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The Thunder Mountain Power Plant terminal entries are a series of entries found on terminals at the Thunder Mountain Power Plant in Fallout 76.

Free States terminal[]


Thunder Mountain Internal Network
Communications Terminal TM-001
Emergency override accepted.
Restricted access granted.

Entry 01[]


It's been almost a month since we took over the Thunder Mountain plant, and things are quiet. We've had a few Raider groups hit us, but they've never really been a threat.

I'm not sure why we're holed up in this place. Deke says holding the plant is important, that it puts a choke-hold on the region, but I'm not quite sure what he means.

Maybe if we linked up with some of the other Free States groups around these parts we could get it done, but for now Deke says we babysit, so that's what we're going to do.

Entry 02[]


Woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of explosions and gunfire. I could see from the roof that we were under a full assault. The enemy was definitely military: well-armed, well-trained and determined.

After shooting for almost fifteen minutes, they suddenly stopped. I thought Deke had surrendered, but word got passed around to dig in and prepare for the long haul.

What scares me is that none of us are sure what the enemy wants: to wipe us out, to take over the plant - or both.

Entry 03[]


It's been two days since the attack, and it's clear that the enemy is here to stay. They've set up a damn command center and more men have arrived.

I'm not sure why the enemy hasn't said anything to us, but it's making the rest of the group nervous as hell. What were they waiting for? More soldiers? Our surrender? Panic was starting to set in and people in our group were talking about leaving.

If it wasn't for Deke keeping everyone calm, I'm sure we'd all either be on the run or dead by now.

Entry 04[]


A group of six soldiers approached the front of the plant with a white flag.

They said they were from a group called the "Taggerdy's Thunder." Sounded sort of like a biker gang name to me, but it was clear they weren't playing around. They promised that no one would be harmed if we bugged out and left the plant intact. They also said if we rigged the place to blow, or fired a single shot, they would "kill every one of us to the last man."

Didn't take long for Deke to make the decision to leave. They gave us just twelve hours to pack up and move on.

Entry 05[]


This is going to be my last entry.

We're all packed up and ready to leave Thunder Mountain behind. Outside, Taggerdy's Thunder was all lined up with their guns pointed at us and ready to march inside.

Some of our group doesn't want to leave, they want to stay and fight, but Deke says we need to choose our battles and live to fight another day. I guess he's right, but one thing's for sure - I love the Free States with all my heart, but I hope to god we never have to go to war with these guys again.

Communications terminal[]


Thunder Mountain Internal Network
Communications Terminal TM-001
Emergency override accepted.
Restricted access granted.

Pending Logs[]


Thunder Mountain Internal Network
Data Terminal TM-001
List of pending logs:



Logged by: Sq. R Rosen

I'm writing this report with little hope any Brother will ever read this.

The Scorchbeasts attack in endless waves. The AAAs are running low on ammo. We had to abandon the roof after being overrun by the Scorched. The forward assault team was over-run. Only myself and Squire Gilden are left and the walls won't hold them out for long.

It has been a singular honor to serve. Whoever is reading this: abandon Appalachia and pray the Scorchbeasts do not come for you.



Logged by: Sq. R Rosen

Transmission received from FD-HQ 1508:
"Multiple Sierra-Bravos inbound, Thunder. Prepare accordingly."

Scouts confirm the transmission, multiple sightings. Masses of unknowns spotted on the ground. But they're Scorched. They have to be Scorched.

Our defenses are finalized. If the power falls here Defiance will be defenseless. Everyone here knows what's at stake.

I am proud to report not a single man or woman has abandoned their post. Ad victoriam.

Archived Logs[]



Thunder Mountain Master Control terminal[]


Thunder Mountain Internal Network
--}---- Welcome to PoseidoNet ----{--
| Poseidon Power Management System |
|<Token.Name=PowerPlantTitleMessageBar> |
POWER PLANT: <Token.Name=PowerPlantFullName>

About your Power Management System[]


Poseidon Power Management System

Welcome to the Poseidon Power Management System, developed by Poseidon Energy, the world leader in energy technology. PPMS is a fully automated power management solution, capable of monitoring and maintaining a modern nuclear power plant and its distrubution network with minimal human oversight.

Dedicated PPMS Modules are responsible for controlling each of your plant's key subsystems: its Reactor, Generators, and Cooling Towers. In the event of a critical failure in any of these systems, PPMS will initiate a controlled shutdown of the plant, which will remain offline until all systems have been sufficiently repaired to allow the plant to be restarted safely.

The PPMS Power Distribution Module conducts real-time demand monitoring, automatically recalibrating power generation to meet end-user needs without surges, brownouts, or the need for expensive load-balancing systems.

Consult your operations manual for

Poseidon Energy and/or its subsidiaries are not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from the use of PPMS. On-site human operators and maintainence personnel required by law.

Restart Power Plant[]


Verifying Subsystem Integrity...
ERROR 144:
One or more plant subsystems has failed. All subsystems must be operational in order to initiate the restart process. Please repair the indicated subsystem(s).

For more information, consult the About page or your operations manual.

Restart Power Plant[]


Verifying Subsystem Integrity...
Verifying Subsystem Integrity...
Accessing Reactor Control Interlink...
Calibrating Reactor Control Rods...
Rebalancing Generator and Cooling Systems...

Restart complete. All systems nominal. <Token.Name=PowerPlantFullName> is now operating at full capacity.
