Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

The Agricola lab was a lab where robots were created and experimented upon.


In 2077, the bombs hit the base, and only two staff survived and were trapped inside. In 2081, one died of natural illness, and in 2082, the other committed suicide.


Computer room[]

This is where all of the computer and maintenance equipment for the Agricola MR scientists were kept. One of these computers (the largest) is the central computer. It can be used for a wide variety of informational and robot control purposes. The room also contains a hard copy of instructions for activating the Agricola MR's fire suppression routine.

Scientist's bedroom[]

This is a small bedroom with bunk beds, a shower, and a bathroom. There is also a hatch for an incinerator on one wall. The skeleton of a man in a decomposed lab coat lies up against one wall with a knife next to him.


The Agricola lab was going to appear in Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios.
