladins and Knights were killed. The chapter's leader, Elder Elijah, disappeared without a trace. The Brotherhood was driven from the facility, which suffered extensive damage. Survivors retreated to Hidden Valley.
    Since that defeat, the chapter's leader, Elder McNamara, has restricted activity outside the bunker to occasional reconnaissance missions and high-value raids. All operations take place at night, and engagement of NCR forces is strictly forbidden. Though the Brotherhood's ascetic lifestyle has prepared its members for a sequestered existence better than most, the passivity of their current situation has proved highly stressful."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide faction profiles)